Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Just heard, I am almost 70 and depend on medicare. What does he mean about getting rid of it. BS, I want details. I paid for medicare, it is mine and since he is not using it he has no right to take it away.

Ryan wants to restructure Medicare in order to save it from self destruction. The Medicare program as presently administered is unsustainable.

Vouchering Medicare does not such thing. Per enrollee spending growth is lower in Medicare than in the private plans Ryan will offer a coupon for.

All it does is shift more costs onto the backs of seniors ("hide them," as Ryan himself might say). It doesn't actually tame cost growth.

Medicare actually runs very well and pays for its self. Don't believe the Rs who say is "unsustainable".

Ryan does not want to "save" it. Just the opposite. As with vets, he wants what other Rs want - recipients to pay more and get less.
Dumb choice! Let's see;
Ryan is VERY easy for the dems to demonize
"Rising star" out of the gov if the pubs lose.
Fires up the dem base and leaves the pub base saying HUH?
Go ahead lefties, keep dealying change to medicare until the whole program is lost. Where will the eldery be then?


Obama cut half a trillion from Medicare over 10 years and paid for Medicare Part D, which Ryan voted for but is against having to pay for, which doesn't sound like a very Republican thing to do, but there you have it.

He has a four year term idiot. Link to dime one he has actually cut in the four years he has been in office.

Medicare's trust fund will run dry in 2024, five years earlier than forecast just last year, and Social Security's will be exhaused by 2036, adding fuel to the debate over cutting one or both programs to reduce annual budget deficits.

Medicare, Social Security running out of money faster
Paul Ryan was my favored selection, second only to Rand Paul. He's been a solid Conservative for a long time. He's been one of the very few in our Government who's made a sincere effort to fix our nation's awful problems. So kudos to Romney on this one.

You'll have to carefully explain to me how turning Medicare into voucher coupons is a "sincere effort to fix our nation's awful problems".
Dumb choice! Let's see;
Ryan is VERY easy for the dems to demonize
"Rising star" out of the gov if the pubs lose.
Fires up the dem base and leaves the pub base saying HUH?

Now I'm sure he's the right choice.

Go ahead lefties, keep dealying change to medicare until the whole program is lost. Where will the eldery be then?


Obama cut half a trillion from Medicare over 10 years and paid for Medicare Part D, which Ryan voted for but is against having to pay for, which doesn't sound like a very Republican thing to do, but there you have it.

Shhhh ...

rw's don't now this and they don't want to know it.
Paul Ryan was my favored selection, second only to Rand Paul. He's been a solid Conservative for a long time. He's been one of the very few in our Government who's made a sincere effort to fix our nation's awful problems. So kudos to Romney on this one.

You'll have to carefully explain to me how turning Medicare into voucher coupons is a "sincere effort to fix our nation's awful problems".

When you hate government, the government's most popular program becomes the target.

Go big or go home.
I think it's a good pick. Romney has to roll the dice a bit because he's behind and not performing particularly well at the moment.

Plus - and more importantly - its going to kick start a conversation this nation HAS to have. America has been acting like a petulant teenager, wanting it all but not paying for it. The Democrats have been criminally negligent on fiscal matters. Hopefully - hopefully! - we can start having an adult conversation about the budget.
Go ahead lefties, keep dealying change to medicare until the whole program is lost. Where will the eldery be then?


BUSH cut half a trillion from Medicare over 10 years and paid for Medicare Part D, which Ryan voted for but is against having to pay for, which doesn't sound like a very Republican thing to do, but there you have it.

Shhhh ...

rw's don't now this and they don't want to know it.

WTF are you talking about? And WTF are you?:confused:
Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, announced that he has tapped the House of Representatives Budget Committee chairman at an event at the retired battleship USS Wisconsin - coincidentally named for Ryan's home state.

"His leadership begins with character and values. ... Paul Ryan works in Washington but his roots remain in Janesville, Wisconsin," Romney said.

Romney said Ryan, 42, "has become an intellectual leader of the Republican Party," and stressed that their campaign will focus on ways to create jobs, protect Medicare and Social Security, and repeal the health care law enacted under Democratic President Barack Obama.

The announcement marked the end a months-long search by Romney for a running mate to join him in facing Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the November 6 election.

Romney chooses Ryan as vice presidential running mate | Reuters
Ryan's plan is one that will expand and save medicare.

Some folks will believe anything.

"When you need to read something or look at numbers, be suspicious!"

You got that right.

Obama would lead us to believe that he's not responsible for the economy he's supposed to have been fixing for the last 3.7 years. Bush is still responsible.

He's also trying to lead us to believe that Mitt Romney is responsible for the death of a steel workers' wife 7 years after he left Bain Capital.

Yup. You people will believe anything.

Obama can't make a mistake. He's perfect.

Paul Ryan was my favored selection, second only to Rand Paul. He's been a solid Conservative for a long time. He's been one of the very few in our Government who's made a sincere effort to fix our nation's awful problems. So kudos to Romney on this one.

You'll have to carefully explain to me how turning Medicare into voucher coupons is a "sincere effort to fix our nation's awful problems".

When you hate government, the government's most popular program becomes the target.

Go big or go home.

Ryan has presented many ideas & solutions on fixing our nation's awful problems. He's made the sincere effort, while most others have ignored them. And he's a solid Conservative. Not as Conservative as i would like, but i do respect the man. It was a very wise selection by Romney.
I think it's a good pick. Romney has to roll the dice a bit because he's behind and not performing particularly well at the moment.

Plus - and more importantly - its going to kick start a conversation this nation HAS to have. America has been acting like a petulant teenager, wanting it all but not paying for it. The Democrats have been criminally negligent on fiscal matters. Hopefully - hopefully! - we can start having an adult conversation about the budget.

The selection of Paul puts the debate firmly back on the economy and which ideology is needed to fix it
Just heard, I am almost 70 and depend on Medicare. What does he mean about getting rid of it. BS, I want details. I paid for Medicare, it is mine and since he is not using it he has no right to take it away.

Ryan wants to restructure Medicare in order to save it from self destruction. The Medicare program as presently administered is unsustainable.

Vouchering Medicare does not such thing. Per enrollee spending growth is lower in Medicare than in the private plans Ryan will offer a coupon for.

All it does is shift more costs onto the backs of seniors ("hide them," as Ryan himself might say). It doesn't actually tame cost growth.

Medicare actually runs very well and pays for its self. Don't believe the Rs who say is "unsustainable".

Ryan does not want to "save" it. Just the opposite. As with vets, he wants what other Rs want - recipients to pay more and get less.

It's not the R's who are saying that.
Medicare is unsustainable by the Governments own calculations.
83 trillion dollars for Medicare if nothing is done, is unsustainable.
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