Paul Ryan forced to admit..."I'M A FUCKING LIAR"


Jan 11, 2012
16 hours ago
Rep. Paul Ryan: 'I really misspoke'

Posted by
CNN's Ashley Killough

(CNN) – House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said Sunday he misspoke earlier in the week when he accused military officials of not being honest about the Pentagon budget.

“I really misspoke,” Ryan said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I didn’t mean to make that kind of an impression. So, I was clumsy in how I was describing the point I was trying to make.”

On Thursday, the Wisconsin congressman said senior military leaders had been misleading when they defended a decrease in Pentagon spending proposals. He argued that the generals were not “giving us their true advice” and accused them of toeing an administration line.

"I think there is a lot of budget smoke and mirrors in the (administration's) Pentagon budget, which is not really a true, honest and accurate budget. When you confront military experts - retired or active - they concede these things to us," Ryan said.

His comments came after he unveiled his plan for the 2013 budget, which was passed by the Republican-controlled House on Thursday. The GOP proposal protects defense spending by replacing a $55 billion scheduled cut in the Pentagon budget with cuts elsewhere in the federal government.

Republicans have long argued against the previously arranged Pentagon cuts, reached in a deal between Congress and the White House in August, and praised Ryan’s budget for undoing the reductions.

However, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, responded to Ryan’s remarks in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, saying “there’s a difference between having someone say they don’t believe what you said versus ... calling us, collectively, liars.”

Dempsey stood by his testimony before Congress earlier this year in which he said the Pentagon’s budget was based on a “strategy-driven” process.

On Sunday, Ryan told CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley that he called Dempsey to apologize and clarify his comments.
Rep. Paul Ryan: ‘I really misspoke’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Why in the FUCK do you trust LIARS, CONZ?

Especially ones who call our military leaders LIARS and in bed with Obama?

God...what moral pieces of shit you rat-fucking CONZ are.

Airport Men's Room Foot tapping.
Murdering 100,000 Iraqi civilians for nothing.
Running up massive debt for your failed right wing agenda that's fucked the middle class.

I don't think CONZ could do more damage to this country and it's people if they were PAID ENEMY AGENTS!
He was clumsy in making the point. The military is being destroyed by obama, it's misleading to blame them by saying they didn't give their true advice when they most likely didn't know in the first place.
Well Obama lies every time he opens his mouth, takes credit for stuff he has nothing to do with, blames everyone else for his failings and has never apologized for any of it.

So who's the bigger person, the one that admits he makes mistakes or the one that lies to cover his lies.

He was clumsy in making the point. The military is being destroyed by obama, it's misleading to blame them by saying they didn't give their true advice when they most likely didn't know in the first place.

The messiah of the Rethug party was "clumsy" eh? Or did the asshole Ryan get a little scared that some General was gonna kick his ass for calling them liars.

And you Katz are cool. You don't seem to call them liars, you just think they are stupid. As in they just didn't know what they were talking about. Is that your position?

I thought you Cons liked the military.
16 hours ago
Rep. Paul Ryan: 'I really misspoke'

Posted by
CNN's Ashley Killough

(CNN) – House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said Sunday he misspoke earlier in the week when he accused military officials of not being honest about the Pentagon budget.

“I really misspoke,” Ryan said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I didn’t mean to make that kind of an impression. So, I was clumsy in how I was describing the point I was trying to make.”

On Thursday, the Wisconsin congressman said senior military leaders had been misleading when they defended a decrease in Pentagon spending proposals. He argued that the generals were not “giving us their true advice” and accused them of toeing an administration line.

"I think there is a lot of budget smoke and mirrors in the (administration's) Pentagon budget, which is not really a true, honest and accurate budget. When you confront military experts - retired or active - they concede these things to us," Ryan said.

His comments came after he unveiled his plan for the 2013 budget, which was passed by the Republican-controlled House on Thursday. The GOP proposal protects defense spending by replacing a $55 billion scheduled cut in the Pentagon budget with cuts elsewhere in the federal government.

Republicans have long argued against the previously arranged Pentagon cuts, reached in a deal between Congress and the White House in August, and praised Ryan’s budget for undoing the reductions.

However, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, responded to Ryan’s remarks in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, saying “there’s a difference between having someone say they don’t believe what you said versus ... calling us, collectively, liars.”

Dempsey stood by his testimony before Congress earlier this year in which he said the Pentagon’s budget was based on a “strategy-driven” process.

