Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Wow, Paul Ryan.

Dumbest pick ever!!
I think it's a good pick. Romney has to roll the dice a bit because he's behind and not performing particularly well at the moment.

Plus - and more importantly - its going to kick start a conversation this nation HAS to have. America has been acting like a petulant teenager, wanting it all but not paying for it. The Democrats have been criminally negligent on fiscal matters. Hopefully - hopefully! - we can start having an adult conversation about the budget.

The selection of Paul puts the debate firmly back on the economy and which ideology is needed to fix it

Yup....good luck convincing everyone that taxing the rich is the only solution.

Taxing the rich isn't a solution that democrats intend. It's impoverishing the rich so that they are equally as poor.
the Dems are in total fear of what will be revealed in the RNC convention, Paul Ryan will give a speech that will energize the Republican and Conservative base. Obumma and Bozo have nothing positve to talk about in their speeches. Everything Is Far Worse Now in comparison to 2008.

He's needs to make sure he talks down to their level.

He doesn't want to confuse them.

"When you need to read something or look at numbers, be suspicious!"

You got that right.

Obama would lead us to believe that he's not responsible for the economy he's supposed to have been fixing for the last 3.7 years. Bush is still responsible.

He's also trying to lead us to believe that Mitt Romney is responsible for the death of a steel workers' wife 7 years after he left Bain Capital.

Yup. You people will believe anything.

Obama can't make a mistake. He's perfect.


Not quite.

Obama leads us to believe that he is not responsible for the 750,000 job losses per month that he inherited.

That would be a true statement.

Obama would lead us to believe that he is responsible for 30 straight months of private sector job growth, rescuing America's car company (after they begged him for help), passing a law that says we're no longer on the hook for bailing out "job creators" who are too-big-to-fail, and taking us from a situation where we were shedding 750,000 jobs per month to one where we're in a fragile recovery.

And that would be true as well.

What this is coming down to now is Romney-Ryan essentially having to make a case that goes like, "See, Obama the house negro couldn't clean up our bathroom fast enough after we shat all over the toilet, the floor, and then wrote our names on the wall with it, so we're saying he should go back into the field where he belongs".

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'.....

You're just sayin' lies. You now have the sleeping giant Yamamoto feared on your ass. You will not fool the sleeping giant with suggested sayings for other people of conscience and strength.

The best thing about this pick is the fact that it will bring the role and cost of government more to the forefront than Pawlenty or Portman would have. Ryan's the intellectual center of the GOP's economic policy, so here we go. He has a lot to defend, a great deal will be clarified, we'll see what the voters think.

My guess is that will turn out to have been a bad idea, but I also thought the Broncos were going to the Super Bowl™ last year.

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I just feel bad for the man and his family. The Left/Democrat smears against his family are gonna be quite cruel. He's gonna have to be an incredibly tough dude. His family too. My prayers are with him.

Very true. The demos will hit the Ryan children particularly hard.
Who here honestly can see Paul Ryan sitting in the Oval, as president? :lol:

It's almost as funny a mental image as Marco Rubio.

Wait. You CAN see Joe Biden sitting there?


It's ok, Synth. It's not like you have to worry about going any lower in the credibility department.
Definitely. Biden has 40 years experience and has excelled in everything he has done.
I do have an issue with NBC interrupting coverage of an olympic race to give us the news that Ryan is the selection for VP nomination. The announcement has not even been made yet and there will be plenty of time to talk about this ad nauseum.

This is almost as bad as talking about Romney's horse..........

I do believe that Ryan was an asute selection. Although I disagree with the man's politics and the asserion of him being "the smartest guy in the room" the selection will:

1) Energize conservative Republicans that might not be too excited about Romney.

2) He will probably fair well in the debate with Biden

3) He will clarify his party's platform in the upcoming election

I will go out on a limb and say a much better selection than Palin last election.
Who here honestly can see Paul Ryan sitting in the Oval, as president? :lol:

It's almost as funny a mental image as Marco Rubio.

Wait. You CAN see Joe Biden sitting there?


It's ok, Synth. It's not like you have to worry about going any lower in the credibility department.
Definitely. Biden has 40 years experience and has excelled in everything he has done.

Biden is a moron, only a huffpo singlepayer nut would think otherwise. Bidens proud his state was a slave state!
the Dems are in total fear of what will be revealed in the RNC convention, Paul Ryan will give a speech that will energize the Republican and Conservative base. Obumma and Bozo have nothing positve to talk about in their speeches. Everything Is Far Worse Now in comparison to 2008.

Aren't you the same guy who said a month ago that Romney would be ahead by 20 points by now?

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