Paul Ryan Reveals Himself to be the Fraud He Is

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Apparently, when conservatives talk about their love of limited government they define that as making backroom deals hidden from the public that could have a drastic affect on all of our lives and only revealing to you the consequences of said deal after it's finalized and there is little to nothing that can be done about it. To think this man almost became our Vice-President.

Chief Obamatrade proponent House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) admitted during Congressional testimony on Wednesday evening that despite tons of claims from him and other Obamatrade supporters to the contrary, the process is highly secretive.

He also made a gaffe in his House Rules Committee testimony on par with former Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)’s push to pass Obamacare, in which she said infamously said: “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Ryan said of Obamatrade in Rules Committee testimony on Wednesday during questioning from Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX).

Paul Ryan s Pelosi-Esque Obamatrade Moment It s Declassified And Made Public Once It s Agreed To - Breitbart
Obamatrade? Is that something they think is clever, like appending -gate to the end of every scandal?

Should we call this story Obamatradegate?
Will someone who is all worked up about this alleged scandal please explain how this process differs from all other processes which preceded it over the past couple decades? Please show your work.

Specifically, show that other trade agreements, treaties, legislation etc. were not worked on "in secret" by a committee before the final draft version of the bill was presented to the rest of Congress for consideration.
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Free and open trade need not be a secret. It's not rocket science.

I'm with both you and TAZbro on this one.

Exactly. If what they are trying to push through is so beneficial to the American people, why are they keeping it such a secret?
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Free and open trade need not be a secret. It's not rocket science.

I'm with both you and TAZbro on this one.

Exactly. If what they are trying to push through is so beneficial to the American people, why are they keeping it such a secret?
The final version of the bill won't be a "secret". Congress is not going to be voting on something that only a couple of guys had access to.

Don't be such a rube.
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Maybe because the other 11 (eleven) Counties involved in the Process have asked everyone else involved in the process to keep it that way?

Why do liberturdans ALWAYS sell out? I don't get it. The biggest bunch of whiners on earth with the least to offer.
What in the world is going on here?

Why does this have to be such a big fucking secret?


Free and open trade need not be a secret. It's not rocket science.

I'm with both you and TAZbro on this one.

Exactly. If what they are trying to push through is so beneficial to the American people, why are they keeping it such a secret?
The final version of the bill won't be a "secret". Congress is not going to be voting on something that only a couple of guys had access to.

Don't be such a rube.
You really are out of touch. Area 51, Iran/Contra, CIA, FBI, NSA and on and on.
The final version of the bill won't be a "secret". Congress is not going to be voting on something that only a couple of guys had access to.

Don't be such a rube.

liberturdians are an embarrassment to the Republican Party.

Just....... Stupid.

We should have never taken them in. Never.
Apparently, when conservatives talk about their love of limited government they define that as making backroom deals hidden from the public that could have a drastic affect on all of our lives and only revealing to you the consequences of said deal after it's finalized and there is little to nothing that can be done about it. To think this man almost became our Vice-President.

Chief Obamatrade proponent House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) admitted during Congressional testimony on Wednesday evening that despite tons of claims from him and other Obamatrade supporters to the contrary, the process is highly secretive.

He also made a gaffe in his House Rules Committee testimony on par with former Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)’s push to pass Obamacare, in which she said infamously said: “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Ryan said of Obamatrade in Rules Committee testimony on Wednesday during questioning from Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX).

Paul Ryan s Pelosi-Esque Obamatrade Moment It s Declassified And Made Public Once It s Agreed To - Breitbart
Sounds a lot like obabblecare....and to think this moron got elected.....twice!
All Ryan is doing is rounding up the votes, and they do that by "sweetening" the bill by adding provisions to sway individual votes. We have goodies for commercial fishing, provisions to not use the bill to further co2 curbs, provisions to not use the bill to expand immigration ..... When they round up the votes, we'll see what's in the final bill. Nothing new.

Obamacare was a bit new. Like Medicare and Soc Sec, they passed a bill setting up an entirely new program. No one does know what tweaks will have to be made till they see how it works. Not that I like Obamacare. But, there's no comparison to it and a free trade bill.

I like Ryan more and more. He's a republican who actually using the legislative process to actually accomplish things that he thinks will make us better, as opposed to another photo op to defund obamacare.
The lack of political acumen on the part of conservatives is remarkable.

libertudians are NOT Conservatives. They are idiot liberturdians.

Children. Juveniles that think we can run a Country the size of the United States like a School Fair.

Stupid, childish, juvenile, untrustworthy and back-stabbing dirtbags who have the same foreign policy beliefs as Code Pink..... And even less balls.

We Conservatives took them in out of sympathy and they repay us by running scumbags like Ross Pirogi and pushing Tea Party scum like Todd Akin and Richard Mourdock and by shutting teh government down.

libertudians can go to hell.
All Ryan is doing is rounding up the votes, and they do that by "sweetening" the bill by adding provisions to sway individual votes. We have goodies for commercial fishing, provisions to not use the bill to further co2 curbs, provisions to not use the bill to expand immigration ..... When they round up the votes, we'll see what's in the final bill. Nothing new.

Obamacare was a bit new. Like Medicare and Soc Sec, they passed a bill setting up an entirely new program. No one does know what tweaks will have to be made till they see how it works. Not that I like Obamacare. But, there's no comparison to it and a free trade bill.

I like Ryan more and more. He's a republican who actually using the legislative process to actually accomplish things that he thinks will make us better, as opposed to another photo op to defund obamacare.
Oh...thanks for the clarification.
Paul Ryan was walking down the sidewalk one day, deeply engrossed in his near threadbare copy of Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged."

Bishop Stephen E. Blaire was walking toward him, equally as studiously immersed in the Gospels.

Not seeing each other at all, they had a terrible collision of man into man, and Bible into Rand. Pages flew into the air.

Ryan gathered all of his book he could could find, and Blaire, of his Bible, did likewise.

After Ryan apologized and then surveyed the pages of his book, he exclaimed, "Hey, you got your Christianity in my Objectivism! And I think my Objectivism got in your Christianity!"

To which Bishop Blaire replied, " Half of that's good news."

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