Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Go ahead lefties, keep dealying change to medicare until the whole program is lost. Where will the eldery be then?


Obama cut half a trillion from Medicare over 10 years and paid for Medicare Part D, which Ryan voted for but is against having to pay for, which doesn't sound like a very Republican thing to do, but there you have it.

He has a four year term idiot. Link to dime one he has actually cut in the four years he has been in office.

Medicare's trust fund will run dry in 2024, five years earlier than forecast just last year, and Social Security's will be exhaused by 2036, adding fuel to the debate over cutting one or both programs to reduce annual budget deficits.

Medicare, Social Security running out of money faster

PolitiFact | Romney says only Obama has cut Medicare

The President has curtailed spending on Medicare by half a trillion, retard.

Not exaclty a "cut", but slowing the increase of spending on anything by half a trillion over 10 years is a nice start.

A pool of money that is generated from tax receipts can't go belly up unless there is absolutely no revenue coming in whatsoever, so Medicare is solvent.

Paul Ryan just got through saying that Obama cut Medicare by $700 billion over 10 years, which is a rosier projection of the measures Obama put in place to curb spending on Medicare, but I guess that's prolly not good enough for ya either.

Tell me how a fucking voucher coupon works better and I'll be open to it, but there ain't nothin' so far that says voucherizing Medicare would do us any good, in fact it would leave us worse off.
I think it's a good pick. Romney has to roll the dice a bit because he's behind and not performing particularly well at the moment.

Plus - and more importantly - its going to kick start a conversation this nation HAS to have. America has been acting like a petulant teenager, wanting it all but not paying for it. The Democrats have been criminally negligent on fiscal matters. Hopefully - hopefully! - we can start having an adult conversation about the budget.

The selection of Paul puts the debate firmly back on the economy and which ideology is needed to fix it

Yup....good luck convincing everyone that taxing the rich is the only solution.
I think it's a good pick. Romney has to roll the dice a bit because he's behind and not performing particularly well at the moment.

Plus - and more importantly - its going to kick start a conversation this nation HAS to have. America has been acting like a petulant teenager, wanting it all but not paying for it. The Democrats have been criminally negligent on fiscal matters. Hopefully - hopefully! - we can start having an adult conversation about the budget.

The selection of Paul puts the debate firmly back on the economy and which ideology is needed to fix it

Voucherizing Medicare is not an "ideology", my friend.

It's stupidity.

The selection of Paul Ryan now makes 2012 a referendum on Medicare and not a referendum on Obama.

Game over. Obama wins.
Callous: adjective, insensitive; indifferent; unsympathetic: They have a callous attitude toward the sufferings of others.

Is the callous disregard for the working men and women of our country the future policy a Romney White House will pursue?

What will be the consequences of the Romney White House on 'reforms' of Social Security, Medicare, Medicade, tax policy, foreign policy and how will they impact state and local governments?

These are questions which beg answers, not unproven platitudes. How would have a Romney/Ryan Administration handled the economic crisis Obama was handed in January 2009? Without funding TARP, letting Chrysler and GM fall to bankruptcy (would China now own our Auto Industry)?

I have grave concerns with Ideologues holding power, and ideologue defines Ryan - Romney is a Plutocrat but even plutocrats can be pragmatic (for, or course, self interest reasons).
I think it's a good pick. Romney has to roll the dice a bit because he's behind and not performing particularly well at the moment.

Plus - and more importantly - its going to kick start a conversation this nation HAS to have. America has been acting like a petulant teenager, wanting it all but not paying for it. The Democrats have been criminally negligent on fiscal matters. Hopefully - hopefully! - we can start having an adult conversation about the budget.

The selection of Paul puts the debate firmly back on the economy and which ideology is needed to fix it

Yup....good luck convincing everyone that taxing the rich is the only solution.

Who said it's the only solution?

Do you support Paul Ryan's plan to increase corporate welfare?

Yes or no answer, please.
I think it's a good pick. Romney has to roll the dice a bit because he's behind and not performing particularly well at the moment.

Plus - and more importantly - its going to kick start a conversation this nation HAS to have. America has been acting like a petulant teenager, wanting it all but not paying for it. The Democrats have been criminally negligent on fiscal matters. Hopefully - hopefully! - we can start having an adult conversation about the budget.

The selection of Paul puts the debate firmly back on the economy and which ideology is needed to fix it

Yup. And if Americans choose bigger government and higher taxes, then so be it. But we are headed towards another crisis over the next decade if we don't get our fiscal house in order.
I just feel bad for the man and his family. The Left/Democrat smears against his family are gonna be quite cruel. He's gonna have to be an incredibly tough dude. His family too. My prayers are with him.
Ryan's plan is one that will expand and save medicare.

Some folks will believe anything.

"When you need to read something or look at numbers, be suspicious!"

You got that right.

Obama would lead us to believe that he's not responsible for the economy he's supposed to have been fixing for the last 3.7 years. Bush is still responsible.

He's also trying to lead us to believe that Mitt Romney is responsible for the death of a steel workers' wife 7 years after he left Bain Capital.

Yup. You people will believe anything.

Obama can't make a mistake. He's perfect.


