Peaceful Muslim attacks homeowner with American flag

There's not enough info.

Did Ya read the link that MeatHead provided after she was taken in custody? Go back and look.. Enough info in there to start making educated guesses...

P.S. I'll make it easy for ya.. The newer link is in my post above..

Same thing. Not enough info. She grabbed the flag and used it to hit at people. The OP is making it about the flag.

Educated guess's? There are none without more information. That's the problem with this stuff.

Per the articles I've seen - here are the facts.

She either wore a head scarf that coverd most of her face or full burkha (depending which article).
She chased one neighbor into the house.
She grabbed flag pole off the mail box and used it to assault another woman.
She is either 28 or 30 (depending on which article)
She is dark skinned and has a foreign sounding name.
She is being charged with two cases of simple assault.
The police haven't said what the motive was.

Do we have any other actual facts yet?

Naw...we don' need no facts!

She's muslim therefore she hates Americans and views the flag as "micro aggression" and hates the American flag (according to assorted comments here)

Ok then.. She's just plain crazy... Which is PROVEN if she had a gun being held on her and CONTINUED to beat people with "her shoe".. Any CULTURAL significance to using shoes as weapons? Nahhhhhh....

No one's arguing there aren't cultural connotations here. The thing is - lets have some facts shall we?

You mean like if she's one of 10s of thousands recently invited in on Temp. Protected Status Visas without thorough vetting? I'm all for that..

Sure. But in the meantime how about just facts on what happened instead of assumptions?
trump only does drag on weekends
Do you have any words of condemnation for the person who attacked another with a flag pole after taking it from the others property? Anything?

There's not enough info.

Did Ya read the link that MeatHead provided after she was taken in custody? Go back and look.. Enough info in there to start making educated guesses...

P.S. I'll make it easy for ya.. The newer link is in my post above..

Same thing. Not enough info. She grabbed the flag and used it to hit at people. The OP is making it about the flag.

Educated guess's? There are none without more information. That's the problem with this stuff.

Per the articles I've seen - here are the facts.

She either wore a head scarf that coverd most of her face or full burkha (depending which article).
She chased one neighbor into the house.
She grabbed flag pole off the mail box and used it to assault another woman.
She is either 28 or 30 (depending on which article)
She is dark skinned and has a foreign sounding name.
She is being charged with two cases of simple assault.
The police haven't said what the motive was.

Do we have any other actual facts yet?

Naw...we don' need no facts!

She's muslim therefore she hates Americans and views the flag as "micro aggression" and hates the American flag (according to assorted comments here)
Naw! She came in peace! Right?

What do you actually know?
Do you have any words of condemnation for the person who attacked another with a flag pole after taking it from the others property? Anything?

There's not enough info.

Did Ya read the link that MeatHead provided after she was taken in custody? Go back and look.. Enough info in there to start making educated guesses...

P.S. I'll make it easy for ya.. The newer link is in my post above..

Same thing. Not enough info. She grabbed the flag and used it to hit at people. The OP is making it about the flag.

Educated guess's? There are none without more information. That's the problem with this stuff.

Per the articles I've seen - here are the facts.

She either wore a head scarf that coverd most of her face or full burkha (depending which article).
She chased one neighbor into the house.
She grabbed flag pole off the mail box and used it to assault another woman.
She is either 28 or 30 (depending on which article)
She is dark skinned and has a foreign sounding name.
She is being charged with two cases of simple assault.
The police haven't said what the motive was.

Do we have any other actual facts yet?

Naw...we don' need no facts!

She's muslim therefore she hates Americans and views the flag as "micro aggression" and hates the American flag (according to assorted comments here)
Naw! She came in peace! Right?

What do you actually know?
She got arrested for two assaults! What do you know?
There's not enough info.

Did Ya read the link that MeatHead provided after she was taken in custody? Go back and look.. Enough info in there to start making educated guesses...

P.S. I'll make it easy for ya.. The newer link is in my post above..

Same thing. Not enough info. She grabbed the flag and used it to hit at people. The OP is making it about the flag.

Educated guess's? There are none without more information. That's the problem with this stuff.

