PC Police Claim These 6 Words are New Ways of Saying the "N" Word

If you'd stopped at the paragraph that ends with the word "senses" I would have clicked "Agree". Unfortunately you didn't. After that it was a parade of strawmen in blankets and even a side trip to Alinsky, an obscure figure nobody ever heard of until Glenn Beck (Blessed be His holy name) dredged it up and presented it to you sheeple as marching orders.

Yer a freakin' wacko.

If you never heard of Alinsky, who is the inspiration behind Obama's ideology, that is on you! The current policies of the Dem party are straight from Alinsky and Cloward-Piven, so you might want to do some reading so you know where this is headed. Enlighten yourself.

If you understood the methods being used, you would see how it all ties together, from the open border policy, the expanded welfare state, the dumbing down in schools, war against guns and slow, but steady transfer of power from the people to government.

My last line above. Lather, rinse, repeat.

You make misleading statements calling RW people racists/bigots whenever in fact the black community roles way more in that direction. Just illogical insults. It's like a midget calling Lebron short.

Don't be surprised. Everything lefties do is to mislead and to make you feel guilty for something. Anything.

Here is another campaign that started recently.

Pure idiocy. This turns people off and makes them not want to vote for the left.

This country is in trouble.
You make misleading statements calling RW people racists/bigots whenever in fact the black community roles way more in that direction. Just illogical insults. It's like a midget calling Lebron short.

Don't be surprised. Everything lefties do is to mislead and to make you feel guilty for something. Anything.

Here is another campaign that started recently.

Pure idiocy. This turns people off and makes them not want to vote for the left.

This country is in trouble.

I just now watched that video and it is hilariously stupid and ineffective to anyone but the extreme left. No moderate liberal or independents would be swayed by that video. So ridiculous.
You make misleading statements calling RW people racists/bigots whenever in fact the black community roles way more in that direction. Just illogical insults. It's like a midget calling Lebron short.

Don't be surprised. Everything lefties do is to mislead and to make you feel guilty for something. Anything.

Here is another campaign that started recently.

Pure idiocy. This turns people off and makes them not want to vote for the left.

This country is in trouble.

She got raped... when I took the last danish left in the break room.
Bitch please. You people can't even handle simple concepts like not everyone wins. You're part of the participation trophy group of small minds and even smaller expectations, You are capable of nothing but being all upset over someone else making more money than you, being more honest than you, being more secure in who they are than you. You ban words that shouldn't even be considered bad because they make you feel sad. You're an idiot with such low self esteem and self worth you have nothing to offer than complain about someone else. PC isn't being a lady or a gentleman it's being a fucking worthless **** that has no self worth.

This from the fucking twat wanting everyone to behave like ladies and gentlemen and not use trigger words that could upset one of our softer members of society.

How about you toughen the fuck up and stop being so worried about being offended. I don't really care if you're offended and it wouldn't even be an issue if you just STFU.

Oh look one of the village idiots has posted an emoticon! My goodness such bravery and skill of debate is seldom witnessed these days.

All your words. Wassamatta? Embarrassed?
Not in the least and wouldn't change a single one. You feeling all butt hurt and uncomfortable now? Good. Go try to bully someone else I'm not going to be your victim here.
Bitch please. You people can't even handle simple concepts like not everyone wins. You're part of the participation trophy group of small minds and even smaller expectations, You are capable of nothing but being all upset over someone else making more money than you, being more honest than you, being more secure in who they are than you. You ban words that shouldn't even be considered bad because they make you feel sad. You're an idiot with such low self esteem and self worth you have nothing to offer than complain about someone else. PC isn't being a lady or a gentleman it's being a fucking worthless **** that has no self worth.

This from the fucking twat wanting everyone to behave like ladies and gentlemen and not use trigger words that could upset one of our softer members of society.

How about you toughen the fuck up and stop being so worried about being offended. I don't really care if you're offended and it wouldn't even be an issue if you just STFU.

Oh look one of the village idiots has posted an emoticon! My goodness such bravery and skill of debate is seldom witnessed these days.

