PAY children to go to school!

Is that how you usually resolve issues? Close your eyes? Try watching it. You might learn something.

I should open my eyes to Moore saying our healthcare system should take lessons from Cuba?

That is hilarious!!

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw. How about doing us all a favor and shutting the fuck up until you do.

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw.

Did Moore say we could learn things from Cuba's "healthcare" system?

Why don't you watch it and find out you moron. What he did was take some 9-11 heroes to Guantanamo to get medical care from the U.S. base there. After all, terrorists they were holding there were getting good medical treatment. So why not do so for 9-11 responders. But that didn't work out. So he took them to Cuba. There they got the medical treatment they weren't getting here. For FREE! Though there was one person why had to buy some medicine. They had to pay a few pennies on the dollar for it. Where here, it cost many many many dollars. So I guess I better end this here. Before I start hurling vile and repugnant (but true) insults at you that will surely get me banned.

Why don't you watch it and find out

Because Moore is a whiney, idiotic twat. Are you Michael Moore?

Or are you a different whiney, idiotic twat?

If you never saw any of his documentaries, how would you know. I don't agree with everything he says. But he does make some good points. Why don't you just give up and start telling me how human caused global warming isn't real. Or maybe how in WW II, the Nazis were the bad guys. That should be good for a hoot.
Pay children to go to school, blame victims for what criminals do and wonder why society has fallen so far...

No, children will never be paid to go to school and anyone wishinh for this, well let me just say no!

Paying children a little something for their school WORK isn't anything close to blaming victims for what criminals do.
I should open my eyes to Moore saying our healthcare system should take lessons from Cuba?

That is hilarious!!

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw. How about doing us all a favor and shutting the fuck up until you do.

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw.

Did Moore say we could learn things from Cuba's "healthcare" system?

Why don't you watch it and find out you moron. What he did was take some 9-11 heroes to Guantanamo to get medical care from the U.S. base there. After all, terrorists they were holding there were getting good medical treatment. So why not do so for 9-11 responders. But that didn't work out. So he took them to Cuba. There they got the medical treatment they weren't getting here. For FREE! Though there was one person why had to buy some medicine. They had to pay a few pennies on the dollar for it. Where here, it cost many many many dollars. So I guess I better end this here. Before I start hurling vile and repugnant (but true) insults at you that will surely get me banned.

Why don't you watch it and find out

Because Moore is a whiney, idiotic twat. Are you Michael Moore?

Or are you a different whiney, idiotic twat?

...Or maybe how in WW II, the Nazis were the bad guys. ...

... ?

And who do YOU think were the “bad guys,” patient #1642008465?
Do you mean the same kind of "reality" that says that during WW II, the Germans were the bad guys? If you want to know some real realities about health care, watch the documentary "Sicko." I don't agree with everything it says. But it does make some very good points.

No, the reality that their heath care system is busting their budget and making people wait in long lines for sub par care.

If you want to know some real realities about health care, watch the documentary "Sicko."

Did Moore say we needed to be more like Cuba?

Busting their budget? BS
Do you mean the same kind of "reality" that says that during WW II, the Germans were the bad guys? If you want to know some real realities about health care, watch the documentary "Sicko." I don't agree with everything it says. But it does make some very good points.

No, the reality that their heath care system is busting their budget and making people wait in long lines for sub par care.

If you want to know some real realities about health care, watch the documentary "Sicko."

Did Moore say we needed to be more like Cuba?

Does that mean you saw the documentary or not. But don't tell me here. If you want to talk about universal health care, I just started a thread for that in the healthcare section. It is called "How to afford universal health care." Tell me if you ever saw "Sicko" there.

I wouldn't waste your money on any of Moore's crap.

Is that how you usually resolve issues? Close your eyes? Try watching it. You might learn something.
Team/Reward Concept

He's the product of our mind-numbing education, don't expect much but brain-dead repetition of what he's told to think. He's the kind of economic cannon fodder the business elitists want, even though their domain will eventually collapse because of it.