Not quite.

Obama leads us to believe that he is not responsible for the 750,000 job losses per month that he inherited.

That would be a true statement.

Obama would lead us to believe that he is responsible for 30 straight months of private sector job growth, rescuing America's car company (after they begged him for help), passing a law that says we're no longer on the hook for bailing out "job creators" who are too-big-to-fail, and taking us from a situation where we were shedding 750,000 jobs per month to one where we're in a fragile recovery.

And that would be true as well.

What this is coming down to now is Romney-Ryan essentially having to make a case that goes like, "See, Obama the house negro couldn't clean up our bathroom fast enough after we shat all over the toilet, the floor, and then wrote our names on the wall with it, so we're saying he should go back into the field where he belongs".

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.....
Ryan is a strong pick

He is more Republican than Romney is and will please the Tea Baggers

He s also a huge target

hes a 'huge target' for the right reasons, he knows the ins and outs of the budget and appropriations. Romeny also sent a message that he is not all that into playing it safe, medicare scare ads are being plotted at this very moment, but you know what? at the end of the day its going to be another Base election, obamas base has shrunk, romeny and ryan's task is to convince those folks to come over. .

as far as the tea party remarks, well, smaller gov. less spending is a message that will and has resonated, there are senate seats and huge 2010 midterm that says so, you guys wanna whistle past the graveyard again, have at it.

Nothing is in the bag.......

I would advise you all to back to that 'conference' in the WH back in 2010....

[ame=]Gergen On Health Care Summit: Intellectually, The Republicans Had The Best Day They've Had In Years - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Rep Paul Ryan - R-WI at Feb 2010 health care summit on CSPAN-3 - YouTube[/ame]

I'll just say to this is what I've said before in another thread: 2012 may not be 2008, but it's definietely not 2010, either.

Ask the guy running against Kathy Hochul in NY-26 if he thinks Paul Ryan is a good pick.
Ryan is a strong pick

He is more Republican than Romney is and will please the Tea Baggers

He s also a huge target

hes a 'huge target' for the right reasons, he knows the ins and outs of the budget and appropriations. Romeny also sent a message that he is not all that into playing it safe, medicare scare ads are being plotted at this very moment, but you know what? at the end of the day its going to be another Base election, obamas base has shrunk, romeny and ryan's task is to convince those folks to come over. .

as far as the tea party remarks, well, smaller gov. less spending is a message that will and has resonated, there are senate seats and huge 2010 midterm that says so, you guys wanna whistle past the graveyard again, have at it.

Nothing is in the bag.......

I would advise you all to back to that 'conference' in the WH back in 2010....

[ame=]Gergen On Health Care Summit: Intellectually, The Republicans Had The Best Day They've Had In Years - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Rep Paul Ryan - R-WI at Feb 2010 health care summit on CSPAN-3 - YouTube[/ame]

I'll just say to this is what I've said before in another thread: 2012 may not be 2008, but it's definietely not 2010, either.

Ask the guy running against Kathy Hochul in NY-26 if he thinks Paul Ryan is a good pick.

I think the fear is worse.

Obama has given us nothing to vote for him for.

It's up to Romney to give us a reason to vote for him.
Perfect choice for ole flip flop willard. I find this highly amusing although irritating because I enjoy politics and this is just a really really STUPID decision but hey they fit each other perfectly.
I just feel bad for the man and his family. The Left/Democrat smears against his family are gonna be quite cruel. He's gonna have to be an incredibly tough dude. His family too. My prayers are with him.

Need a hanky?

Poor baggers.....they can dish it but then they get real whiny when their opponents actually fight back.

I guess it's because they're not use to having opponents that fight back?
I think it's a good pick. Romney has to roll the dice a bit because he's behind and not performing particularly well at the moment.

Plus - and more importantly - its going to kick start a conversation this nation HAS to have. America has been acting like a petulant teenager, wanting it all but not paying for it. The Democrats have been criminally negligent on fiscal matters. Hopefully - hopefully! - we can start having an adult conversation about the budget.

The selection of Paul puts the debate firmly back on the economy and which ideology is needed to fix it

Yup....good luck convincing everyone that taxing the rich is the only solution.

Yeah, the Dear Leader running on his horrific Economic Record, is a real blunder. He better stick to the vicious smears on Romney's family. He's pretty good at that.
Perfect choice for ole flip flop willard. I find this highly amusing although irritating because I enjoy politics and this is just a really really STUPID decision but hey they fit each other perfectly.

Just plug that post into every choice possible.

It doesn't matter who he picked. You would say pretty much the same thing.

I just think you should look at Obama's choice for VP and compare before you open your mouth.
Funny! FNC just played the snippet when Obama announced Joe Biden as "the next president of the United States"

Those who don't watch Fox will never get to see that. I searched U-Tube, and the version I got was a much more staid version staged in Illinois along with Illinois Senator "Turban," in which Obama actually got it right; imagine that.
the Dems are in total fear of what will be revealed in the RNC convention, Paul Ryan will give a speech that will energize the Republican and Conservative base. Obumma and Bozo have nothing positve to talk about in their speeches. Everything Is Far Worse Now in comparison to 2008.

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