Per the articles I've seen - here are the facts.

She either wore a head scarf that coverd most of her face or full burkha (depending which article).
She chased one neighbor into the house.
She grabbed flag pole off the mail box and used it to assault another woman.
She is either 28 or 30 (depending on which article)
She is dark skinned and has a foreign sounding name.
She is being charged with two cases of simple assault.
The police haven't said what the motive was.

Do we have any other actual facts yet?

Naw...we don' need no facts!

She's muslim therefore she hates Americans and views the flag as "micro aggression" and hates the American flag (according to assorted comments here)
Naw! She came in peace! Right?

What do you actually know?
She got arrested for two assaults! What do you know?

Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!
(from the article) : Police don't know a motive for the attack.
you being a racist slapdick shit eater think you do...big fuckin' fail!
The boy stood ready to fire a warning shot, but “that did not even faze her,” Ms. Arno said. “It didn’t stop her; it didn’t do anything.”

At one point, witnesses said the woman took her shoe off and began hitting other people with it.

“I’ve got a swollen knuckle, I’ve got a bruise there, I’ve got a bruise there and she got me on my face,” Ms. Arno said, pointing to her bicep, wrist and chin.

Neighbors also ran to help and held the suspect down until Lawrenceville police arrived.

“We fought for probably 7 minutes until the police arrived here because I wasn’t letting her go I did not know what else she would do,” Ms. Arnosaid. “She had already chased one of my neighbors into her house that morning.”

You don't get to beat people up for having an American flag or even for supporting Trump
Muslim woman charged with attacking Georgia homeowner with U.S. flag
'She' looks like a MTF trans. Lol. Maybe that's why she wears a burqa.

Amina Ali Ahra is facing battery charges in Georgia after she allegedly stole a homeowner’s American flag and started attacking her with it. (WXIA) more >

Wow they actually made her remove her headgear for the picture ? Someone actually grew a pair.

Everyone is required to do so for drivers licenses and mug shots. The courts ruled on that some time ago. Try to keep up.

I "keep up" just fine, and I'm well aware of the fucking laws, I'm just not used to them actually being followed in a case like this.
First of all, I'm certain this woman feels she doesn't need to comply with our laws, and second since I'm certain she probably protested, I'm surprised some police dept actually didn't bend over for her highness.
(from the article) : Police don't know a motive for the attack.
you being a racist slapdick shit eater think you do...big fuckin' fail!
The boy stood ready to fire a warning shot, but “that did not even faze her,” Ms. Arno said. “It didn’t stop her; it didn’t do anything.”

At one point, witnesses said the woman took her shoe off and began hitting other people with it.

“I’ve got a swollen knuckle, I’ve got a bruise there, I’ve got a bruise there and she got me on my face,” Ms. Arno said, pointing to her bicep, wrist and chin.

Neighbors also ran to help and held the suspect down until Lawrenceville police arrived.

“We fought for probably 7 minutes until the police arrived here because I wasn’t letting her go I did not know what else she would do,” Ms. Arnosaid. “She had already chased one of my neighbors into her house that morning.”

You don't get to beat people up for having an American flag or even for supporting Trump
Muslim woman charged with attacking Georgia homeowner with U.S. flag
'She' looks like a MTF trans. Lol. Maybe that's why she wears a burqa.

Amina Ali Ahra is facing battery charges in Georgia after she allegedly stole a homeowner’s American flag and started attacking her with it. (WXIA) more >

Wow they actually made her remove her headgear for the picture ? Someone actually grew a pair.

Everyone is required to do so for drivers licenses and mug shots. The courts ruled on that some time ago. Try to keep up.

I "keep up" just fine, and I'm well aware of the fucking laws, I'm just not used to them actually being followed in a case like this.
First of all, I'm certain this woman feels she doesn't need to comply with our laws, and second since I'm certain she probably protested, I'm surprised some police dept actually didn't bend over for her highness.

You keep saying your "certain". Based on what? Evidence?
Did Ya read the link that MeatHead provided after she was taken in custody? Go back and look.. Enough info in there to start making educated guesses...

P.S. I'll make it easy for ya.. The newer link is in my post above..