Rather than pay younger students for their grades, we who care about our country's future should consider another natural motivation. Divide the class into teams and quiz frequently. The team with the highest score will get Friday off from school; the lowest one will have to come in on Saturday. High individual scorers from four grades older will get paid to teach the Saturday classes.

This stupid idea has been rejected again and again, but still you continue to spam this forum with the same old nonsense over and over.
Plutes Never Walk Their Talk

Slavish college graduates who make a lot of money are more likely to subconsciously admit they should have been paid when they give their brats a high allowance and paid-up tuition. So we shouldn't believe their preaching, because they don't practice it by telling their privileged spawn what they push on everybody else, "Work your way through college. If you can't stand living like that, join the Army and get the GI Bill."

SPAM alert. 10,000,000,000,000 times the same bullshit. Students are NOT going to be paid to go to school no matter how many times you spam your spam. People with any sense will continue to see the value of education.
Time to Quit Whining and Make Some Vintage Wine

Tell that to the hypocritical Plutocrats, who make sure Junior has an allowance that is equivalent to having a full-time job. That, of course, has nothing to do with merit. It's just another unearned entitlement for those who win at Sperm Bingo.

The rules the dynastics make to give their worthless spawn an overwhelming advantage would be nullified in a man's country. We far outnumber those spoiled pukes and can crush them like grapes.


A glorious peoples revolution comrade?

Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Commies are the spoiled brats of your business heroes, sucker, the ones you bootlickers gladly take a pay cut for (neglecting your own kids),so your boss can buy them brand-new cars at age 16. Their whole ideology is based on a self-obsessed hatred of Daddy for buying their love. It is not the opposite of Capitalism, no matter how many times your Masters tell you it is. It is a powerplay by those whose plutocratic Daddies told them they were Born to Rule.

You've been spamming too long. It has melted your brain. At this point, your stupidshit posts don't even make a bit of sense. Get some help.
The Rulers Have a Desperate Need for Help in Humiliating the Ruled

You're afraid that if I keep it up, your idols' top-heavy tyranny will topple.
What a crime that the children of rich people have their parents pay to buy them a new car, while less wealthy people have to take out an auto loan and pay it back overtime to buy a car for themselves. Both need a car, each gets one in the way they are able according to their situation. Oh, what a crime oh wait, it’s not a crime, it’s just fucking life. Get over it.

....Is this how things work in your pea brain? ..."

It’s how things work in the real world, Junior. If you don’t like it take a few more drugs, close your eyes in mama’s basement, and hide from the real world a little longer. No other options.
How It Works for Those Who Get Rich Off Other People's Work

The status quo you are pushing is the way the guillotine-fodder plutocrats and their decadent heirs make it to be. It can change at any time that the majority wakes up from the going-nowhere nightmare you desperately want them to accept.

I got news for ya, headcase, the workers of the world ain’t uniting around your mental illness.
Reds Are Bluebloods, the Class You Adore

Marx's wife was ranked high enough among your idolized HeirHead guillotine-fodder to have married the Kaiser, the Czar, or the King of England. Commies are the spawn of Capitalists. Different speeches with the same goal of elitist absolutism. Those of us who believe in democracy must expose your bootlicking lies.
SPAM alert. 10,000,000,000,000 times the same bullshit. Students are NOT going to be paid to go to school no matter how many times you spam your spam. People with any sense will continue to see the value of education.
Time to Quit Whining and Make Some Vintage Wine

Tell that to the hypocritical Plutocrats, who make sure Junior has an allowance that is equivalent to having a full-time job. That, of course, has nothing to do with merit. It's just another unearned entitlement for those who win at Sperm Bingo.

The rules the dynastics make to give their worthless spawn an overwhelming advantage would be nullified in a man's country. We far outnumber those spoiled pukes and can crush them like grapes.


