Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again

The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.
Oh right...a Pelosi imposter showed up, at the last minute, with a list of meaningless demands. And that had nothing to do with the vote not passing.

That didn’t happen either. The vote didn’t pass because Democratic Senators objected to the poor oversight of Mnuchin’s corporate bailout fund.

McConnell tried to ram it down people’s throats without any actual negotiation.

Had nothing to do with Pelosi and a list of meaningless demands.
The Democratic senators that co-wrote the bill? So you’re saying that Mconnell went ahed with a vote, knowing it was going to loose, because the Dem senators that co-wrote it didn’t like what they wrote. And Pelosi broke her self quarantine and just hopped on a plane to fly to DC from California for the hell of it, and it just happened to be right before the vote went down, and she rounded up the democratic senators to catch up with them before the vote, and after the vote put out a list of demands not attached to or concerning anything, just out of the blue a list of demands.

Im saying you’re either lying or misinformed about the bill.

Democrats did not co-write the bill. McConnell and Republicans wrote it, introduced it last Thursday. That was the Democrats first opportunity to review the language.

He then demanded the Democrats agree to it within a day.

The votes that failed were on Monday, of a shell bill, which didn’t even contain the language of the resolution that was still being negotiated.

And after a lot of work, they’ve come to a deal and we should see a vote coming soon.

As you can see, there is no factual basis for your claim. If you have sources that say otherwise let’s see them

I don’t think a week of negotiation is too much to ask when the package is going to cost us nearly $2 trillion, but that’s just me.
That’s a weird interpretation of extremely recent history. It leaves me really confused as to why the senate minority leader got on tv before the vote, and called this a bipartisan bill. It also makes me wonder why the senators just passed this bill they called so evil before...Is it because it was a very bad look for them in the polls, or they all of sudden realized it was a good bill.
You’re going to have to be much more specific about what you’re talking about.

Please show me where Schumer got on TV and called it a bipartisan bill (assuming you’re speaking of the current stimulus bill that was just negotiated and not the prior relief bill, I believe we are currently in “Phase 3”). Please show me where they said it was “so evil”.

The bill as originally written is not the same bill that is going to pass. That’s what negotiations are for. It’s not that they realized it was a good bill all along, but that they made changes to make it a good bill.
Schumer, on CNN, that very same Sunday
“We’re having good bipartisan agreements. The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this. But actually, to my delight and surprise there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation thus far.”
This is why I found your “interpretation” of extremely recent history to be such an odd one. According to you this was a partisan, shove down the throat, action on behalf of mcconnell. That wasn’t what Schumer was saying hours before the vote on Sunday. Isn’t that odd? Along with the fact that barely anything changed with the bill that just got passed, it’s virtually the same except for a few minor changes, paraphrasing Schumer’s own words today. What’s also weird is why if it was only minor changes made, why wasn’t it passed Sunday when McConnell specifically allowed a 30 hour period to make such changes? But you know, you must be right, because the democrats would never play politics while getting relief to Americans in the middle of a national crisis.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.
Oh right...a Pelosi imposter showed up, at the last minute, with a list of meaningless demands. And that had nothing to do with the vote not passing.

That didn’t happen either. The vote didn’t pass because Democratic Senators objected to the poor oversight of Mnuchin’s corporate bailout fund.

McConnell tried to ram it down people’s throats without any actual negotiation.

Had nothing to do with Pelosi and a list of meaningless demands.
The Democratic senators that co-wrote the bill? So you’re saying that Mconnell went ahed with a vote, knowing it was going to loose, because the Dem senators that co-wrote it didn’t like what they wrote. And Pelosi broke her self quarantine and just hopped on a plane to fly to DC from California for the hell of it, and it just happened to be right before the vote went down, and she rounded up the democratic senators to catch up with them before the vote, and after the vote put out a list of demands not attached to or concerning anything, just out of the blue a list of demands.

Im saying you’re either lying or misinformed about the bill.

Democrats did not co-write the bill. McConnell and Republicans wrote it, introduced it last Thursday. That was the Democrats first opportunity to review the language.

He then demanded the Democrats agree to it within a day.

