Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Too funny, Bammy is the least qualified man ever to be Prez...Ryan would put him to shame.

I think Obama's resume of President, Senator, State Legislator, Lawyer, and Editor of the Harvard Law review...

is vastly more impressive than the Congressman from Janesville Wisconsin.. Or as we call it in IL, "that cow-shit smelling place you have to pass on your way to the Dells!"
Here's the bottom line problem...

When a candidate is looking for a running-mate to be a game changer, it means he's pretty much already lost.

Some examples-

1984- Walter Mondale Breaks new ground by picking a female running mate, the first woman on a major party ticket. Until we found about her connections to mobbed up NYC politics, anyway... He goes on to lose 49 states.

1996- Bob Dole, realizing not much else is engendering enthusiasm for his campaign, picks old rival Jack Kemp to fire up the Supply Siders and social conservatives. He loses to Clinton by a bigger margin than Bush-41 did.

2008- Trying to fire up conservative enthusiasm, John McCain picks Sarah Palin, who seems like a good choice intially, until we find out she knows nothing about foreign affairs or how government actually works at the federal level. He loses by a healthy margin...

So now we have Willard trying to fire up the GOP base by picking someone they are enthusiastic about, as opposed to him... If he's having to still fire up his base less than 100 days from an election, he's probably in bad shape.

A better criteria. Someone asked Bill Clinton why he picked Al Gore, who added nothing to the ticket in terms of regional or media appeal. Clintons' response-

"I might actually die in office."

Is there a one of you that thinks that if Romney were to "Get into the Celestial Heaven", Paul Ryan at 42, with no business or managerial experience, would really be able to run the country?

You really should take a closer look at his 4 terms as Congressman
Too funny, Bammy is the least qualified man ever to be Prez...Ryan would put him to shame.

I think Obama's resume of President, Senator, State Legislator, Lawyer, and Editor of the Harvard Law review...

is vastly more impressive than the Congressman from Janesville Wisconsin.. Or as we call it in IL, "that cow-shit smelling place you have to pass on your way to the Dells!"

Oh sure...GDP less than 2% for how long?
UE would never go beyond 8%, how's that working for him?
Has he stopped the Sea from rising?
Has he been the most transparent president in history?
Gitmo closed yet?
How many Lobbyists has he hired?
The man as Prez is a failure....
How long was he a Senator?
What signature legislation did he produce? (none)
He did nothing as a Seantor....
Illionois Legislator?
How is Illinois doing fianancially?
The ONLY real success he has had is an Alinskyite Community Organizer.....

So sorry.....Obama has been shit and remains so to this miss Daly do you?
Romney could pick Mother Theresa and this board would be in an uproar because she's against abortion

No he couldn't. She's dead. And while she WAS alive, she wasn't American.

Not to mention, she wasn't really that pleasent of a person.

Christopher Hitchens did a great takedown on her hypocrisy.

I seem to recall something about that. I think he criticized her for permitting the poor in her hospice to suffer and counseling people to endure their human suffering here on Earth even as she flew to the US to get first rate health care. And just to refresh my mind, I googled the topic and found that she took money from some pretty unsavory characters (likethe Duvalier family in Haiti), and later praised them.
Too funny, Bammy is the least qualified man ever to be Prez...Ryan would put him to shame.

I think Obama's resume of President, Senator, State Legislator, Lawyer, and Editor of the Harvard Law review...

is vastly more impressive than the Congressman from Janesville Wisconsin.. Or as we call it in IL, "that cow-shit smelling place you have to pass on your way to the Dells!"

Oh sure...GDP less than 2% for how long?
UE would never go beyond 8%, how's that working for him?
Has he stopped the Sea from rising?
Has he been the most transparent president in history?
Gitmo closed yet?
How many Lobbyists has he hired?
The man as Prez is a failure....
How long was he a Senator?
What signature legislation did he produce? (none)
He did nothing as a Seantor....
Illionois Legislator?
How is Illinois doing fianancially?
The ONLY real success he has had is an Alinskyite Community Organizer.....

So sorry.....Obama has been shit and remains so to this miss Daly do you?

Naw, I never really liked the Daleys, even though I can spell their name right. Went to the same High School they went to...

Look, guy, you really need to see someone about your Obama Derangement Syndrome, because you are really going to be in a mess when he wins in November.
I think Obama's resume of President, Senator, State Legislator, Lawyer, and Editor of the Harvard Law review...

is vastly more impressive than the Congressman from Janesville Wisconsin.. Or as we call it in IL, "that cow-shit smelling place you have to pass on your way to the Dells!"

Oh sure...GDP less than 2% for how long?
UE would never go beyond 8%, how's that working for him?
Has he stopped the Sea from rising?
Has he been the most transparent president in history?
Gitmo closed yet?
How many Lobbyists has he hired?
The man as Prez is a failure....
How long was he a Senator?
What signature legislation did he produce? (none)
He did nothing as a Seantor....
Illionois Legislator?
How is Illinois doing fianancially?
The ONLY real success he has had is an Alinskyite Community Organizer.....

So sorry.....Obama has been shit and remains so to this miss Daly do you?

Naw, I never really liked the Daleys, even though I can spell their name right. Went to the same High School they went to...

Look, guy, you really need to see someone about your Obama Derangement Syndrome, because you are really going to be in a mess when he wins in November.

