Patriots win 2018 Super Bowl! Trump cult followers write their own history....

Frank the Tank

VIP Member
Dec 15, 2017
We've seen over the last 24 hours that the followers that follow illegitimate president Donald Trump will deny real news and try to create their own. In their mind, their flips and flops about the 12 indictments of Russian operatives and Trump's involvement with them have ranged from blaming Clinton and Obama to saying the entire FBI as an organization is conspiring against Trump to just denying the indictments happened in the first place.

The Trump cult simply tries to write their own version of history, regardless of factual information. I suppose, what do we expect coming from a group of fools who voted for a reality TV show host as President?! will be fun watching what other historical events Trump cult followers try to rewrite history about?!

Some of them are New England Patriots, they made the New England Patriots the new 2018 Super Bowl Champs! Coverage of the actual Philadelphia Eagles 41-33 victory over the Patriots last February is just "fake news".....and we should believe them because that's what they tell us to believe and the liberal media were just a bunch of Eagles' fans.

The Trump cult....legends in their own mind!
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Trump cult follower caption:

In YUGE showing of love and respect, Londoners create baby Trump balloon!

No....lower case "p", he doesn't deserve the title.

But he has it. The only thing better than him having the title, is you hating it.

It's the butter on the popcorn.

That's my entire point genius.....Trump cultists don't care HOW he "got the title", just that he has it.

The more people understand that people like you or Trump don't really stand for American interests...the better.
Temper tantrums are so adorable in children ... kind of sad and pathetic in adults.

Remember, that's President Trump

No....lower case "p", he doesn't deserve the title.

The Electoral College says he does and instead of passing the buck why not blame Jill Stein for costing Hillary Clinton the election?

Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were three states that had Jill Stein voters voted for Clinton, well you would not be crying like you are about Trump.

If you were stupid enough to fall for fake news articles like Twenty Million Amish would vote for Trump, well then that individual would be consider more moronic than me...

Now if you are crying about Wikileaks leaks of the fact the DNC did everything to crown Clinton, well make sure your political party hides it corruption better!

Clinton lost not because of Russia no matter how much DailyKos, MSNBC, Democracy Now, or CNN tell you, but she lost because majority of States did not want her as President and were sick of her!

Now I wrote States and not Popular votes because those like you seem to confuse the two and believe because of California vote total Hillary should be President but the Electoral College does show she lost the majority of the States which make Trump our President no matter how much you deny it!


I voted for Johnson and even if you added the Johnson and Stein vote to Clinton vote total here in Texas, well Trump still won, so my vote would have never helped your Candidate in the first damn place.

So the buck stop with Stein but I know your kind can not handle losing because of the Green Party yet again...
Remember, that's President Trump

No....lower case "p", he doesn't deserve the title.

The Electoral College says he does and instead of passing the buck why not blame Jill Stein for costing Hillary Clinton the election?

Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were three states that had Jill Stein voters voted for Clinton, well you would not be crying like you are about Trump.

If you were stupid enough to fall for fake news articles like Twenty Million Amish would vote for Trump, well then that individual would be consider more moronic than me...

Now if you are crying about Wikileaks leaks of the fact the DNC did everything to crown Clinton, well make sure your political party hides it corruption better!

Clinton lost not because of Russia no matter how much DailyKos, MSNBC, Democracy Now, or CNN tell you, but she lost because majority of States did not want her as President and were sick of her!

Now I wrote States and not Popular votes because those like you seem to confuse the two and believe because of California vote total Hillary should be President but the Electoral College does show she lost the majority of the States which make Trump our President no matter how much you deny it!


I voted for Johnson and even if you added the Johnson and Stein vote to Clinton vote total here in Texas, well Trump still won, so my vote would have never helped your Candidate in the first damn place.

So the buck stop with Stein but I know your kind can not handle losing because of the Green Party yet again...

FACT: Donald Trump "won" by losing by 3 million votes in a razor thing election where the "winner" asked for help from a hostile foreign adversary to intervene in the elections. We have video proof of this....and now indictments showing the timeline of this to be true. This makes the Trump "presidency" illegitimate.
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That's my entire point genius

I'm not a genius ... but I do know how to use commas.

Were you sick the day they taught that?

Nice dodge sonny!

Nice grammar, e.e. cummings.

If this is the best you have....go for it! Eventually, however, the Trump cult contingent will have to answer for this stuff. The vast majority of people already view Trump as a joke, this is just more evidence that adds to it.
Remember, that's President Trump

No....lower case "p", he doesn't deserve the title.

The Electoral College says he does and instead of passing the buck why not blame Jill Stein for costing Hillary Clinton the election?

Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were three states that had Jill Stein voters voted for Clinton, well you would not be crying like you are about Trump.

If you were stupid enough to fall for fake news articles like Twenty Million Amish would vote for Trump, well then that individual would be consider more moronic than me...

Now if you are crying about Wikileaks leaks of the fact the DNC did everything to crown Clinton, well make sure your political party hides it corruption better!

Clinton lost not because of Russia no matter how much DailyKos, MSNBC, Democracy Now, or CNN tell you, but she lost because majority of States did not want her as President and were sick of her!

Now I wrote States and not Popular votes because those like you seem to confuse the two and believe because of California vote total Hillary should be President but the Electoral College does show she lost the majority of the States which make Trump our President no matter how much you deny it!


I voted for Johnson and even if you added the Johnson and Stein vote to Clinton vote total here in Texas, well Trump still won, so my vote would have never helped your Candidate in the first damn place.

So the buck stop with Stein but I know your kind can not handle losing because of the Green Party yet again...

FACT: Donald Trump "won" by losing by 3 million votes in a razor thing election where the "winner" asked for help from a hostile foreign adversary to intervene in the elections. We have video proof of this....and now indictments proving this to be true. This makes the Trump "presidency" illegitimate.

The fact that you believe that and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it .... is just gravy.

Trump cult caption:
Remember, that's President Trump

No....lower case "p", he doesn't deserve the title.

The Electoral College says he does and instead of passing the buck why not blame Jill Stein for costing Hillary Clinton the election?

Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were three states that had Jill Stein voters voted for Clinton, well you would not be crying like you are about Trump.

If you were stupid enough to fall for fake news articles like Twenty Million Amish would vote for Trump, well then that individual would be consider more moronic than me...

Now if you are crying about Wikileaks leaks of the fact the DNC did everything to crown Clinton, well make sure your political party hides it corruption better!

Clinton lost not because of Russia no matter how much DailyKos, MSNBC, Democracy Now, or CNN tell you, but she lost because majority of States did not want her as President and were sick of her!

Now I wrote States and not Popular votes because those like you seem to confuse the two and believe because of California vote total Hillary should be President but the Electoral College does show she lost the majority of the States which make Trump our President no matter how much you deny it!


I voted for Johnson and even if you added the Johnson and Stein vote to Clinton vote total here in Texas, well Trump still won, so my vote would have never helped your Candidate in the first damn place.

So the buck stop with Stein but I know your kind can not handle losing because of the Green Party yet again...

FACT: Donald Trump "won" by losing by 3 million votes in a razor thing election where the "winner" asked for help from a hostile foreign adversary to intervene in the elections. We have video proof of this....and now indictments proving this to be true. This makes the Trump "presidency" illegitimate.

The fact that you believe that and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it .... is just gravy.


Again....more evidence showing you folks are anti-American. The more evidence we have of this, the better.....I don't care how many memes you cut and paste.
Remember, that's President Trump

No....lower case "p", he doesn't deserve the title.

The Electoral College says he does and instead of passing the buck why not blame Jill Stein for costing Hillary Clinton the election?

Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania were three states that had Jill Stein voters voted for Clinton, well you would not be crying like you are about Trump.

If you were stupid enough to fall for fake news articles like Twenty Million Amish would vote for Trump, well then that individual would be consider more moronic than me...

Now if you are crying about Wikileaks leaks of the fact the DNC did everything to crown Clinton, well make sure your political party hides it corruption better!

Clinton lost not because of Russia no matter how much DailyKos, MSNBC, Democracy Now, or CNN tell you, but she lost because majority of States did not want her as President and were sick of her!

Now I wrote States and not Popular votes because those like you seem to confuse the two and believe because of California vote total Hillary should be President but the Electoral College does show she lost the majority of the States which make Trump our President no matter how much you deny it!


I voted for Johnson and even if you added the Johnson and Stein vote to Clinton vote total here in Texas, well Trump still won, so my vote would have never helped your Candidate in the first damn place.

So the buck stop with Stein but I know your kind can not handle losing because of the Green Party yet again...

FACT: Donald Trump "won" by losing by 3 million votes in a razor thing election where the "winner" asked for help from a hostile foreign adversary to intervene in the elections. We have video proof of this....and now indictments showing the timeline of this to be true. This makes the Trump "presidency" illegitimate.


Clinton won California by four million votes which gave her that three million vote win on the Popular Vote Nationwide, and now you know why the Founding Fathers gave us the Electoral College!

Do the fucking math and cry about Steim because she was in Russia the same time as certain other people were there...

Oh, I bet you did not know this!
Ah a other thread by butthurt Clinton voter. It's ok, the Trump derangement syndrome will only have 6 years to wait now.

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