Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

The FEC uses the rule of "irrespective". Would the expense have occurred irrespective of a candidacy?

If Trump was worried about it ruining his marriage, he would have paid her off YEARS AGO, not the month before the election.

Quit being ridiculous.

She wasn't shopping her fairy tale years ago. Pecker told Cohen she was looking for a payday.


Yes she was... she did a fucking interview in 2011 with In Touch Magazine... he didn't pay her off back then.



How the Interview I Did with Stormy Daniels for "Trashy" Magazine Might Just Topple a President

That interview never saw the light of day until after she signed the NDA, go figure.

Welp it appears the NY DA has evidence Trump didn't pay Cohen back himself... he used Trump Foundation money and they listed it as a business expense for legal fees. Oops.

The payoff to the two women, occurred 10 years after the actually affairs, during the campaign period, so that they would keep their mouths shut, during the campaign and not hurt Trump's election possibilities.

All of that is legal, even the great amount, over the individual limit of $2700, BECAUSE when they finally got their stories straight, they claimed that Trump reimbursed Cohen for the payment....

Why would it not be illegal?

Because a Candidate is not limited in the amount that they contribute to their own campaign out of their own personal money.

HOWEVER, several sleazy and illegal things did take place...

Trump did not pay Cohen back out of his own personal money.... he used the Trump Organization (his business) and the Trump Foundation (his Charity) to pay Cohen back for the $130,000 he borrowed on his house, to pay off Stormy Daniels,

plus extra money paid to Cohen to cover all of the fees he accumulated by getting the 2nd mortgage...and the interest cohen was paying on the mortgage and any paperwork and lawyer fees he had to pay on the mortgage,

The total Cohen was paid for the deal was around $450,000....even though the payout to Stormy was only $130,000! (this is an exorbitant amount of extra money and I have a guess of what else the money was for, that I will get to later)

The arrangement for the pay back to Cohen, was then invoiced as "Lawyer fees", a ''retainer'' they claimed on most of the paybacks which began early 2017.... Retainer fees are paid before a lawyer spends his own money and for strictly legal that is weird?

These were phony invoices the Trump Organization and the Trump Foundation used to pay him, saying they all involved lawyer fees for legal work.... I supposed.... to cover up what the fees were actually for, Stormy Daniels....

BUT, it was for a crooked, double edge reason, by saying the money they paid Cohen was for legal services for the Trump Organization and legal fees for the Trump Foundation Charity,

they would be tax deductible,

the way they handled the Stormy Daniels payoff via Cohen "legal fees", was tax fraud for both the Trump Organization and Trump Charity!!!

HOLY SMOKES! It was planned corruption.

Now on my thoughts on the money amount to Cohen, my guess is that the extra money Cohen got for the stormy payoff... the $430k, some of that money was used for Stormy Daniel's corrupt lawyer who was working with Cohen BEHIND Stormy's screw Stormy. (this same lawyer of Stormy's also represented Karen McDougal who also got screwed by that lawyer)

CROOKS all around the Trumpster!
If Trump was worried about it ruining his marriage, he would have paid her off YEARS AGO, not the month before the election.

Quit being ridiculous.

She wasn't shopping her fairy tale years ago. Pecker told Cohen she was looking for a payday.


Yes she was... she did a fucking interview in 2011 with In Touch Magazine... he didn't pay her off back then.



How the Interview I Did with Stormy Daniels for "Trashy" Magazine Might Just Topple a President

That interview never saw the light of day until after she signed the NDA, go figure.


The editor didn't run it... but she talked about in 2011 and Trump didn't pay her off until October 2016. If he were trying to save his marriage by silencing her, he would have done it FIVE years prior.
Welp it appears the NY DA has evidence Trump didn't pay Cohen back himself... he used Trump Foundation money and they listed it as a business expense for legal fees. Oops.

The payoff to the two women, occurred 10 years after the actually affairs, during the campaign period, so that they would keep their mouths shut, during the campaign and not hurt Trump's election possibilities.