Everything I posted is true :)
Spelling, really?
He has a 50 disapproval rating....
He leads by just over 4....and Mitt hasn't even really gotten started yet ;)
Illinois is in the tank financially and Bammy has the nation headed that way....
I left the Bush camp when he started acting like a Lefty and didn't vote for would swallow Bammy's cum no matter what.
Sorry dude, no matter what happens I'll just keep working to get ALL progressives tossed out.....unlike you I actually understand Keynes....
How did 2010 work out for you?
Wisconsin? ;)
Oh sure...GDP less than 2% for how long?
UE would never go beyond 8%, how's that working for him?
Has he stopped the Sea from rising?
Has he been the most transparent president in history?
Gitmo closed yet?
How many Lobbyists has he hired?
The man as Prez is a failure....
How long was he a Senator?
What signature legislation did he produce? (none)
He did nothing as a Seantor....
Illionois Legislator?
How is Illinois doing fianancially?
The ONLY real success he has had is an Alinskyite Community Organizer.....

So sorry.....Obama has been shit and remains so to this miss Daly do you?

Naw, I never really liked the Daleys, even though I can spell their name right. Went to the same High School they went to...

Look, guy, you really need to see someone about your Obama Derangement Syndrome, because you are really going to be in a mess when he wins in November.

Everything I posted is true :)
Spelling, really?
He has a 50 disapproval rating....
He leads by just over 4....and Mitt hasn't even really gotten started yet ;)
Illinois is in the tank financially and Bammy has the nation headed that way....
I left the Bush camp when he started acting like a Lefty and didn't vote for would swallow Bammy's cum no matter what.
Sorry dude, no matter what happens I'll just keep working to get ALL progressives tossed out.....unlike you I actually understand Keynes....
How did 2010 work out for you?
Wisconsin? ;)

when exactly did bush start acting like a lefty, and what was it?
my figures came from the official government website... if you got other figures, I really don't care...

LOL....yeah that shit is always true, who gives a shit whether you care or not....your source also said the recession was "approved" by Reagan and Carter, you are an idiot.

Reagan stopped unemployment in it's tracks and got the economy roaring again, you can revise your shit ALL day long, but the facts are the facts no matter how loud you screan "Nuh-Uh".

Uh, reagan didn't stop unemployment, he CAUSED it.


Ronald Reagan's Fight Against Inflation | Heartlander Magazine

He tightened up the money supply to control runaway inflation, which was needed at the time, give him kudos for that.


No he didn't. Where do you read this shit?

The President has nothing to do with the money supply. That was the Volcker and the Fed. The Fed is in charge of monetary policy, not the executive branch. Volcker was appointed by Carter in 1979 to the chair of the FOMC and was reappointed by Reagan in 1983 after inflation had fallen to 3%. Reagan did not re-appoint Volcker in 1987 and instead appointed Greenspan.
Naw, I never really liked the Daleys, even though I can spell their name right. Went to the same High School they went to...

Look, guy, you really need to see someone about your Obama Derangement Syndrome, because you are really going to be in a mess when he wins in November.

Everything I posted is true :)
Spelling, really?
He has a 50 disapproval rating....
He leads by just over 4....and Mitt hasn't even really gotten started yet ;)
Illinois is in the tank financially and Bammy has the nation headed that way....
I left the Bush camp when he started acting like a Lefty and didn't vote for would swallow Bammy's cum no matter what.
Sorry dude, no matter what happens I'll just keep working to get ALL progressives tossed out.....unlike you I actually understand Keynes....
How did 2010 work out for you?
Wisconsin? ;)

when exactly did bush start acting like a lefty, and what was it?

Part D and Immigration, next.
LOL....yeah that shit is always true, who gives a shit whether you care or not....your source also said the recession was "approved" by Reagan and Carter, you are an idiot.

Reagan stopped unemployment in it's tracks and got the economy roaring again, you can revise your shit ALL day long, but the facts are the facts no matter how loud you screan "Nuh-Uh".

Uh, reagan didn't stop unemployment, he CAUSED it.


Ronald Reagan's Fight Against Inflation | Heartlander Magazine

He tightened up the money supply to control runaway inflation, which was needed at the time, give him kudos for that.


No he didn't. Where do you read this shit?

The President has nothing to do with the money supply. That was the Volcker and the Fed. The Fed is in charge of monetary policy, not the executive branch. Volcker was appointed by Carter in 1979 to the chair of the FOMC and was reappointed by Reagan in 1983 after inflation had fallen to 3%. Reagan did not re-appoint Volcker in 1987 and instead appointed Greenspan.

you've been here almost seven years and only accumulated a rep power of about 70?

clearly, you suck at this "political debate" thing.

btw, i don't care about rep.
Everything I posted is true :)
Spelling, really?
He has a 50 disapproval rating....
He leads by just over 4....and Mitt hasn't even really gotten started yet ;)
Illinois is in the tank financially and Bammy has the nation headed that way....
I left the Bush camp when he started acting like a Lefty and didn't vote for would swallow Bammy's cum no matter what.
Sorry dude, no matter what happens I'll just keep working to get ALL progressives tossed out.....unlike you I actually understand Keynes....
How did 2010 work out for you?
Wisconsin? ;)

when exactly did bush start acting like a lefty, and what was it?

Part D and Immigration, next.

thanks for the clear answer.

i guess you did not vote for bush in 2004 then.
You really should take a closer look at his 4 terms as Congressman

Why? and is it only four terms? I thought it was more.

You're right


Wonder if he supports Term Limits

So he's been in Congress since he was 28, and the only reason he's in a leadership position now is the complete turnover they've had since 2006....

Point is, I live in a neighoring state, I pass through his district about twice a year, and I never heard much about him until the TPM took over the house.

again, still waiting to hear from Jake Starkey about how Romney was going to bring the Tea Party to heel....

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