Paul Ryan claims Social Security is "going bankrupt", actual figures show 2.7T surplu


So how do you explain this, ass clown?

Baby boomers gobbling up Social Security surplus |
We need to raise the age for SS, the population is living longer, SS needs to reflect that.
The only current SS crisis is that congress does not want to pay back the SS funds they spent.

Acutally it cant. to do that is has to be able to run a surplus above and beyond yearly costs, plus interest on the budget debt. Only then would it have money to "pay back" social security.

so congress cannot even pay back the money US citizens entrusted congress to guard for when they need it for SS benefits?
Cut the military budget by 50% to pay back SS.

Get rid of congress they are a total failure.
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The only current SS crisis is that congress does not want to pay back the SS funds they spent.

Acutally it cant. to do that is has to be able to run a surplus above and beyond yearly costs, plus interest on the budget debt. Only then would it have money to "pay back" social security.

so congress cannot even pay back the money US citizens entrusted congress to guard for when they need it for SS benefits?
Cut the military budget by 50% to pay back SS.

Get rid of congress they are a total failure.

No OBVIOUSLY we need BIGGER GOVT and MORE Universal Programs that can be turned into straight welfare payments.. Just like when the leftists claim that we "only need to raise the income caps on SS taxes".. Right... That makes sense for a Retirement Insurance program with supposedly equal benefits.

Make a UNIVERSAL program into a Redistribution Program with 1/2 the folks getting a huge negative return on investment and the other 1/2 benefitting. That's not Universal anymore is it?

Congress was never there "to guard" the Soc Sec surplus.. They stole it from the poorest of American taxpayers and now expect another couple generations to pay for the stolen monies. Are you angry yet? Good.... Don't reward the criminals. Vote for Independents and 3rd parties. They don't deserve to be rewarded for lying and stealing do they?
What surplus?

Why did Obama threaten our Seniors with poverty and destitution by not being able to send out those checks?

Because there really isn't a lock box of SS cash sitting there.


Actual figures from something called ""? Cartoons rather than reality? That's how democrats function. Even a moron democrat understands that there can never be a surplus in Social Security because LBJ made it legal for the federal government to spend every dime confiscated. The problem is that even the confiscated FICA tax couldn't keep up with the federal spending if they spent it on Social Security.
How do you kill this "It's not Broken" myth?

"The Nation" has really pissed me off. And they will get a note from a former subscriber.

We've had prominent Dems and Reps step out and dispell the Trust Fund myth. Even the Treasury and SSA have tiptoed around this. Yet it persists.

How do save a country when simple facts like this are not universally known?

Until the Trust Fund myth is completely dead -- there's no sense talking taxes or budgets, or much else actually. Because if don't have all the electorate using the SAME FACTS --- the whole public debate excersize is fruitless.

Whenever you hear or see a media outlet or politician talk about the BALANCE IN THE TRUST FUND -- call them out on it.. Don't just sit there and fume.
SS and Medicare are just fine, dupes. Obamacare saves Medicare- how do you think they save that 700 billion over 10 years, DUPES? Romney/Teddycare proves it, just 2% rises now... Ryan also cuts the 700 billion, but for a tax cut for the rich and a screw the nonrich, his theme.

Then why is Obama HIMSELF saying there is no money to write the checks?!? LMAO!!! FrancoHFW, you are either the biggest LIAR in world history, or the biggest IDIOT in world history. To be honest, I suspect it's BOTH...

Obama says he cannot guarantee Social Security checks will go out on August 3 - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
Gee nutroz, if there is a "$2.7 trillion surplus", then why is Obama on record (hell, on VIDEO) saying (and I quote), "there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it". Are you embarassed at all when you get exposed for lying this bad?

"I cannot guarantee that those checks go out on August 3rd if we haven't resolved this issue. Because there may simply not be the money in the coffers to do it," Mr. Obama said in an interview with CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley, according to excerpts released by CBS News.
There is no surplus and SS will be insolvent in 2033.


And the Social Security trust fund, which will provide assistance to more than 45 million people in 2012, will be unable under current trends to fulfill its obligations in 2033, three years earlier than projected last year.

"We must take steps to keep these programs whole for the future," Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner, the senior trustee, told reporters Monday.


It's the LA Times, so that should be a left enough rag for a moron like the OP.

And, Geithner is Obama's.

OP is a lying sack of shit.
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The sad part of this SSA debacle is that the democrats know damn well the problem has to be addressed but refuse to even discuss it, at least out on the open. It shouldn't be that hard to fix, if both parties cooperated then there wouldn't be a problem of politcal fallout for the incumbents. If anything I would think it would be to their advantage, saving SS is no small achievement.
The sad part of this SSA debacle is that the democrats know damn well the problem has to be addressed but refuse to even discuss it, at least out on the open. It shouldn't be that hard to fix, if both parties cooperated then there wouldn't be a problem of politcal fallout for the incumbents. If anything I would think it would be to their advantage, saving SS is no small achievement.

Because the Dumbocrats have to refuse to acknowledge the problem. If you trade entitlements for control over people, the only leverage you have are those entitlements. If you admit the well has dryed up, the people are going to kick your ass out of power so fast, you won't know what hit you.

The left is nothing but scam artists (who is a better example of this than the community organizer, Barack Obama?) - make promises you know you can't keep in exchange for power and a cushy job with huge salary and benefits. They thank their luck stars every day that there are people stupid enough to trade freedom for freebies...
The only current SS crisis is that congress does not want to pay back the SS funds they spent.

Acutally it cant. to do that is has to be able to run a surplus above and beyond yearly costs, plus interest on the budget debt. Only then would it have money to "pay back" social security.

so congress cannot even pay back the money US citizens entrusted congress to guard for when they need it for SS benefits?
Cut the military budget by 50% to pay back SS.

Get rid of congress they are a total failure.

How about we let the feds do national defense like they are supposed to, and cut all the other crap they are not required to do by the consitution? Lets cut dept of Ed, because the states have them, reduce DOT to air, interstates and interstate rail, Homeland security back into the individual agencies, privatize TSA with customs oversight, Let the HUD stuff be done by the states, reduce EPA down to just an enforcement agency, Make OSHA just a standards clearinghouse, and all sorts of other goodies we can cut down.

Wrong thead jack-hole. of course because you dont have an answer to the actual topic your pathetic brain has to basically bring something else up to stop if from having to actually think about something.

Crawl back in your hole.

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