Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall

Can anyone evaluate this for what it is? You have a speaker giving a speech and a guy barges in yelling. Security (probably police hired by the event) try to get him to stop yelling and screaming. When he resists that they try to escort him out. At some point they determine that he is not welcome at the event likely because of his behavior. Can you imagine going to an event like that and having everyone behave in such a manner? He is arrested (once he is being arrested if he resists and gets thrown to the ground that is because he is not complying).

Take the names/parties out of the scenario and the right thing happened. Why is this such a problem?

Can anyone evaluate this for what it is? You have a speaker giving a speech and a guy barges in yelling. Security (probably police hired by the event) try to get him to stop yelling and screaming. When he resists that they try to escort him out. At some point they determine that he is not welcome at the event likely because of his behavior. Can you imagine going to an event like that and having everyone behave in such a manner? He is arrested (once he is being arrested if he resists and gets thrown to the ground that is because he is not complying).

Take the names/parties out of the scenario and the right thing happened. Why is this such a problem?


You seem to be leaving out the two old ladies that paid to ask questions and were also removed when Ryan didn't like the questions.

What are you guys defending? I thought Republicans were all about "free speech". They sure scream it enough when their lies are pointed out.
Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress

The reason that the man was arrested was that he disregarded requests from the organizers of the event, the Rotarians...and the leave after being disruptive. To quote the man himself: "I was probably talking so loud that I didn't hear anyone ask me to leave." If you watch the entirety of the speech it's quite obvious that there was a well orchestrated plan to have protestors stand up and shout down Ryan one by one and disrupt his speech. As for Tom Neilson being treated "brutally"? Sorry, I didn't see that. I saw a 6'4" 235 pound man resisting arrest, being taken to the ground and handcuffed.

What's absurd about the whole confrontation is that what Neilson was upset about was Ryan saying that entitlements were a huge problem and needed to be fixed. Duh? Like they aren't? People like Tom Neilson are idiots. They lash out at someone like Paul Ryan because he points out reality. Well I'm sorry, Tom but your pretending that entitlements AREN'T a problem isn't going to FIX the problem. Next time sit your ass down and listen to what Ryan says. He's one of the brighter people in Congress when it comes to fiscal matters. You might learn something.
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Can anyone evaluate this for what it is? You have a speaker giving a speech and a guy barges in yelling. Security (probably police hired by the event) try to get him to stop yelling and screaming. When he resists that they try to escort him out. At some point they determine that he is not welcome at the event likely because of his behavior. Can you imagine going to an event like that and having everyone behave in such a manner? He is arrested (once he is being arrested if he resists and gets thrown to the ground that is because he is not complying).

Take the names/parties out of the scenario and the right thing happened. Why is this such a problem?


You seem to be leaving out the two old ladies that paid to ask questions and were also removed when Ryan didn't like the questions.

What are you guys defending? I thought Republicans were all about "free speech". They sure scream it enough when their lies are pointed out.

So let me see if I understand how this's OK for liberals to stand up one after another and shout down Paul Ryan as he tries to speak...but if a conservative shouts out "Liar" when Barack Obama is speaking then it's a travesty? That would be your concept of how free speech works?
Can anyone evaluate this for what it is? You have a speaker giving a speech and a guy barges in yelling. Security (probably police hired by the event) try to get him to stop yelling and screaming. When he resists that they try to escort him out. At some point they determine that he is not welcome at the event likely because of his behavior. Can you imagine going to an event like that and having everyone behave in such a manner? He is arrested (once he is being arrested if he resists and gets thrown to the ground that is because he is not complying).

Take the names/parties out of the scenario and the right thing happened. Why is this such a problem?


If you read up on what happened at the meeting, Mike it's obvious that trouble from protestors was anticipated. Liberal demonstrators have been chasing Ryan for months now because he had the "audacity" to actually propose changes to entitlements that everyone KNOWS have to be changed. The plan that was in place was when someone stood up and started shouting a chosen member of the Rotary would ask the protestor to stop disrupting the speech or leave. Then a police officer would inform the person that they had been asked to leave and they would be arrested for trespassing if they did not. If they didn't comply with the police officer's request then the arrest was made.
conservatives had no problem w/ this when the townhall mtgs were going on before. The t- partiers, encouraged by their corporate masters, exhibited this disruptive behavior during the entire HC debate.
conservatives had no problem w/ this when the townhall mtgs were going on before. The t- partiers, encouraged by their corporate masters, exhibited this disruptive behavior during the entire HC debate.