A glorious peoples revolution comrade?

Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Commies are the spoiled brats of your business heroes, sucker, the ones you bootlickers gladly take a pay cut for (neglecting your own kids),so your boss can buy them brand-new cars at age 16. Their whole ideology is based on a self-obsessed hatred of Daddy for buying their love. It is not the opposite of Capitalism, no matter how many times your Masters tell you it is. It is a powerplay by those whose plutocratic Daddies told them they were Born to Rule.

You've been spamming too long. It has melted your brain. At this point, your stupidshit posts don't even make a bit of sense. Get some help.
The Rulers Have a Desperate Need for Help in Humiliating the Ruled

You're afraid that if I keep it up, your idols' top-heavy tyranny will topple.

Oh yeah, you are changing the world with your little posts here, loony tune.
What a crime that the children of rich people have their parents pay to buy them a new car, while less wealthy people have to take out an auto loan and pay it back overtime to buy a car for themselves. Both need a car, each gets one in the way they are able according to their situation. Oh, what a crime oh wait, it’s not a crime, it’s just fucking life. Get over it.

....Is this how things work in your pea brain? ..."

It’s how things work in the real world, Junior. If you don’t like it take a few more drugs, close your eyes in mama’s basement, and hide from the real world a little longer. No other options.
How It Works for Those Who Get Rich Off Other People's Work

The status quo you are pushing is the way the guillotine-fodder plutocrats and their decadent heirs make it to be. It can change at any time that the majority wakes up from the going-nowhere nightmare you desperately want them to accept.

I got news for ya, headcase, the workers of the world ain’t uniting around your mental illness.
Reds Are Bluebloods, the Class You Adore

Marx's wife was ranked high enough among your idolized HeirHead guillotine-fodder to have married the Kaiser, the Czar, or the King of England. Commies are the spawn of Capitalists. Different speeches with the same goal of elitist absolutism. Those of us who believe in democracy must expose your bootlicking lies.

All you have to lose are your chains, eh comrade?
What a crime that the children of rich people have their parents pay to buy them a new car, while less wealthy people have to take out an auto loan and pay it back overtime to buy a car for themselves. Both need a car, each gets one in the way they are able according to their situation. Oh, what a crime oh wait, it’s not a crime, it’s just fucking life. Get over it.

....Is this how things work in your pea brain? ..."

It’s how things work in the real world, Junior. If you don’t like it take a few more drugs, close your eyes in mama’s basement, and hide from the real world a little longer. No other options.
How It Works for Those Who Get Rich Off Other People's Work

The status quo you are pushing is the way the guillotine-fodder plutocrats and their decadent heirs make it to be. It can change at any time that the majority wakes up from the going-nowhere nightmare you desperately want them to accept.

Forward, to our glorious socialist revolution, eh comrade?
The Commie Term "Bourgeois" Originally Meant "Those Who Did Not Inherit Their Money"

Another dupe who refuses to realize that Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. By the way, Diploma Dumbo, they can never refer to a singular like "another dupe." The illogical grammar of you brain-dead conformists is consistent with your illogical politics.
What a crime that the children of rich people have their parents pay to buy them a new car, while less wealthy people have to take out an auto loan and pay it back overtime to buy a car for themselves. Both need a car, each gets one in the way they are able according to their situation. Oh, what a crime oh wait, it’s not a crime, it’s just fucking life. Get over it.

....Is this how things work in your pea brain? ..."

It’s how things work in the real world, Junior. If you don’t like it take a few more drugs, close your eyes in mama’s basement, and hide from the real world a little longer. No other options.
How It Works for Those Who Get Rich Off Other People's Work

The status quo you are pushing is the way the guillotine-fodder plutocrats and their decadent heirs make it to be. It can change at any time that the majority wakes up from the going-nowhere nightmare you desperately want them to accept.

