Paul Ryan is the VP pick

Yeah, except for every major media outlet, including the ilk of Matthew Yglesias have seen the capabilities and reason in his proposals regarding both budget and medicare. I think your perspiration is showing. You really were hoping for a Christie or Rubio.

There are good things in the Ryan budget. However none of that really matters. It's mostly about perception, and the perception is that Paul Ryan wants to kill Medicare.

Please name them...

It avoids national bankruptcy.

The only good thing about the Obama budget is that it was defeated 98-0.
Ayn Rand fan Paul Ryan received Social Security benefits when his father died. Ryan used that money to pay for college. Ryan thinks he and his family deserve help, but not you and your family. Typical Republican hypocrite.

Come to think of it, Ayn Rand also collected Social Security and Medicare.

Really? Americans utilizing the programs paid into? How crass.

For your example to work, you'd have to show the droves of liberals paying extra to the IRS, because they believe the tax rates should be higher.

They don't, including Obama, one of those 'lucky' enough to be a 1%.
He sure as hell won't eat him for supper.

There won't be any leftovers... Ryan will much Biden,there will be no suppertime snacks.

But, since you get your 'opinions' from hack sites, I suspect you will struggle with the basic concept of competence.
The greedy oblivious 1% forever!! LOL How we got our first Dem congressperson ever here...I know! Cut taxes on the rich and destroy Medicare!! LOLOLOLOL

See how stupid the DNC makes you look?

They have you believing that is the platform of Romney.

Now think about you truly believe Romney is so stupid that he would run on a platform that helps only 1% of the people and hurts 99%? I mean...even if that was his plan, do you think he would let the electorate know it? Would he spend millions of dollars campaigning such a paltform knowing he would only get 1% of the vote?

Jeez....the DNC, the Obama team, the media and the left wing pundits sure see you and many like you as tools that do not have the ability to rationalize.

What is it like to adamantly support a party that has no respect for your intelligence...or lack of it?
"Absolutely. Yet another VP candidate more qualified than Obama."

Qualified? For comedy programs like SNL?
Romney is a fucking idiot. He chose Ryan to take the heat off him. The Obama campaign isn't that stupid. They'll tie Mittens to Ryan's insanity and not stop bitch slapping the candidate.

I wonder if the campaign will try to steal this song.

Dire Straits - Money For Nothing (Live At Knebworth) - YouTube

This is the woose version of the song where they got rid of the "F" word and used other words to attack the 'masculinity' of the guy in the video.

Seriously, I do not know what the hell Romney was thinking here. I couldn't imagine a worse pick than Ryan.
Ryan is a strong pick

He is more Republican than Romney is and will please the Tea Baggers

He s also a huge target
Paul Ryan is strong on economics and this is what the country needs. We knew he was going to be in the mix there somehow.

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