Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Only a right wing nut would think eitehr of these guys should be on the ticket.

Since they won't carry Massachusetts or Wisconsin, this could be the first ticket to lose pretty epically...

Only a complete leftwing nut fubar would say something as spectacularly stupid as the crap you just posted, joebey.

The Dims will OF COURSE take Mass. It's a liberal wasteland.

You are probably wrong about WI. You don't pay much attention to recent lessons, do you? :lol:

The epic loss will be for The ONE termer.
Hiding spending does not reduce spending.

This is Paul Ryan blowing the whistle on Obama's tricks in Obamacare.

It shows how Obama is raiding Medicare and making it more insolvent.

[ame=]Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube[/ame]
Which means it would cost more money, because the truly sick would stay on medicare while the healthier ones would go on the insurance and see real doctors who will charge more.

Actually, we kind of already have this sort of wet-sloppy kiss to Big Insurance, it's called "Medicare Part C".

you would prefer that the truly sick don't get any health care.....?

you would prefer that under Obamacare the healthcare system goes broke and rationing starts....?

If we need more money, tax the rich assholes like we should have been doing all along.

Then those doctors and nurses and orderlies who work in the hospitals will have good money to spend and boost the economy. Works for me.

Fact is, countries with single payer health systems and no private insurance spend less per capita, they live longer, less of their babies die in infancy and a lot of other good stuff.

You can't tax the rich enough. You will have to tax the middle class.

And that's coming unless government spending is cut.
Only a right wing nut would think eitehr of these guys should be on the ticket.

Since they won't carry Massachusetts or Wisconsin, this could be the first ticket to lose pretty epically...

Naw, I don't see them doing as badly as Mondale/Ferraro.
Romney will announce his choice in Norfolk on Saturday morning at the beginning of a four-day bus tour through key battleground states, the campaign said Friday night. The Weekly Standard reported earlier Friday that Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker has been asked to be ready to make the case for Ryan beginning Saturday.

More: Mitt Romney Set To Pick Paul Ryan As Running Mate

Scott Walker? Oh. My. Gawd.

The candidate so nice, the voters picked him twice.

Wasn't that the one Chris told us would be recalled ?

And when he wasn't, Chris decided to leave for a while...never manning up to the fact that he was wrong ?
Just heard, I am almost 70 and depend on medicare. What does he mean about getting rid of it. BS, I want details. I paid for medicare, it is mine and since he is not using it he has no right to take it away.

Ryan wants to restructure Medicare in order to save it from self destruction. The Medicare program as presently administered is unsustainable.

Vouchering Medicare does not such thing. Per enrollee spending growth is lower in Medicare than in the private plans Ryan will offer a coupon for.

All it does is shift more costs onto the backs of seniors ("hide them," as Ryan himself might say). It doesn't actually tame cost growth.

Medicare actually runs very well and pays for its self. Don't believe the Rs who say is "unsustainable".

Ryan does not want to "save" it. Just the opposite. As with vets, he wants what other Rs want - recipients to pay more and get less.

Medicare does not pay for itself, or won't in the future. It is unsustainable unless you want to pay higher taxes.
Only a right wing nut would think eitehr of these guys should be on the ticket.

Since they won't carry Massachusetts or Wisconsin, this could be the first ticket to lose pretty epically...

Worse than Mondale ?
Only a right wing nut would think eitehr of these guys should be on the ticket.

Since they won't carry Massachusetts or Wisconsin, this could be the first ticket to lose pretty epically...

Only a complete leftwing nut fubar would say something as spectacularly stupid as the crap you just posted, joebey.

The Dims will OF COURSE take Mass. It's a liberal wasteland.

You are probably wrong about WI. You don't pay much attention to recent lessons, do you? :lol:

The epic loss will be for The ONE termer.

Obama will take Wisconsin too.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - Wisconsin: Romney vs. Obama
Just heard, I am almost 70 and depend on medicare. What does he mean about getting rid of it. BS, I want details. I paid for medicare, it is mine and since he is not using it he has no right to take it away.

Vouchering Medicare does not such thing. Per enrollee spending growth is lower in Medicare than in the private plans Ryan will offer a coupon for.

All it does is shift more costs onto the backs of seniors ("hide them," as Ryan himself might say). It doesn't actually tame cost growth.

Medicare actually runs very well and pays for its self. Don't believe the Rs who say is "unsustainable".