All your words. Wassamatta? Embarrassed?
Not in the least and wouldn't change a single one. You feeling all butt hurt and uncomfortable now? Good. Go try to bully someone else I'm not going to be your victim here.


Aw, poor widdle Azzole doesn't like his own words read back to him. :eusa_boohoo:

Grow up junior.
Bitch please. You people can't even handle simple concepts like not everyone wins. You're part of the participation trophy group of small minds and even smaller expectations, You are capable of nothing but being all upset over someone else making more money than you, being more honest than you, being more secure in who they are than you. You ban words that shouldn't even be considered bad because they make you feel sad. You're an idiot with such low self esteem and self worth you have nothing to offer than complain about someone else. PC isn't being a lady or a gentleman it's being a fucking worthless **** that has no self worth.

This from the fucking twat wanting everyone to behave like ladies and gentlemen and not use trigger words that could upset one of our softer members of society.

How about you toughen the fuck up and stop being so worried about being offended. I don't really care if you're offended and it wouldn't even be an issue if you just STFU.

Oh look one of the village idiots has posted an emoticon! My goodness such bravery and skill of debate is seldom witnessed these days.

All your words. Wassamatta? Embarrassed?
Not in the least and wouldn't change a single one. You feeling all butt hurt and uncomfortable now? Good. Go try to bully someone else I'm not going to be your victim here.


Aw, poor widdle Azzole doesn't like his own words read back to him. :eusa_boohoo:

Grow up junior.
I'm fine with my words. Apparently they are too much for you to handle is why you quote mine without any comprehensive rebuttal to accompany the quote. You're nothing more than a neutered parrot of left wing idiocy. I do find it interesting that someone can not only put into English text on a message board an intelligent argument against me thinks I'm the one that needs to grow up. Maybe tomorrow you will get your democrat talking point on this subject emailed to you so you will have something to say. Notice I didn't mention you would have a cogent thought about the subject but just something to say that was spoon feed to you.
Oh look one of the village idiots has posted an emoticon! My goodness such bravery and skill of debate is seldom witnessed these days.

All your words. Wassamatta? Embarrassed?
Not in the least and wouldn't change a single one. You feeling all butt hurt and uncomfortable now? Good. Go try to bully someone else I'm not going to be your victim here.


Aw, poor widdle Azzole doesn't like his own words read back to him. :eusa_boohoo:

Grow up junior.
I'm fine with my words. Apparently they are too much for you to handle is why you quote mine without any comprehensive rebuttal to accompany the quote. You're nothing more than a neutered parrot of left wing idiocy. I do find it interesting that someone can not only put into English text on a message board an intelligent argument against me thinks I'm the one that needs to grow up. Maybe tomorrow you will get your democrat talking point on this subject emailed to you so you will have something to say. Notice I didn't mention you would have a cogent thought about the subject but just something to say that was spoon feed to you.

Sailed right over your head, did it?

OK for those who need Cliff's Notes to understand simple commuication -- no rebuttal was needed. Your words speak for themselves. All I did was paste them. There's nothing "left wing", "something to say", "butthurt" or "victimizing" involved in that. Your words, verbatim. Be proud. Soon you'll be a big boy!

I'm far from the first to observe this, but if these words of yours embarrass you, well maybe you might wanna grow up and not be such a dick in the first place.

Or not.
Oh look one of the village idiots has posted an emoticon! My goodness such bravery and skill of debate is seldom witnessed these days.

All your words. Wassamatta? Embarrassed?
Not in the least and wouldn't change a single one. You feeling all butt hurt and uncomfortable now? Good. Go try to bully someone else I'm not going to be your victim here.


Aw, poor widdle Azzole doesn't like his own words read back to him. :eusa_boohoo:

Grow up junior.
I'm fine with my words. Apparently they are too much for you to handle is why you quote mine without any comprehensive rebuttal to accompany the quote. You're nothing more than a neutered parrot of left wing idiocy. I do find it interesting that someone can not only put into English text on a message board an intelligent argument against me thinks I'm the one that needs to grow up. Maybe tomorrow you will get your democrat talking point on this subject emailed to you so you will have something to say. Notice I didn't mention you would have a cogent thought about the subject but just something to say that was spoon feed to you.