The glaring difference between the two is that when Democrats like Arlen Spector got yelled at during HIS town meeting it was because he was talking out his ass and the people in the crowd knew it. They were legitimately angry about the way the Democrats were going about getting a bill passed that the majority of Americans didn't want. They wanted explanations about what was in the health care bill and they wanted explanations as to why their politicians were ignoring the voters back home to pass an absolutely awful piece of legislation.

Ryan, on the other hand, is getting shouted down by liberals simply because he has had the courage to propose reforms to entitlement programs that EVERYONE should know have to be fixed or they will overwhelm our ability to pay for them in about a decade.
Since when did the left CARE about people MOCKING people? that is ALL they do.

also, because Ryan supposedly said he hopes the man is taking his blood pressure pills, that is MOCKING HIM?

cracks me up the shallow and petty things THINKPROGRESS gets their panties all in a bunch over. Unfortunately we have to have their crap hosted on us over here.
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Can anyone evaluate this for what it is? You have a speaker giving a speech and a guy barges in yelling. Security (probably police hired by the event) try to get him to stop yelling and screaming. When he resists that they try to escort him out. At some point they determine that he is not welcome at the event likely because of his behavior. Can you imagine going to an event like that and having everyone behave in such a manner? He is arrested (once he is being arrested if he resists and gets thrown to the ground that is because he is not complying).

Take the names/parties out of the scenario and the right thing happened. Why is this such a problem?


You seem to be leaving out the two old ladies that paid to ask questions and were also removed when Ryan didn't like the questions.

What are you guys defending? I thought Republicans were all about "free speech". They sure scream it enough when their lies are pointed out.

I tell you what dean. Find one place on this site, or any other one where I have talked about the right to free speech. You will find that I don't believe it exists. You wave this flag around as if it actually means something to you. Rdean, congrats. I have engaged in a personal attack on one other person on this site. You are a moron... and now you're the second. I'm sorry to do that to you but you say "you guys" as if I am some part of a group. I'm just tired of engaging you in a conversation when you never deal with the issue at hand. Of a 49 word post you spend 24 words trying to drag me into a character debate. Fine you win. There's your cheap shot for the night. I am an independent, and by that I mean I am not part of any group because no group represents everything.

As for the old ladies, are you qualified to determine what happened? Do you have a video of it? I didn't SEE what happened and therefore I can't comment on it. If someone had told me "71 year old man was thrown to the ground" I would not have assumed it was in the process of being arrested.

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Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress

That makes him a bought and paid for scumbag in my book.
You seem to be leaving out the two old ladies that paid to ask questions and were also removed when Ryan didn't like the questions.

What are you guys defending? I thought Republicans were all about "free speech". They sure scream it enough when their lies are pointed out.

you're such a moron. do you even read the shit you link to?

The OP links to another source about the two ladies, and gee... guess what the first words in that article were?

The protesters...

They were not there to ask questions. They were there to protest. Your own source said so.

I dub the, King or the Morons. Congrats, you majesty.
Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress
Ryan's a nasty piece of work.

People who tell the truth are frequently vilified.
At least he wasn't allied with someone who called for "taking out those bastards."
Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’

By Marie Diamond

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the author of the House GOP plan to phase out Medicare, does not like it when constituents publicly challenge him. In fact, people who disagree with Ryan have a habit of getting arrested for it. A few weeks ago, several of Ryan’s unemployed constituents staged a peaceful sit-in at his Kenosha, Wisconsin office to protest his unpopular decision not to hold any free public town halls during the August recess. These constituents didn’t think they should have to pay to ask their elected representative a question. Instead of meeting with them, Ryan’s staff called the police.

More: Paul Ryan Mocks Senior Citizen Handcuffed At His Town Hall: ‘I Hope He’s Taking His Blood Pressure Medication’ | ThinkProgress

The reason that the man was arrested was that he disregarded requests from the organizers of the event, the Rotarians...and the leave after being disruptive. To quote the man himself: "I was probably talking so loud that I didn't hear anyone ask me to leave." If you watch the entirety of the speech it's quite obvious that there was a well orchestrated plan to have protestors stand up and shout down Ryan one by one and disrupt his speech. As for Tom Neilson being treated "brutally"? Sorry, I didn't see that. I saw a 6'4" 235 pound man resisting arrest, being taken to the ground and handcuffed.

