Paul Ryan the New Sphincter of the House, Cuts Loose and is Full of it.


Gold Member
Jun 25, 2015
Swimming pools, movie stars
So newly minted speaker of the house Paul Ryan goes on Meet the Press this morning and says he will not introduce legislation or work with President Obama on Immigration reform because the president cannot be trusted.

Well here's a newsflash dumfuk, try enforcing the current laws on the books, and mandating employers that use illegals need to go to jail and pay heavy fines. Now is that so hard?

"Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, the new Speaker of the House promised Chuck Todd that he would not introduce or advance “comprehensive immigration reform” while Barack Obama remained president. Obama, Ryan said, had been “proven untrustworthy on this issue” by trying “to go around Congress with an Executive Order to rewrite laws unilaterally.” As such, he could not be relied upon. “Presidents,” Ryan noted, “don’t write laws. Congress writes laws.” Ryan left open the option of a bill tailored specifically toward border security — “if we believe and have consensus on things like border enforcement and interior security,” he suggested, “then that’s fine” — but made it clear repeatedly that anything more substantial would have to wait. When pressed, Ryan acknowledged that he personally has liberal instincts in this area. Nevertheless, he left no wriggle room in his remarks. ”We won’t bring immigration legislation with a president we cannot trust on this issue,” he confirmed."

Read more at: Paul Ryan: Obama Can't Be Trusted with Immigration Reform | National Review Online
So newly minted speaker of the house Paul Ryan goes on Meet the Press this morning and says he will not introduce legislation or work with President Obama on Immigration reform because the president cannot be trusted.

Well here's a newsflash dumfuk, try enforcing the current laws on the books, and mandating employers that use illegals need to go to jail and pay heavy fines. Now is that so hard?

"Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, the new Speaker of the House promised Chuck Todd that he would not introduce or advance “comprehensive immigration reform” while Barack Obama remained president. Obama, Ryan said, had been “proven untrustworthy on this issue” by trying “to go around Congress with an Executive Order to rewrite laws unilaterally.” As such, he could not be relied upon. “Presidents,” Ryan noted, “don’t write laws. Congress writes laws.” Ryan left open the option of a bill tailored specifically toward border security — “if we believe and have consensus on things like border enforcement and interior security,” he suggested, “then that’s fine” — but made it clear repeatedly that anything more substantial would have to wait. When pressed, Ryan acknowledged that he personally has liberal instincts in this area. Nevertheless, he left no wriggle room in his remarks. ”We won’t bring immigration legislation with a president we cannot trust on this issue,” he confirmed."

Read more at: Paul Ryan: Obama Can't Be Trusted with Immigration Reform | National Review Online

Well here's a newsflash dumfuk, try enforcing the current laws on the books, and mandating employers that use illegals need to go to jail and pay heavy fines.

Always thought enforcing the law fell under the purview of the Executive Branch.

You know, the people in charge of the CIA, FBI, HS, DOJ, etc
He should get along swimmingly w/ the freedom caucus.

the only consolation is that he is off ways and means which is a relief. Randian budget after Randian budget going nowhere.
Obama can enforce the law, and Obama can veto any non-comprehensive legislation.

Either the two parties learn how to negotiate, or we can continue down the path of stalemate.
So newly minted speaker of the house Paul Ryan goes on Meet the Press this morning and says he will not introduce legislation or work with President Obama on Immigration reform because the president cannot be trusted.

Well here's a newsflash dumfuk, try enforcing the current laws on the books, and mandating employers that use illegals need to go to jail and pay heavy fines. Now is that so hard?

"Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, the new Speaker of the House promised Chuck Todd that he would not introduce or advance “comprehensive immigration reform” while Barack Obama remained president. Obama, Ryan said, had been “proven untrustworthy on this issue” by trying “to go around Congress with an Executive Order to rewrite laws unilaterally.” As such, he could not be relied upon. “Presidents,” Ryan noted, “don’t write laws. Congress writes laws.” Ryan left open the option of a bill tailored specifically toward border security — “if we believe and have consensus on things like border enforcement and interior security,” he suggested, “then that’s fine” — but made it clear repeatedly that anything more substantial would have to wait. When pressed, Ryan acknowledged that he personally has liberal instincts in this area. Nevertheless, he left no wriggle room in his remarks. ”We won’t bring immigration legislation with a president we cannot trust on this issue,” he confirmed."