Same thing. Not enough info. She grabbed the flag and used it to hit at people. The OP is making it about the flag.

Educated guess's? There are none without more information. That's the problem with this stuff.

Per the articles I've seen - here are the facts.

She either wore a head scarf that coverd most of her face or full burkha (depending which article).
She chased one neighbor into the house.
She grabbed flag pole off the mail box and used it to assault another woman.
She is either 28 or 30 (depending on which article)
She is dark skinned and has a foreign sounding name.
She is being charged with two cases of simple assault.
The police haven't said what the motive was.

Do we have any other actual facts yet?

Naw...we don' need no facts!

She's muslim therefore she hates Americans and views the flag as "micro aggression" and hates the American flag (according to assorted comments here)
Naw! She came in peace! Right?

What do you actually know?
She got arrested for two assaults! What do you know?

Why was she arrested for two assaults? What did she do?
(from the article) : Police don't know a motive for the attack.
you being a racist slapdick shit eater think you do...big fuckin' fail!
The boy stood ready to fire a warning shot, but “that did not even faze her,” Ms. Arno said. “It didn’t stop her; it didn’t do anything.”

At one point, witnesses said the woman took her shoe off and began hitting other people with it.

“I’ve got a swollen knuckle, I’ve got a bruise there, I’ve got a bruise there and she got me on my face,” Ms. Arno said, pointing to her bicep, wrist and chin.

Neighbors also ran to help and held the suspect down until Lawrenceville police arrived.

“We fought for probably 7 minutes until the police arrived here because I wasn’t letting her go I did not know what else she would do,” Ms. Arnosaid. “She had already chased one of my neighbors into her house that morning.”

You don't get to beat people up for having an American flag or even for supporting Trump
Muslim woman charged with attacking Georgia homeowner with U.S. flag
'She' looks like a MTF trans. Lol. Maybe that's why she wears a burqa.

Amina Ali Ahra is facing battery charges in Georgia after she allegedly stole a homeowner’s American flag and started attacking her with it. (WXIA) more >

Wow they actually made her remove her headgear for the picture ? Someone actually grew a pair.

Everyone is required to do so for drivers licenses and mug shots. The courts ruled on that some time ago. Try to keep up.

I "keep up" just fine, and I'm well aware of the fucking laws, I'm just not used to them actually being followed in a case like this.
First of all, I'm certain this woman feels she doesn't need to comply with our laws, and second since I'm certain she probably protested, I'm surprised some police dept actually didn't bend over for her highness.

THat's really my only concern here. If she is here on Visa -- it ought to be revoked.

AND she almost got herself killed. Which --- if that had been the case -- would have been about those intolerant Christian crackers and their kids with guns.. Whole DIFFERENT story than this one..
The boy stood ready to fire a warning shot, but “that did not even faze her,” Ms. Arno said. “It didn’t stop her; it didn’t do anything.”

At one point, witnesses said the woman took her shoe off and began hitting other people with it.

“I’ve got a swollen knuckle, I’ve got a bruise there, I’ve got a bruise there and she got me on my face,” Ms. Arno said, pointing to her bicep, wrist and chin.

Neighbors also ran to help and held the suspect down until Lawrenceville police arrived.

“We fought for probably 7 minutes until the police arrived here because I wasn’t letting her go I did not know what else she would do,” Ms. Arnosaid. “She had already chased one of my neighbors into her house that morning.”

You don't get to beat people up for having an American flag or even for supporting Trump
Muslim woman charged with attacking Georgia homeowner with U.S. flag
'She' looks like a MTF trans. Lol. Maybe that's why she wears a burqa.

Amina Ali Ahra is facing battery charges in Georgia after she allegedly stole a homeowner’s American flag and started attacking her with it. (WXIA) more >

Wow they actually made her remove her headgear for the picture ? Someone actually grew a pair.

Everyone is required to do so for drivers licenses and mug shots. The courts ruled on that some time ago. Try to keep up.

I "keep up" just fine, and I'm well aware of the fucking laws, I'm just not used to them actually being followed in a case like this.
First of all, I'm certain this woman feels she doesn't need to comply with our laws, and second since I'm certain she probably protested, I'm surprised some police dept actually didn't bend over for her highness.

