Paul Ryan is the VP pick

What a great great great great pick!

Americans are on a budget, why isn't out government?!! Because Democrats want us to go broke

Obama's done! Adios Scumbag!

There's no way Biden is going to be allowed to debate, they have to bring in someone smarter and less gaffe prone and right now the choice is between Hugo Chavez and Carrottop
We need to reclaim our American system of limited government, low taxes, reasonable regulations, and sound money, which has blessed us with unprecedented prosperity. And it has done more to help the poor than any other economic system ever designed.
Paul Ryan

Read more at Paul Ryan Quotes Page 2 - BrainyQuote
We need to reclaim our American system of limited government, low taxes, reasonable regulations, and sound money, which has blessed us with unprecedented prosperity. And it has done more to help the poor than any other economic system ever designed.
Paul Ryan

Read more at Paul Ryan Quotes Page 2 - BrainyQuote

it's kinda funny how stupid people are that they think it costs $7,000 a year for a senior citizen with pre-existing conditions and who are getting sicker and older, to purchase health insurance.

if they can get it...

We need to reclaim our American system of limited government, low taxes, reasonable regulations, and sound money, which has blessed us with unprecedented prosperity. And it has done more to help the poor than any other economic system ever designed.
Paul Ryan

Read more at Paul Ryan Quotes Page 2 - BrainyQuote

it's kinda funny how stupid people are that they think it costs $7,000 a year for a senior citizen with pre-existing conditions and who are getting sicker and older, to purchase health insurance.

if they can get it...


Oh, but we have Obamacare, the Cure All for everything...
I look forward to the VP debates... Ryan will eat Biden for breakfast.

Yeah, I'm sure Biden is just shaking in his shoes at the thought of taking on the guy who is too busy throwing up all over the country's breakfast in the form of privatizing Medicare.

This whole campaign has changed now, away from a referendum on Obama and onto a referendum on Medicare, which 75% of the country supports, including the craggy old white folks who will be simply overjoyed at having to pull the lever for the guy who wants to screw with their Medicare.

Thanks to the Obama camp neutralizing most of Rmoney's other talking points, this pick means he now has to start talking about what Obama wanted to talk about in the first place.

It makes no sense to me.

Romney has more cash in his war chest. Is a wealthier candidate, has more billionaires behind him, has tons of free time on his hands since he's unemployed and his opponent is the leader of the free world.

Romney annihilated all comers in the Republican field. Just fucking blitzed them with harsh ads.

But he's been a fumbling and bumbling idiot the last three months.

The guy is supposed to be a ruthless business guy with smarts and chops, has been running for President for 5 years now, finally gets his chance as May rolls around this year, and since then he's been a total idiot who seems to have had no real plan of attack other than saying Obama is foreign or whatever.

Romney never made the argument to begin with, so people can whine about big bad Obama hammering away at the guy, but he's been a wishy washy idiot and a phony ever since he became the presumptive nominee.

You have to show that you want it real bad and Romney just sat back figuring that this whole thing was owed him, and I resent him for it. Totally bad form.

It's all about salvaging congressional races and picking away at the senate as far as I can tell right now, cause Romney's a joke and a deeply flawed candidate.
It avoids national bankruptcy.

The only good thing about the Obama budget is that it was defeated 98-0.

Except that it really doesn't...

Yeah, it cuts a few things, but it also gives more tax breaks to rich douchebags, which cancels that out...

The last thing our economy needs is more concentration of wealth at the top.


But you folks have been using these same lies since Jimmy Carter, so why expect you to come up with something original.

When Jimmy Carter was president, the national debt was less than a trillion, and CEO's only made 40 times what a line worker made.

Today we are 15 Trillion in debt- most of it pay for tax cuts for rich people and unfunded wars - and CEO's make 400 times what a line worker makes.

Now, you might think this is all okay, but it is still the truth.

Strongly hated by Democrats.....because they can't beat him when it comes to facts.

Like that it will add to the deficit?

Ryan Budget Plan Appears More Costly than the Status Quo

From your link:

"The CBO baseline, however, assumes several developments that congressional insiders consider highly unlikely, such as expiration of the Bush-era tax rates and the implementation of scheduled cuts to doctors' Medicare reimbursements."
Strongly hated by Democrats.....because they can't beat him when it comes to facts.

Like that it will add to the deficit?

Ryan Budget Plan Appears More Costly than the Status Quo

From your link:

"The CBO baseline, however, assumes several developments that congressional insiders consider highly unlikely, such as expiration of the Bush-era tax rates and the implementation of scheduled cuts to doctors' Medicare reimbursements."

"CBO also used Ryan’s assumptions of government revenue and spending."

Based on?
Its always funny to see the libs go batshit crazy over the Repub VP when their own VP is the biggest idiot of all in politics today.
Great, they've got the Vagina Governor introducing RR....which I spose stands for Repeal-Replace....

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