Paul Ryan is the VP pick

You can't tax the rich enough. You will have to tax the middle class.

And that's coming unless government spending is cut.

Or the redistribution of wealth creates more wealth.. which it always does.

Keynesian economics works. Supply side doesn't. Learn to deal.

Keynesian economics works ????


You will have to excuse Joe. All he really understands is racial bigotry.

Okay, here's a theory:

Maybe Romney picked Ryan because he figures Ryan will attract all the attention away from Romney's taxes by giving the Democrats such an easy target.

I dunno. That's all I could come up with.


How about he is the most brilliant fiscal mind in Washington at a time when the Nation is about to veer off into the fiscal abyss?

How does this earn the votes of the centers and those that lean slightly left but are disenchanted with Obama? Not to mention, most idiots in the booth have no idea what fiscal policy is.

As hard right economically as I am, I can't wrap my head around this. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.

This choice brings the national debate away from dogs, the cost of rubbers, Bain, tax returns, and focused it around the fiscal issues (which includes entitlements) foremost in the minds of 53% of the American people.
Doug Schoen (Democrat pollster) just said on FNC that this choice makes Romney's postion in Florida more vulnerable than before. I'd have to agree with that, because of the entitlement issue. But Ryan is going to have to shed some rational light on that. I suspect that the Obama attacks will be most vicous there in Fla.
Doug Schoen (Democrat pollster) just said on FNC that this choice makes Romney's postion in Florida more vulnerable than before. I'd have to agree with that, because of the entitlement issue. But Ryan is going to have to shed some rational light on that. I suspect that the Obama attacks will be most vicous there in Fla.

Unfortunately Ryan comes off as slightly more honest than a slick talking hustler like Obama.
Doug Schoen (Democrat pollster) just said on FNC that this choice makes Romney's postion in Florida more vulnerable than before. I'd have to agree with that, because of the entitlement issue. But Ryan is going to have to shed some rational light on that. I suspect that the Obama attacks will be most vicous there in Fla.

Possibly. The Dems have successfully used Mediscare here in FL in the past. I would expect that to occur again.
You can't tax the rich enough. You will have to tax the middle class.

And that's coming unless government spending is cut.

Or the redistribution of wealth creates more wealth.. which it always does.

Keynesian economics works. Supply side doesn't. Learn to deal.

Too funny, I think its cute how you twits forget how Reagan solvedhis economic issues in 2 years...and Bammy is an abject failure...what is really sad is that you Lefty's don't even know what Keynes advocated.

Here is a hint (counter cyclical)

Here's a hint. Maybe you should learn what you are talking about.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

The 1980-83 Recession was intentionally caused by the Fed with the approval of both presidents Carter and Reagan with the sole intent of getting inflation down.

Everyone at the time was a lot more worried about the double digit inflation than the single digit unemployment.

When Reagan beat Carter, unemployment was at 7.5%. Which was pretty bad, but not as bad as it was going to get. It stayed 7-8% for most of 1981, then spiked in 1982. It hit a high of 10.8 in December, 1982. It was still well over 8% for most of 1983. Then in 1984, it came down to a 7.4% rate.

What gave Reagan bragging rights is not that he beat unemployment that badly, but that he got inflation under control.

The 2008-2011 Recession was caused by a major collapse in the housing market. Trillions in wealth simply vanished... Obama deserves credit for doing a stimulus, for continuing the bailouts that Bush started, or things would have been a lot worse.

By comparison, Obama got an economy with an unemployment rate of 8.3 in his first full month is office. The highest it got was 10%.

Final note. A big contributing factor was that while Reagan taxed like a Supply Sider, he spent like a Keynsian.

Federal spending was 590 Billion in Fiscal year 1980. By Fiscal year 1989, that had increased to 1.143 TRILLION. Almost doubling in size. The debt increased from 909 Billion to 2.8 Trillion.

By comparison, in FY 2008, Federal outlays were 2.9 Trillion, today they are 3.7 trillion. Maybe a 30% increase compared to the 90% increase under Reagan.
I think it's a good pick. Romney has to roll the dice a bit because he's behind and not performing particularly well at the moment.

Plus - and more importantly - its going to kick start a conversation this nation HAS to have. America has been acting like a petulant teenager, wanting it all but not paying for it. The Democrats have been criminally negligent on fiscal matters. Hopefully - hopefully! - we can start having an adult conversation about the budget.

