Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.

Workers must be protected in the meantime! That's who the Democrats are trying to protect. Trump and McConnell don't really give a shit about them.

How does not sending the checks protect workers?

Lol. Did you get an answer to that?

of course not

Trumps original idea was aimed *only* at helping workers..a payroll tax holiday. Non-workers would not have benefited. Their caterwauling about it makes it obvious what the real agenda is.
Yes that is true Trump wants to send the checks now and help businesses m. That is why he said he will sign the bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin.
Then McConnell created his own bill about the same.
Except he inserted the $500bn for the large corporations. That was the problem. Trump did not even asked for that. McConnell created the held up. Not Pelosi or Schumer. Get your facts straight Dude.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
I did. I’m 100% sure of what I posted. Dude If you think I’m wrong why not flash it instead of usual Trump supporter nonsense rebuttal.

Did you talk to your senator or congressman about this? I did.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
He's one very confused Democrat.
I don't know if you realize this or not. But corporations have been really fucked over by the virus. And many joints may not be reopening if this last much longer. Unless help is provided to corporations, these people will lose their jobs permanently and become permanent wards of the state.

Workers must be protected in the meantime! That's who the Democrats are trying to protect. Trump and McConnell don't really give a shit about them.

How does not sending the checks protect workers?

Lol. Did you get an answer to that?

of course not

Trumps original idea was aimed *only* at helping workers..a payroll tax holiday. Non-workers would not have benefited. Their caterwauling about it makes it obvious what the real agenda is.
Yes that is true Trump wants to send the checks now and help businesses m. That is why he said he will sign the bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin.
Then McConnell created his own bill about the same.
Except he inserted the $500bn for the large corporations. That was the problem. Trump did not even asked for that. McConnell created the held up. Not Pelosi or Schumer. Get your facts straight Dude.
The Senate just passed the bill unanimously. Now let's see what your alcoholic bitch does tomorrow.
We’ll get no BREAKING NEWS alerts for the regular flu deaths (so far this season, more than 23,000, compared to 533 from the coronavirus).

Nor for the more than 3,000 people who die every day of heart disease or cancer. No alerts for the hundreds who die each day from car accidents, illegal aliens and suicide.

Only coronavirus deaths are considered newsworthy.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
I did. I’m 100% sure of what I posted. Dude If you think I’m wrong why not flash it instead of usual Trump supporter nonsense rebuttal.

Did you talk to your senator or congressman about this? I did.
I’ve already debunked the points you’re trying to make. You’re jumping into a conversation that’s already been over. I don’t care about your appeal to authority
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
I did. I’m 100% sure of what I posted. Dude If you think I’m wrong why not flash it instead of usual Trump supporter nonsense rebuttal.

Did you talk to your senator or congressman about this? I did.
how come it's never the usual nonsense trump attacker bullshit?
We have some bad reps in charge of this nation, and a good "house" cleaning is long past due.

The Tree of Liberty is very thirsty, and long overdue for a good watering. Alas, I fear that extant generations have grown too soft, too complacent, and too cowardly to do what desperately needs to be done. Indeed, enough of us are so much so as to keep voting these criminals back into office.
Yes it is amazing who keeps getting voted in, even though the nation should know better. Not sure whats going to happen in all of this mess going foward. MAGA.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
I did. I’m 100% sure of what I posted. Dude If you think I’m wrong why not flash it instead of usual Trump supporter nonsense rebuttal.

Did you talk to your senator or congressman about this? I did.
I’ve already debunked the points you’re trying to make. You’re jumping into a conversation that’s already been over. I don’t care about your appeal to authority
Again. Instead of giving me the standard rebuttal of Trump supporters. Why not prove it? Otherwise you are lying just like everyone else like Trump that lie like hell.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
I did. I’m 100% sure of what I posted. Dude If you think I’m wrong why not flash it instead of usual Trump supporter nonsense rebuttal.

Did you talk to your senator or congressman about this? I did.
I’ve already debunked the points you’re trying to make. You’re jumping into a conversation that’s already been over. I don’t care about your appeal to authority
YOU debunked it? YOU?
We’ll get no BREAKING NEWS alerts for the regular flu deaths (so far this season, more than 23,000, compared to 533 from the coronavirus).

Nor for the more than 3,000 people who die every day of heart disease or cancer. No alerts for the hundreds who die each day from car accidents, illegal aliens and suicide.

Only coronavirus deaths are considered newsworthy.

It is really amazing that a Trump supporter is this ignorant and dumb.
Yes you are right there are more death in car accidents or heart attack death or flu compared to Coronavirus. Are you forgetting something? Are the hospitals overwhelmed? Is there a beg all over of ventilators and mask, urging retired hospital workers to help with heart attack or car accident or lung cancer or flu? The answer is NO.

