Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Guy, I was around then. THings were actually pretty shitty in the early 1980's. And I supported reagan back then in my jaded youth as a young republican.

And again, this is what teh government did to itself...

I've blown you away with facts and figures, and you want to talk about "Cyclical measures"? Really?

How about addressing the points I brought up and backed up with facts and figures first?

"The Reagan recovery had one of the fastest rates of growth we ever saw," said Barry Bosworth, an economist at the Brookings Institution. "If anything it was too strong. It was spectacular."

Just take a look at the numbers:

The economy grew at 4.5% in 1983, with a few quarters of growth north of 8%. In 2011, meanwhile, the economy grew just 1.7%.

In just one month -- September 1983 -- the economy added more than a million jobs. For the full year, the economy added almost 3.5 million jobs, a trend that continued into 1984, an election year in which Reagan captured 49 states in a landslide victory.

Obama can claim job growth of 1.8 million in 2011. A welcome comeback, but still tepid by comparison.

Looking ahead to 2012, Obama could replicate the 243,000 jobs created in January over each of the next 11 months and still not approach Reagan's total for 1984 of 3.9 million.

Obama and Reagan: A tale of two recoveries - Feb. 6, 2012

You've blwon nobody away with anything sweetcheeks...and I was there too;)
Bammy can't even APPROACH what REagan did...

Now as to your last question, YOU tout Keynesian economics and you don't even know what it is...if you can't tell me what he meant by counter cyclical meant in his system it makes you no more than a parrot...I can duel with you with sources and citations all day long...what it comes down to is you believe what you want to...and it changes nothing, you don't know what the Keynesian systwm teaches.

You are dismissed.

I don't suppose it matters to you that we had a very different economy 30 years ago when Reagan was president.
Yeah we didnt have affirmative action housing
Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan will serve a very useful purpose - to remind voters of the GOP WAR on the following:


Middle Class



The unemployment rate under Reagan hit 11%, higher than under Obama, which peaked at 10.9%, not 10%.


my figures came from the official government website... if you got other figures, I really don't care...

LOL....yeah that shit is always true, who gives a shit whether you care or not....your source also said the recession was "approved" by Reagan and Carter, you are an idiot.

Reagan stopped unemployment in it's tracks and got the economy roaring again, you can revise your shit ALL day long, but the facts are the facts no matter how loud you screan "Nuh-Uh".
You've blwon nobody away with anything sweetcheeks...and I was there too;)
Bammy can't even APPROACH what REagan did...


Not wasting my time on you, but actually, Reagan's term marks the begining of the decline.

He was the guy who said, it was okay to make war on unions and the middle class, and we've been in decline ever since.

You aren't up for spending time on me, you are a hack and these things never end well for a hack...
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Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan will serve a very useful purpose - to remind voters of the GOP WAR on the following:


Middle Class



you mean war on the following CLASSES....the poor, the middle class, women....but that is what the Marxist Obama is doing...not the GOP...

Paul "Ayn Rand" Ryan does not believe in CLASS WARFARE.....we are a country of equal opportunity...not equal outcome....
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Let's see, Romney, who is having one HELL of a time relating to average people and their daily concerns due to his privileged background as a private equity fund manager, seeks to reassure an antsy electorate that he's going to represent average people as well as the wealthy by choosing the architect of the Republican Budget that essentially attempts to dismantle both SS and Medicare?

No wonder Republicans are working so hard to disenfranchise elderly voters who don't have State-issued picture IDs.
I think a great choice as far as substance, but politically it's a bad move. Expect even more demagoguing from the Dems because of this.
Let's see, Romney, who is having one HELL of a time relating to average people and their daily concerns due to his privileged background as a private equity fund manager, seeks to reassure an antsy electorate that he's going to represent average people as well as the wealthy by choosing the architect of the Republican Budget that essentially attempts to dismantle both SS and Medicare?

No wonder Republicans are working so hard to disenfranchise elderly voters who don't have State-issued picture IDs.

why don't you work harder to hand out more licenses to illegals so more can suck on the overbloated bankrupted government teat...:mad:
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The unemployment rate under Reagan hit 11%, higher than under Obama, which peaked at 10.9%, not 10%.


my figures came from the official government website... if you got other figures, I really don't care...

LOL....yeah that shit is always true, who gives a shit whether you care or not....your source also said the recession was "approved" by Reagan and Carter, you are an idiot.

Reagan stopped unemployment in it's tracks and got the economy roaring again, you can revise your shit ALL day long, but the facts are the facts no matter how loud you screan "Nuh-Uh".

Uh, reagan didn't stop unemployment, he CAUSED it.