Sailed right over your head, did it?

OK for those who need Cliff's Notes to understand simple commuication -- no rebuttal was needed. Your words speak for themselves. All I did was paste them. There's nothing "left wing", "something to say", "butthurt" or "victimizing" involved in that. Your words, verbatim. Be proud. Soon you'll be a big boy!

I'm far from the first to observe this, but if these words of yours embarrass you, well maybe you might wanna grow up and not be such a dick in the first place.

Or not.
And with that rant of no consequence I'm going with not. If at some point you can formulate an honest opinion on the subject matter I may entertain a rebuttal at that point. Until then you're just an idiot with no clue but a whole lot of sensitive feelings you seem to think I should care about. I don't so therefore am done with you. You are summarily dismissed.
All your words. Wassamatta? Embarrassed?
Not in the least and wouldn't change a single one. You feeling all butt hurt and uncomfortable now? Good. Go try to bully someone else I'm not going to be your victim here.


Aw, poor widdle Azzole doesn't like his own words read back to him. :eusa_boohoo:

Grow up junior.
I'm fine with my words. Apparently they are too much for you to handle is why you quote mine without any comprehensive rebuttal to accompany the quote. You're nothing more than a neutered parrot of left wing idiocy. I do find it interesting that someone can not only put into English text on a message board an intelligent argument against me thinks I'm the one that needs to grow up. Maybe tomorrow you will get your democrat talking point on this subject emailed to you so you will have something to say. Notice I didn't mention you would have a cogent thought about the subject but just something to say that was spoon feed to you.

Sailed right over your head, did it?

OK for those who need Cliff's Notes to understand simple commuication -- no rebuttal was needed. Your words speak for themselves. All I did was paste them. There's nothing "left wing", "something to say", "butthurt" or "victimizing" involved in that. Your words, verbatim. Be proud. Soon you'll be a big boy!

I'm far from the first to observe this, but if these words of yours embarrass you, well maybe you might wanna grow up and not be such a dick in the first place.

Or not.
And with that rant of no consequence I'm going with not. If at some point you can formulate an honest opinion on the subject matter I may entertain a rebuttal at that point. Until then you're just an idiot with no clue but a whole lot of sensitive feelings you seem to think I should care about. I don't so therefore am done with you. You are summarily dismissed.

Apparently not. Four posts in a row about nothing more than a direct quote of yourself? No "opinion" is needed; I just posted what you said, to demonstrate a pattern. Like it or lump it.
"PC Police Claim These 6 Words are New Ways of Saying the "N" Word"

There is no 'PC police,' it's a ridiculous myth contrived by the right in an effort to mask the bigots and racists that exist among the ranks of republicans and conservatives.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
This is some stupid shit. Talk about black people with a hateful attitude, you take your chances that someone thinks you just might hate black people.

Well, we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech? Do you know what that is. Pointing out black crime rates isn't a sign of hatred but discussion of serious concern. It destroys your case to act like it isn't happening or to call people haters for discussing it.

Wake up...
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
He is. He is far more civilized than most Righties will be any day of their lives.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Well, we live in a country that believes in freedom of speech? Do you know what that is. Pointing out black crime rates isn't a sign of hatred but discussion of serious concern. It destroys your case to act like it isn't happening or to call people haters for discussing it.

Wake up...
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.

Dafuck is your issue, hack? Azzhole came in with, and I quote,
You fucking ***** can't even handle clapping for fuck sakes and require a trigger warning and a safe zone to cope with clapping.

Stop being such a pussy. Your feelings are so sensitive now you can't help but be offended by anything. Fuck off.

--- which I might add follows his perpetual pattern here --- and you want to jump in and pile on his target?

Typical authoritarian sycophant jellyfish.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I must be toast in a liberal's mind. I bought a Black and Tan Coonhound and chose a bitch.

You should put that on a bumper-sticker, it's deeply thought provoking.

Geeze louise lighten up. :)

But if we want to get super heavy in this discussion, the issue of over the top hyper sensitivity over language is assinine but its out there. At the highest levels.

