Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Theme music from "Air Force One" played during Romney and Ryan's intros.....really?

Was great for the movie, not for this. Gave me cringes of corniness.

did you think the guy who thinks singing an off-key version of G-d Bless America will get him votes, wasn't going to go for corny?

he's playing to his base. they think that's more important than him actually saying anything.

I just think the music was supposed to make this whole event look "presidential". It did to a certain degree, but it also just sounded....incompatible with this setting.

Indiana Jones theme music at the next stop?
Beats the hell out of that fucking idiot Biden
Excellent choice president elect Romney
On to the white house
Thank god
did you think the guy who thinks singing an off-key version of G-d Bless America will get him votes, wasn't going to go for corny?

he's playing to his base. they think that's more important than him actually saying anything.

I just think the music was supposed to make this whole event look "presidential". It did to a certain degree, but it also just sounded....incompatible with this setting.

Indiana Jones theme music at the next stop?

Was hoping for the Imperial March actually :eusa_whistle:
He intrduced him as the next PRESIDENT. Funny.

And didn't Obama do just that same thing back in 2008 when introducing Biden?

It seems to be a Freudian slip; one in which the speaker says the words he has heard the most recently, but has not allowed himself to say, so it's right on the end of the tongue.

EDIT: Joe Trippi just confirmed that error by Obama - it happened August 23, 2008.
[Trippi worked on the presidential campaigns of Edward Kennedy, Walter Mondale, Gary Hart, Dick Gephardt, Jerry Brown and most recently John Edwards]
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Lone Laughter
He intrduced him as the next PRESIDENT. Funny.

Especially funny since, if elected, Norquist/Rove would be prez.

The best news about naming Ryan is it will get him out of congress for a while.
"The courage to tell you the truth".

Cool, now tell them about your Medicare plans, sonny boy.

Handsome guy, a bit of a cowlick problem there, but nice looking.

Romney-Ryan are essentially the bizarro Kerry-Edwards.
Progs are in full panic, this puts Democrat financial malfeasance right from and center.

Why won't Democrats pass a budget?
Ryan is a strong pick

He is more Republican than Romney is and will please the Tea Baggers

He s also a huge target

hes a 'huge target' for the right reasons, he knows the ins and outs of the budget and appropriations. Romeny also sent a message that he is not all that into playing it safe, medicare scare ads are being plotted at this very moment, but you know what? at the end of the day its going to be another Base election, obamas base has shrunk, romeny and ryan's task is to convince those folks to come over. .

as far as the tea party remarks, well, smaller gov. less spending is a message that will and has resonated, there are senate seats and huge 2010 midterm that says so, you guys wanna whistle past the graveyard again, have at it.

Nothing is in the bag.......

I would advise you all to back to that 'conference' in the WH back in 2010....

[ame=]Gergen On Health Care Summit: Intellectually, The Republicans Had The Best Day They've Had In Years - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Rep Paul Ryan - R-WI at Feb 2010 health care summit on CSPAN-3 - YouTube[/ame]
He intrduced him as the next PRESIDENT. Funny.

And didn't Obama do just that same thing back in 2008 when introducing Biden?

It seems to be a Freudian slip; one in which the speaker says the words he has heard the most recently, but has not allowed himself to say, so it's right on the end of the tongue.

It's different when Democrat do it.

It just is.
Why are his brows so furrowed?

He just said they would give "you the right and opportunity to make a choice" after he said rights came from god. Which is it?
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Except for Sarah!, there’s likely not a more divisive and polarizing republican politician than Ryan.

Pawlenty would have at least been a sensible, intelligent choice.

It seems Romney remains insecure about the radical right.

Yeah, except for every major media outlet, including the ilk of Matthew Yglesias have seen the capabilities and reason in his proposals regarding both budget and medicare. I think your perspiration is showing. You really were hoping for a Christie or Rubio.

There are good things in the Ryan budget. However none of that really matters. It's mostly about perception, and the perception is that Paul Ryan wants to kill Medicare.

Ryan wants to restructure Medicare in order to save it from self destruction. The Medicare program as presently administered is unsustainable.
I just think the music was supposed to make this whole event look "presidential". It did to a certain degree, but it also just sounded....incompatible with this setting.

Indiana Jones theme music at the next stop?

Was hoping for the Imperial March actually :eusa_whistle:

What was the music at the end? Was it Bruce Springsteen?

Springsteen would never give his permission to R liars to use his music.

Also, this was typical Mittens in that it was just big talk but nothing of substance. But, rw's eat up his blather.
"Our rights come from Nature and God, not from Government".

So, if left to Nature and God, our gay and lesbian friends would be able to serve and protect our country in the military?
Indiana Jones theme music at the next stop?

Was hoping for the Imperial March actually :eusa_whistle:

What was the music at the end? Was it Bruce Springsteen?

Springsteen would never give his permission to R liars to use his music.

Also, this was typical Mittens in that it was just big talk but nothing of substance. But, rw's eat up his blather.

which song?

and how many times does bruce have to tell them to stop trying to co-opt him?

Just heard, I am almost 70 and depend on medicare. What does he mean about getting rid of it. BS, I want details. I paid for medicare, it is mine and since he is not using it he has no right to take it away.

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