Paul Ryan calls out librul reporter; Ends interview!

Paul Ryan wants to outlaw abortion in the case of rape or incest.

Who arrests the rape victim, Paul?
Ryan is exactly what's wrong with this country. A hypocrite that has spent 20 of his 42 years living off taxpayers dollars to buy his mansion his lavish yearly salary complete with life long pension and healthcare yet he screams about Government helping you as a bad thing....His creepy funeral director looks seems well suited to a man that wants to kill so many essential programs for real working families.
Oh, so he didn't really refuse to answer questions.

Got it.

His tax plan is out there for anyone to take a look at.

He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.
Why did Obama start sucking cock?

he needs to answer the questions, he doesn't get to be so vague al the time.
Oh, so he didn't really refuse to answer questions.

Got it.

His tax plan is out there for anyone to take a look at.

He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.
Why did Obama start sucking cock?

he needs to answer the questions, he doesn't get to be so vague al the time.

Really? Are you proud of this response? :lol:
Why are the USMBers crying? Are they crying because Ryan's crying?

What's really the problem?

Seems like yet another non-story, or false story, well...clearly a false story as how the OP totally LIED about what actually occured.

He wasn't attacked, he wasn't ambushed, he wasn't coerced into anything.

He was simply ASKED a couple question and broke down like a little baby crying for their bottle.

If he can't take a couple of not-so-tough questions, how's he going to handle anything else? How's he going to be able to handle the job of Vice President or God-forbid, President if the need arises?

He needs to be KICKED THE EFF OUT on his blasted petard!!!


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Why are the USMBers crying? Are they crying because Ryan's crying?

What's really the problem?

Seems like yet another non-story, or false story, well...clearly a false story as how the OP totally LIED about what actually occured.

He wasn't attacked, he wasn't ambushed, he wasn't coerced into anything.

He was simply ASKED a couple question and broke down like a little baby crying for their bottle.

If he can't take a couple of not-so-tough questions, how's he going to handle anything else.

He needs to be KICKED THE EFF OUT on his blasted petard!!!



Ryan is a nervous wreck, then again maybe he'll get this out of the way before the debate. I saw him on a news clip joking about "what debate"? He looked kind of calm but then we see this asshole stunt and I begin to wonder about his capacity to get through this.

Palin surprised everybody but I'm not sure he has her kind of crazy confidence.
He's gonna have to answer questions at some point. Maybe Thursday.

I'm absolutely certain Paul Ryan looks forward to the debate. Old babbling Joe has to answer for all the lies and doubletalk on the economy. Paul Ryan is a budget HAWK.

is that why he voted for all those huge spending bills? :eusa_eh: :eusa_whistle:

Paul Ryan’s voting record: Big-spending conservatism

Ryan voted for the $700 billion bank bailout, the biggest Medicare expansion in U.S. history, a massive highway bill that included the “Bridge to Nowhere” and other big-ticket priorities when George W. Bush was president — going to bat for a high-spending GOP agenda that the tea party base now looks on with regret.

Aye! Obama is now a high-spending GOPer?

H.R. 3 (109th): Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy ... (On the Conference Report) --

YEA D Obama, Barack IL,_...t:_A_Legacy_for_Users#.22Bridge_to_Nowhere.22
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So how has continually throwing money into our education system worked so far?
Has it improved education in this country?


The best school I've seen was my kids' charter school in the tiny town we just came from. TINY, incredibly poor school.

My kids came to this much larger, nicer, newer, well funded school...and they blew their teachers away because they were so far ahead of their classmates.

4 day school week, I'm not even sure all the teachers had teaching certificates in the old school. One regular bus, one short bus.

Charter schools Cherry pick their students... so of course, they can get better results.
He needs to answer questions, he doesn't get to be so vague all the time. Because you don't mind running such stupid candidates, doesn't mean anyone else out there cares to listen to his nonsense.

I say he doesn't want to talk about it because the teaparty dreamed it up and allowed him to put a face to it. He has no idea what he is talking about and neither do you.

You're so concerned about Paul Ryan answering questions.. Where is the same level of concern regarding Barack Obama AVOIDING the Press Corp at all costs.. Lets hear you speak up and out and ask Obama why he isn't answering ANY questiins AT ALL??!! I can't hear you?? LOUDER..