The votes that failed were on Monday, of a shell bill, which didn’t even contain the language of the resolution that was still being negotiated.

And after a lot of work, they’ve come to a deal and we should see a vote coming soon.

As you can see, there is no factual basis for your claim. If you have sources that say otherwise let’s see them

I don’t think a week of negotiation is too much to ask when the package is going to cost us nearly $2 trillion, but that’s just me.
That’s a weird interpretation of extremely recent history. It leaves me really confused as to why the senate minority leader got on tv before the vote, and called this a bipartisan bill. It also makes me wonder why the senators just passed this bill they called so evil before...Is it because it was a very bad look for them in the polls, or they all of sudden realized it was a good bill.
You’re going to have to be much more specific about what you’re talking about.

Please show me where Schumer got on TV and called it a bipartisan bill (assuming you’re speaking of the current stimulus bill that was just negotiated and not the prior relief bill, I believe we are currently in “Phase 3”). Please show me where they said it was “so evil”.

The bill as originally written is not the same bill that is going to pass. That’s what negotiations are for. It’s not that they realized it was a good bill all along, but that they made changes to make it a good bill.
Yeah, a good bill includes hundreds of millions for the Kennedy Center and PBS, huh.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.

This is a false narrative. McConnell released his proposal on the 19th and Dems have been negotiating with him regarding several provisions since then. Pelosi was not a part of the negotiations and no demand for meaningless things were made. There was a bill in the House that is separate and apart, which has no chance at passing, that includes liberal agenda items, but the Senate bill was not obstructed in order to achieve those priorities.
It obstructed time, Colfax. The Senate was working on a Bipartisan Bill, and that stopped when Pelosi came forward with her 'joke' with Schumer's blessing.
Time....that is was was obstructed
He's a
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.

This is a false narrative. McConnell released his proposal on the 19th and Dems have been negotiating with him regarding several provisions since then. Pelosi was not a part of the negotiations and no demand for meaningless things were made. There was a bill in the House that is separate and apart, which has no chance at passing, that includes liberal agenda items, but the Senate bill was not obstructed in order to achieve those priorities.
It obstructed time, Colfax. The Senate was working on a Bipartisan Bill, and that stopped when Pelosi came forward with her 'joke' with Schumer's blessing.
Time....that is was was obstructed

Negotiations never stopped.
What does giving hundreds of millions to be Kennedy Center and PBS have to do with helping the American people?
Oh God, pbs too. It just gets worse and worse the more I hear about it
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
You think you don’t have blinders on? Give me a break with the holier than thou bullshit. You’re no different.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.
Oh right...a Pelosi imposter showed up, at the last minute, with a list of meaningless demands. And that had nothing to do with the vote not passing.

That didn’t happen either. The vote didn’t pass because Democratic Senators objected to the poor oversight of Mnuchin’s corporate bailout fund.

McConnell tried to ram it down people’s throats without any actual negotiation.

Had nothing to do with Pelosi and a list of meaningless demands.
The Democratic senators that co-wrote the bill? So you’re saying that Mconnell went ahed with a vote, knowing it was going to loose, because the Dem senators that co-wrote it didn’t like what they wrote. And Pelosi broke her self quarantine and just hopped on a plane to fly to DC from California for the hell of it, and it just happened to be right before the vote went down, and she rounded up the democratic senators to catch up with them before the vote, and after the vote put out a list of demands not attached to or concerning anything, just out of the blue a list of demands.

Im saying you’re either lying or misinformed about the bill.

Democrats did not co-write the bill. McConnell and Republicans wrote it, introduced it last Thursday. That was the Democrats first opportunity to review the language.

He then demanded the Democrats agree to it within a day.

The votes that failed were on Monday, of a shell bill, which didn’t even contain the language of the resolution that was still being negotiated.

And after a lot of work, they’ve come to a deal and we should see a vote coming soon.

As you can see, there is no factual basis for your claim. If you have sources that say otherwise let’s see them

I don’t think a week of negotiation is too much to ask when the package is going to cost us nearly $2 trillion, but that’s just me.
That’s a weird interpretation of extremely recent history. It leaves me really confused as to why the senate minority leader got on tv before the vote, and called this a bipartisan bill. It also makes me wonder why the senators just passed this bill they called so evil before...Is it because it was a very bad look for them in the polls, or they all of sudden realized it was a good bill.
You’re going to have to be much more specific about what you’re talking about.