Here's a great example for you. A beers name is racially offensive to some did you know? A State Department magazine said so.

Consequently I learned that my current chosen breeds name MUST be racist. The State Department's Chief Diversity Officer says so. Oh and saying "hold down the fort" is inappropriate as well because it could offensive to First Nations.

"At that point, he warned that an apparently benign phrase such as “hold down the fort” could strike some people as “negative and racially offensive,” because the phrase originates from forts on the American frontier (Robsinson says, having conceded that his history may or may not be true) when soldiers fought Native Americans."

And here's the beer. You shouldn't order them anymore I suppose.

" Similarly, you should probably stop ordering “black and tans,” because “the original Black and Tans were an ad hoc military group that committed atrocities against Irish civilians.”

State Dept Mag Black and tan is a racist beer WashingtonExaminer.com

State Dept Mag: ‘Black and tan’ is a racist beer
Joel Gehrke • | August 30, 2012 | 12:00 am

Washington Examiner?? Nothing like realistic down-to-earth sources, TD. :rofl:

For the record, the name of the drink predates the name of the military regiment (1880s vs 1920s) so the drink is actually the original "Black and Tan". The term is only avoided in Ireland.

I love black and tans. The beer I mean. And I'm Irish. [emoji481]

Hold on. Will get another link. Trying not to drool on myself right now.
Well, at least you are trying.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I must be toast in a liberal's mind. I bought a Black and Tan Coonhound and chose a bitch.

You should put that on a bumper-sticker, it's deeply thought provoking.

Geeze louise lighten up. :)

But if we want to get super heavy in this discussion, the issue of over the top hyper sensitivity over language is assinine but its out there. At the highest levels.

Here's a great example for you. A beers name is racially offensive to some did you know? A State Department magazine said so.

Consequently I learned that my current chosen breeds name MUST be racist. The State Department's Chief Diversity Officer says so. Oh and saying "hold down the fort" is inappropriate as well because it could offensive to First Nations.

"At that point, he warned that an apparently benign phrase such as “hold down the fort” could strike some people as “negative and racially offensive,” because the phrase originates from forts on the American frontier (Robsinson says, having conceded that his history may or may not be true) when soldiers fought Native Americans."

And here's the beer. You shouldn't order them anymore I suppose.

" Similarly, you should probably stop ordering “black and tans,” because “the original Black and Tans were an ad hoc military group that committed atrocities against Irish civilians.”

State Dept Mag Black and tan is a racist beer WashingtonExaminer.com

State Dept Mag: ‘Black and tan’ is a racist beer
Joel Gehrke • | August 30, 2012 | 12:00 am
I didn't get the memo, in the real world, terms are only racist if there is a perceived racist intent, the scribbling of some bureaucrat has no effect on what is actually acceptable in polite company because it changes on a case-by-case basis.

Actually I went all the way to the original article (State Mag) and it doesn't say anything about "racism". The Washington Should-Have-Its-Head-Examined made that part up for the headline in its profound ignorance. That's what I mean when I advise TD to aim a bit higher for her sources.

We just called out another bogus headline like this yesterday: Barack Says Michelle Should Get Paid as First Lady --- except he didn't say that at all, the article's headline simply made it up. People are swallowing headlines whole without reading the fine print.
It's the Rightie Unicornworld version of "facts".

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
The tone you take is more important than the specific words you use. It's why conservatives think there are a bunch of double standards. I can talk about practically anything without pissing people off because I know how to use a neutral tone but some of these others just cannot hide their hateful attitudes and narrow minds so they feel like they are singled out.

You might want to try using a neutral tone here.
I normally do but I will get down in the mud if my opposite in a debate is already there. I do not care if assholes are pissed-off, they are always pissed-off, it's all part of being an asshole. It is no crime to hold the mirror of rationality up to show someone what they look like behaving badly.

Lol! Always an excuse.

Dafuck is your issue, hack? Azzhole came in with, and I quote,
You fucking ***** can't even handle clapping for fuck sakes and require a trigger warning and a safe zone to cope with clapping.

