Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Anybody, including potted plants, is smarter than Plugs Biden....

Just sayin'....:thup:

While I don't like Biden, Ryan's budget is a disaster to seniors everywhere. And that's an official piece from Ryan of what he believes should be the federal budget.

We're saying no changes for Medicare for people above the age of 55. And in order to keep the promise to current seniors who've already retired and organized their lives around this program, you have to reform it for the next generation.
Read more at Paul Ryan Quotes Page 2 - BrainyQuote

Okay, here's a theory:

Maybe Romney picked Ryan because he figures Ryan will attract all the attention away from Romney's taxes by giving the Democrats such an easy target.

I dunno. That's all I could come up with.


How about he is the most brilliant fiscal mind in Washington at a time when the Nation is about to veer off into the fiscal abyss?
Obama victory party at my house. This is in the bag. Ryan's budget is going to be the focus now.

Be careful what you wish for.

The focus won't be on murdered wives and tax-returns. Now it will be on the budget. Obama has no chance. Ryan can tie him into knots on this issue. Dick Morris said this morning that Ryan reminds him of Bill Clinton when it comes to intelligence. He said that he is sharp on the issues. He also said that Paul Ryan is incredibly honest. He speaks his mind.

The only reason that Obama has been able to get away with misrepresenting the facts on the budget is because Ryan hasn't been able to spend enough time on camera explaining what his plans are and what Obama has been doing to the economy and the debt. Now Obama can't escape or deflect the issue. Obama will spend all of his time talking about tax-cuts for the rich and Ryan will spend massive amounts of time debunking every lie Obama utters. It won't be pretty for Obama.
This is gonna be fun.
Romney had to try and suck in the tea party types.
But he had their votes anyway...

Romeny just jumped the shark.

He must have decided he cant win so hes going to live the rest of his life in the Palin Plan.

Have his little poltical club to belong to at the end of his poltical carreer.
Anybody, including potted plants, is smarter than Plugs Biden....

Just sayin'....:thup:

While I don't like Biden, Ryan's budget is a disaster to seniors everywhere. And that's an official piece from Ryan of what he believes should be the federal budget.

We're saying no changes for Medicare for people above the age of 55. And in order to keep the promise to current seniors who've already retired and organized their lives around this program, you have to reform it for the next generation.
Read more at Paul Ryan Quotes Page 2 - BrainyQuote

So he's going to break the promise to everyone under 55 but not to those over 55 in order to pander to the senior vote.
Anybody, including potted plants, is smarter than Plugs Biden....

Just sayin'....:thup:

While I don't like Biden, Ryan's budget is a disaster to seniors everywhere. And that's an official piece from Ryan of what he believes should be the federal budget.

We're saying no changes for Medicare for people above the age of 55. And in order to keep the promise to current seniors who've already retired and organized their lives around this program, you have to reform it for the next generation.
Read more at Paul Ryan Quotes Page 2 - BrainyQuote

In other words he's admitting that the average American 55 and under is going to take a big hit on their healthcare costs after retirement.

Sell that while you're selling the need to give the Romney family a huge tax cut, because that 14% Romney pays is just too darn much.
What we have now is a choice between a ticket that is serious about dealing with problems, two adults that want to solve problems, or a President who makes it up as he goes along, isn't serious at dealing with problems he helped create, and has a buffoon for a VP.

Okay, here's a theory:

Maybe Romney picked Ryan because he figures Ryan will attract all the attention away from Romney's taxes by giving the Democrats such an easy target.

I dunno. That's all I could come up with.


How about he is the most brilliant fiscal mind in Washington at a time when the Nation is about to veer off into the fiscal abyss?

How does this earn the votes of the centers and those that lean slightly left but are disenchanted with Obama? Not to mention, most idiots in the booth have no idea what fiscal policy is.

As hard right economically as I am, I can't wrap my head around this. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.

Okay, here's a theory:

Maybe Romney picked Ryan because he figures Ryan will attract all the attention away from Romney's taxes by giving the Democrats such an easy target.

I dunno. That's all I could come up with.