On Sunday, Ryan told CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley that he called Dempsey to apologize and clarify his comments.
Rep. Paul Ryan: ‘I really misspoke’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Why in the FUCK do you trust LIARS, CONZ?

Especially ones who call our military leaders LIARS and in bed with Obama?

God...what moral pieces of shit you rat-fucking CONZ are.

Airport Men's Room Foot tapping.
Murdering 100,000 Iraqi civilians for nothing.
Running up massive debt for your failed right wing agenda that's fucked the middle class.

I don't think CONZ could do more damage to this country and it's people if they were PAID ENEMY AGENTS!

How is this any different from what Pelosi did with the CIA or torture for that matter.

Your shit, once again, weak as hell.
Well Obama lies every time he opens his mouth, takes credit for stuff he has nothing to do with, blames everyone else for his failings and has never apologized for any of it.

So who's the bigger person, the one that admits he makes mistakes or the one that lies to cover his lies.
Folks with character admit mistakes.

And you'd expect the rabid left to know that.... how?
I know Obama lies. I promised my kids Obama would be giving us a million dollars with no taxes owed.

And he didn't. He is a poopy head.

You guys crack me up. Taking yourself all serious and shit.

You know what a plutocracy is? That is the form of guvmint we live under, and unless you are part of the plutocracy (which you are not because they (plutocrats) are not hanging out on a message board)
you all would be better off lightening up. IMO.

But it sure is fun trading insults and hatred. Made this country great it sure did.
I know Obama lies. I promised my kids Obama would be giving us a million dollars with no taxes owed.

And he didn't. He is a poopy head.

You guys crack me up. Taking yourself all serious and shit.

You know what a plutocracy is? That is the form of guvmint we live under, and unless you are part of the plutocracy (which you are not because they (plutocrats) are not hanging out on a message board)
you all would be better off lightening up. IMO.

But it sure is fun trading insults and hatred. Made this country great it sure did.

actually politics was pretty rough back in the day. People would duel over it, so it did happen. But hey politics is anything but boring and it's also fun!!!!
16 hours ago
Rep. Paul Ryan: 'I really misspoke'

Posted by
CNN's Ashley Killough

(CNN) – House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan said Sunday he misspoke earlier in the week when he accused military officials of not being honest about the Pentagon budget.

“I really misspoke,” Ryan said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “I didn’t mean to make that kind of an impression. So, I was clumsy in how I was describing the point I was trying to make.”

On Thursday, the Wisconsin congressman said senior military leaders had been misleading when they defended a decrease in Pentagon spending proposals. He argued that the generals were not “giving us their true advice” and accused them of toeing an administration line.

"I think there is a lot of budget smoke and mirrors in the (administration's) Pentagon budget, which is not really a true, honest and accurate budget. When you confront military experts - retired or active - they concede these things to us," Ryan said.

His comments came after he unveiled his plan for the 2013 budget, which was passed by the Republican-controlled House on Thursday. The GOP proposal protects defense spending by replacing a $55 billion scheduled cut in the Pentagon budget with cuts elsewhere in the federal government.

Republicans have long argued against the previously arranged Pentagon cuts, reached in a deal between Congress and the White House in August, and praised Ryan’s budget for undoing the reductions.

However, Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, responded to Ryan’s remarks in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, saying “there’s a difference between having someone say they don’t believe what you said versus ... calling us, collectively, liars.”

Dempsey stood by his testimony before Congress earlier this year in which he said the Pentagon’s budget was based on a “strategy-driven” process.

On Sunday, Ryan told CNN Chief Political Correspondent Candy Crowley that he called Dempsey to apologize and clarify his comments.
Rep. Paul Ryan: ‘I really misspoke’ – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Why in the FUCK do you trust LIARS, CONZ?

Especially ones who call our military leaders LIARS and in bed with Obama?

God...what moral pieces of shit you rat-fucking CONZ are.

Airport Men's Room Foot tapping.
Murdering 100,000 Iraqi civilians for nothing.
Running up massive debt for your failed right wing agenda that's fucked the middle class.

I don't think CONZ could do more damage to this country and it's people if they were PAID ENEMY AGENTS!

When you got the keys to the pharmaceutical cabinets, can one be held to the lies you tell? I can only type this from observations of a few medicated people I have seen. Like they can’t add, subtract, divide, facts on any subject tend to be mixed? About the only thing that seems to happen is late night multiplying. Maybe all of this are early stages of a metal medical condition? I suggest seeing a doctor right away, this may progress to complications of the facts in one’s own mind.

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