Ronald Reagan's Fight Against Inflation | Heartlander Magazine

He tightened up the money supply to control runaway inflation, which was needed at the time, give him kudos for that.

But he also started the mentality that the way to prosperity was to transfer huge amounts of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy, and we have those chickens coming home to roost now.

You've blwon nobody away with anything sweetcheeks...and I was there too;)
Bammy can't even APPROACH what REagan did...


Not wasting my time on you, but actually, Reagan's term marks the begining of the decline.

He was the guy who said, it was okay to make war on unions and the middle class, and we've been in decline ever since.

You aren't up for spending time on me, you are a hack and these things never end well for a hack...

No, because you're a boring robot who listens to Hate Radio all day and thinks that's a substitute for thinking.
Here's the bottom line problem...

When a candidate is looking for a running-mate to be a game changer, it means he's pretty much already lost.

Some examples-

1984- Walter Mondale Breaks new ground by picking a female running mate, the first woman on a major party ticket. Until we found about her connections to mobbed up NYC politics, anyway... He goes on to lose 49 states.

1996- Bob Dole, realizing not much else is engendering enthusiasm for his campaign, picks old rival Jack Kemp to fire up the Supply Siders and social conservatives. He loses to Clinton by a bigger margin than Bush-41 did.

2008- Trying to fire up conservative enthusiasm, John McCain picks Sarah Palin, who seems like a good choice intially, until we find out she knows nothing about foreign affairs or how government actually works at the federal level. He loses by a healthy margin...

So now we have Willard trying to fire up the GOP base by picking someone they are enthusiastic about, as opposed to him... If he's having to still fire up his base less than 100 days from an election, he's probably in bad shape.

A better criteria. Someone asked Bill Clinton why he picked Al Gore, who added nothing to the ticket in terms of regional or media appeal. Clintons' response-

"I might actually die in office."

Is there a one of you that thinks that if Romney were to "Get into the Celestial Heaven", Paul Ryan at 42, with no business or managerial experience, would really be able to run the country?
Not wasting my time on you, but actually, Reagan's term marks the begining of the decline.

He was the guy who said, it was okay to make war on unions and the middle class, and we've been in decline ever since.

You aren't up for spending time on me, you are a hack and these things never end well for a hack...

No, because you're a boring robot who listens to Hate Radio all day and thinks that's a substitute for thinking.

When Reagan left office UE was down to 5.1, no matter how much you protest Reagan destoyed anything Bammy has done....and friend you are a Lib drone...I have noticed you wo't go near my question about Keynes...I don't blame you, its above your ability to understand.

Now pal.....Carter destroyed our economy....and Reagn inherited least Reagan didn't spend 31/2 years crying about Jimmy.
Here's the bottom line problem...

When a candidate is looking for a running-mate to be a game changer, it means he's pretty much already lost.

Some examples-

1984- Walter Mondale Breaks new ground by picking a female running mate, the first woman on a major party ticket. Until we found about her connections to mobbed up NYC politics, anyway... He goes on to lose 49 states.

1996- Bob Dole, realizing not much else is engendering enthusiasm for his campaign, picks old rival Jack Kemp to fire up the Supply Siders and social conservatives. He loses to Clinton by a bigger margin than Bush-41 did.

2008- Trying to fire up conservative enthusiasm, John McCain picks Sarah Palin, who seems like a good choice intially, until we find out she knows nothing about foreign affairs or how government actually works at the federal level. He loses by a healthy margin...

So now we have Willard trying to fire up the GOP base by picking someone they are enthusiastic about, as opposed to him... If he's having to still fire up his base less than 100 days from an election, he's probably in bad shape.

A better criteria. Someone asked Bill Clinton why he picked Al Gore, who added nothing to the ticket in terms of regional or media appeal. Clintons' response-

"I might actually die in office."

Is there a one of you that thinks that if Romney were to "Get into the Celestial Heaven", Paul Ryan at 42, with no business or managerial experience, would really be able to run the country?

Too funny, Bammy is the least qualified man ever to be Prez...Ryan would put him to shame.
When Reagan left office UE was down to 5.1, no matter how much you protest Reagan destoyed anything Bammy has done....and friend you are a Lib drone...I have noticed you wo't go near my question about Keynes...I don't blame you, its above your ability to understand.

Now pal.....Carter destroyed our economy....and Reagn inherited least Reagan didn't spend 31/2 years crying about Jimmy.

And if we get to the bottom of Obama's second term, and isn't there, we can talk.

I won't go near your questions because I've decided it's retarded, and so are you.

Fact is, Keynesian Economics works. Supply Side doesn't.

Time to chuck that horseshit out the window once and for all...

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