White House Press Corps Wonders When Obama Will Actually Take Their Questions

The agitation appears to be increasing among the media as President Obama continues to avoid taking questions from White House reporters. On Friday, Obama's deputy press secretary parried a series of volleys from the White House press corps, all of whom wanted to know when the president would break his over-two-month streak of not formally answering their questions.

The issue has edged its way into the media spotlight in recent days, especially after Obama spoke about the campaign on "Entertainment Tonight" and talked about his music tastes with a New Mexico radio station. That led to acid replies from ABC's Jake Tapper and the "Morning Joe" team. NBC's Andrea Mitchell also had a sharp exchange with Ben LaBolt, the Obama campaign's press secretary, about Obama's AWOL approach. On Friday, she repeated the line of attack with DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.

Uhm, we're on Paul Ryan at the moment. Have you fully informed yourself on his plan? No, he hasn't explained it fully, it's too complicated for all of us mere mortals.
"We have to pass it before we know what's in it."

You just make sure you don't criticize any Democrats. It's racist. Or some stupid shit like that.
Paul Ryan wants to cut taxes.

Paul Ryan thinks cleaning up the inner city will end crime (laughable of it self that he blames crime on those living in the inner city only).

Yeah, but when has Ryan ever tried to claim or imply that one would beget the other? They are two separate issues. Obama wanted to expand health care access to all Americans, and he wanted to kill Bin Laden. Did anyone ever ask if he thought he could get Bin Laden by passing Obamacare?
Paul Ryan wants to cut taxes.

Paul Ryan thinks cleaning up the inner city will end crime (laughable of it self that he blames crime on those living in the inner city only).

Yeah, but when has Ryan ever tried to claim or imply that one would beget the other? They are two separate issues. Obama wanted to expand health care access to all Americans, and he wanted to kill Bin Laden. Did anyone ever ask if he thought he could get Bin Laden by passing Obamacare?
Those two things are unrelated. Fighting crime is related to spending. Unless you can explain how to fight crime for free.
Not in the context they were *discussing* the issue.

It was a loaded question, a logical fallacy. Ryan did the right thing. The reporter was putting words in his mouth....Reporters need to be trained. If they have an agenda, let them promote it on their own time.
Paul Ryan wants to cut taxes.

Paul Ryan thinks cleaning up the inner city will end crime (laughable of it self that he blames crime on those living in the inner city only).

Yeah, but when has Ryan ever tried to claim or imply that one would beget the other? They are two separate issues. Obama wanted to expand health care access to all Americans, and he wanted to kill Bin Laden. Did anyone ever ask if he thought he could get Bin Laden by passing Obamacare?
Those two things are unrelated. Fighting crime is related to spending. Unless you can explain how to fight crime for free.

Crime in inner cities is because the kids don't see any opportunities for themselves.
Ryan said to bring opportunity to them.
That means better schooling for them, inner city schools suck big time right now. That needs to be changed and you don't do that by continually throwing money at it, like the Dem's do. You reform the way things are being run and what is taught.

He also said you need to tech them good discipline & good character.
You do that thru charities, civic groups and churches.
These are run much better and is less expense than what the Federal Government does.

Exhibit A:

Evidence of the Right Wing Bubble. Here we have a situation where the candidate was asked a simple question. The candidate wails like a banshee, turns tails and runs like a yellow coward, yet the candidate's supporters have PERCEIVED that as a win, that in fact the candidate "calls the interviewer" out.

It doesn't make sense even talking to such people...they don't have a grasp on reality.
Watch the video again. The reporter made a statement. It was not a question.
A statement that was a non sequitur.
For those of you in Fulton County that means the reporter's statement had ZERO to do with the subject matter of the interview. The reporter was simply taking a shot at Ryan.
It didn't work.
We will no longer defend your accusations. We are moving forward.
Paul Ryan wants to cut taxes.

Paul Ryan thinks cleaning up the inner city will end crime (laughable of it self that he blames crime on those living in the inner city only).

Yeah, but when has Ryan ever tried to claim or imply that one would beget the other? They are two separate issues. Obama wanted to expand health care access to all Americans, and he wanted to kill Bin Laden. Did anyone ever ask if he thought he could get Bin Laden by passing Obamacare?
Those two things are unrelated. Fighting crime is related to spending. Unless you can explain how to fight crime for free.

Ahh once again the liberal idea of throwing money at a problem in the hope thatg will go away.
We've tried it your way for decades. It's gotten worse. Move aside.

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