NOW PAY ATTENTION. Look what is going on all over US and the world. Do you see the urgent need of ventilators, mask, US military building temporary hospitals etc etc etc?

Maybe if you start watching other channels instead of just Hannity and Fox you might learn something new. Do you even know how and what is a ventilators?

I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
I did. I’m 100% sure of what I posted. Dude If you think I’m wrong why not flash it instead of usual Trump supporter nonsense rebuttal.

Did you talk to your senator or congressman about this? I did.
how come it's never the usual nonsense trump attacker bullshit?
Well Dude. Look at what and how you attack Pelosi with nonsense lies using Breitbart.
Attacking Trump. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic. He has 2 months to start the fight against CV. But played dumb downplaying. Someone has to be responsible for this crisis. That is Trump.

Trump is the most inept aggressively ignorant, liar, corrupt, amateur and incompetent president ever. That’s fact.

The other day. Using gateway pundit as a his reference to attack Gov. Cuomo. He said Cuomo should have buy ventilators in 2015 whe he has the chance. That is 2015 did Cuomo knew we will have pandemic in 2020? When 3 months ago Trump is very busy downplaying, go to Hannity, hoax hoax impeachment etc etc etc BULLSHIT. Doesn’t even know what to do. Using a gateway pundit? GEEEZ. What a fucked up Dude. Is the attack even necessary while we are battling CV?
That is Trump.

Last edited:
We have some bad reps in charge of this nation, and a good "house" cleaning is long past due.

The Tree of Liberty is very thirsty, and long overdue for a good watering. Alas, I fear that extant generations have grown too soft, too complacent, and too cowardly to do what desperately needs to be done. Indeed, enough of us are so much so as to keep voting these criminals back into office.
Yes it is amazing who keeps getting voted in, even though the nation should know better. Not sure whats going to happen in all of this mess going foward. MAGA.
Look at where we are now with this dumb fuck up president? We are so messed up from top to bottom because how he handled this crisis.

No one in the right mind you should be mentioning maga.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
I did. I’m 100% sure of what I posted. Dude If you think I’m wrong why not flash it instead of usual Trump supporter nonsense rebuttal.

Did you talk to your senator or congressman about this? I did.
I’ve already debunked the points you’re trying to make. You’re jumping into a conversation that’s already been over. I don’t care about your appeal to authority
Again. Instead of giving me the standard rebuttal of Trump supporters. Why not prove it? Otherwise you are lying just like everyone else like Trump that lie like hell.
Is Nancy Pelosi your mommy?
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
I did. I’m 100% sure of what I posted. Dude If you think I’m wrong why not flash it instead of usual Trump supporter nonsense rebuttal.

Did you talk to your senator or congressman about this? I did.
how come it's never the usual nonsense trump attacker bullshit?
Well Dude. Look at what and how you attack Pelosi with nonsense lies using Breitbart.
Attacking Trump. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic. He has 2 months to start the fight against CV. But played dumb downplaying. Someone has to be responsible for this crisis. That is Trump.

Trump is the most inept aggressively ignorant, liar, corrupt, amateur and incompetent president ever. That’s fact.

The other day. Using gateway pundit as a his reference to attack Gov. Cuomo. He said Cuomo should have buy ventilators in 2015 whe he has the chance. That is 2015 did Cuomo knew we will have pandemic in 2020? When 3 months ago Trump is very busy downplaying, go to Hannity, hoax hoax impeachment etc etc etc BULLSHIT. Doesn’t even know what to do. Using a gateway pundit? GEEEZ. What a fucked up Dude. Is the attack even necessary while we are battling CV?
That is Trump.

Propaganda parrot.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
You’re talking about two separate bills. The early March one passed. And no he didn’t, he brought the democrats in for it. Even Schumer, hours before the initial vote, praised it as a bipartisan effort, and even said he was pleasantly surprised by the concessions made.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
You’re talking about two separate bills. The early March one passed. And no he didn’t, he brought the democrats in for it. Even Schumer, hours before the initial vote, praised it as a bipartisan effort, and even said he was pleasantly surprised by the concessions made.
Exactly. He's confusing two separate bills. I told him that. He's either dumb or deliberately confusing the issue.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
You’re talking about two separate bills. The early March one passed. And no he didn’t, he brought the democrats in for it. Even Schumer, hours before the initial vote, praised it as a bipartisan effort, and even said he was pleasantly surprised by the concessions made.
Exactly. He's confusing two separate bills. I told him that. He's either dumb or deliberately confusing the issue.
No see we are the ones who don’t understand. He called his congressmen/senator. So there’s no possible way that he’s wrong.
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
You’re talking about two separate bills. The early March one passed. And no he didn’t, he brought the democrats in for it. Even Schumer, hours before the initial vote, praised it as a bipartisan effort, and even said he was pleasantly surprised by the concessions made.
Exactly. He's confusing two separate bills. I told him that. He's either dumb or deliberately confusing the issue.
With your rebuttal like that and lots of you lies and lies. Believed and catered Breitbart. Do you expect me to believe what you both babbling?
Try again.

