PC Alert! Middle School Honors Night too "exclusive"

That's how our school does it, but most don't show up.
I think that is what the school was saying when they said the honors night was too exclusive. (Just a very few people showing up) and teachers don't like spending the whole evening at school (and the school board doesn't like the expense of keeping the school open all night) just for a dozen or so students and their parents. Wouldn't it be more efficient to hold it during the school day and wouldn't that guarantee that these students get their recognition in front of a lot more people?

prove it.
You think you will find someone to argue with about that here, Mac?

Sure, there are plenty of liberal robots that will back anything they say. If a liberals want to release murderers, you have the bots repeat the talking, points why they should be released.
Acknowledging Academic Achievement doesn't have to be inclusive. If you want your kid to be acknowledged make em work harder. If they can't, then get them used to the fact that they are at best average academically and find them something they ARE good at.

Yet another incorrect assumption.
Not very inclusive, huh - means not many people in attendance. I know because I wrote it.

So an inclusive ceremony - like at a graduation - would mean that these special, few high achievers would get their accolades in front of a much wider audience.

Making the same mistake over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Spin spin spin. When you try to be a vocabulary teacher ex post facto, you make yourself look like a loser.

The people there LIKED having the night for their high achieving kids to be recognized among themselves. They complained once the policy was changed. It was THEIR night, for them and their families.

and being a stubborn asshat that I have to reply to repeatedly gets me pos rep and a higher post count. So i win on content, and I win on volume.

Go scuttle to another post and pretend to be a moderate there.

You're a dick. I knew what he meant.
Yet another incorrect assumption.
Not very inclusive, huh - means not many people in attendance. I know because I wrote it.

So an inclusive ceremony - like at a graduation - would mean that these special, few high achievers would get their accolades in front of a much wider audience.

Making the same mistake over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Spin spin spin. When you try to be a vocabulary teacher ex post facto, you make yourself look like a loser.

The people there LIKED having the night for their high achieving kids to be recognized among themselves. They complained once the policy was changed. It was THEIR night, for them and their families.

and being a stubborn asshat that I have to reply to repeatedly gets me pos rep and a higher post count. So i win on content, and I win on volume.

Go scuttle to another post and pretend to be a moderate there.

You're a dick. I knew what he meant.

Mostly because you are just as big of a loser as he is.
Yet another incorrect assumption.
Not very inclusive, huh - means not many people in attendance. I know because I wrote it.

So an inclusive ceremony - like at a graduation - would mean that these special, few high achievers would get their accolades in front of a much wider audience.

Making the same mistake over and over again and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

Spin spin spin. When you try to be a vocabulary teacher ex post facto, you make yourself look like a loser.

The people there LIKED having the night for their high achieving kids to be recognized among themselves. They complained once the policy was changed. It was THEIR night, for them and their families.

and being a stubborn asshat that I have to reply to repeatedly gets me pos rep and a higher post count. So i win on content, and I win on volume.

Go scuttle to another post and pretend to be a moderate there.

You're a dick. I knew what he meant.

Then come out and say it. Shit you tards have no problem with Hollywood giving them selves awards every other week.
The people there LIKED having the night for their high achieving kids to be recognized among themselves. They complained once the policy was changed. It was THEIR night, for them and their families.

prove it
Spin spin spin. When you try to be a vocabulary teacher ex post facto, you make yourself look like a loser.

The people there LIKED having the night for their high achieving kids to be recognized among themselves. They complained once the policy was changed. It was THEIR night, for them and their families.

and being a stubborn asshat that I have to reply to repeatedly gets me pos rep and a higher post count. So i win on content, and I win on volume.

Go scuttle to another post and pretend to be a moderate there.

You're a dick. I knew what he meant.

Then come out and say it. Shit you tards have no problem with Hollywood giving them selves awards every other week.

Come out and say what? You seem upset.
The people there LIKED having the night for their high achieving kids to be recognized among themselves. They complained once the policy was changed. It was THEIR night, for them and their families.

prove it

Considering some of them complained about it, I think the evidence speaks for itself.

Again, look up the schools response. it did not refer to general criticism but specifically to criticism from parents with regards to the honors night.