The selection of Paul puts the debate firmly back on the economy and which ideology is needed to fix it

Yup....good luck convincing everyone that taxing the rich is the only solution.

It's not.

The only way we can pay for everything Americans want is to increase taxes on the middle class.
Doug Schoen (Democrat pollster) just said on FNC that this choice makes Romney's postion in Florida more vulnerable than before. I'd have to agree with that, because of the entitlement issue. But Ryan is going to have to shed some rational light on that. I suspect that the Obama attacks will be most vicous there in Fla.

Unfortunately Ryan comes off as slightly more honest than a slick talking hustler like Obama.

That's right, and I just read through the Roadmap For America's Future, specificially the parts on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. The right presentation of those ideas should persuade any of the seniors of Florida that this is a must do if they care about their grandchildren and a way back to the country they grew up in.
If we need more money, tax the rich assholes like we should have been doing all along.

Then those doctors and nurses and orderlies who work in the hospitals will have good money to spend and boost the economy. Works for me.

Fact is, countries with single payer health systems and no private insurance spend less per capita, they live longer, less of their babies die in infancy and a lot of other good stuff.

You can't tax the rich enough. You will have to tax the middle class.

And that's coming unless government spending is cut.

Or the redistribution of wealth creates more wealth.. which it always does.

Keynesian economics works. Supply side doesn't. Learn to deal.

Learn math, Ampad. You could triple income tax revenues on the top 1% and it still wouldn't be enough.
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The selection of Paul puts the debate firmly back on the economy and which ideology is needed to fix it

Yup....good luck convincing everyone that taxing the rich is the only solution.

It's not.

The only way we can pay for everything Americans want is to increase taxes on the middle class.

Let's tax the wealthy first, and if that doesn't completely close the gap we can talk about cuts and middle class tax increases.

I thought the plutocratic whine was half the country doesn't pay any tax.
Learn to understand math, Ampad. You could quadruple income tax revenues on the rich and it still wouldn't be enough.

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes,

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no millionaire's son, no.
It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no fortunate one, no.
Or the redistribution of wealth creates more wealth.. which it always does.

Keynesian economics works. Supply side doesn't. Learn to deal.

Too funny, I think its cute how you twits forget how Reagan solvedhis economic issues in 2 years...and Bammy is an abject failure...what is really sad is that you Lefty's don't even know what Keynes advocated.

Here is a hint (counter cyclical)

Here's a hint. Maybe you should learn what you are talking about.

Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

The 1980-83 Recession was intentionally caused by the Fed with the approval of both presidents Carter and Reagan with the sole intent of getting inflation down.

Everyone at the time was a lot more worried about the double digit inflation than the single digit unemployment.

When Reagan beat Carter, unemployment was at 7.5%. Which was pretty bad, but not as bad as it was going to get. It stayed 7-8% for most of 1981, then spiked in 1982. It hit a high of 10.8 in December, 1982. It was still well over 8% for most of 1983. Then in 1984, it came down to a 7.4% rate.

What gave Reagan bragging rights is not that he beat unemployment that badly, but that he got inflation under control.

The 2008-2011 Recession was caused by a major collapse in the housing market. Trillions in wealth simply vanished... Obama deserves credit for doing a stimulus, for continuing the bailouts that Bush started, or things would have been a lot worse.

By comparison, Obama got an economy with an unemployment rate of 8.3 in his first full month is office. The highest it got was 10%.

Final note. A big contributing factor was that while Reagan taxed like a Supply Sider, he spent like a Keynsian.

Federal spending was 590 Billion in Fiscal year 1980. By Fiscal year 1989, that had increased to 1.143 TRILLION. Almost doubling in size. The debt increased from 909 Billion to 2.8 Trillion.

By comparison, in FY 2008, Federal outlays were 2.9 Trillion, today they are 3.7 trillion. Maybe a 30% increase compared to the 90% increase under Reagan.

(smile) Poor kid, Reagan turned it around in just over two years, Bammy is drowning...

Now Jow, can you explain what Keynes meant by counter cyclical measure???

No you can't, you're just a little parrot.
Learn to understand math, Ampad. You could quadruple income tax revenues on the rich and it still wouldn't be enough.

Some folks are born silver spoon in hand,
Lord, don't they help themselves, oh.
But when the taxman comes to the door,
Lord, the house looks like a rummage sale, yes,

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no millionaire's son, no.
It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no fortunate one, no.

Your first math lesson

2+2=/= 5

Once you understand that concept, you're on your way.

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