Paying my neighbors bills.

I have behaved completely resposibly throughput my life. I have positioned myself as best as anyone could for this mess. I told people all through the Bush housing inflation that they cause to NOT take money out of their home, to not buy expensive cars and to save, save, save. That being said I am willing to do what is nessessary to fix this problem for many reasons.

1. I care about my fellow Americans.
2. I care about the long term viability of my country.
3. I care that childern will be living on the streets.
4. I care about the economy being pushed to a point that we will remain a weak third world type country while Countries like China and Russia will emerge before we do and OWN the world markets because they were willing to invest back in their own countries and we werent.
5. I care about the infrastructure of this country crumbling to the extent that we are not able to compete when the world economy does emerge.
6. I care that many of these people (fellow Americans) you chose to hate were actually lied to by their lending institution.

When will you people stop hating your fellow American long enough to pull together and do what NEEDS to be done to fix this country?

you're a socialist aren't you

Of course the only correct response to such an idiotically leading question is the following:

Perhaps I am. Whereas you are an idiot. But I can always change my mind and become something else, while you, my friend, will always be an idiot.
I'm not a socialist so I answered that way.

I believe in Capitalism.

I believe a well regulated market can work wonders.
Do you know who the government is?

For and by the people ring a bell?

Of, by and for the people to be precise.

but it seems to me it is more for serving politicians and their machinations than anything else.

A government of, by and for the people should have those very people's liberties as its first and foremost responsibility. The greatest protection of ones liberty is to guarantee one's economic freedom. When people are allowed to keep the lion's share of the fruits of their labor and intellect, and not when the government confiscates those rewards, are they better able to breathe free.

Only when people are allowed to make choices and yes mistakes do they learn the value of experience. it is not and it never was the government's place to act as a substitute for free choice and all its consequences. Government 's duty is merely to provide the environment where we are free to choose the course of our lives and nothing more. In that sense government should be nearly imperceptible in our everyday lives but that is not the case anymore. A larger and larger portion of our personal earnings are being confiscated by the very government that is supposed to be protecting our freedoms.

The perversion here is that the government has you convinced that by restricting your economic freedom, the one freedom that is crucial to your physical freedom, that government is protecting that very freedom it is usurping.
Its not that I hate my fellow americans. Its just i hate the fact that im being forced to pay for everyones elses bills. Again, i say its not my job, and i dont owe anyone. I have had MANY (in my few years on my own) hardships when it comes to money. You dont see me asking for other people to pay my bills. I do the best I can with what I have.

You are not paying a thing for one's taxes have gone up to pay for it all, the money is being borrowed...your grandkids and great grand kids will be paying for it, and maybe you 20 years from now....

if our administration and congress had given the $700 billion to refinancing people's mortgages instead of directly in to the nortgage companies and banks as they did, it could have killed 2 birds with one stone, or maybe even 3 birds with one stone, imo....

It would have stopped the rampant rate of foreclosures, this keeps the people who have paid on time and did everything right.....their homes from dropping in value, and it would give the money to the banks for the homes they thought they were going to lose to foreclosure...putting money and stability back in to our banks...and the mortgage backed securities.

YOu said that it keeps the people from losing theie house if its already on the way to forclosure?

Well the same thing applies to that. I dont feel I should have to help them. I didnt purchase the house on a low income. I live in my means.

You make it sound like i dont give a shit about people, but i just dont feel I should have to HELP people from there homes going under. Again...i didnt buy it.
No I do not own a house. I live in an apartment. Because right now...thats what I can afford. Im not saying that you will, but dont twist that saying "well then you have no idae what its like...etc."

So you have never gone through the loan process, yet you are making judgments on it. You have never owned a house, yet you make judgments on that. You are new to the real world, yet you have become an expert on it.

Guess what happens if you landlord comes to you at the end of your lease and says I am raising it X amount. You either move or suck it up and pay it. If you mortgage increase you either try to refinance (which is much harder now - I know I just refinanced), you try to sell or you default! Many people at the moment are defaulting because they lost their jobs, not because of mistakes they made.

Like it or not we are in an unpresented situation. It needs to be treated as such. Do I agree with Obama, no. I don't like the plan so far. But is it rational to think we can just take care of ourselves and the rest be damned and thing it won't catch up to all of us? Damn right!

There are many culprits in this: (1) The Consumer/owner (yep you don't get off Scott-free), (2) The Banks, (3) Congress, (4) Barney Faggot Frank, (5) Dobbs, (6) Bill Clinton, (7) George Bush, etc.
Yet, care, the same laws and mechanisms are in place to allow under qualified people to obtain loans AGAIN

Not to mention that this is not a job of the government.... if home values go down, they go down... it is a risk like anything else you purchase.. if people get foreclosed upon because poor decisions were made, they get foreclosed upon.. if some banks have to be bought out or sell off their accounts and go out of business, so be it

The government does not exist to bail you out of consequences to your choices and actions... neither does it exist to do it for a private corporation or company..
YOu said that it keeps the people from losing theie house if its already on the way to forclosure?

