PAYBACK: House GOP launches into investigation of Cassidy Hutchinson

They're not men. They're gutless cowards. Gym Jordan comes to mind as a good example.

Anyone who has a Son, should point to Jordan & few of the other "tough guys" & teach them not to grow up & be like THEM.

Oh, btw, Navarro had his ass handed back to him today by the Judge in his case & he gets sentenced next week for being a coward.
And they're so quick to talk about being "strong".

What an absolute charade.
The loony conspiracy theory that Trump carjacked the Secret Service is one of the craziest lies you people believe.
Ummm, marv, keep up. Your "loony (sic) conspiracy theory".....was under oath testimony to a House Select Committee, and it came from a long-time Republican aide to Mark Meadows and other prominent Republicans.

And those who sought to contradict her story.....refused to do so under oath.
Go figger.


God damn you are fucking stupid.
BJ, what's up with that?
The poster (Winco) offered the forum an articulate and reasonable explanation, without denigrating anybody, including you.
Yet, you go off your nut with "f*cking stupid"?

Are you OK, BJ?
Is this the proper venue for you?

Sounds like @Winco is admitting the leftist judge was a partisan idiot allowing hearsay testimony.....The judge should be disbarred.......
Ummm, prolific poster, kaz, ......well, .....son, keep up. Try harder.
You are missing your signals.
In this thread's discussion we ain't discussing any development in front of a judge.
Why don't you know that?

It was under-oath testimony before a Congressional Select Committee.

So maybe, you should go disbar some imaginary judge in the fantasy land you live in.
Good luck.

You seem fixated on this slut.
Naw, not at all.
But, having said curious why your avatar seems so reluctant to back up your own word.
Your word that long-time Republican administrative aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, is a "slut" (your words, not mine); or why she is "corrupt" (again, your words not mine).

It's like this good poster BS: You claimed it. You prove it.

But, in this case, you won't. Or you can't.
In short, you didn't.

Accordingly, some may say your word is no good. Your avatar is merely an empty suit. All talk, no walk, all mouth, no more. No there there. A flake.

You don't want your avatar to get that kind of you?
So try harder.

I am mildly sure you can.

Good luck.
What exactly are you trying to say, here? That you're fine with Trump being prosecuted because he committed the crimes he's accused of. That is the meaning of the term "You reap what you sow".

Or are you saying that anyone who "rat's out Trump" deserves to have her life destroyed?????
The second one.
Cassidy knew she'd become a target, and she testified anyway.

Meanwhile, Trump, his sons, and his cronies are hiding behind the Fifth like scared little bunnies.

This young lady has more balls than those "men" do, combined.

^^^Look how pissed off the Biden supporters get about our civil rights.

That's how you know they're evil.
Ummm, marv, keep up. Your "loony (sic) conspiracy theory".....was under oath testimony to a House Select Committee, and it came from a long-time Republican aide to Mark Meadows and other prominent Republicans.

And those who sought to contradict her story.....refused to do so under oath.
Go figger.


BJ, what's up with that?
The poster (Winco) offered the forum an articulate and reasonable explanation, without denigrating anybody, including you.
Yet, you go off your nut with "f*cking stupid"?

Are you OK, BJ?
Is this the proper venue for you?


Ummm, prolific poster, kaz, ......well, .....son, keep up. Try harder.
You are missing your signals.
In this thread's discussion we ain't discussing any development in front of a judge.
Why don't you know that?

It was under-oath testimony before a Congressional Select Committee.

So maybe, you should go disbar some imaginary judge in the fantasy land you live in.
Good luck.


Naw, not at all.
But, having said curious why your avatar seems so reluctant to back up your own word.
Your word that long-time Republican administrative aide, Cassidy Hutchinson, is a "slut" (your words, not mine); or why she is "corrupt" (again, your words not mine).

It's like this good poster BS: You claimed it. You prove it.

But, in this case, you won't. Or you can't.
In short, you didn't.

Accordingly, some may say your word is no good. Your avatar is merely an empty suit. All talk, no walk, all mouth, no more. No there there. A flake.

You don't want your avatar to get that kind of you?
So try harder.

I am mildly sure you can.

Good luck.
I don't need to prove anything. That isn't a requirement to be able to post here.
They're bogus as you will find out. The American people aren't buying it.
Remember how you right wingers use to raaaaaaaaaaant & rave about the "dumbing down of America"?

Boy, were you guys ever right! Did you use your crystal ball to predict that millions & millions of people would be duped into submission by none other then Trump, the biggest conman in history?
Remember how you right wingers use to raaaaaaaaaaant & rave about the "dumbing down of America"?

Boy, were you guys ever right! Did you use your crystal ball to predict that millions & millions of people would be duped into submission by none other then Trump, the biggest conman in history?
Yes, I used my crystal balls.
Ummm, marv, keep up. Your "loony (sic) conspiracy theory".....was under oath testimony to a House Select Committee, and it came from a long-time Republican aide to Mark Meadows and other prominent Republicans.

And those who sought to contradict her story.....refused to do so under oath.
Go figger.

??? She contradicted her own testimony

"I don't need to prove anything. That isn't a requirement to be able to post here."

True that.
One need not be responsible, truthful, even use civil language.
Nor, be logical, correct, articulate, respectful, --- or respected.
All true.

But you see, poster BS Filter, in the real world reality all the rest of us live in.....all those things are not unimportant. Meaning, better people, good people, people to be taken seriously, respected, people with gravitas, all do that or try earnestly to do that.

Now, on the other hand, your own avatar, well.......
True that.
One need not be responsible, truthful, even use civil language.
Nor, be logical, correct, articulate, respectful, --- or respected.
All true.

But you see, poster BS Filter, in the real world reality all the rest of us live in.....all those things are not unimportant. Meaning, better people, good people, people to be taken seriously, respected, people with gravitas, all do that or try earnestly to do that.

Now, on the other hand, your own avatar, well.......
I hope some day you democrat filth can live up to the image you're trying to project. I'm pulling for you.
Gotcha, so she didn't commit a crime, her testimony was just irrelevant because she didn't see anything, vermin

I don't think that she personally committed any crimes.

There should be hearings to follow up on all of the comments made during the infomercial.
The number of revisions that she made after the infomercial aired - is troubling.

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