PC Alert! Middle School Honors Night too "exclusive"

That article and this thread are so full of bigotry that I had to create an account here to tell you all how wrong you are.

“How else are they suppose to learn coping skills, not just based on success, but relative failure, it might not be failure, but understand what it takes to achieve high levels,” said parent Joe Kosloski.
Really? The whole purpose of these award ceremonies is for the academically underprivileged to "learn coping skills"? At least he's being honest--this isn't about honoring anyone's achievement, it's about insulting those who weren't as lucky, or as rich, or generally as privileged as the overachieving class. He's basically saying that he wants all the underprivileged students in that school to have their classmates be paraded around in front of them with all manner of awards and recognitions, while telling those underprivileged students, "You don't get any, deal with it." This bigot digs his own grave even further, first implying that their lack of awards constitutes "relative failure," then immediately backpedaling and saying "it might not be failure" after all. No duh it's not failure--it's privilege. Lack of privilege is not failure. The possession of privilege is, as it represents the failure of society to bring about true equality.

I can't see how anyone could support this obviously discriminatory awards nonsense. Either everyone gets an award or no one does--that is equality in action. If you don't like equality, you don't like America, end of story.

Oooooh! You're a sneaky one. Don't know if well be able to figure you out.
How tough is it to reward the kids who worked hard regardless of their grades? Not very.

To the slackers, work harder next year. This isn't rocket science folks.
How tough is it to reward the kids who worked hard regardless of their grades? Not very.

To the slackers, work harder next year. This isn't rocket science folks.

I agree. Maybe seeing the prestige attached to achievement will be a motivator.
That works both ways in a country that rejects smart people and science, but kids like praise so when they earn it, show it!
How tough is it to reward the kids who worked hard regardless of their grades? Not very.

To the slackers, work harder next year. This isn't rocket science folks.

I agree. Maybe seeing the prestige attached to achievement will be a motivator.
That works both ways in a country that rejects smart people and science, but kids like praise so when they earn it, show it!

Sorry Paint, it's people like you that don't think anyone should do better. You're like unions guys who get pissed off when the new guy shows up, works our and out performs the vets, then they have a little chat to basically tell him to slack off.

Just remember, Democrats are the party of participation trophies.
I agree. Maybe seeing the prestige attached to achievement will be a motivator.
That works both ways in a country that rejects smart people and science, but kids like praise so when they earn it, show it!

Sorry Paint, it's people like you that don't think anyone should do better. You're like unions guys who get pissed off when the new guy shows up, works our and out performs the vets, then they have a little chat to basically tell him to slack off.

Just remember, Democrats are the party of participation trophies.
It's nice that you try to tell me what I think instead of asking, but that just makes you stupid in the end. Carry on.
That article and this thread are so full of bigotry that I had to create an account here to tell you all how wrong you are.

“How else are they suppose to learn coping skills, not just based on success, but relative failure, it might not be failure, but understand what it takes to achieve high levels,” said parent Joe Kosloski.
Really? The whole purpose of these award ceremonies is for the academically underprivileged to "learn coping skills"? At least he's being honest--this isn't about honoring anyone's achievement, it's about insulting those who weren't as lucky, or as rich, or generally as privileged as the overachieving class. He's basically saying that he wants all the underprivileged students in that school to have their classmates be paraded around in front of them with all manner of awards and recognitions, while telling those underprivileged students, "You don't get any, deal with it." This bigot digs his own grave even further, first implying that their lack of awards constitutes "relative failure," then immediately backpedaling and saying "it might not be failure" after all. No duh it's not failure--it's privilege. Lack of privilege is not failure. The possession of privilege is, as it represents the failure of society to bring about true equality.

I can't see how anyone could support this obviously discriminatory awards nonsense. Either everyone gets an award or no one does--that is equality in action. If you don't like equality, you don't like America, end of story.

I am so glad you decided to join us.. Because that's a perfect illustration of the TYRANNY of LOW EXPECTATIONS with which leftists approach our underacheivers. CONSTANTLY remind them of their victimhood and make it comfortable for them to reject academic performance and excellence at every opportunity.. WHY are those asses even in seats? They should be enrolled in a special school for the perpertually hopeless and trained to be whiners and beggars..

EVERY grade and EVERY year -- these kids need to reach their potential. And leftists don't care to elevate their performance when the opportunity arises. HIGHER EXPECTATIONS is the tool that has repeatedly demonstrated to work. In Harlem, In Oakland, and most everywhere else it's been "allowed" to happen..

What a sad message it is -- if the asses in those seats aren't there to be badgered about academic acheivement..
You think you will find someone to argue with about that here, Mac?

There is no argument. Just bullshit liberal PC lunacy.
Suppose they took all competition out of everything kids do. Whether it be in education or athletics or employment.
All this nonsense does is shield kids from the real world.

Middle school cancels annual honors night.

Don't want to hurt any feelings.

I bet those honors students didn't earn it. Or cheated. Or something.

The decay continues.

Cole Middle School Cancels Honors Night - Schools - East Greenwich, RI Patch

The fix is pretty easy. It's Honors and Most Improved, and you invite all the kids but not all of them get rewarded.