THat's really my only concern here. If she is here on Visa -- it ought to be revoked.

AND she almost got herself killed. Which --- if that had been the case -- would have been about those intolerant Christian crackers and their kids with guns.. Whole DIFFERENT story than this one..

I think before we say what needs to be done, we need to know what WAS done, by her.

And the reason I'm saying that is: is she mentally ill, crack under some sort of stress or isolation? Is she dangerous? Have there been ongoing neighbor disputes that could have led to this? How long has she been here and what is her background? Has she had prior problems with the law?

What "should be done" depends on what they find out about her and why she did what she did.
Same thing. Not enough info. She grabbed the flag and used it to hit at people. The OP is making it about the flag.

Educated guess's? There are none without more information. That's the problem with this stuff.

Per the articles I've seen - here are the facts.

She either wore a head scarf that coverd most of her face or full burkha (depending which article).
She chased one neighbor into the house.
She grabbed flag pole off the mail box and used it to assault another woman.
She is either 28 or 30 (depending on which article)
She is dark skinned and has a foreign sounding name.
She is being charged with two cases of simple assault.
The police haven't said what the motive was.

Do we have any other actual facts yet?

Naw...we don' need no facts!

She's muslim therefore she hates Americans and views the flag as "micro aggression" and hates the American flag (according to assorted comments here)
Naw! She came in peace! Right?

What do you actually know?
She got arrested for two assaults! What do you know?

Why was she arrested for two assaults? What did she do?

Not sure, but according to one article she chased another woman into a house, and attacked this woman with the flag - maybe that is the two assaults?
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!
(from the article) : Police don't know a motive for the attack.
you being a racist slapdick shit eater think you do...big fuckin' fail!

Being a Muslim sympathizer and piece of shit like you are, you wouldn't dare think the motive could have anything to do with her religion.
How do you define a "muslim sympathizer"?
'She' looks like a MTF trans. Lol. Maybe that's why she wears a burqa.

Amina Ali Ahra is facing battery charges in Georgia after she allegedly stole a homeowner’s American flag and started attacking her with it. (WXIA) more >

Wow they actually made her remove her headgear for the picture ? Someone actually grew a pair.

Everyone is required to do so for drivers licenses and mug shots. The courts ruled on that some time ago. Try to keep up.

I "keep up" just fine, and I'm well aware of the fucking laws, I'm just not used to them actually being followed in a case like this.
First of all, I'm certain this woman feels she doesn't need to comply with our laws, and second since I'm certain she probably protested, I'm surprised some police dept actually didn't bend over for her highness.

THat's really my only concern here. If she is here on Visa -- it ought to be revoked.

AND she almost got herself killed. Which --- if that had been the case -- would have been about those intolerant Christian crackers and their kids with guns.. Whole DIFFERENT story than this one..

I think before we say what needs to be done, we need to know what WAS done, by her.

And the reason I'm saying that is: is she mentally ill, crack under some sort of stress or isolation? Is she dangerous? Have there been ongoing neighbor disputes that could have led to this? How long has she been here and what is her background? Has she had prior problems with the law?

What "should be done" depends on what they find out about her and why she did what she did.
No mini wolf. Of course she's not dangerous.

Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!
(from the article) : Police don't know a motive for the attack.
you being a racist slapdick shit eater think you do...big fuckin' fail!

Being a Muslim sympathizer and piece of shit like you are, you wouldn't dare think the motive could have anything to do with her religion.
How do you define a "muslim sympathizer"?

A-m-e-r-i-c-a-n L-i-b-e-r-a-l !

adjective lib·er·al \ˈli-b(ə-)rəl\

To be of dense character. Lacking logic, common sense, and brain.
Vacant, out to lunch, believes in everything, and nothing.
Preaches one thing, but lacks ability to take own advice.
Believes in peace, unless western nations and or Christians are the ones being attacked.
Hates religion, unless it's every other religion in the world other than Christianity.
Demands free speech, as long as those speaking are agreeable to the liberals beliefs.
Wow they actually made her remove her headgear for the picture ? Someone actually grew a pair.