All of that is legal, even the great amount, over the individual limit of $2700, BECAUSE when they finally got their stories straight, they claimed that Trump reimbursed Cohen for the payment....

Why would it not be illegal?

Because a Candidate is not limited in the amount that they contribute to their own campaign out of their own personal money.

HOWEVER, several sleazy and illegal things did take place...

Trump did not pay Cohen back out of his own personal money.... he used the Trump Organization (his business) and the Trump Foundation (his Charity) to pay Cohen back for the $130,000 he borrowed on his house, to pay off Stormy Daniels,

plus extra money paid to Cohen to cover all of the fees he accumulated by getting the 2nd mortgage...and the interest cohen was paying on the mortgage and any paperwork and lawyer fees he had to pay on the mortgage,

The total Cohen was paid for the deal was around $450,000....even though the payout to Stormy was only $130,000! (this is an exorbitant amount of extra money and I have a guess of what else the money was for, that I will get to later)

The arrangement for the pay back to Cohen, was then invoiced as "Lawyer fees", a ''retainer'' they claimed on most of the paybacks which began early 2017.... Retainer fees are paid before a lawyer spends his own money and for strictly legal that is weird?

These were phony invoices the Trump Organization and the Trump Foundation used to pay him, saying they all involved lawyer fees for legal work.... I supposed.... to cover up what the fees were actually for, Stormy Daniels....

BUT, it was for a crooked, double edge reason, by saying the money they paid Cohen was for legal services for the Trump Organization and legal fees for the Trump Foundation Charity,

they would be tax deductible,

the way they handled the Stormy Daniels payoff via Cohen "legal fees", was tax fraud for both the Trump Organization and Trump Charity!!!

HOLY SMOKES! It was planned corruption.

Now on my thoughts on the money amount to Cohen, my guess is that the extra money Cohen got for the stormy payoff... the $430k, some of that money was used for Stormy Daniel's corrupt lawyer who was working with Cohen BEHIND Stormy's screw Stormy. (this same lawyer of Stormy's also represented Karen McDougal who also got screwed by that lawyer)

CROOKS all around the Trumpster!

Plus Cohen committed Bank fraud when he took out the mortgages when he said it was for other things, not paying off women on NDAs.

If Trump did nothing wrong, then why the fuck did they do all this and make it so hard to trace? Let me rephrase, TRY to make it so hard to trace.

the left has been reduced to using a whore to get the president


long way from the Russian angle




man oh man you have really got him this time


Just because someone is a porn star doesn't mean they are a whore. The Republicans tried to use an affair with an intern to Impeach Bill Clinton. Tit for tat.


if she is getting paid for sex she is

but hey go ahead lay all your hopes of dumping Trump with a whore

this will be great for party recruitment


Wrong. Porn star is her profession. Do you know what a whore is?

Also do you understand that you are trying to talk down the person Trump cheated on his wife with?

so according to you had sex with and he paid her --in other words a whore

the new face of the socialist democrat party

good going moron

He offered her money at the time... just like he did with McDougal and they turned him down. He didn't pay her for sex, he paid her not to say they had sex. Wow, you don't understand the difference.

what do i know

like i said it is a great tool for socialist democrat party

a pornstar/whore as one of the faces

people are gonna love it

It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....

No, the FEC did not say it was a crime, moron. It said exactly the opposite.

It “really doesn’t matter” if President Donald Trump or his lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 since there’s a “strong argument” that it wasn’t a campaign expenditure, according to former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley Smith.

“I think that there’s a very strong argument that this is not a campaign contribution and not a campaign expenditure,” Smith told Fox News host Laura Ingraham Thursday night on “The Ingraham Angle.”

