Peaceful Muslim attacks homeowner with American flag

Kinda like you think when you see a Mexican flag,

I don't have a problem is a wetback wants to fly a Mexican flag. I have a problem with this:

View attachment 76989
You should have a problem with the fact you’re a bigot and a racist.

You should have a problem with someone flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag if you live in the U.S.

Apparently you don't have a problem putting the wetback flag above the one of your own country Traitor.
You and most other conservatives are a menace to society, prone to violent outburst and fits of inappropriate rage and anger, compelling to you blindly attack those whom you fear.

You and all other Liberals that would support a bunch of wetbacks doing such a thing in this country are traitors that deserve the fate of a traitor.
Of course, you talk a tough game.
It was probably Trump in a burka.
trump only does drag on weekends
Do you have any words of condemnation for the person who attacked another with a flag pole after taking it from the others property? Anything?

There's not enough info.

Did Ya read the link that MeatHead provided after she was taken in custody? Go back and look.. Enough info in there to start making educated guesses...

P.S. I'll make it easy for ya.. The newer link is in my post above..

Same thing. Not enough info. She grabbed the flag and used it to hit at people. The OP is making it about the flag.

Educated guess's? There are none without more information. That's the problem with this stuff.

Per the articles I've seen - here are the facts.

She either wore a head scarf that coverd most of her face or full burkha (depending which article).
She chased one neighbor into the house.
She grabbed flag pole off the mail box and used it to assault another woman.
She is either 28 or 30 (depending on which article)
She is dark skinned and has a foreign sounding name.
She is being charged with two cases of simple assault.
The police haven't said what the motive was.

Do we have any other actual facts yet?

Naw...we don' need no facts!

She's muslim therefore she hates Americans and views the flag as "micro aggression" and hates the American flag (according to assorted comments here)
This must have been a moooslim too....

The problem I see with this incidents is that they make people dislike Muslims, and the Muslims who are trying to say that people shouldn't dislike Muslims don't really have any good arguments why incidents like this shouldn't make people dislike Muslims. If you want to argue that most Muslims don't do things like this, that's fine, but every group tends to be judged by the actions of its most prominent members. Look at how all blacks are judged for ghetto crime, all Mexicans are judged for crossing the border, and all white people are judged for discovering America and defeating the Indians and taking slaves and inventing shit and going to the Moon and in general, kicking ass.
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!
(from the article) : Police don't know a motive for the attack.
you being a racist slapdick shit eater think you do...big fuckin' fail!

Being a Muslim sympathizer and piece of shit like you are, you wouldn't dare think the motive could have anything to do with her religion.
You have no evidence that it was.
only your bigotry !
What if it had been a shovel made in China ?
You'd claim it was a communist attack.
It was probably Trump in a burka.
trump only does drag on weekends
Do you have any words of condemnation for the person who attacked another with a flag pole after taking it from the others property? Anything?

daws applauds what the Muslim piece of shit did.
Did I?
Make shit up much?
I don't subcribe to the bigoted and ignorant if you ain't fer us yer agin us. Theory.
no doubt my fellow posters have been WAITING with BATED BREATH for my (irosie) response.
Here it is------the nut swinging the flag and pole is described as bearing a FACE RAG. Incidents such as these support my contention that face rags MUST BE OUTLAWED-----the bomb on ass sluts and the flag pole swingers have made that law NECESSARY
Why don't we just STOP allowing nonwhite invaders into the US.Go back to the pre 1965 immigration rules.

pre 1965 rules? what were they?>
Essentially it allowed Europeans and Australians and Russians etc to immigrate to America,after 1965 that completely stopped its now the scum of the 3rd world that's allowed in.

The United States employed an explicitly pro-White immigration policy for the entirety of its two centuries of existence until the treasonous 1965 Immigration Act, which reversed this safeguard and subverted American immigration policy to discriminate against White Europeans in favor of non-White immigration. Prior to the 1965 Act, American immigration policy favored White European immigration to maintain the status quo of the American population. The behind-the-scenes architects of the 1965 Act realized that overwhelmingly non-White legal immigration would inevitably reduce the White American population over time. The political front men of the 1965 Act, such as Ted Kennedy, falsely assured the American public that the new immigration policy would not upset the racial balance of America. In 1965, America was approximately 89 percent White. Just a few generations later, America is around 65 percent White. In one more generation, White Americans will be a minority in their own country.

None dare call it White genocide -

Brought up and pushed by Ted Kennedy and these scumbags I bet you don't know what they ALL 4 have in common?
1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (Former President of
American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

The Jewish Conspiracy Behind The 1965 Open Immigration Law! | Real Jew
Anti jewish Crapspiracy alert!
trump only does drag on weekends
Do you have any words of condemnation for the person who attacked another with a flag pole after taking it from the others property? Anything?

There's not enough info.

Did Ya read the link that MeatHead provided after she was taken in custody? Go back and look.. Enough info in there to start making educated guesses...