Oh wait, i forgot, you are a liberal asshat, I'll look it up for you and save you the time.

Over the past several days, we have been in contact with many members of the community who have shared feedback about our decision to recognize and celebrate student excellence by individuals and teams in a team-based event during school hours. We have certainly appreciated the range of feedback we received about how best to celebrate excellence at Cole.

In light of our conversations, we have decided to honor excellence as we had planned, but at a traditional evening event.
Then come out and say it. Shit you tards have no problem with Hollywood giving them selves awards every other week.

Come out and say what? You seem upset.

you said thet his post was mischaracterized, so in what way? I asked in plain English....

He already explained it. He was commenting on the fact that ceremonies like the one my daughter will take part in do not take place in front of the entire student body. She is being honored and recognized in front of a limited audience.

Get it?
My wonderful daughter has been invited to her awards ceremony this evening. How the hell can I stand it?! I expect the school I sent her to be more PC than that!

Students have to be invited to the awards ceremony?

Not very inclusive, huh?

Acknowledging Academic Achievement doesn't have to be inclusive. If you want your kid to be acknowledged make em work harder. If they can't, then get them used to the fact that they are at best average academically and find them something they ARE good at.

NOBODY is ever prevented from attending these ceremonies. And they should NEVER be deferred until graduation. Students shouldn't be FORCED to attend. But PARENTS should be invited..
Students have to be invited to the awards ceremony?

Not very inclusive, huh?

Acknowledging Academic Achievement doesn't have to be inclusive. If you want your kid to be acknowledged make em work harder. If they can't, then get them used to the fact that they are at best average academically and find them something they ARE good at.

NOBODY is ever prevented from attending these ceremonies. And they should NEVER be deferred until graduation. Students shouldn't be FORCED to attend. But PARENTS should be invited..

My son's middle school doesn't have a graduation.
They have honors day during school hours and parents are invited.
I was proud of my son.
But middle school "graduation" ??? Really???
Stupid if you ask me.

My son hasn't "graduated" until he has at least a bachelors degree (or a trade if he chooses that).
Imagine if a few of the honor students, when called to the stage to receive their awards, delivered short messages of thanks but decline the offer because it has been made meaningless.

Then return to their seats empty handed.
Imagine if a few of the honor students, when called to the stage to receive their awards, delivered short messages of thanks but decline the offer because it has been made meaningless.

Then return to their seats empty handed.

Yeah. Imagine a generation of passive aggressive assholes! That would be fun!
Imagine if a few of the honor students, when called to the stage to receive their awards, delivered short messages of thanks but decline the offer because it has been made meaningless.

Then return to their seats empty handed.

The students don't speak at the ones I've been too.
Imagine if a few of the honor students, when called to the stage to receive their awards, delivered short messages of thanks but decline the offer because it has been made meaningless.

Then return to their seats empty handed.

Yeah. Imagine a generation of passive aggressive assholes! That would be fun!

PA would just not attend.

Politely declining is hardly passive.

However I would venture that one might get away with doing it because the PC police would be speechless but they're recover quickly and quickly forbid any statements at all by anticipated recipients.
That article and this thread are so full of bigotry that I had to create an account here to tell you all how wrong you are.

“How else are they suppose to learn coping skills, not just based on success, but relative failure, it might not be failure, but understand what it takes to achieve high levels,” said parent Joe Kosloski.
Really? The whole purpose of these award ceremonies is for the academically underprivileged to "learn coping skills"? At least he's being honest--this isn't about honoring anyone's achievement, it's about insulting those who weren't as lucky, or as rich, or generally as privileged as the overachieving class. He's basically saying that he wants all the underprivileged students in that school to have their classmates be paraded around in front of them with all manner of awards and recognitions, while telling those underprivileged students, "You don't get any, deal with it." This bigot digs his own grave even further, first implying that their lack of awards constitutes "relative failure," then immediately backpedaling and saying "it might not be failure" after all. No duh it's not failure--it's privilege. Lack of privilege is not failure. The possession of privilege is, as it represents the failure of society to bring about true equality.

I can't see how anyone could support this obviously discriminatory awards nonsense. Either everyone gets an award or no one does--that is equality in action. If you don't like equality, you don't like America, end of story.

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