Read more at: Paul Ryan: Obama Can't Be Trusted with Immigration Reform | National Review Online

Well here's a newsflash dumfuk, try enforcing the current laws on the books, and mandating employers that use illegals need to go to jail and pay heavy fines.

Always thought enforcing the law fell under the purview of the Executive Branch.

You know, the people in charge of the CIA, FBI, HS, DOJ, etc

So where is the funding that allows the executive to do that?
So newly minted speaker of the house Paul Ryan goes on Meet the Press this morning and says he will not introduce legislation or work with President Obama on Immigration reform because the president cannot be trusted.

Well here's a newsflash dumfuk, try enforcing the current laws on the books, and mandating employers that use illegals need to go to jail and pay heavy fines. Now is that so hard?

"Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, the new Speaker of the House promised Chuck Todd that he would not introduce or advance “comprehensive immigration reform” while Barack Obama remained president. Obama, Ryan said, had been “proven untrustworthy on this issue” by trying “to go around Congress with an Executive Order to rewrite laws unilaterally.” As such, he could not be relied upon. “Presidents,” Ryan noted, “don’t write laws. Congress writes laws.” Ryan left open the option of a bill tailored specifically toward border security — “if we believe and have consensus on things like border enforcement and interior security,” he suggested, “then that’s fine” — but made it clear repeatedly that anything more substantial would have to wait. When pressed, Ryan acknowledged that he personally has liberal instincts in this area. Nevertheless, he left no wriggle room in his remarks. ”We won’t bring immigration legislation with a president we cannot trust on this issue,” he confirmed."

Read more at: Paul Ryan: Obama Can't Be Trusted with Immigration Reform | National Review Online

Well here's a newsflash dumfuk, try enforcing the current laws on the books, and mandating employers that use illegals need to go to jail and pay heavy fines.

Always thought enforcing the law fell under the purview of the Executive Branch.

You know, the people in charge of the CIA, FBI, HS, DOJ, etc

So where is the funding that allows the executive to do that?

FBI, CIA, DOJ, HS are underfunded?

Or are they spending the money on unnecessary investigations, etc?
Obama can enforce the law, and Obama can veto any non-comprehensive legislation.

Either the two parties learn how to negotiate, or we can continue down the path of stalemate.

We conservatives will not negotiate or compromise with the lying backstabbing left. Its not possible when they never have any intention of holding up their end of the compromise.
So newly minted speaker of the house Paul Ryan goes on Meet the Press this morning and says he will not introduce legislation or work with President Obama on Immigration reform because the president cannot be trusted.

Well here's a newsflash dumfuk, try enforcing the current laws on the books, and mandating employers that use illegals need to go to jail and pay heavy fines. Now is that so hard?

"Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, the new Speaker of the House promised Chuck Todd that he would not introduce or advance “comprehensive immigration reform” while Barack Obama remained president. Obama, Ryan said, had been “proven untrustworthy on this issue” by trying “to go around Congress with an Executive Order to rewrite laws unilaterally.” As such, he could not be relied upon. “Presidents,” Ryan noted, “don’t write laws. Congress writes laws.” Ryan left open the option of a bill tailored specifically toward border security — “if we believe and have consensus on things like border enforcement and interior security,” he suggested, “then that’s fine” — but made it clear repeatedly that anything more substantial would have to wait. When pressed, Ryan acknowledged that he personally has liberal instincts in this area. Nevertheless, he left no wriggle room in his remarks. ”We won’t bring immigration legislation with a president we cannot trust on this issue,” he confirmed."

Read more at: Paul Ryan: Obama Can't Be Trusted with Immigration Reform | National Review Online
Hopefully he sticks to it, Obama absolutely cannot be trusted.
So Ryan will CONTINUE to follow the House paradigm of the 114th Congress and further obstruct any immigration reform along with other critically important issues. Probably because they are so very busy for the rest of the year with only 20 days in session scheduled for the last 60 days of the year!