How about he is the most brilliant fiscal mind in Washington at a time when the Nation is about to veer off into the fiscal abyss?

YOu think that's what most people care about right now?

You tell them, "You got to take care of your own Granny because we're cutting her medicaid and social security!" and they'll tell you to shove your "fiscal mind" up your ass.

The only people who are happy about a Ryan pick are the people who were never, ever going to vote for Obama to start with. This really gets Romney nothing.

Romney to Announce VP Saturday Morning, AP Confirms It's Tea Party Favorite Paul Ryan

By The Associated Press Last updated on Saturday, August 11, 2012 12:17 a.m

NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has decided on a running mate and will announce his decision Saturday morning in Norfolk, Va., his campaign said Friday night.

#Romney advisers wouldn't disclose the name.

#In a statement issued Friday night, the campaign would only go so far as to say that the running mate would be revealed at 9 a.m. EDT at the start of a four-state bus tour at the Nauticus Museum. Berthed at the museum is the USS Wisconsin — possibly a hint about Romney's choice.


UPDATED: Romney to Announce VP Saturday Morning, AP Confirms It's Tea Party Favorite Paul Ryan | Jackson Free Press | Jackson, MS


Posted by Ralph E Wall,Sr,Admin on August 10, 2012 at 10:20pm in Tea Party


All guns abeam-left, fire at will...

Breaking: Mitt Romney announcing VP pick at the USS Wisconsin

August 10, 2012

“Romney will announce his choice for Vice President in Norfolk, Virginia at 8:45am EST,” Romney campaign spokesman Lenny Alcivar told reporters in an email this evening.

The announcement is being made at the USS Wisconsin. It’s still unclear whom he will choose, but the odds that it is Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., seemed to increase when National Review’s Robert Costa noted that a charter plane flew from Boston to Ryan’s hometown of Janesville, Wis., today.

Breaking: Mitt Romney announcing VP pick at the USS Wisconsin |

Obama - voted for TARP
Biden - voted for TARP
Romney - supported TARP
Ryan - voted for TARP

I'm glad we'll have a choice this election.


Okay, here's a theory:

Maybe Romney picked Ryan because he figures Ryan will attract all the attention away from Romney's taxes by giving the Democrats such an easy target.

I dunno. That's all I could come up with.


How about he is the most brilliant fiscal mind in Washington at a time when the Nation is about to veer off into the fiscal abyss?

YOu think that's what most people care about right now?

You tell them, "You got to take care of your own Granny because we're cutting her medicaid and social security!" and they'll tell you to shove your "fiscal mind" up your ass.

The only people who are happy about a Ryan pick are the people who were never, ever going to vote for Obama to start with. This really gets Romney nothing.

This is my point exactly. Ryan gets you nothing extra.

Okay, here's a theory:

Maybe Romney picked Ryan because he figures Ryan will attract all the attention away from Romney's taxes by giving the Democrats such an easy target.

I dunno. That's all I could come up with.


How about he is the most brilliant fiscal mind in Washington at a time when the Nation is about to veer off into the fiscal abyss?

YOu think that's what most people care about right now?

You tell them, "You got to take care of your own Granny because we're cutting her medicaid and social security!" and they'll tell you to shove your "fiscal mind" up your ass.

The only people who are happy about a Ryan pick are the people who were never, ever going to vote for Obama to start with. This really gets Romney nothing.

We'll see.

I sense you're a little pissed about this.

Okay, here's a theory:

Maybe Romney picked Ryan because he figures Ryan will attract all the attention away from Romney's taxes by giving the Democrats such an easy target.

I dunno. That's all I could come up with.


How about he is the most brilliant fiscal mind in Washington at a time when the Nation is about to veer off into the fiscal abyss?

How does this earn the votes of the centers and those that lean slightly left but are disenchanted with Obama? Not to mention, most idiots in the booth have no idea what fiscal policy is.

As hard right economically as I am, I can't wrap my head around this. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know.

I no longer am completely confident that Americans will not vote themselves into the fiscal abyss.

So we shall see.

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