Well the same thing applies to that. I dont feel I should have to help them. I didnt purchase the house on a low income. I live in my means.

You make it sound like i dont give a shit about people, but i just dont feel I should have to HELP people from there homes going under. Again...i didnt buy it.

I provided you with flat out undeniable evidence that people were wronged by the mortgage companies.

Why should we help the Banks but not the people who were wronged by them?
I never once said in any of the postings that I was a financial expert...NEVER ONCE.

You assume I know nothing about the process...YOu have no idea what my parents did or didnt teach me. Or who I do and dont know. Or what people in my family do for a living. Or what im going to college for.
YOu said that it keeps the people from losing theie house if its already on the way to forclosure?

Well the same thing applies to that. I dont feel I should have to help them. I didnt purchase the house on a low income. I live in my means.

You make it sound like i dont give a shit about people, but i just dont feel I should have to HELP people from there homes going under. Again...i didnt buy it.

I provided you with flat out undeniable evidence that people were wronged by the mortgage companies.

Why should we help the Banks but not the people who were wronged by them?

No you did not
I never once said in any of the postings that I was a financial expert...NEVER ONCE.

You assume I know nothing about the process...YOu have no idea what my parents did or didnt teach me. Or who I do and dont know. Or what people in my family do for a living. Or what im going to college for.

We are going by what you say.

You say things and we give you information to refute your current beliefs as stated by you.
Mortgage Lender Fraud - Investor Lawsuits Surge Against Lenders - Renting & Housing - GotTrouble Message Board - click solve evolve

Mortgage Lender Fraud - Investor Lawsuits Surge Against Lenders
An analysis of mortgage-related litigation and legal actions in the second quarter indicates active lawsuits filed by shareholders against mortgage firms jumped more than 50 percent from the prior quarter, according to the Second Quarter Mortgage Litigation Report released by Mortgage News for the Mortgage Industry | National Mortgage Loan and Rates News. The report, based on cases covered by, was prepared in conjunction with the law firm of Weiner Brodsky Sidman Kider PC, which is known as a leader for its work in mortgage banking litigation.

During the second quarter, the number of investor lawsuits tracked by that were filed against mortgage companies totaled 14. Four investor class-actions against IndyMac Bancorp Inc. were tracked, while three investor lawsuits against Downey Financial Corp. were covered. Franklin Bank Corp. faced at least two shareholder lawsuits.

DD this is unrefuteable truth
YOu said that it keeps the people from losing theie house if its already on the way to forclosure?

Well the same thing applies to that. I dont feel I should have to help them. I didnt purchase the house on a low income. I live in my means.

You make it sound like i dont give a shit about people, but i just dont feel I should have to HELP people from there homes going under. Again...i didnt buy it.

again, you are not paying for anything that is being done now, that money is being borrowed from china, japan, saudi arabia....

if your bitch is that you are going to have to start paying for it 10 or 20 years from now....then your bitch would be correct.......
And thats exactly what im doing.
I said you assumed I knew nothing about finances. Just because im young doesnt mean im stupid, and on the same note that doesnt mean i think i know "everything" I have a lot to learn...but again dont assume i know nothing.
YOu said that it keeps the people from losing theie house if its already on the way to forclosure?

Well the same thing applies to that. I dont feel I should have to help them. I didnt purchase the house on a low income. I live in my means.

You make it sound like i dont give a shit about people, but i just dont feel I should have to HELP people from there homes going under. Again...i didnt buy it.

again, you are not paying for anything that is being done now, that money is being borrowed from china, japan, saudi arabia....

if your bitch is that you are going to have to start paying for it 10 or 20 years from now....then your bitch would be correct.......

We will all be paying for it when the government funding of expanded state entitlements run out. you will see your local and state taxes rise and you will be allowed to keep even less of what you earn in the name of stimulus.
What do you think will happen to the American economy if we just let it fail?
Try reading the whole fucking thing you goddamn imbecile

1) It is a goddamn message board you ignorant slut
2) "Cases tied to individual bankruptcies and foreclosures are generally excluded from the report."
3) "lawsuits filed by shareholders against mortgage firms"
4) FY2008 FY2007 FY2006

Investigations Initiated 349 337 309
5) The types of investigations by the IRS revolve around wire fraud, money laundering, etc... and this is not showing that people were forced or duped into signing mortgages with fraudulent information or illegal lending acts, resulting in the foreclosure of their houses

You just randomly put up shit you find on Google without reading and comprehending what you just linked... you ignorant piece of shit... and the whole reason I am calling you out on it and not ignoring it is to show a new poster on this board the exact type of lying, manipulating, piece of shit that you are... you are a bastion of horseshit...

You are pwned
YOu said that my "bitch" would be right.

You can honestly say that your okay with upping your taxes because someone made the decision to live out of there means?

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