“And it really doesn’t matter whether Cohen paid or Trump paid it or Trump reimbursed Cohen. If it’s not a campaign expenditure, it’s not going to be covered by campaign finance laws,” said Smith (pictured above on far right).
If it was not a campaign contribution and expense, you are correct but Cohen made it pretty clear that it was when he said the payments were “in coordination with and at the direction of a candidate for federal office” (Trump). He also told the judge that he knew what he was doing was illegal but that he did it anyway.
Cohen said what he had to say so he wouldn't spend the rest of his life in prison. Anyone who believes he has any credibility is smoking something.
It would be hard to believe that a jury would not consider those payoffs a campaign expense designed to shut Daniels up when Cohen said it was at the direction of the candidate.

Trump could claim otherwise but considering Trump's documented history of on demand fabrications, no jury would buy his version of the truth.
so did she or did she not get paid to have sex in porn movies

a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also, informal + offensive : a promiscuous or im

Definition of WHORE

A Porn movie star isn't a prostitute.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right now by trying to take a higher moral ground... while you support a President who lies 10+ times a day and has cheated on all his wives?
She wasn't shopping her fairy tale years ago. Pecker told Cohen she was looking for a payday.


Yes she was... she did a fucking interview in 2011 with In Touch Magazine... he didn't pay her off back then.



How the Interview I Did with Stormy Daniels for "Trashy" Magazine Might Just Topple a President

That interview never saw the light of day until after she signed the NDA, go figure.


The editor didn't run it... but she talked about in 2011 and Trump didn't pay her off until October 2016. If he were trying to save his marriage by silencing her, he would have done it FIVE years prior.
and did trump's foundation charity pay off the magazine that did the ''catch n kill'' on it originally??
So, Russia isn't to blame anymore,
the, 'whore, keep your mouth shuit, payout it

Russia may be the next shoe to drop. Trump is embroiled in multiple scandals. The paying off of pornstars is just one of the many scandals brought about by the Trump Crime Syndicate.
Russia may be the next shoe to drop.
Shouldn’t that have happened already?
Several of the hackers have been indicted. The investigation continues

Trump is embroiled in multiple scandals. The paying off of pornstars is just one of the many scandals

Check this out....
Asia Argento, leader of the #MeToo whores,
that found courage and self respect, finally, after 20 fucking years
denies she forced herself, on a 17 year old boy...she was 37
and claims the payoff Bennett received,
was the doing of her boyfriend at the time,
Anthony Bourdain, who, of course, can't weigh in
because he killed himself, less than 2 months ago...

according to her the money was paid,
NOT because she was guilty,
but, because Anthony thought it was best,
to have compassion for someone struggling financially...
Oh, and could end up being NEGATIVE PUBLICITY

Even with pictures, text messages and a money trail
which support his allegations, she continues to call him a liar,
and blame Anthony Bourdain for giving him the money.

Now, THAT'S scandalous!

Maybe that played a role in his suicide... Fucking bitch!

You get the award for deflection of the year…

I don’t give whatever her name is you just mentioned any chance to win in 2020.
You get the award for deflection of the year…

I don’t give whatever her name is you just mentioned any chance to win in 2020.

Clearly, you're trying to give me your award....
No thanks, you earned it, you keep it!

Yeah…you’re the one talking about Anthony Bourdain in the politics forum. You look like an idiot.
Yeah…you’re the one talking about Anthony Bourdain in the politics forum. You look like an idiot.
I've had snappier comebacks from a bowl of Rice Krispies
so did she or did she not get paid to have sex in porn movies

a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also, informal + offensive : a promiscuous or im

Definition of WHORE

A Porn movie star isn't a prostitute.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right now by trying to take a higher moral ground... while you support a President who lies 10+ times a day and has cheated on all his wives?
A Porn movie star isn't a prostitute.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right now by trying to take a higher moral ground... while you support a President who lies 10+ times a day and has cheated on all his wives?
Holy Shit!

Do YOU realize how fucking moronic YOU sound?...
Obviously not!
I see the Little Trumpsters are as ignorant about the law and the three witness verification of Trump breaking the said law, as their clueless hero.
Thar's what I like about the Little Trumpsters, they too are self professed "very stable geniuses" and the irony shows.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It's illegal if you don't report it.