Forward, to our glorious socialist revolution, eh comrade?
The Commie Term "Bourgeois" Originally Meant "Those Who Did Not Inherit Their Money"

Another dupe who refuses to realize that Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. By the way, Diploma Dumbo, they can never refer to a singular like "another dupe." The illogical grammar of you brain-dead conformists is consistent with your illogical politics.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
Is that how you usually resolve issues? Close your eyes? Try watching it. You might learn something.

I should open my eyes to Moore saying our healthcare system should take lessons from Cuba?

That is hilarious!!

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw. How about doing us all a favor and shutting the fuck up until you do.

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw.

Did Moore say we could learn things from Cuba's "healthcare" system?

Why don't you watch it and find out you moron. What he did was take some 9-11 heroes to Guantanamo to get medical care from the U.S. base there. After all, terrorists they were holding there were getting good medical treatment. So why not do so for 9-11 responders. But that didn't work out. So he took them to Cuba. There they got the medical treatment they weren't getting here. For FREE! Though there was one person why had to buy some medicine. They had to pay a few pennies on the dollar for it. Where here, it cost many many many dollars. So I guess I better end this here. Before I start hurling vile and repugnant (but true) insults at you that will surely get me banned.

Why don't you watch it and find out

Because Moore is a whiney, idiotic twat. Are you Michael Moore?

Or are you a different whiney, idiotic twat?
The Mirror Image of a Trailer-Park Republican

Moore is a traitor to his birth-class who idolizes the Preppy Progressives. All his life, he has desperately sought to be accepted by the JFK clones. Most talk about medical care misses the point, anyway.
No, the reality that their heath care system is busting their budget and making people wait in long lines for sub par care.

If you want to know some real realities about health care, watch the documentary "Sicko."

Did Moore say we needed to be more like Cuba?

Busting their budget? BS
No, the reality that their heath care system is busting their budget and making people wait in long lines for sub par care.

If you want to know some real realities about health care, watch the documentary "Sicko."

Did Moore say we needed to be more like Cuba?

Does that mean you saw the documentary or not. But don't tell me here. If you want to talk about universal health care, I just started a thread for that in the healthcare section. It is called "How to afford universal health care." Tell me if you ever saw "Sicko" there.

I wouldn't waste your money on any of Moore's crap.

Is that how you usually resolve issues? Close your eyes? Try watching it. You might learn something.
Team/Reward Concept

He's the product of our mind-numbing education, don't expect much but brain-dead repetition of what he's told to think. He's the kind of economic cannon fodder the business elitists want, even though their domain will eventually collapse because of it.

Rather than pay younger students for their grades, we who care about our country's future should consider another natural motivation. Divide the class into teams and quiz frequently. The team with the highest score will get Friday off from school; the lowest one will have to come in on Saturday. High individual scorers from four grades older will get paid to teach the Saturday classes.

In other words, "Crack that fucking whip!" Sorry. But I just can't agree. Average children need to be taught in an average way. Not at the speed that the smartest are able to do and not at the speed the dumbest are able to do. But at a speed that everybody should be able to keep up with.

Also, when it comes to genius, I remember hearing of an idiot savant who had a photographic memory. He was able to scan two pages at a time and remember it. But he was still an idiot.

I also remember seeing a part from an old TV show that they decided to rebroadcast. They had a magazine rack with about 8 magazines on an upper shelf and 8 on a lower shelf. Apparently they had some guy who wasn't an idiot quickly read them all. back stage. On stage the MC would pick up a random magazine. He would say something like "On page 16, the third paragraph down on the right, what does it say." And the guy would tell him. Or he would grab another magazine and say something like, "On page 7, in the lower left hand side, there is a picture. What does the picture show." He would tell him what it was. Etc. Everybody would probably like children to be able to learn like that. But the vast majority can't.
Yet You Have No Problem With Kids Looking Up To Star Athletes If They Care About Sports

Their will be parity of IQs among the teams. Would you have a sports team change the rules for each player; for example, an untalented one would get two bases if he hit a single?
Time to Quit Whining and Make Some Vintage Wine

Tell that to the hypocritical Plutocrats, who make sure Junior has an allowance that is equivalent to having a full-time job. That, of course, has nothing to do with merit. It's just another unearned entitlement for those who win at Sperm Bingo.