What's absurd about the whole confrontation is that what Neilson was upset about was Ryan saying that entitlements were a huge problem and needed to be fixed. Duh? Like they aren't? People like Tom Neilson are idiots. They lash out at someone like Paul Ryan because he points out reality. Well I'm sorry, Tom but your pretending that entitlements AREN'T a problem isn't going to FIX the problem. Next time sit your ass down and listen to what Ryan says. He's one of the brighter people in Congress when it comes to fiscal matters. You might learn something.

i seem to recall the tea loons disrupting town halls left and right before the vote on health care reform. i also seem to recall the rightwingnuts on the forum claiming that was ok and it was their "right" because they are "we the people"...

i guess the other "we the people" make them cranky...

conservatives had no problem w/ this when the townhall mtgs were going on before. The t- partiers, encouraged by their corporate masters, exhibited this disruptive behavior during the entire HC debate.


The reason that the man was arrested was that he disregarded requests from the organizers of the event, the Rotarians...and the leave after being disruptive. To quote the man himself: "I was probably talking so loud that I didn't hear anyone ask me to leave." If you watch the entirety of the speech it's quite obvious that there was a well orchestrated plan to have protestors stand up and shout down Ryan one by one and disrupt his speech. As for Tom Neilson being treated "brutally"? Sorry, I didn't see that. I saw a 6'4" 235 pound man resisting arrest, being taken to the ground and handcuffed.

What's absurd about the whole confrontation is that what Neilson was upset about was Ryan saying that entitlements were a huge problem and needed to be fixed. Duh? Like they aren't? People like Tom Neilson are idiots. They lash out at someone like Paul Ryan because he points out reality. Well I'm sorry, Tom but your pretending that entitlements AREN'T a problem isn't going to FIX the problem. Next time sit your ass down and listen to what Ryan says. He's one of the brighter people in Congress when it comes to fiscal matters. You might learn something.

i seem to recall the tea loons disrupting town halls left and right before the vote on health care reform. i also seem to recall the rightwingnuts on the forum claiming that was ok and it was their "right" because they are "we the people"...

i guess the other "we the people" make them cranky...


Can you link to Tea Partyers disrupting town halls with outbursts like this, totally off topic and attempting to commandeer the meeting?
No, of course not.
If you go to a rally, speech, town hall, whatever... with the specific intent of disrupting it, you should be asked to leave. If you do not, you should be removed. I don't care what party, age, gender, orientation, whatever. If you're not there to engage respectfully, don't whine when you feel disrespected.
conservatives had no problem w/ this when the townhall mtgs were going on before. The t- partiers, encouraged by their corporate masters, exhibited this disruptive behavior during the entire HC debate.

(points to post 37)

The reason that the man was arrested was that he disregarded requests from the organizers of the event, the Rotarians...and the leave after being disruptive. To quote the man himself: "I was probably talking so loud that I didn't hear anyone ask me to leave." If you watch the entirety of the speech it's quite obvious that there was a well orchestrated plan to have protestors stand up and shout down Ryan one by one and disrupt his speech. As for Tom Neilson being treated "brutally"? Sorry, I didn't see that. I saw a 6'4" 235 pound man resisting arrest, being taken to the ground and handcuffed.

What's absurd about the whole confrontation is that what Neilson was upset about was Ryan saying that entitlements were a huge problem and needed to be fixed. Duh? Like they aren't? People like Tom Neilson are idiots. They lash out at someone like Paul Ryan because he points out reality. Well I'm sorry, Tom but your pretending that entitlements AREN'T a problem isn't going to FIX the problem. Next time sit your ass down and listen to what Ryan says. He's one of the brighter people in Congress when it comes to fiscal matters. You might learn something.

i seem to recall the tea loons disrupting town halls left and right before the vote on health care reform. i also seem to recall the rightwingnuts on the forum claiming that was ok and it was their "right" because they are "we the people"...

i guess the other "we the people" make them cranky...


no one gives a shit if they protest, just don't give us this sad song and dance when THEY GET ARRESTED or so called, MOCKED..

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