If Pelosi is my mommy. I’m very proud of her. Rather than your puppy Trump the most inept, corrupted, incompetent president ever
I think it’s unanimous that the Dims are betting on a total collapse to further their political agenda, however, it’s a two sided sword which will come back and cut deep. One can only hope voters recognize this when they cast their vote.
Funny how when it’s time to bailout Autos, banks, big business, it’s the American thing to do when Dim sits at the desk.

The collapse is already here. Putins boy asswipe made it happen. I warned you and yours about him, but you wouldn't listen. CORPORATE RACKETEERS MAKE VERY BAD PRESIDENTS.....
Right...trump caused a global economic collapse...used his narcissism to will a brand new disease to jump from bats to humans...and then used inception to go into the dreams of the Chinese and leaders of the EU and plant the idea that they should wait a month too late to ban travel because it would be seen as racist. Good analysis

Asswipe didn't address the problem early enough. He was more concerned about his reelection.
You're a liar. The President shut down travel from China on January 31st and Democrats criticized him for it.
Not exactly.
He restricted foreign nationals from entering the country who had been to the affected region. Americans and immediate family of Americans who are foreign nationals were allowed to travel back and forth. They were not legally prevented from doing so.

Flights continued between the two countries.

You know who did ban flights in and out of China on that exact same day? Italy.
For that to have worked for Italy, the entire EU would’ve had to restrict travel. Europe is a pandemics wet dream. Tons of public transport, that’s used often, people with money and time to travel, hostels, tightly packed cities, tons of tourist attractions. Italy’s travel ban was useless. Which is why I said the EU needed too. I mean I shouldn’t have to say what I just said because one should be able to pretty easily logically deduce why a travel ban worked in USA but not in Italy. Just look at the evidence staring you in the face. You can contain the few carriers that slip through the cracks of the flights banned to a region that came through other can’t contain the 30 or so carriers a day traveling coming in from direct flights to your region.

COVID had almost certainly taken hold in Italy prior to the declaration.

No travel ban (or attempted ban) was effective. If you want to blame Italy’s situation on lack of a ban, then the entire EU would be suffering the same fate, and they aren’t.
Oh Jesus, Italy has more elderly, and the family units are stronger. A lot of grandparents live with the family and if they don’t they are visited more often. Also, some politicians in Italy thought it was a good idea to have a “hug a Chinese person day” during a pandemic to show how woke you are. That obviously didn’t work out for a lot of people. Goes to show you how seriously some of the politicians were taking this, they weren't, they were trying to score political points...a lot like the OP topic. And wrong again, the entire EU is being rocked. Italy is just the most staggering example of what happens when politicians don’t take shit seriously.

The point is that the disease was global by Jan 31. No travel restrictions absent completely shutting the border was going to be effective. The rest of the EU is not affected to the same degree and many no more so than us.

Talking about scoring political points is exactly what Trump has been doing this whole time.
Just because it moved out of the country of origin, doesn’t mean it isn’t containable. You can contain the few that slip through the cracks. You can’t do that when you let anybody who wants to come over from an outbreak region. Do you not see why that would be a problem? It wasn’t just a problem for the either, that shit came over to New York, our biggest hub for European travel, and now NY is looking at 3000 cases that’s gonna probably be 10000 in a couple of days.

If it was containable, we clearly didn’t do it given our burden of disease here.

Like I said, you’d have to do a LOT more than what Trump did.

What more could he have done? give us specific actions and times that could have been done. You said he was racist when he banned travel from China, BTW, chinese is not a race.

You said banning travel from China would prevent any outbreak in the US.

No one ever said it would prevent any outbreak. Trump and everyone else who knows anything said that banning travel from China would limit the impact on the US and it did.
Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands. There's a special place in hell reserved for her.
For what now?
Of what?
Read the news.
I assume you are accusing Pelosi of murder for not allowing a massive taxpayer wealth redistribution bill?

Seems pretty hyperbolic you me.
I'm accusing Pelosi of obstructing a bill that would help the American people. Everything was going along fine until she stuck her nose in it to fund Democrat pet projects. You know that, so don't insult the People's intelligence

But those are NOT the reasons the bill is being held up.

The biggest sticking point is the $500bn that Trump wants to control..

$500 billion of Corporate Porkulus
Sadly. Like

Go Nancy Go Nancy Go Nancy.
March 13, 2020 Pelosi and Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump’s is willing to sign. Sent to Mitch it was totally overhauled.