The rules the dynastics make to give their worthless spawn an overwhelming advantage would be nullified in a man's country. We far outnumber those spoiled pukes and can crush them like grapes.


A glorious peoples revolution comrade?

Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Commies are the spoiled brats of your business heroes, sucker, the ones you bootlickers gladly take a pay cut for (neglecting your own kids),so your boss can buy them brand-new cars at age 16. Their whole ideology is based on a self-obsessed hatred of Daddy for buying their love. It is not the opposite of Capitalism, no matter how many times your Masters tell you it is. It is a powerplay by those whose plutocratic Daddies told them they were Born to Rule.

You've been spamming too long. It has melted your brain. At this point, your stupidshit posts don't even make a bit of sense. Get some help.
The Rulers Have a Desperate Need for Help in Humiliating the Ruled

You're afraid that if I keep it up, your idols' top-heavy tyranny will topple.

Oh yeah, you are changing the world with your little posts here, loony tune.
Smug As a Bug in a Rug, Until Squished

The world ruled by the lovers of Butt Boys for the Bosses is collapsing on its own; it only need a little push from Little Old Me.
....Is this how things work in your pea brain? ..."

It’s how things work in the real world, Junior. If you don’t like it take a few more drugs, close your eyes in mama’s basement, and hide from the real world a little longer. No other options.
How It Works for Those Who Get Rich Off Other People's Work

The status quo you are pushing is the way the guillotine-fodder plutocrats and their decadent heirs make it to be. It can change at any time that the majority wakes up from the going-nowhere nightmare you desperately want them to accept.

Forward, to our glorious socialist revolution, eh comrade?
The Commie Term "Bourgeois" Originally Meant "Those Who Did Not Inherit Their Money"

Another dupe who refuses to realize that Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. By the way, Diploma Dumbo, they can never refer to a singular like "another dupe." The illogical grammar of you brain-dead conformists is consistent with your illogical politics.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
The University Is Designed for Richkids Living Off an Allowance

Lenin was the son of a Czarist noble. Any real worker who follows the Campus Commie Scum is deluded by the fantasy of "richkids on our side."
I should open my eyes to Moore saying our healthcare system should take lessons from Cuba?

That is hilarious!!

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw. How about doing us all a favor and shutting the fuck up until you do.

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw.

Did Moore say we could learn things from Cuba's "healthcare" system?

Why don't you watch it and find out you moron. What he did was take some 9-11 heroes to Guantanamo to get medical care from the U.S. base there. After all, terrorists they were holding there were getting good medical treatment. So why not do so for 9-11 responders. But that didn't work out. So he took them to Cuba. There they got the medical treatment they weren't getting here. For FREE! Though there was one person why had to buy some medicine. They had to pay a few pennies on the dollar for it. Where here, it cost many many many dollars. So I guess I better end this here. Before I start hurling vile and repugnant (but true) insults at you that will surely get me banned.

Why don't you watch it and find out

Because Moore is a whiney, idiotic twat. Are you Michael Moore?

Or are you a different whiney, idiotic twat?
The Mirror Image of a Trailer-Park Republican

Moore is a traitor to his birth-class who idolizes the Preppy Progressives. All his life, he has desperately sought to be accepted by the JFK clones. Most talk about medical care misses the point, anyway.

Moore is a whiney, idiotic twat.
It’s how things work in the real world, Junior. If you don’t like it take a few more drugs, close your eyes in mama’s basement, and hide from the real world a little longer. No other options.
How It Works for Those Who Get Rich Off Other People's Work

The status quo you are pushing is the way the guillotine-fodder plutocrats and their decadent heirs make it to be. It can change at any time that the majority wakes up from the going-nowhere nightmare you desperately want them to accept.