Everyone is required to do so for drivers licenses and mug shots. The courts ruled on that some time ago. Try to keep up.

I "keep up" just fine, and I'm well aware of the fucking laws, I'm just not used to them actually being followed in a case like this.
First of all, I'm certain this woman feels she doesn't need to comply with our laws, and second since I'm certain she probably protested, I'm surprised some police dept actually didn't bend over for her highness.

THat's really my only concern here. If she is here on Visa -- it ought to be revoked.

AND she almost got herself killed. Which --- if that had been the case -- would have been about those intolerant Christian crackers and their kids with guns.. Whole DIFFERENT story than this one..

I think before we say what needs to be done, we need to know what WAS done, by her.

And the reason I'm saying that is: is she mentally ill, crack under some sort of stress or isolation? Is she dangerous? Have there been ongoing neighbor disputes that could have led to this? How long has she been here and what is her background? Has she had prior problems with the law?

What "should be done" depends on what they find out about her and why she did what she did.
No mini wolf. Of course she's not dangerous.

Is she dangerous? Lol. Attacking a complete stranger with a flag pole, and then attacking others? Continues to attack even when a gun is produced? Is she dangerous? Lol. :wtf:
as a christian i have plenty of respect for christians. why would you think otherwise?
Because I hear the morons on the left denigrates Christians constantly. Can you link me to a thread in which you have defended Christians?

Shut up, how many threads a day does that moron Guno alone create about Christians? Let alone all the other snide comments we see written on here every day.

You liberals are fucking retarded.
do you really want to get into an argument over whether christians are disparaged on here more than muslims?
So, that's a no? You have never defended the Christians! Thought so.
i've never felt the need to. lots of other people are quick to do that in the rare cases that it happens.

the muslims though - if one of them sneezes without covering their mouth we get thirteen threads on how all of islam is evil.
Everyone is required to do so for drivers licenses and mug shots. The courts ruled on that some time ago. Try to keep up.

I "keep up" just fine, and I'm well aware of the fucking laws, I'm just not used to them actually being followed in a case like this.
First of all, I'm certain this woman feels she doesn't need to comply with our laws, and second since I'm certain she probably protested, I'm surprised some police dept actually didn't bend over for her highness.

THat's really my only concern here. If she is here on Visa -- it ought to be revoked.

AND she almost got herself killed. Which --- if that had been the case -- would have been about those intolerant Christian crackers and their kids with guns.. Whole DIFFERENT story than this one..

I think before we say what needs to be done, we need to know what WAS done, by her.

And the reason I'm saying that is: is she mentally ill, crack under some sort of stress or isolation? Is she dangerous? Have there been ongoing neighbor disputes that could have led to this? How long has she been here and what is her background? Has she had prior problems with the law?

What "should be done" depends on what they find out about her and why she did what she did.
No mini wolf. Of course she's not dangerous.

Is she dangerous? Lol. Attacking a complete stranger :wtf:
making assumptions, aren't you?
I "keep up" just fine, and I'm well aware of the fucking laws, I'm just not used to them actually being followed in a case like this.
First of all, I'm certain this woman feels she doesn't need to comply with our laws, and second since I'm certain she probably protested, I'm surprised some police dept actually didn't bend over for her highness.

THat's really my only concern here. If she is here on Visa -- it ought to be revoked.

AND she almost got herself killed. Which --- if that had been the case -- would have been about those intolerant Christian crackers and their kids with guns.. Whole DIFFERENT story than this one..

I think before we say what needs to be done, we need to know what WAS done, by her.

And the reason I'm saying that is: is she mentally ill, crack under some sort of stress or isolation? Is she dangerous? Have there been ongoing neighbor disputes that could have led to this? How long has she been here and what is her background? Has she had prior problems with the law?

What "should be done" depends on what they find out about her and why she did what she did.
No mini wolf. Of course she's not dangerous.

Is she dangerous? Lol. Attacking a complete stranger :wtf:
making assumptions, aren't you?
Nope. People who walk into your front garden, uproot your flag pole and start attacking you with it are dangerous.

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