President Donald Trump said he supports the bill negotiated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and his Treasury secretary to help Americans deal with the spreading coronavirus outbreak, and the House plans to vote on the measure as early as Friday night.

“I fully support H.R. 6201: Families First CoronaVirus Response Act, which will be voted on in the House this evening,” Trump tweeted. “I encourage all Republicans and Democrats to come together and VOTE YES! I will always put the health and well-being of American families FIRST. Look forward to signing the final Bill, ASAP!“

He did, as negotuated originally. Here is the Date of your source kid,
"March 13, 2020, 6:10 PM EDTUpdated on March 13, 2020, 10:33 PM EDT "

Dems killed it on purpose.

Dates? What does it mean? Linky Linky?

Why shoulda/woulda Democrats killed it?


they killed it because they saw an opportunity for ram some of their leftist agenda items into it. They don't give a shit about the american people who are hurting, its all about their fricken agenda and power. Wake up america, the dem party is out to destroy this nation.

I don’t expect Trump supporters like you knows or even understand the bill or what is going on. I’m not surprised. Let me update your ignorance. Pay attention. ALL OF YOU.

1. Pelosi & Mnuckin crafted a bill that Trump is willing to sign. March 13/20.
2. McConnell created his own bill while the rest of his goons are still on recess less Democrats. Bill consist of Republicans pet projects. And the $500bn for the large corporations. This is the bill they are fighting.
3. Now Pelosi added Democrats pet projects. But this is not the sticking point. It’s the $500bn for the large corporations that corrupt Trump wants to control.

You got that?

McConnel and the rest of senate can go to hell.

Sory kid, no. They had an agreement Nancy flew back to DC and made Chuck R Cheese stall it out. It IS about all of that pork trash she tried to slide by, of course a hack like you will defend her to the deah.

Wrong kid.
Go back and read the sequence how this pet projects came up.
Here’s the problem. You and your buddies here are not paying attention or following the bill who, what why is being presented or created.
Now there’s a held up. SUDDENLY you and the rest of ignorant Americans become an expert. In reality you and the rest here don’t know anything but pure false accusations.

You do know that senate republicans has their own pet projects. You do know that right?

The bill they are fighting was created by McConnell without the Democrats Schumer involvements. With the $500bn sticking point. How do you expect that to pass?

1. $500bn sticking point. Not Pelosi added projects.
2. Currently Schumer & Mnuckin are negotiating without impotent McConnell.

You are a rookie.

Nope, you're a liar. I've been watching the entie thing, I have no doubt you are cheering Ole nancy on, but she is the one killing it. You're in the wrong sandbox kid. Everyone here is eating your lunch. Like I said all you say is "Nuh-Uh". ;)
You are an easy one to peg.
Youve been watching? Hannity, Fox & Friends? This is hilarious.
If I’m lying why don’t you prove it instead of giving me your usual nonsense rebuttal.
maybe if you try to watch other channels rather than stuck on faux trump news media you might learn something new..

(smile) No, I don't watch Hannity. I have posted several sources, you've posted none. Why? Because you are a liar and a hack, nothing more. Like I said honey, you're in the wrong sand box.
I asked you to prove where I lied. You came back nothing. Like I already said Trump supporters do not understand what is happening suddenly idiot like you become an expert.
Let me repeat it again. The original bill crafted by Pelosi and Mnuckin. Trump said he will sign it.

mcconnel made his own bill without the democrats. Plus the $500bn for large corporations. Trump did not even ask for that. You are good example of very poorly informed Trump supporters. Get a life.
Someone is out of the loop, better re check your facts
I did. I’m 100% sure of what I posted. Dude If you think I’m wrong why not flash it instead of usual Trump supporter nonsense rebuttal.

Did you talk to your senator or congressman about this? I did.
how come it's never the usual nonsense trump attacker bullshit?
Well Dude. Look at what and how you attack Pelosi with nonsense lies using Breitbart.
Attacking Trump. Trump is responsible for this Pandemic. He has 2 months to start the fight against CV. But played dumb downplaying. Someone has to be responsible for this crisis. That is Trump.

Trump is the most inept aggressively ignorant, liar, corrupt, amateur and incompetent president ever. That’s fact.

The other day. Using gateway pundit as a his reference to attack Gov. Cuomo. He said Cuomo should have buy ventilators in 2015 whe he has the chance. That is 2015 did Cuomo knew we will have pandemic in 2020? When 3 months ago Trump is very busy downplaying, go to Hannity, hoax hoax impeachment etc etc etc BULLSHIT. Doesn’t even know what to do. Using a gateway pundit? GEEEZ. What a fucked up Dude. Is the attack even necessary while we are battling CV?
That is Trump.

Propaganda parrot.

I understand. Truth Hurts.


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