Paul Ryan is the VP pick

I just saw a tape on CNN of Willard saying he'd change the Constitution to say that a president would have to have worked at least 3 years in business. That leaves out Paul Ryan, who has always drawn government paychecks.
Romney will be picking Ryan. Talk about low hanging fruit. McCain looks like a frigging genius.

You just used the words 'McCain' and 'genius' in the same sentence.

No one has ever done that before and survived being sucked into a black hole.

Yeah, except for every major media outlet, including the ilk of Matthew Yglesias have seen the capabilities and reason in his proposals regarding both budget and medicare. I think your perspiration is showing. You really were hoping for a Christie or Rubio.

There are good things in the Ryan budget. However none of that really matters. It's mostly about perception, and the perception is that Paul Ryan wants to kill Medicare.

No, he wants it to survive, for those that really need it. I doubt there will be one to explain that better than himself.

But is it really good for Romney to have to spend what will surely be a nice size chunck of the race, defending his vp?
It's mostly about perception, and the perception is that Paul Ryan wants to kill Medicare.

It’s not ‘perception':


As a practical matter, Ryan's plan doesn't work. According to a Congressional Budget Office analysis quoted by The Washington Post, Social Security, debt interest, health programs and defense would chew up all federal revenue by 2050, with nothing left for anything else.

As a political document, Ryan's budget simply isn't serious. It delivers yet another round of tax breaks to the wealthy at the expense of the poor, the elderly and, in the case of college aid, the middle class — a fact that seems to please Ryan.

"We don't want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people into lives of dependency and complacency," he said.

Ryan Budget Proposal: Without Revenue, Failure |

"We don't want to turn the safety net into a hammock that lulls able-bodied people into lives of dependency and complacency."

The above is the same idiocy we hear many USMB rightist spout.
Budgets and planning matter:

Hermosa Beach meter maids making nearly $100K? - Brian Calle: Uncommon Ground : The Orange County Register

Hermosa Beach meter maids making nearly $100K?
August 10th, 2012, 9:01 pm · · posted by Brian Calle

When contemplating the many reasons cities in California and elsewhere are venturing closer to bankruptcy, look no further than the relatively lucrative and often-unjustifiable salaries bestowed on municipal employees – and the lofty pension benefits attached to the high pay.

One of the latest examples comes from the California coastal city of Hermosa Beach, where some community service staffers who collect money from parking meters and manage their operations – positions once widely known as “meter maids” – are making nearly $100,000 a year in total compensation, according to city documents.
Article Tab: Newport Beach outsourced parking meter collection and enforcement to a private firm last year.

There are 10 parking enforcement employees for the 1.3-square-mile beach city southwest of downtown Los Angeles, and they pull down some disproportionate compensation, considering their job functions. In fact, the two highest-earning employees for fiscal year 2011-12 are estimated to have made more than $92,000 and $93,000, respectively, according to city documents provided by Patrick “Kit” Bobko, one of five council members and who also serves as mayor pro tem. Those two have supervisory roles. The other eight parking-enforcement employees make from $67,367 to $84,267 in total compensation.

There are four qualifications for being a city “community service officer,” Bobko told me: “You have to be able to drive a standard transmission; you have to able to handle large animals; you have to read and interpret statutes and regulations; and you have a high school diploma or equivalent.”

According to the city’s job description, these community service officers are supposed “to enforce meter and other regulations governing the parking of vehicles on streets and municipal parking lots; to enforce animal regulations; may drive city buses; collect meters and perform minor meter repairs; perform related work as required.”

The section of the job description that gives examples of job duties reads as follows: “Patrols streets and municipal parking lots and checks vehicles for parking violations; issues citations for parking violations; impound vehicles in certain cases; collects and transports stray dogs to designated holding facilities; investigates complaints for animal control violations; may drive city buses; meter collection and minor meter repair.”

Bobko also wrote in a memo that the retirement costs for these 10 employees “from [fiscal year 2011-12] through their retirement age at 62 was nearly $1.6 million, and the medical costs for these employees from this fiscal year to their retirement at age 62 would be $1,353,827.” Excluding salaries, the [retirement] contributions and medical costs for the 10 employees performing parking enforcement will cost, on average, nearly $300,000 apiece.”

He should have picked Rex Ryan.

Now they'll never get to the Super Bowl.
Yeah, except for every major media outlet, including the ilk of Matthew Yglesias have seen the capabilities and reason in his proposals regarding both budget and medicare. I think your perspiration is showing. You really were hoping for a Christie or Rubio.

There are good things in the Ryan budget. However none of that really matters. It's mostly about perception, and the perception is that Paul Ryan wants to kill Medicare.

Please name them...

Off the top of my head, it's a serious look at cutting spending. I'm always annoyed by people who complain about spending and then dicker around on the little things like forgein aid. If you want to get serious about spending you have to get your hands dirty and be willing to cut from the big 3.
Pub official confirms Ryan is the one.

YES! There IS a GOD!

Yup, election over. Romney's "Hail Mary" is going to be a major dud. I thought this would be a close election, but with Ryan as Romney's pick for VP, I now think Obama will win in a landslide. It won't be a Ronald Reagan type landslide, but it's going to be substantial.

Oh man..


This is as good as the Palin pick if true.

No more "Etch-a-sketch"..Romney's going hard right.

Big gift to Obama.
There are good things in the Ryan budget. However none of that really matters. It's mostly about perception, and the perception is that Paul Ryan wants to kill Medicare.

Please name them...

Off the top of my head, it's a serious look at cutting spending. I'm always annoyed by people who complain about spending and then dicker around on the little things like forgein aid. If you want to get serious about spending you have to get your hands dirty and be willing to cut from the big 3.

No it's not.

All the social spending cuts are cancelled out by the increases in military spending.
Over the next three months, expect to hear a lot of variations on this analysis, from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:

Chairman Ryan’s sweeping budget plan has been labeled “courageous,” but it’s a cowardly budget in a crucial respect. It proposes a dramatic reverse-Robin-Hood approach that gets the lion’s share of its budget cuts from programs for low-income Americans — the politically and economically weakest group in America and the politically safest group for Ryan to target— even as it bestows extremely large tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans. Taken together, its proposals would produce the largest redistribution of income from the bottom to the top in modern U.S. history, while increasing poverty and inequality more than any measure in recent times and possibly in the nation’s history.​

More: Paul Ryan to Be Romney's Running Mate | Mother Jones
Not to worry.......

The Dems will just sit this one out :)

See, that is where I think you are very wrong. I think this will galvanize Democrats. People know what Ryan wants to do with Medicare and they don't like or support it. They are much more likely to now.
Ayn Rand fan Paul Ryan received Social Security benefits when his father died. Ryan used that money to pay for college. Ryan thinks he and his family deserve help, but not you and your family. Typical Republican hypocrite.

Come to think of it, Ayn Rand also collected Social Security and Medicare.

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