No. What happens when we send all these esteem built up kids out into the real world where their egos will no longer be stroked?

The concept of self esteem has created two generations of self involved narcissistic little brats who cannot deal with disappointment.
Their helicopter parents let them have everything they wanted. They told them they were the greatest thing since the invention of perforated paper towels. And the little shits believe it.
The fix is pretty easy. It's Honors and Most Improved, and you invite all the kids.

And that's how the PC Police think.

There's nothing PC about that. You are celebrating good grades and good efforts.

Oh the "tried real hard" concept?
Yeah, they called that outcome based education. Where kids were rewarded for failure as long as they 'tried real hard'...
Well, in the real world if one tries real hard at their job but still fails in properly completing their tasks, they get fired.
Effort? Please.
Standards are so low as it is. If a kid cannot achieve the bare minimum, they should not be rewarded as though they were the same as a high achiever.
And that's how the PC Police think.

There's nothing PC about that. You are celebrating good grades and good efforts.

Oh the "tried real hard" concept?
Yeah, they called that outcome based education. Where kids were rewarded for failure as long as they 'tried real hard'...
Well, in the real world if one tries real hard at their job but still fails in properly completing their tasks, they get fired.
Effort? Please.
Standards are so low as it is. If a kid cannot achieve the bare minimum, they should not be rewarded as though they were the same as a high achiever.

No better example of that than watching the American Idols raw auditions. You will see several with these helicopter parents crying outside the door about how stupid and evil the judges were.. "I know honey, they just don't appreciate your level of talent"...

It's not JUST the parents. The media CELEBRATES under-achievers. Even REWARDS them with huge contracts and bonuses. You get the same effect as glamorizing pimps and dealers.
That article and this thread are so full of bigotry that I had to create an account here to tell you all how wrong you are.

“How else are they suppose to learn coping skills, not just based on success, but relative failure, it might not be failure, but understand what it takes to achieve high levels,” said parent Joe Kosloski.
Really? The whole purpose of these award ceremonies is for the academically underprivileged to "learn coping skills"? At least he's being honest--this isn't about honoring anyone's achievement, it's about insulting those who weren't as lucky, or as rich, or generally as privileged as the overachieving class. He's basically saying that he wants all the underprivileged students in that school to have their classmates be paraded around in front of them with all manner of awards and recognitions, while telling those underprivileged students, "You don't get any, deal with it." This bigot digs his own grave even further, first implying that their lack of awards constitutes "relative failure," then immediately backpedaling and saying "it might not be failure" after all. No duh it's not failure--it's privilege. Lack of privilege is not failure. The possession of privilege is, as it represents the failure of society to bring about true equality.

I can't see how anyone could support this obviously discriminatory awards nonsense. Either everyone gets an award or no one does--that is equality in action. If you don't like equality, you don't like America, end of story.

I am so glad you decided to join us.. Because that's a perfect illustration of the TYRANNY of LOW EXPECTATIONS with which leftists approach our underacheivers.
Teabagger detected. The argument has evolved (and yes, conservatards, evolution DOES exist) from "let me discriminate, it's my choice, you tyrant" to "if you don't discriminate too, you're a tyrant." This is the mindset I fight against every single day--the mindset of "stop liking what I don't like," of "everyone must be exactly like me or else," this intellectually dishonest movement to completely stamp out diversity and all things not in your exclusive demographic segment. You are literally what is killing this country and what has removed the tools America needs to succeed.

CONSTANTLY remind them of their victimhood and make it comfortable for them to reject academic performance and excellence at every opportunity..
Without us telling them that they are victims, and thus legitimizing their feelings of victimization, how could they possibly know that they are the ones being exploited and unfairly treated when they live in a culture that continuously exalts everyone doing the victimizing? They need to feel comfortable in rejecting the intellectual normative paradigm of "good grades equals success" because they can succeed without making good grades, regardless of what underachiever-shaming bigots like you say.

WHY are those asses even in seats? They should be enrolled in a special school for the perpertually hopeless and trained to be whiners and beggars..

Why, so rightwing zealots like you can rant about how we're wasting taxpayer dollars on training whiners and beggars? So you can feel validated in your perpetual persecution complex? Grow up. What you should be asking is, why are they even in school at all when they clearly have a mind that just doesn't conform to your backwards, outdated belief of how the educational system should operate. These people clearly think outside of your "conform or else" box, and should be rewarded for that.
That article and this thread are so full of bigotry that I had to create an account here to tell you all how wrong you are.

Really? The whole purpose of these award ceremonies is for the academically underprivileged to "learn coping skills"? At least he's being honest--this isn't about honoring anyone's achievement, it's about insulting those who weren't as lucky, or as rich, or generally as privileged as the overachieving class. He's basically saying that he wants all the underprivileged students in that school to have their classmates be paraded around in front of them with all manner of awards and recognitions, while telling those underprivileged students, "You don't get any, deal with it." This bigot digs his own grave even further, first implying that their lack of awards constitutes "relative failure," then immediately backpedaling and saying "it might not be failure" after all. No duh it's not failure--it's privilege. Lack of privilege is not failure. The possession of privilege is, as it represents the failure of society to bring about true equality.

