Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Lone Laughter
He intrduced him as the next PRESIDENT. Funny.

Especially funny since, if elected, Norquist/Rove would be prez.

The best news about naming Ryan is it will get him out of congress for a while.

I wish this election could get Obama out of Washington for awhile........a long while. But I think he's gonna be there for at least a few more months.
Ryan wants to restructure Medicare in order to save it from self destruction. The Medicare program as presently administered is unsustainable.

Vouchering Medicare does no such thing. Per enrollee spending growth is lower in Medicare than in the private plans Ryan will offer a coupon for.

All it does is shift more costs onto the backs of seniors ("hide them," as Ryan himself might say). It doesn't actually tame cost growth.
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Good pick by Romney. I respect Paul Ryan. Romney took a big step in the right direction.
Just heard, I am almost 70 and depend on medicare. What does he mean about getting rid of it. BS, I want details. I paid for medicare, it is mine and since he is not using it he has no right to take it away.

Obamas doing everything he can do to cut veterans and retired military benefits
So fuck you and your Medicare assfucker
Was hoping for the Imperial March actually :eusa_whistle:

What was the music at the end? Was it Bruce Springsteen?

Springsteen would never give his permission to R liars to use his music.

Also, this was typical Mittens in that it was just big talk but nothing of substance. But, rw's eat up his blather.

which song?

and how many times does bruce have to tell them to stop trying to co-opt him?


Obama supporter song.....

[ame=]Fuck You - Eamon - YouTube[/ame]
A draft dodger and a big talking hawk who has never been in the military making a grand entrance out of a battleship?

Disgusting liars.

Both will cheerfully send our people to be killed for no good reason while they sit safely in their counting house, counting all their (war profiteering) money.

Beyond mere disgusting.

Both have said they want vets to have a voucher system, take away what little care they currently get from VA, Ryan is against men who have had their genitals blown off getting special care.

Go ahead lefties, keep dealying change to medicare until the whole program is lost. Where will the eldery be then?
Progs are in full panic, this puts Democrat financial malfeasance right from and center.

Why won't Democrats pass a budget?

I beg to differ.

I think this puts Medicare front and center the rest of the way.

The gov't is divided. Americans want both parties to come together to pass a budget. That takes compromise.

However, the House passed their wet dream of a budget, and of course that won't pass muster because Democrats control the Senate and the White House. House Republicans did that on purpose, which is childish and why I'm no longer a supporter of a party that no longer recognizes that their opponents were elected.

They're real people and they represent about half the country, same as the Republicans. Obama was elected. He was given a mandate to let the Bush tax cuts expire on the top earners so we can save the money and invest some of it in jobs and re-training, roads and bridges and such.

Romney-Ryan believe that any spending on highways and bridges now amounts to socialism.

Now if that isn't the stupidest fucking thing I've heard.

Medicare will be front and center now. A flawed candidate just picked a ticking time bomb of a running mate, even if he is a nice lookin' guy with a cowlick.
Most of the grown ups in America understand that our Social Programs are unsustainable and the Democrat kick the can down the road because everything is fine, won't work.

Dems: 2008 These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis

Dems: 2012 These two entities -- Social Security and Medicare -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis
obama did not a mandate to do anything which is one of the reasons why his policies have so divided the nation.
Go ahead lefties, keep dealying change to medicare until the whole program is lost. Where will the eldery be then?


Obama cut half a trillion from Medicare over 10 years and paid for Medicare Part D, which Ryan voted for but is against having to pay for, which doesn't sound like a very Republican thing to do, but there you have it.
Paul Ryan is being picked as the guy who can fix the financial problems of things like Medicare,

such as the unfunded expansion of Medicare, via part D,

that Paul Ryan voted for.

Do you mean this Medicare, Part D?

President Obama on Tuesday stated that he wants to close the so-called "doughnut hole" in the Medicare prescription drug coverage plan currently making it difficult -- if not impossible -- for millions of Medicare recipients to afford their needed medications.

The "doughnut hole" refers to a costly gap in the Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage plan. The plan currently covers up to $2,700 per year in prescription drug payments, then stops. Coverage does not begin again until the recipient’s drug costs exceed $6,100 annually, thus leaving the recipient responsible for paying all drug costs between $2,700 and $6,100. A gap, said Obama, that is “placing a crushing burden on many older Americans who live on fixed incomes and can't afford thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses.”

Obama Wants to Close Medicare 'Doughnut Hole'
Ryan wants to restructure Medicare in order to save it from self destruction. The Medicare program as presently administered is unsustainable.

Vouchering Medicare does not such thing. Per enrollee spending growth is lower in Medicare than in the private plans Ryan will offer a coupon for.

All it does is shift more costs onto the backs of seniors ("hide them," as Ryan himself might say). It doesn't actually tame cost growth.
Two things, well more actually, but lets focus on these two.

Ryan's plan is one that will expand and save medicare. Something that I would imagine that leftists would have been on board with, but it appears that they simply want to gut it in favor of their healthcare chimera.

When you have to parse the details and then message the numbers to achieve the desired talking point you want, it is usually a red flag that perhaps you've picked the wrong issue to hang your hat on.

have a nice day.
Progs are in full panic, this puts Democrat financial malfeasance right from and center.

Why won't Democrats pass a budget?

I beg to differ.

I think this puts Medicare front and center the rest of the way.

The gov't is divided. Americans want both parties to come together to pass a budget. That takes compromise.

However, the House passed their wet dream of a budget, and of course that won't pass muster because Democrats control the Senate and the White House. House Republicans did that on purpose, which is childish and why I'm no longer a supporter of a party that no longer recognizes that their opponents were elected.

They're real people and they represent about half the country, same as the Republicans. Obama was elected. He was given a mandate to let the Bush tax cuts expire on the top earners so we can save the money and invest some of it in jobs and re-training, roads and bridges and such.

Romney-Ryan believe that any spending on highways and bridges now amounts to socialism.

Now if that isn't the stupidest fucking thing I've heard.

Medicare will be front and center now. A flawed candidate just picked a ticking time bomb of a running mate, even if he is a nice lookin' guy with a cowlick.

Harry Reid, who may have gotten his black eye after he passed out from a cocaine binge, refuses to pass a budget; he should be arrested for either loitering of dereliction of duty.
Yeah, except for every major media outlet, including the ilk of Matthew Yglesias have seen the capabilities and reason in his proposals regarding both budget and medicare. I think your perspiration is showing. You really were hoping for a Christie or Rubio.

There are good things in the Ryan budget. However none of that really matters. It's mostly about perception, and the perception is that Paul Ryan wants to kill Medicare.

Ryan wants to restructure Medicare in order to save it from self destruction. The Medicare program as presently administered is unsustainable.

If that is his aim, then it's a bold one indeed.

I wonder however.....Restructuring of programs this large are rarely smooth.

What is Ryan prepared to do to prevent any ruffles in his re-vamping of Medicare? I believe it's practically inevitable that some people are going to lose this coverage as a direct result of what Ryan wants to try to do. As far as I've seen and read, Ryan doesn't seem to be too perturbed about that. Seems a little Machiavellian to me.
Paul Ryan was my favored selection, second only to Rand Paul. He's been a solid Conservative for a long time. He's been one of the very few in our Government who's made a sincere effort to fix our nation's awful problems. So kudos to Romney on this one.
"Our rights come from Nature and God, not from Government".

So, if left to Nature and God, our gay and lesbian friends would be able to serve and protect our country in the military?

Serving in the military isn't a right, moron.

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