Paul Ryan claims Social Security is "going bankrupt", actual figures show 2.7T surplu


INDEPENDENTly ruthless
May 18, 2011
For years now it has been an accepted fact that SS and Medicare is heading
for disaster....

Now when Republicans want to address this issue which has been a third rail in politics for years.
SS is fine....

what a bunch of Bullshit.
What surplus?

Why did Obama threaten our Seniors with poverty and destitution by not being able to send out those checks?
Well, he has shown his disdain for the truth, so what's the big deal. Do whatever it takes to get the black guy out of the WH.
SS and Medicare are just fine, dupes. Obamacare saves Medicare- how do you think they save that 700 billion over 10 years, DUPES? Romney/Teddycare proves it, just 2% rises now... Ryan also cuts the 700 billion, but for a tax cut for the rich and a screw the nonrich, his theme.

You are an Idiot, there is no surplus, Ryan was accurate, they Drained the Trust fund long ago.

I mean how fucking stupid can 1 person be? Everyone agrees SS is Going to Fail if left unchanged, and you find some Complete BS on the Internet that says otherwise and think, oh wow man wait till they all hear this, I discovered it's not really going to fail.

SS and Medicare are just fine, dupes. Obamacare saves Medicare- how do you think they save that 700 billion over 10 years, DUPES? Romney/Teddycare proves it, just 2% rises now... Ryan also cuts the 700 billion, but for a tax cut for the rich and a screw the nonrich, his theme.

Do you realize you sound just like Barney Frank when Bush tried to reign in questionable lending practices??

Show me the money, not the IOUs.
SS and Medicare are just fine, dupes. Obamacare saves Medicare- how do you think they save that 700 billion over 10 years, DUPES? Romney/Teddycare proves it, just 2% rises now... Ryan also cuts the 700 billion, but for a tax cut for the rich and a screw the nonrich, his theme.

You are also a fucking Retard, Obama care does not save Medicare, It rapes it of 716 Billion dollars by Cutting how much Doctors get paid by it, which will cause doctors to simply not treat MC patients.

It's a fucking smoke screen and you are retarded enough to fall for it.
For years now it has been an accepted fact that SS and Medicare is heading
for disaster....

Now when Republicans want to address this issue which has been a third rail in politics for years.
SS is fine....

what a bunch of Bullshit.

Only for lying Pub pundits and silly dupes, for the millionth time. Change the channel.
The only current SS crisis is that congress does not want to pay back the SS funds they spent.
SS and Medicare are just fine, dupes. Obamacare saves Medicare- how do you think they save that 700 billion over 10 years, DUPES? Romney/Teddycare proves it, just 2% rises now... Ryan also cuts the 700 billion, but for a tax cut for the rich and a screw the nonrich, his theme.

You are also a fucking Retard, Obama care does not save Medicare, It rapes it of 716 Billion dollars by Cutting how much Doctors get paid by it, which will cause doctors to simply not treat MC patients.

It's a fucking smoke screen and you are retarded enough to fall for it.

Doctors and hospitals agreed to it because there will be an influx of insured, and O-care is already saving Medicare more than ever in fraud and abuse. It's a great Pub plan you morons are told is Marxism. Change the channel dupe.
The only current SS crisis is that congress does not want to pay back the SS funds they spent.

Acutally it cant. to do that is has to be able to run a surplus above and beyond yearly costs, plus interest on the budget debt. Only then would it have money to "pay back" social security.
"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3 if we haven't resolved this issue, because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it. This is not just a matter of Social Security checks," Obama said. "These are veterans checks, these are folks on disability and their checks. There are about 70 million checks that go out." -- Obama threatens our Seniors, admitting Social Security is broke

Obama: Social Security Checks Threatened If Debt Ceiling Deal Isn't Reached
Actually Soc Sec is not GOING bankrupt.. It IS bankrupt as of 2010 when it stopped running a surplus..

That -- Nitroz -- the ability of Leftists to tell Whoppers with a straight face -- is why I dropped my subscription to "The Nation" years ago..

The Prez has stolen PREMIUMS in order to grant "tax fairness" to the folks who don't pay any income tax. THUS forcing the program into crisis YEARS earlier than predicted.. Where did ya think his "middle class tax cut" came from? It's stolen Social Security premiums... Did ya read that in "The Nation"?

Of course not.

Don't believe the $Trills in the Trust Fund is a myth? Wanna hear it from the Horse's Mouth?

Social Security’s annual surpluses
of tax income over expenditures are expected to fall sharply this
year and to stay about constant in 2010 because of the economic recession,
and to rise only briefly before declining and turning to cash flow
deficits beginning in 2016 that grow as the baby-boom generation retires.

The combined difference grows each year, so that by 2016, net revenue
flows from the general fund would total $369 billion (1.8 percent of
GDP). The positive amounts that begin in 2016 for OASDI, and started in
2008 for HI, initially represent payments the Treasury must make to the
trust funds when assets are depleted to help pay benefits in years prior to
exhaustion of the funds.

Neither the redemption of trust fund bonds, nor
interest paid on those bonds, provides any new net income to the Treasury,
which must finance redemptions and interest payments through
some combination of increased taxation, reductions in other government
spending, or additional borrowing from the public

That appears as a tiny footnote in each annual SSA report.. ALWAYS read the fine print before you invest.. There IS no tooth fairy and there's NOTHING OF VALUE in the SS Trust Fund... That quote appeared (i think) in the 2009 report -- just a year before SS went negative. So that 2016 date came early --- thanx to your Prezz....

Got anything else you want to discuss Nitroz??? Because there's no point left to your OP... And if ANYONE were to put SS back on solid footing -- it probably won't be Obama... More likely to be Ryan....
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SS and Medicare are just fine, dupes. Obamacare saves Medicare- how do you think they save that 700 billion over 10 years, DUPES? Romney/Teddycare proves it, just 2% rises now... Ryan also cuts the 700 billion, but for a tax cut for the rich and a screw the nonrich, his theme.

You are also a fucking Retard, Obama care does not save Medicare, It rapes it of 716 Billion dollars by Cutting how much Doctors get paid by it, which will cause doctors to simply not treat MC patients.

It's a fucking smoke screen and you are retarded enough to fall for it.

Doctors and hospitals agreed to it because there will be an influx of insured, and O-care is already saving Medicare more than ever in fraud and abuse. It's a great Pub plan you morons are told is Marxism. Change the channel dupe.

You are a brainless twit. Stop listen to the Dem Propaganda Machine kid. Grow up, and educate yourself.
The Pub Propaganda Machine is full of shytte and so are you. Romneycare has costs in Mass down to 2% rise a year, enough to save Medicare/Aid. That 700 billion is what is SAVED. Duped AGAIN! D'OH!!

Nothing like this is reported on Fox, just PUBCRAPPE. Idiot.

To save SS, simply raise payroll tax upper limit a bit. BFD, fools.
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