Stop being such a pussy. Your feelings are so sensitive now you can't help but be offended by anything. Fuck off.

--- which I might add follows his perpetual pattern here --- and you want to jump in and pile on his target?

Typical authoritarian sycophant jellyfish.
How about you toughen the fuck up and stop being so worried about being offended. I don't really care if you're offended and it wouldn't even be an issue if you just STFU.
You see, this is where it cuts both ways. You can say "STFU" as many times as you want, but no one cares. You are an anonymous nobody here. See how that works, tough guy?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I must be toast in a liberal's mind. I bought a Black and Tan Coonhound and chose a bitch.

You should put that on a bumper-sticker, it's deeply thought provoking.

Geeze louise lighten up. :)

But if we want to get super heavy in this discussion, the issue of over the top hyper sensitivity over language is assinine but its out there. At the highest levels.

Here's a great example for you. A beers name is racially offensive to some did you know? A State Department magazine said so.

Consequently I learned that my current chosen breeds name MUST be racist. The State Department's Chief Diversity Officer says so. Oh and saying "hold down the fort" is inappropriate as well because it could offensive to First Nations.

"At that point, he warned that an apparently benign phrase such as “hold down the fort” could strike some people as “negative and racially offensive,” because the phrase originates from forts on the American frontier (Robsinson says, having conceded that his history may or may not be true) when soldiers fought Native Americans."

And here's the beer. You shouldn't order them anymore I suppose.

" Similarly, you should probably stop ordering “black and tans,” because “the original Black and Tans were an ad hoc military group that committed atrocities against Irish civilians.”

State Dept Mag Black and tan is a racist beer WashingtonExaminer.com

State Dept Mag: ‘Black and tan’ is a racist beer
Joel Gehrke • | August 30, 2012 | 12:00 am
I didn't get the memo, in the real world, terms are only racist if there is a perceived racist intent, the scribbling of some bureaucrat has no effect on what is actually acceptable in polite company because it changes on a case-by-case basis.

Actually I went all the way to the original article (State Mag) and it doesn't say anything about "racism". The Washington Should-Have-Its-Head-Examined made that part up for the headline in its profound ignorance. That's what I mean when I advise TD to aim a bit higher for her sources.

We just called out another bogus headline like this yesterday: Barack Says Michelle Should Get Paid as First Lady --- except he didn't say that at all, the article's headline simply made it up. People are swallowing headlines whole without reading the fine print.

Both sides do the headline bullshit Pogo. I am finally on page 8 of the digital version and for the life of me I can't read the article because the print is too bloody small.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Typical liberal debating, if you can call it that. Not a word on the subject at hand but plenty of insinuations that people are being unfeeling or otherwise in the wrong, but no explanation of why.

It's like when Obama responds to the violence by radical Muslims by saying Christians weren't always nice. Can't give an opinion on the issue in front of them, just diversion and avoidance.

The words and phrases in the OP that have been deemed racist have nothing to do with race. What is clear is that racism on the left leads them to accuse others of such. The left sees their dependents as a group of people who are so inept that they need to be coddled and have the bar lowered for them. How is it really doing a favor for someone if you merely lower standards instead of helping them reach the current standards? And why do liberals have such little faith in the abilities of minorities to function in society as well as anyone else?

Studies show that poor children don't do as well in school. I would submit that it isn't being poor that causes learning disabilities and it's more due to uneducated parents who not only are unable to provide a decent living but also make poor role models for their children. If a parent dropped out of school and has few skills, they are less likely to have a routine for their child and place emphasis on doing homework. With 5th generation welfare families, not a lot of positive things have been passed down to each generation. It takes a toll. Most of us hope that our children will do better than we did and most of us did better than our parents and so on. In many welfare families, they have been stuck in the same rut and we aren't seeing each generation improve over the last one. This is a direct result of government assuming the role of the family patriarch.

Many of our grandparents or parents didn't have college educations, but they were good workers and they were strict. Those "old fashioned" morals were passed on and we were expected to behave and to do our best in school. We faced consequences if we screwed up. Our parents didn't yell at the teacher or assault her if we got a bad grade or misbehaved in school. Now, parents expect schools to do their jobs for them.

