Pax Americana


May 23, 2014
The Constitution never mentions "Pax Americana" but the neo-cons did back in 1999-2000. Look at the contributors to the Defense Review (link below) most of them critical of not removing Saddam in 1991. We were going to invade Iraq without a 9-11 bait and switch excuse. Actually 9-11 was an event that got in the way of plans to invade Iraq. Scooter Libby said in 2002, when asked about the Iraq vote in the Senate and what the time frame would be, said "You don't roll out a new product until October." (washington Post) Selling the war like it was a washing machine. Also, after 9-11 when Rice, Powell, and others were discussing what to do about Iraq at the White House "W" walked in the room to get some coffee and after hearing that Iraq was the topic said, "Fuck Saddam...he's done." then he walked right back out. Genius. (Time) well read for yourself the military they wanted and the neo-con vision of an American Empire.
Where does it mention an "American Empire?" Pax Americana.
I think the history books are going to say:

At great costs, Bush rid the world of its most maniacal tyrant...after being brought to war by the worlds most maniacal culture. Then he taught these Islamic barbarians what peace and good government was like.

The barbarians hated it. They preferred to be ruled by a manaic so they could go do maniacal things like mutilate women sexually because of a small dick syndrome; stone them to death; and blow themselves up to score 72 virgins.

So, Obama accommodated them. He left them alone (just as they were developing a nuclear bomb). He showed that he had more wisdom than Bush by recognizing that you can't drag Muslims out of the 8th century.

And so the barbarians went back to killing each other like they had been quite happily for centuries...until we started trying to civilize them because of their oil....and, since one of the tribes had got a nuclear bomb...the shit hit the fan pretty fast from there...and that's when oil went to $350 per barrel.

The Democrats criticized the Republicans for trying to civilize the lunatic Muslims just to get their oil, and the Republicans criticized the Democrats for the Great American Economic Collapse of 2017.
Defense is in our Constitution.
Socialism isn't.

In terms of the OP, that makes no sense.

Invading Iraq was the great foreign policy mistake in American history, because the neo-cons and the far right don't understand history.

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