Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Who here honestly can see Paul Ryan sitting in the Oval, as president? :lol:

It's almost as funny a mental image as Marco Rubio.

Wait. You CAN see Joe Biden sitting there?


It's ok, Synth. It's not like you have to worry about going any lower in the credibility department.
Definitely. Biden has 40 years experience and has excelled in everything he has done.

Biden excelled in putting words together? :lol:

He excelled in plagiarism, perhaps.

Face facts, Synth. Biden is a dumb-ass twit; and you many of you lefty idiots would eagerly go down on him for the good of the liberal Democrat Party.
Romney's VP pick sure beats Obama's pick.......:2up:

Remember August 11, 2012...It is the day that Mitt Romney lost the election. He just Florida and Virginia to Obama today. The WH will demonize Ryan and his budget. I thought Mitt had a chance until today. He may have also returned the Senate to the Dems.
Remember August 11, 2012...It is the day that Mitt Romney lost the election. He just Florida and Virginia to Obama today. The WH will demonize Ryan and his budget. I thought Mitt had a chance until today. He may have also returned the Senate to the Dems.

the American people know better.......unlike Obama THEY know what a budget is....
Remember August 11, 2012...It is the day that Mitt Romney lost the election. He just Florida and Virginia to Obama today. The WH will demonize Ryan and his budget. I thought Mitt had a chance until today. He may have also returned the Senate to the Dems.

This is my guess too. Ryan could hurt the GOP up and down the ballot, unless he can find a way to (maybe single-handedly) overcome what's coming at him regarding Medicare and other spending measures in his plan. Pawlenty or Portman would not have put the GOP in this position.

And so it begins... The Republicans are waging class-warefare. Meanwhile the Democrats are defining Ryan as as an extremist, which of course, he is. Let the battle begin.

Democrats slam Ryan's 'radical' budget proposals

Democrats are calling Paul Ryan an "extremist" for his proposals to revamp Medicare.

From Jim Messina, President Obama's campaign manager:

The architect of the radical Republican House budget, Ryan, like Romney, proposed an additional $250,000 tax cut for millionaires, and deep cuts in education from Head Start to college aid. His plan also would end Medicare as we know it by turning it into a voucher system, shifting thousands of dollars in health care costs to seniors...

Rep. Steve Israel of New York, chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said this:

"Now with Congressman Ryan on the ticket, House Republicans face the one thing they hoped to avoid – a national debate on their budget that puts millionaires first and Medicare and the middle class last."

From Adam Green, co-founder, Progressive Change Campaign Committee:

"Paul Ryan is a right-wing extremist who wants to end Medicare."
Obama victory party at my house. This is in the bag. Ryan's budget is going to be the focus now.

Horse shit, Romney already endorsed Ryan's Budget. It was always going to be an Issue. Now Romney and his Super Pacs will spend Hundreds of Millions Dispelling the lies the Left have told about Ryan's Budget.

The Only Serious Budget anyone has put Forward in 4 years.
Remember August 11, 2012...It is the day that Mitt Romney lost the election. He just Florida and Virginia to Obama today. The WH will demonize Ryan and his budget. I thought Mitt had a chance until today. He may have also returned the Senate to the Dems.

Let them Have their Illusions. The Truth is this Race just became a choice between 2 Polar Opposite Visions.

Let them Keep Under Estimate Ryan.

This is going to be Very Interesting now for sure.
It depends on how stupid Americans really are. Women are abysmally stupid, that won't change and obama will still get the stupid female vote.
Great pick Mitt! It will assure you 4 more years of being a rich civilian.

How Ryan will help create jobs (Oops! maybe not)

Paul Ryan is a career Washington D.C. insider. A Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, he is the architect of the Republican “Ryan Budget.” This extreme plan would turn Medicare into a voucher program, increasing seniors’ costs by up to $6,350 per year. It would also slash education and clean energy funding, along with other middle-class investments critical to economic growth—while raising taxes on millions of middle-class families to pay for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

According to Harvard economist Jeffrey Liebman, based on Mitt Romney’s own projections on the impact of deep spending cuts on the economy, Paul Ryan’s budget plan could cost the U.S. more than 1 million jobs.
the American people dont like the plan

Bull shit, the American people don't like the plan as described by Dishonest Hack Liberals. The People in Ryan's Relatively Liberal District in Wis Actually Received it very well when he announced it there, Before the Smear campaign about what is in it started.

Relatively liberal compared to what?
Great pick Mitt! It will assure you 4 more years of being a rich civilian.

How Ryan will help create jobs (Oops! maybe not)

Paul Ryan is a career Washington D.C. insider. A Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives, he is the architect of the Republican “Ryan Budget.” This extreme plan would turn Medicare into a voucher program, increasing seniors’ costs by up to $6,350 per year. It would also slash education and clean energy funding, along with other middle-class investments critical to economic growth—while raising taxes on millions of middle-class families to pay for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.

According to Harvard economist Jeffrey Liebman, based on Mitt Romney’s own projections on the impact of deep spending cuts on the economy, Paul Ryan’s budget plan could cost the U.S. more than 1 million jobs.

The pick of Ryan picks austerity (for almost everyone except the Rich) over jobs.

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