P.S. I'll make it easy for ya.. The newer link is in my post above..

Same thing. Not enough info. She grabbed the flag and used it to hit at people. The OP is making it about the flag.

Educated guess's? There are none without more information. That's the problem with this stuff.

Per the articles I've seen - here are the facts.

She either wore a head scarf that coverd most of her face or full burkha (depending which article).
She chased one neighbor into the house.
She grabbed flag pole off the mail box and used it to assault another woman.
She is either 28 or 30 (depending on which article)
She is dark skinned and has a foreign sounding name.
She is being charged with two cases of simple assault.
The police haven't said what the motive was.

Do we have any other actual facts yet?

Naw...we don' need no facts!

She's muslim therefore she hates Americans and views the flag as "micro aggression" and hates the American flag (according to assorted comments here)
This must have been a moooslim too....

View attachment 76993
That was a Klan rally in the late 70's in Illinois I think.
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!
(from the article) : Police don't know a motive for the attack.
you being a racist slapdick shit eater think you do...big fuckin' fail!
You being an ignorant retard lefty missed she was a mooooslime.
False ! Her being muslim means jack shit !
What if she had been a Mormon?
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!
(from the article) : Police don't know a motive for the attack.
you being a racist slapdick shit eater think you do...big fuckin' fail!
You being an ignorant retard lefty missed she was a mooooslime.
False ! Her being muslim means jack shit !
What if she had been a Mormon?
The whole point of the op is she is mooooslime, you friggin moron.
I don't have a problem is a wetback wants to fly a Mexican flag. I have a problem with this:

View attachment 76989
You should have a problem with the fact you’re a bigot and a racist.

You should have a problem with someone flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag if you live in the U.S.

Apparently you don't have a problem putting the wetback flag above the one of your own country Traitor.
You and most other conservatives are a menace to society, prone to violent outburst and fits of inappropriate rage and anger, compelling to you blindly attack those whom you fear.

You and all other Liberals that would support a bunch of wetbacks doing such a thing in this country are traitors that deserve the fate of a traitor.
Of course, you talk a tough game.

Seems you talk a traitorous language.
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!

there are no violent Christians?

you don't know anything about what happened.

I know that someone went on another person's private property and assaulted them with a flag pole. I know that the person doing it was Muslim. That's all I need to know.

Had it been a right leaning individual, dare say a Christian, doing that to a homosexual, you'd be fighting your way to the front of the line to blame it on the religion.
You should have a problem with someone flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag if you live in the U.S.

Apparently you don't have a problem putting the wetback flag above the one of your own country Traitor.
You and most other conservatives are a menace to society, prone to violent outburst and fits of inappropriate rage and anger, compelling to you blindly attack those whom you fear.

You and all other Liberals that would support a bunch of wetbacks doing such a thing in this country are traitors that deserve the fate of a traitor.
Of course, you talk a tough game.

Seems you talk a traitorous language.
Now it's movie pirate talk!
Arrr! Ye traitorous wretch!
Since when is it traitorous to call out ignorant racist assholes like you.?

When ignorance and racism don't exist. If that's the only argument you have, you have nothing. You're as worthless as the Muslim bitch attacking someone flying an American flag and as worthless as the wetbacks flying a Mexican flag above a U.S. flag in this country.

Not my fault you chose to be a piece of shit. You should have been raised better.
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!

there are no violent Christians?

you don't know anything about what happened.

I know that someone went on another person's private property and assaulted them with a flag pole. I know that the person doing it was Muslim. That's all I need to know.

Had it been a right leaning individual, dare say a Christian, doing that to a homosexual, you'd be fighting your way to the front of the line to blame it on the religion.
As much as you yammer about being assaulted by flag poles , you must take it up the ass.
Freud would be interested!
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!
Police: Woman Attacks Homeowner With American Flag
Raghead tears down the flag and then attacks the American....yeah we should let MORE of them in! Add another voter for Trump!

there are no violent Christians?

you don't know anything about what happened.

I know that someone went on another person's private property and assaulted them with a flag pole. I know that the person doing it was Muslim. That's all I need to know.

Had it been a right leaning individual, dare say a Christian, doing that to a homosexual, you'd be fighting your way to the front of the line to blame it on the religion.
As much as you yammer about being assaulted by flag poles , you must take it up the ass.
Freud would be interested!

No one is interested in what you do with flagpoles. Too much projection on your part.
no doubt my fellow posters have been WAITING with BATED BREATH for my (irosie) response.
Here it is------the nut swinging the flag and pole is described as bearing a FACE RAG. Incidents such as these support my contention that face rags MUST BE OUTLAWED-----the bomb on ass sluts and the flag pole swingers have made that law NECESSARY
Why don't we just STOP allowing nonwhite invaders into the US.Go back to the pre 1965 immigration rules.

Stop all this non-white race mixing multicultural chit and the problems that go with it will go away.

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