I can't see how anyone could support this obviously discriminatory awards nonsense. Either everyone gets an award or no one does--that is equality in action. If you don't like equality, you don't like America, end of story.

I am so glad you decided to join us.. Because that's a perfect illustration of the TYRANNY of LOW EXPECTATIONS with which leftists approach our underacheivers.
Teabagger detected. The argument has evolved (and yes, conservatards, evolution DOES exist) from "let me discriminate, it's my choice, you tyrant" to "if you don't discriminate too, you're a tyrant." This is the mindset I fight against every single day--the mindset of "stop liking what I don't like," of "everyone must be exactly like me or else," this intellectually dishonest movement to completely stamp out diversity and all things not in your exclusive demographic segment. You are literally what is killing this country and what has removed the tools America needs to succeed.

CONSTANTLY remind them of their victimhood and make it comfortable for them to reject academic performance and excellence at every opportunity..
Without us telling them that they are victims, and thus legitimizing their feelings of victimization, how could they possibly know that they are the ones being exploited and unfairly treated when they live in a culture that continuously exalts everyone doing the victimizing? They need to feel comfortable in rejecting the intellectual normative paradigm of "good grades equals success" because they can succeed without making good grades, regardless of what underachiever-shaming bigots like you say.

WHY are those asses even in seats? They should be enrolled in a special school for the perpertually hopeless and trained to be whiners and beggars..

Why, so rightwing zealots like you can rant about how we're wasting taxpayer dollars on training whiners and beggars? So you can feel validated in your perpetual persecution complex? Grow up. What you should be asking is, why are they even in school at all when they clearly have a mind that just doesn't conform to your backwards, outdated belief of how the educational system should operate. These people clearly think outside of your "conform or else" box, and should be rewarded for that.

Yes sirreebob -- you nailed it. It's ALWAYS the fault of your political enemies and LIBERALMEDIA dedicates their existence to extending that message. A message that is ROTTING the core and heart of what made this country great.. Good damn job. Hope that bumps your LiberalMedia ratings..

........ why are they even in school at all when they clearly have a mind that just doesn't conform to your backwards, outdated belief of how the educational system should operate.
:eek: Gasping for breath and clutching my chest !!!! Why they have their asses in those seats so that YOU and your minions can twist their minds about their INEVITABLE state of under-achievement and victimhood. THAT'S why they are there.. :mad:

We got a live one here.. :eusa_whistle: Of course Progressive are right about nothing. INCLUDING accusations of me being a tea-bagger.. I merely concur with that group a lot more than I do with the MadCow clan..
That article and this thread are so full of bigotry that I had to create an account here to tell you all how wrong you are.

“How else are they suppose to learn coping skills, not just based on success, but relative failure, it might not be failure, but understand what it takes to achieve high levels,” said parent Joe Kosloski.
Really? The whole purpose of these award ceremonies is for the academically underprivileged to "learn coping skills"? At least he's being honest--this isn't about honoring anyone's achievement, it's about insulting those who weren't as lucky, or as rich, or generally as privileged as the overachieving class. He's basically saying that he wants all the underprivileged students in that school to have their classmates be paraded around in front of them with all manner of awards and recognitions, while telling those underprivileged students, "You don't get any, deal with it." This bigot digs his own grave even further, first implying that their lack of awards constitutes "relative failure," then immediately backpedaling and saying "it might not be failure" after all. No duh it's not failure--it's privilege. Lack of privilege is not failure. The possession of privilege is, as it represents the failure of society to bring about true equality.

I can't see how anyone could support this obviously discriminatory awards nonsense. Either everyone gets an award or no one does--that is equality in action. If you don't like equality, you don't like America, end of story.

I am so glad you decided to join us.. Because that's a perfect illustration of the TYRANNY of LOW EXPECTATIONS with which leftists approach our underacheivers. CONSTANTLY remind them of their victimhood and make it comfortable for them to reject academic performance and excellence at every opportunity.. WHY are those asses even in seats? They should be enrolled in a special school for the perpertually hopeless and trained to be whiners and beggars..

EVERY grade and EVERY year -- these kids need to reach their potential. And leftists don't care to elevate their performance when the opportunity arises. HIGHER EXPECTATIONS is the tool that has repeatedly demonstrated to work. In Harlem, In Oakland, and most everywhere else it's been "allowed" to happen..

What a sad message it is -- if the asses in those seats aren't there to be badgered about academic acheivement..

And you....being the genius that you are...think this poster is a leftist. The possibility that he/she is doing a parody didn't cross your mind?

Someone needs to raise their own expectations.
So.......we just returned from our daughter's award ceremony. Out of 481 students in her graduating class, 125 were invited.

No PC concerns there, eh Mac.

One student was called up to the podium 9 times and pocketed well over $100k worth of scholarships. Nobody is upset by her success.

One of the awards was for Merit Scholars. There were 98 of them. The 27 that did not get called up for that one were not upset. They did not get one. That is life.

Competition lives. This PC fantasy lives only in your imaginations.

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