If you suggest that people get their shit together and stop blaming everyone else for their lot in life, you are called racist. Never mind that most people I know that I think should get a kick in the ass are white. Why does the left assume we are talking about blacks when we ask that people do more for themselves? Perhaps if the left didn't have such low expectations of people, they might actually try. The liberals seem to love it when people act like helpless little creatures who need coddling. They remind me of some parents who don't want their children to grow up so they'll need them forever. Only liberals do it to keep power. Face it, people would stop voting Democrat if they had confidence in themselves to make it.
Typical liberal debating, if you can call it that. Not a word on the subject at hand but plenty of insinuations that people are being unfeeling or otherwise in the wrong, but no explanation of why.

It's like when Obama responds to the violence by radical Muslims by saying Christians weren't always nice. Can't give an opinion on the issue in front of them, just diversion and avoidance.

The words and phrases in the OP that have been deemed racist have nothing to do with race. What is clear is that racism on the left leads them to accuse others of such. The left sees their dependents as a group of people who are so inept that they need to be coddled and have the bar lowered for them. How is it really doing a favor for someone if you merely lower standards instead of helping them reach the current standards? And why do liberals have such little faith in the abilities of minorities to function in society as well as anyone else?

Studies show that poor children don't do as well in school. I would submit that it isn't being poor that causes learning disabilities and it's more due to uneducated parents who not only are unable to provide a decent living but also make poor role models for their children. If a parent dropped out of school and has few skills, they are less likely to have a routine for their child and place emphasis on doing homework. With 5th generation welfare families, not a lot of positive things have been passed down to each generation. It takes a toll. Most of us hope that our children will do better than we did and most of us did better than our parents and so on. In many welfare families, they have been stuck in the same rut and we aren't seeing each generation improve over the last one. This is a direct result of government assuming the role of the family patriarch.

Many of our grandparents or parents didn't have college educations, but they were good workers and they were strict. Those "old fashioned" morals were passed on and we were expected to behave and to do our best in school. We faced consequences if we screwed up. Our parents didn't yell at the teacher or assault her if we got a bad grade or misbehaved in school. Now, parents expect schools to do their jobs for them.

If you suggest that people get their shit together and stop blaming everyone else for their lot in life, you are called racist. Never mind that most people I know that I think should get a kick in the ass are white. Why does the left assume we are talking about blacks when we ask that people do more for themselves? Perhaps if the left didn't have such low expectations of people, they might actually try. The liberals seem to love it when people act like helpless little creatures who need coddling. They remind me of some parents who don't want their children to grow up so they'll need them forever. Only liberals do it to keep power. Face it, people would stop voting Democrat if they had confidence in themselves to make it.
Nice rant. Feel better now?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Most of society's problems start with parents and the values they teach their children before they step foot in a school. If parents don't teach their children to respect authority, the child won't take teachers or school seriously and they won't respect themselves or anyone else once they drop out of school. They won't have the ability to hold down any job and since welfare won't provide the life they desire, it's no surprise many turn to serious crimes. It all goes back to parents and the lack of discipline from the start. What we are seeing now is the result of generations of people who haven't been encouraged to break the cycle. Liberals make it worse by encouraging people to blame others and claim that racism is at the root of black poverty. This mindset is passed from generation to generation and it seems to get worse every year. We see more riots, more anger, more poverty and more blaming others for their misery.

At what point will the left admit that it's time to go back to the drawing board and come up with a new plan? I can only assume that they like things the way they are, with so many illiterate, angry and desperate people willing to cede liberty so government will do for them what they don't believe they can do for themselves. Nothing else makes sense. So many people don't even realize they should be greatly insulted that the left sees them as basket cases who need the bar lowered for them. Affirmative action, reducing standards, ginning up anger at every turn and claiming that whites are innately racist are just some of the ways the left manipulates minorities into accepting their lot in life rather than trying to change it. As long as this continues, large numbers of minorities will continue to live in poverty and the left will control them. It's no surprise that this was the plan after slaves were freed and nothing has changed to this day.

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