Forward, to our glorious socialist revolution, eh comrade?
The Commie Term "Bourgeois" Originally Meant "Those Who Did Not Inherit Their Money"

Another dupe who refuses to realize that Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. By the way, Diploma Dumbo, they can never refer to a singular like "another dupe." The illogical grammar of you brain-dead conformists is consistent with your illogical politics.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
The University Is Designed for Richkids Living Off an Allowance

Lenin was the son of a Czarist noble. Any real worker who follows the Campus Commie Scum is deluded by the fantasy of "richkids on our side."

There may be a blockage in your oxygen tank.

A glorious peoples revolution comrade?

Karl Marx Was the Sex Slave of a Patty Hearst Type Duchess

Commies are the spoiled brats of your business heroes, sucker, the ones you bootlickers gladly take a pay cut for (neglecting your own kids),so your boss can buy them brand-new cars at age 16. Their whole ideology is based on a self-obsessed hatred of Daddy for buying their love. It is not the opposite of Capitalism, no matter how many times your Masters tell you it is. It is a powerplay by those whose plutocratic Daddies told them they were Born to Rule.

You've been spamming too long. It has melted your brain. At this point, your stupidshit posts don't even make a bit of sense. Get some help.
The Rulers Have a Desperate Need for Help in Humiliating the Ruled

You're afraid that if I keep it up, your idols' top-heavy tyranny will topple.

Oh yeah, you are changing the world with your little posts here, loony tune.
Smug As a Bug in a Rug, Until Squished

The world ruled by the lovers of Butt Boys for the Bosses is collapsing on its own; it only need a little push from Little Old Me.

Little old you can’t even influence bingo night. Shut the fuck up and eat your Jell-O.
How It Works for Those Who Get Rich Off Other People's Work

The status quo you are pushing is the way the guillotine-fodder plutocrats and their decadent heirs make it to be. It can change at any time that the majority wakes up from the going-nowhere nightmare you desperately want them to accept.

Forward, to our glorious socialist revolution, eh comrade?
The Commie Term "Bourgeois" Originally Meant "Those Who Did Not Inherit Their Money"

Another dupe who refuses to realize that Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in. By the way, Diploma Dumbo, they can never refer to a singular like "another dupe." The illogical grammar of you brain-dead conformists is consistent with your illogical politics.

Kill the greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
The University Is Designed for Richkids Living Off an Allowance

Lenin was the son of a Czarist noble. Any real worker who follows the Campus Commie Scum is deluded by the fantasy of "richkids on our side."

There may be a blockage in your oxygen tank.

More likely, an artery in his brain.
You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw. How about doing us all a favor and shutting the fuck up until you do.

You are making claims about a documentary that you never saw.

Did Moore say we could learn things from Cuba's "healthcare" system?

Why don't you watch it and find out you moron. What he did was take some 9-11 heroes to Guantanamo to get medical care from the U.S. base there. After all, terrorists they were holding there were getting good medical treatment. So why not do so for 9-11 responders. But that didn't work out. So he took them to Cuba. There they got the medical treatment they weren't getting here. For FREE! Though there was one person why had to buy some medicine. They had to pay a few pennies on the dollar for it. Where here, it cost many many many dollars. So I guess I better end this here. Before I start hurling vile and repugnant (but true) insults at you that will surely get me banned.

Why don't you watch it and find out

Because Moore is a whiney, idiotic twat. Are you Michael Moore?

Or are you a different whiney, idiotic twat?

...Or maybe how in WW II, the Nazis were the bad guys. ...

... ?

And who do YOU think were the “bad guys,” patient #1642008465?

You probably wouldn't take my word for it. But maybe you would take the word of somebody who knew far, Far, FAR better than you.
General Patton.jpg

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