Paul Ryan loves Ayn Rand

Even giving to charity is a selfish act. You do it for selfish reasons. To feel better about yourself to relieve guilt or pity. All selfish emotions.

Or, you do it because, for example, you hope that better treatments will be discovered for some illness. Or because you just generally believe in the cause.

You're suffering from a false dichotomy here. Even "selfish" motivations can coexist with non selfish motivations. For example, I have an addiction to Girl Scout cookies. It dates back all those years ago when my step-mother was a troupe leader, and both my sisters were in GS, and we were constantly surrounded by cookies year after year. When I see girl scouts selling cookies, I always buy at least a box. Part of it is selfish, because I love Samoas. But in all honesty, my own personal interests in some really good cookies is rarely enough motivation for me to buy when I come across their little cookie stands. It's because I know that my money is going to a good cause that creates that additional motivation that makes the difference from me either buying or not buying.
Ryan is a total Ayn Rand fanboy:

"I just want to speak to you a little bit about Ayn Rand and what she meant to me in my life and [in] the fight we’re engaged here in Congress. I grew up on Ayn Rand, that’s what I tell people."
"I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are."
"It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff. We start with Atlas Shrugged. People tell me I need to start with The Fountainhead then go to Atlas Shrugged [laughter]. There’s a big debate about that. We go to Fountainhead, but then we move on, and we require Mises and Hayek as well."
"But the reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand."
"And when you look at the twentieth-century experiment with collectivism—that Ayn Rand, more than anybody else, did such a good job of articulating the pitfalls of statism and collectivism—you can’t find another thinker or writer who did a better job of describing and laying out the moral case for capitalism than Ayn Rand."
"It’s so important that we go back to our roots to look at Ayn Rand’s vision, her writings, to see what our girding, under-grounding [sic] principles are."
"Because there is no better place to find the moral case for capitalism and individualism than through Ayn Rand’s writings and works."

Audio Surfaces of Paul Ryan's Effusive Love of Ayn Rand - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

I so agree with him, and have her book Atlas Shrugged, which after 50 years, is still selling 125,000 copies annually. It is her message in the novel that is inspiring and based upon her philosophy of Objectivism.

The theme of Atlas Shrugged, as Rand described it, is "the role of man's mind in existence". The book explores a number of philosophical themes that Rand would subsequently develop into the philosophy of Objectivism.[7][8] It advocates the core tenets of Rand's philosophy of Objectivism and expresses her concept of human achievement. In doing so, it expresses many facets of Rand's philosophy, such as the advocacy of reason, individualism, capitalism, and the failures of government coercion.

Atlas Shrugged - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Part 2 of this film will be released to theaters with much more advertising than Part 1 ( which streams on Netflix ) and, set for October, right before the election:

Here is Part 1 trailer:

[ame=]Atlas Shrugged: Part 1 (2011) Trailer [HD] - Taylor Schilling, Grant Bowler - YouTube[/ame]
She also wrote a book called the virtue of selfishness.

People who read Rand dont always read it because they think shes smart.

Its part of philosphy, the short bus part

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I guess hes looking for a lie of mine.

that should keep him busy for months
... noting narcissistic tendencies of the forum bor'em...
Ryan backed off Ayn Rand when it was revealed that she was a lifelong atheist. I wonder if he'll once again promote her work.
"Nuns on a bus" are giving Paul Ryan a bad time for his lack of support for the poor.

US sisters are doing it for themselves - The Irish Times - Sat, Aug 11, 2012

THIS SUMMER, a group of nuns boarded a bus and undertook to travel to nine states in the US. The bus was painted an unmissable sky-blue, complete with clouds, and it bore their message in large letters. “Nuns on the bus,” it announced, beside the slogan that read more tamely: “Nuns drive for faith, family fairness”.

The purpose of the trip was to highlight the work of a group of religious sisters, but implicitly it was also a protest. In April, the Vatican published its doctrinal assessment, in which it complained that many American nuns did not adequately promote Catholic Church teachings on abortion and homosexuality but focused instead on social work. To many in the church, this looked like a crackdown on nuns in the US.
She also wrote a book called the virtue of selfishness.

People who read Rand dont always read it because they think shes smart.

Its part of philosphy, the short bus part

That is such a compelling argument. Is that the kind of stunning logic they taught you when you rode the long bus to school?
John Galt was a sociopath.

THAT is Ayn Rand's concept of the Ubermench.

I seriously doubt that most of you folks claiming to support that POV have actually read any of her novels.
Ryan is a total Ayn Rand fanboy:

"I just want to speak to you a little bit about Ayn Rand and what she meant to me in my life and [in] the fight we’re engaged here in Congress. I grew up on Ayn Rand, that’s what I tell people."
"I grew up reading Ayn Rand and it taught me quite a bit about who I am and what my value systems are, and what my beliefs are."
"It’s inspired me so much that it’s required reading in my office for all my interns and my staff. We start with Atlas Shrugged. People tell me I need to start with The Fountainhead then go to Atlas Shrugged [laughter]. There’s a big debate about that. We go to Fountainhead, but then we move on, and we require Mises and Hayek as well."
"But the reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand."
"And when you look at the twentieth-century experiment with collectivism—that Ayn Rand, more than anybody else, did such a good job of articulating the pitfalls of statism and collectivism—you can’t find another thinker or writer who did a better job of describing and laying out the moral case for capitalism than Ayn Rand."
"It’s so important that we go back to our roots to look at Ayn Rand’s vision, her writings, to see what our girding, under-grounding [sic] principles are."
"Because there is no better place to find the moral case for capitalism and individualism than through Ayn Rand’s writings and works."

Audio Surfaces of Paul Ryan's Effusive Love of Ayn Rand - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

I so agree with him, and have her book Atlas Shrugged, which after 50 years, is still selling 125,000 copies annually. It is her message in the novel that is inspiring and based upon her philosophy of Objectivism.

The theme of Atlas Shrugged, as Rand described it, is "the role of man's mind in existence". The book explores a number of philosophical themes that Rand would subsequently develop into the philosophy of Objectivism.[7][8] It advocates the core tenets of Rand's philosophy of Objectivism and expresses her concept of human achievement. In doing so, it expresses many facets of Rand's philosophy, such as the advocacy of reason, individualism, capitalism, and the failures of government coercion.

Atlas Shrugged - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Part 2 of this film will be released to theaters with much more advertising than Part 1 ( which streams on Netflix ) and, set for October, right before the election:

Here is Part 1 trailer:

[ame=]Atlas Shrugged: Part 1 (2011) Trailer [HD] - Taylor Schilling, Grant Bowler - YouTube[/ame]

Ya think Part 2 will show in both theaters that showed part one? Or just one of them?


Thanks for showing the 'depth' on the left. No surprise here, but the 'independents' see you for what you are.

I would post a photo of Lakhota, but butt sex with Obama is probably not appropriate for a message board
She also wrote a book called the virtue of selfishness.

People who read Rand dont always read it because they think shes smart.

Its part of philosphy, the short bus part
She is smarter then maddow, yet idiots trust her stupidity.

OMG Maddow isnt in the same universe as Ann. Maybe if she stopped the carpet munching and actually studdied a few issues, we'd be able to make a camparison

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