Paul Ryan calls out librul reporter; Ends interview!

It wasn't a question. He was trying to make a connection between gun violence and tax cuts. It was ludicrous and he came off looking like a chump.

He ended the question with a question mark therefore he intended it as a question. Ryan is a whiner who didn't like being asked hard questions.
The 'reporter' asked a 'question' that presupposed something that Ryan did NOT say. It was dishonest and unprofessional. He was lucky Ryan didn't laugh in his moronic face.
So Ryan should have set him straight then instead of running off like a scared girl. Show some backbone christ he wants to be 2nd in line to the presidency of the United States he needs to show some spine.
It wasn't a question. He was trying to make a connection between gun violence and tax cuts. It was ludicrous and he came off looking like a chump.

He ended the question with a question mark therefore he intended it as a question. Ryan is a whiner who didn't like being asked hard questions.
The 'reporter' asked a 'question' that presupposed something that Ryan did NOT say. It was dishonest and unprofessional. He was lucky Ryan didn't laugh in his moronic face.

except that he DID say it.

and if he didn't, that should have been easily dispatched...

ryan was what he is... a petulant child.
He stated it very clearly how to do it, you just don't want to hear it.
Why don't you tell us, in your own words, how he is going to accomplish all this crime fighting and prevention while cutting taxes.

How about JFK's words?

A rising tide lifts all boats.

The lowering of the confiscatory taxes to a more rational level has, historically, improved the economy. So even at a lower rate, with so much greater productivity, the tax revenues end up getting increased.

also, it might help you to at last learn that most crime fighting is performed by entities OTHER THAN the Federal Government.

Now, begone you troll.
Thank you for your useless post.
He stated it very clearly how to do it, you just don't want to hear it.
Why don't you tell us, in your own words, how he is going to accomplish all this crime fighting and prevention while cutting taxes.

Listen to it yourself.
Good education is the key to everything in helping to get rid of crime.
So, how are you going to have good education when you cut taxes?
So how has continually throwing money into our education system worked so far?
Has it improved education in this country?


The best school I've seen was my kids' charter school in the tiny town we just came from. TINY, incredibly poor school.

My kids came to this much larger, nicer, newer, well funded school...and they blew their teachers away because they were so far ahead of their classmates.

4 day school week, I'm not even sure all the teachers had teaching certificates in the old school. One regular bus, one short bus.
He did answer the question. The interview ended when the reporter tried to tell him what he was saying.

The liberal media is done, and so is Obama.



"Those are your words, not mine," Ryan responded curtly. His press secretary Michael Steel interrupted from off-camera, "Thank you very much, sir."

As Ryan began taking off his mic, he commented, "That was kind of strange, you're trying to stuff words in people's mouths?"

Camp replied, "Well, I don't know if it's strange."

Ryan disagreed, "Sounds like you're trying to put answers to questions,"


"The reporter knew he was already well over the allotted time for the interview when he decided to ask a weird question relating gun violence to tax cuts," Buck said in a statement. "Ryan responded as anyone would in such a strange situation. When you do nearly 200 interviews in a couple months, eventually you're going to see a local reporter embarrass himself."


Since being named Romney's running mate, Ryan has granted 197 total media interviews; of those, 153 were granted to television reporters and 124 to local outlets, according to the campaign.

Read more: Ryan cuts off Michigan reporter grilling him on gun violence, tax cuts - Fox News

You rock AA. Many don't get you. You hit it every time. I love ya to death. I'm so proud to know you.
He ended the question with a question mark therefore he intended it as a question. Ryan is a whiner who didn't like being asked hard questions.
The 'reporter' asked a 'question' that presupposed something that Ryan did NOT say. It was dishonest and unprofessional. He was lucky Ryan didn't laugh in his moronic face.

except that he DID say it.

and if he didn't, that should have been easily dispatched...

ryan was what he is... a petulant child.

1) No
2) It was easily dispatched
3) It was the reporter who was the petulant child
The 'reporter' asked a 'question' that presupposed something that Ryan did NOT say. It was dishonest and unprofessional. He was lucky Ryan didn't laugh in his moronic face.

except that he DID say it.

and if he didn't, that should have been easily dispatched...

ryan was what he is... a petulant child.

1) No
2) It was easily dispatched
3) It was the reporter who was the petulant child

I love these moments.
So Ryan should have set him straight then instead of running off like a scared girl. Show some backbone christ he wants to be 2nd in line to the presidency of the United States he needs to show some spine.

Show us how he ran off.

I'm going to love this shit kid. By all means explain how Ryan ran away.
Well Gee...he sure in the hell didn't stay and set him straight now did he smart ass? He ran off like a bitch...I guess he is used to Willard flip flopping with no problems from the media figured he would get away with it as well.

Sweetie, you gots to read the article.... saves you from looking stupid.

This is what Ryan said:

People living in poverty lack character and discipline.


The multimillion dollar NRA ad campaign against President Obama is a lie.

And that my dear is why Ryan ran away as fast as he could...

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He's gonna have to answer questions at some point. Maybe Thursday.

I'm absolutely certain Paul Ryan looks forward to the debate. Old babbling Joe has to answer for all the lies and doubletalk on the economy. Paul Ryan is a budget HAWK.

is that why he voted for all those huge spending bills? :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:

Paul Ryan’s voting record: Big-spending conservatism

Ryan voted for the $700 billion bank bailout, the biggest Medicare expansion in U.S. history, a massive highway bill that included the “Bridge to Nowhere” and other big-ticket priorities when George W. Bush was president — going to bat for a high-spending GOP agenda that the tea party base now looks on with regret.

:lol: :clap2:
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