Same Shit, Different Day!
well ryan is right on that

but it is too early to tell

if he is just offering lip service to the right

or has the fortitude to follow though

ryan is another one famous that the peoples ought to

read the fine print on what he says
So newly minted speaker of the house Paul Ryan goes on Meet the Press this morning and says he will not introduce legislation or work with President Obama on Immigration reform because the president cannot be trusted.

Well here's a newsflash dumfuk, try enforcing the current laws on the books, and mandating employers that use illegals need to go to jail and pay heavy fines. Now is that so hard?

"Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, the new Speaker of the House promised Chuck Todd that he would not introduce or advance “comprehensive immigration reform” while Barack Obama remained president. Obama, Ryan said, had been “proven untrustworthy on this issue” by trying “to go around Congress with an Executive Order to rewrite laws unilaterally.” As such, he could not be relied upon. “Presidents,” Ryan noted, “don’t write laws. Congress writes laws.” Ryan left open the option of a bill tailored specifically toward border security — “if we believe and have consensus on things like border enforcement and interior security,” he suggested, “then that’s fine” — but made it clear repeatedly that anything more substantial would have to wait. When pressed, Ryan acknowledged that he personally has liberal instincts in this area. Nevertheless, he left no wriggle room in his remarks. ”We won’t bring immigration legislation with a president we cannot trust on this issue,” he confirmed."

Read more at: Paul Ryan: Obama Can't Be Trusted with Immigration Reform | National Review Online
Hopefully he sticks to it, Obama absolutely cannot be trusted.

there is no hopefully

either he stands by it

or he just another rino
So Ryan will CONTINUE to follow the House paradigm of the 114th Congress and further obstruct any immigration reform along with other critically important issues. Probably because they are so very busy for the rest of the year with only 20 days in session scheduled for the last 60 days of the year!

Same Shit, Different Day!

and further obstruct any immigration reform along with other critically important issues.


enforce the laws on the books.

critically important issues?

Things important to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barak, and ignore the what the rest want?

he's the president, NOT the KING
So Ryan will CONTINUE to follow the House paradigm of the 114th Congress and further obstruct any immigration reform along with other critically important issues. Probably because they are so very busy for the rest of the year with only 20 days in session scheduled for the last 60 days of the year!

Same Shit, Different Day!

and further obstruct any immigration reform along with other critically important issues.


enforce the laws on the books.

critically important issues?

Things important to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barak, and ignore the what the rest want?

he's the president, NOT the KING

Cite the statutes, by Title and Sections, which are not being enforced! Then give specific verified examples (sourced) of those violations along with the HISTORY across administrations. You parrot that refrain, so back it up with facts rather than hot air! Do that and a different pattern will emerge than you paint.

The non-enforcement you speak to is bipartisan and both the Pubs and Dems are responsible for their inactions and for bending to the desires of their crony capitalist campaign donors and shepherds who OWN THEM. This administration, the former administration and all administrations going back to FDR have had a hand in it.

The Bracero Program starting in 1942 is the genesis for the vast majority of the issue, and as long as wages are the magnet and employers are not penalized with jail time, undocumented immigration from the Continental South of the recent magnitude will persist/increase. To blame the entire issue on the current administration is foolishness spawned of ignorance and partisanship!
He'll be the 1st and last randian speaker given he larned everything he knows from Brownback (R). Get ready for an implosion :popcorn:
No surprises,there. Nothing big will happen until after the election.

But when will Congress/President stop using the excuse of gridlock and "we'll wait for the next election" to fail to buckle down, work together, and get something done.

Not trusting the President is no reason to not work. He's the President, and there's nothing you can do about that.

If you won't work with him because you don't trust him, you might as well go home.
No surprises,there. Nothing big will happen until after the election.

But when will Congress/President stop using the excuse of gridlock and "we'll wait for the next election" to fail to buckle down, work together, and get something done.

Not trusting the President is no reason to not work. He's the President, and there's nothing you can do about that.

If you won't work with him because you don't trust him, you might as well go home.
Getting along is overrated, wait till someone new is in there because the current occupant cannot be trusted.

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