Paul Gosar [R-Arizona] Faces Growing Calls To Be Arrested Over Video Showing Him Killing AOC

Oh look more excuse making for lib mainstreamed itMainstream4ed"

yet you had to furiously google for articles you didn't even read and still could not actually describe one example.

The only mainstream here is the stream of vomit you are pouring forth
Where's your concern for the cops who had their heads bashed in by Trump's marauding gang of animals on 1/6, hypocrite?

How was poor Trump hurt by Griffin's stunt compared to those cops, hypocrite?

Are Trump's feewings that fragile?

All of a sudden Neo-Marxist Dimm's like yourself expressing concern over cops well-being on one day in one riot after a multitude of cops being injured over the summer of love!
Find a car, clown!!!
A collection of wet toothpicks who couldn't even open a pickle jar is about the most accurate description I've ever heard for Gosar.
But you said mainstream. So why did you have to furiously google for examples that actually are totally different (which you would know, if you ever read your own links)? You are just soothing yourself out loud. You don't need a message board. Just a mirror and a kleenex.
But you said mainstream. So why did you have to furiously google for examples that actually are totally different (which you would know, if you ever read your own links)? You are just soothing yourself out loud. You don't need a message board. Just a mirror and a kleenex.
Nothing furious just can't handle reality
He didn't threaten someone or anyone. If anyone was threatened it was a communist. So, who cares.
He's a stalker & you're an idiot for defending him.
All of a sudden Neo-Marxist Dimm's like yourself expressing concern over cops well-being on one day in one riot after a multitude of cops being injured over the summer of love!
Find a car, clown!!!
All of a sudden neo Fascists like yourself who claim to love the police blow off police who had their heads bashed in on 1/6 & who dared to speak out about what they experienced that day. The sneers by you cultists were obvious.

Go sniff the seat of Trump's golf cart, asslicker.
Absolutely no call for ANY elected official to do that.

It's surprising and annoying at the same time, to still see someone who puts their elected officials on a pedestal acting as if they don't live in a bubble and still believes that they are true public servants who have their interests at heart.
Nothing furious just can't handle reality
The reality that I am talking to a desperate right winger who is trying to equate 2 high schoolers performing a skit (an event you just learned about, because i actually read your links, ya fraud) to a Congressperson broadcasting this video. Keep embarrassing yourself.
It's surprising and annoying at the same time, to still see someone who puts their elected officials on a pedestal acting as if they don't live in a bubble and still believes that they are true public servants who have their interests at heart.

Correct. Elected officials should be held to higher standards regardless of their ideology/party.
Correct. Elected officials should be held to higher standards regardless of their ideology/party.
But but but, this happens all the time!

Which I am now going to prove to you by furiously googling for events I have never heard about, and which aren't anything like this, and then not even reading my own links. Because MAGA and Duh
He's a stalker & you're an idiot for defending him.

All of a sudden neo Fascists like yourself who claim to love the police blow off police who had their heads bashed in on 1/6 & who dared to speak out about what they experienced that day. The sneers by you cultists were obvious.

Go sniff the seat of Trump's golf cart, asslicker.

There's no need to get nasty and triggered by the truth that you're too juvenile to handle. :smoke:
The reality that I am talking to a desperate right winger who is trying to equate 2 high schoolers performing a skit (an event you just learned about, because i actually read your links, ya fraud) to a Congressperson broadcasting this video. Keep embarrassing yourself.
You mainstream something over several yrs and then are surprised it comes around.....perhaps some sane libs need to step up and silence the radicals.

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