Ryan does not want to "save" it. Just the opposite. As with vets, he wants what other Rs want - recipients to pay more and get less.

Medicare does not pay for itself, or won't in the future. It is unsustainable unless you want to pay higher taxes.

These poor bastards think there is a money tree out back of the While House.

It is unbelievable their lack of understanding of finance.
you would prefer that the truly sick don't get any health care.....?

you would prefer that under Obamacare the healthcare system goes broke and rationing starts....?

If we need more money, tax the rich assholes like we should have been doing all along.

Then those doctors and nurses and orderlies who work in the hospitals will have good money to spend and boost the economy. Works for me.

Fact is, countries with single payer health systems and no private insurance spend less per capita, they live longer, less of their babies die in infancy and a lot of other good stuff.

You can't tax the rich enough. You will have to tax the middle class.

And that's coming unless government spending is cut.

Or the redistribution of wealth creates more wealth.. which it always does.

Keynesian economics works. Supply side doesn't. Learn to deal.
Only a right wing nut would think eitehr of these guys should be on the ticket.

Since they won't carry Massachusetts or Wisconsin, this could be the first ticket to lose pretty epically...

Naw, I don't see them doing as badly as Mondale/Ferraro.


You're cracking me up.


There's no handicapped wrinkled up old guy running this time that has to pick somebody to pull his ass out of the dumps.
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Just heard, I am almost 70 and depend on medicare. What does he mean about getting rid of it. BS, I want details. I paid for medicare, it is mine and since he is not using it he has no right to take it away.

Vouchering Medicare does not such thing. Per enrollee spending growth is lower in Medicare than in the private plans Ryan will offer a coupon for.

All it does is shift more costs onto the backs of seniors ("hide them," as Ryan himself might say). It doesn't actually tame cost growth.

Medicare actually runs very well and pays for its self. Don't believe the Rs who say is "unsustainable".

Ryan does not want to "save" it. Just the opposite. As with vets, he wants what other Rs want - recipients to pay more and get less.

Medicare does not pay for itself, or won't in the future. It is unsustainable unless you want to pay higher taxes.
.... Or find some way to bring competition and free market forces into it...
If we need more money, tax the rich assholes like we should have been doing all along.

Then those doctors and nurses and orderlies who work in the hospitals will have good money to spend and boost the economy. Works for me.

Fact is, countries with single payer health systems and no private insurance spend less per capita, they live longer, less of their babies die in infancy and a lot of other good stuff.

You can't tax the rich enough. You will have to tax the middle class.

And that's coming unless government spending is cut.

Or the redistribution of wealth creates more wealth.. which it always does.

Keynesian economics works. Supply side doesn't. Learn to deal.

Keynesian economics works ????

Only a right wing nut would think eitehr of these guys should be on the ticket.

Since they won't carry Massachusetts or Wisconsin, this could be the first ticket to lose pretty epically...

Naw, I don't see them doing as badly as Mondale/Ferraro.

To be fair, Mondale at least won his home state. Romney isn't even trying to win his.

I think the last time a ticket lost both the President and veep's home states was 1972...
You can't tax the rich enough. You will have to tax the middle class.

And that's coming unless government spending is cut.

Or the redistribution of wealth creates more wealth.. which it always does.

Keynesian economics works. Supply side doesn't. Learn to deal.

Keynesian economics works ????


Yeah, actually, it does.

Even Eisenhower realized that when he redirected the massive war spending from FDR and put it into public works spending. We had prosperity that lasted for decades...

Since we decided, "My gosh, the wealthy don't have enough money for their Dressage Horsies", we've been in decline ever since.
If we need more money, tax the rich assholes like we should have been doing all along.

Then those doctors and nurses and orderlies who work in the hospitals will have good money to spend and boost the economy. Works for me.

Fact is, countries with single payer health systems and no private insurance spend less per capita, they live longer, less of their babies die in infancy and a lot of other good stuff.

You can't tax the rich enough. You will have to tax the middle class.

And that's coming unless government spending is cut.

Or the redistribution of wealth creates more wealth.. which it always does.

Keynesian economics works. Supply side doesn't. Learn to deal.

Too funny, I think its cute how you twits forget how Reagan solvedhis economic issues in 2 years...and Bammy is an abject failure...what is really sad is that you Lefty's don't even know what Keynes advocated.

Here is a hint (counter cyclical)

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