When candidates use their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits. They must, however, be reported.

Contributions made from the candidate’s personal funds must be reported. The reporting varies according to whether the personal funds of the candidate were loaned or contributed directly to the candidate’s authorized committee, or whether the funds were spent by the candidate out-of-pocket.
Using the personal funds of the candidate -

It wasn't a campaign expense, moron.
Uh...yep it was if it was used to pay off a person to prevent her from divulging information that might damage your campaign.
Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.
so did she or did she not get paid to have sex in porn movies

a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also, informal + offensive : a promiscuous or im

Definition of WHORE

A Porn movie star isn't a prostitute.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right now by trying to take a higher moral ground... while you support a President who lies 10+ times a day and has cheated on all his wives?
A Porn movie star isn't a prostitute.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right now by trying to take a higher moral ground... while you support a President who lies 10+ times a day and has cheated on all his wives?
Holy Shit!

Do YOU realize how fucking moronic YOU sound?...
Obviously not!

Yeah... you're right. It's pretty moronic that I have to explain to people the difference between a whore and a porn star. It should be common sense.
so did she or did she not get paid to have sex in porn movies

a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also, informal + offensive : a promiscuous or im

Definition of WHORE

A Porn movie star isn't a prostitute.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right now by trying to take a higher moral ground... while you support a President who lies 10+ times a day and has cheated on all his wives?

sure they are according to the dictionaries

a women who has sex for money


but hey like i said great she is the face of the socialist democrat party soccer moms across the nation

will be sure to sign up
so did she or did she not get paid to have sex in porn movies

a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also, informal + offensive : a promiscuous or im

Definition of WHORE

A Porn movie star isn't a prostitute.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right now by trying to take a higher moral ground... while you support a President who lies 10+ times a day and has cheated on all his wives?
A prostitute engages in sexual activity with someone for payment. A Porn star also engages in sexual activity with someone for payment. The difference is who pays.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It's illegal if you don't report it.

When candidates use their personal funds for campaign purposes, they are making contributions to their campaigns. Unlike other contributions, these candidate contributions are not subject to any limits. They must, however, be reported.

Contributions made from the candidate’s personal funds must be reported. The reporting varies according to whether the personal funds of the candidate were loaned or contributed directly to the candidate’s authorized committee, or whether the funds were spent by the candidate out-of-pocket.
Using the personal funds of the candidate -

It wasn't a campaign expense, moron.
Uh...yep it was if it was used to pay off a person to prevent her from divulging information that might damage your campaign.
Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.

What information? Trump said it never happened. If it is a lie then there is no need to pay someone for their silence. If he was trustworthy he could just say it is a lie... and then take her to court for slander.
so did she or did she not get paid to have sex in porn movies

a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also, informal + offensive : a promiscuous or im

Definition of WHORE

A Porn movie star isn't a prostitute.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right now by trying to take a higher moral ground... while you support a President who lies 10+ times a day and has cheated on all his wives?

sure they are according to the dictionaries

a women who has sex for money


but hey like i said great she is the face of the socialist democrat party soccer moms across the nation

will be sure to sign up

She is an ACTRESS in a porn movie. This is so sad this has to be explained to you.
so did she or did she not get paid to have sex in porn movies

a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : prostitute; also, informal + offensive : a promiscuous or im

Definition of WHORE

A Porn movie star isn't a prostitute.

Do you realize how stupid you sound right now by trying to take a higher moral ground... while you support a President who lies 10+ times a day and has cheated on all his wives?

sure they are according to the dictionaries

a women who has sex for money


but hey like i said great she is the face of the socialist democrat party soccer moms across the nation

will be sure to sign up

She is an ACTRESS in a porn movie. This is so sad this has to be explained to you.

indeed the the average person across the country

will be happy to see as one of the new faces of the socialist democrat party

maybe she can speak at the convention with a cop killer or two

or with a ms-13 gang member more of base

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