Please show me where Schumer got on TV and called it a bipartisan bill (assuming you’re speaking of the current stimulus bill that was just negotiated and not the prior relief bill, I believe we are currently in “Phase 3”). Please show me where they said it was “so evil”.

The bill as originally written is not the same bill that is going to pass. That’s what negotiations are for. It’s not that they realized it was a good bill all along, but that they made changes to make it a good bill.
Schumer, on CNN, that very same Sunday
“We’re having good bipartisan agreements. The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this. But actually, to my delight and surprise there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation thus far.”
This is why I found your “interpretation” of extremely recent history to be such an odd one. According to you this was a partisan, shove down the throat, action on behalf of mcconnell. That wasn’t what Schumer was saying hours before the vote on Sunday. Isn’t that odd? Along with the fact that barely anything changed with the bill that just got passed, it’s virtually the same except for a few minor changes, paraphrasing Schumer’s own words today. What’s also weird is why if it was only minor changes made, why wasn’t it passed Sunday when McConnell specifically allowed a 30 hour period to make such changes? But you know, you must be right, because the democrats would never play politics while getting relief to Americans in the middle of a national crisis.

Schumer’s quote confirms what I have been telling you. See here lifted exactly from what you included above:
“The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this.”

As you can see, the initial bill was not co-written by Democrats, which was your original contention. McConnell tried to hurry it along, but Schumer put on the breaks despite some very unfair accusations.

Schumer was saying that they were in the process of negotiating the bill and he was pleased with the progress but weren’t finished until just last evening. He did not call it “a bipartisan bill”. He said they were making bipartisan agreements to reach a final bill. Most of the bill wasn’t all that controversial so it did not require an enormous amount of change but there were small but important modifications that will benefit it.

What is there to be confused about? It’s exactly as I said.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.
Oh right...a Pelosi imposter showed up, at the last minute, with a list of meaningless demands. And that had nothing to do with the vote not passing.

That didn’t happen either. The vote didn’t pass because Democratic Senators objected to the poor oversight of Mnuchin’s corporate bailout fund.

McConnell tried to ram it down people’s throats without any actual negotiation.

Had nothing to do with Pelosi and a list of meaningless demands.
The Democratic senators that co-wrote the bill? So you’re saying that Mconnell went ahed with a vote, knowing it was going to loose, because the Dem senators that co-wrote it didn’t like what they wrote. And Pelosi broke her self quarantine and just hopped on a plane to fly to DC from California for the hell of it, and it just happened to be right before the vote went down, and she rounded up the democratic senators to catch up with them before the vote, and after the vote put out a list of demands not attached to or concerning anything, just out of the blue a list of demands.

Im saying you’re either lying or misinformed about the bill.

Democrats did not co-write the bill. McConnell and Republicans wrote it, introduced it last Thursday. That was the Democrats first opportunity to review the language.

He then demanded the Democrats agree to it within a day.

The votes that failed were on Monday, of a shell bill, which didn’t even contain the language of the resolution that was still being negotiated.

And after a lot of work, they’ve come to a deal and we should see a vote coming soon.

As you can see, there is no factual basis for your claim. If you have sources that say otherwise let’s see them

I don’t think a week of negotiation is too much to ask when the package is going to cost us nearly $2 trillion, but that’s just me.
That’s a weird interpretation of extremely recent history. It leaves me really confused as to why the senate minority leader got on tv before the vote, and called this a bipartisan bill. It also makes me wonder why the senators just passed this bill they called so evil before...Is it because it was a very bad look for them in the polls, or they all of sudden realized it was a good bill.
You’re going to have to be much more specific about what you’re talking about.

Please show me where Schumer got on TV and called it a bipartisan bill (assuming you’re speaking of the current stimulus bill that was just negotiated and not the prior relief bill, I believe we are currently in “Phase 3”). Please show me where they said it was “so evil”.

The bill as originally written is not the same bill that is going to pass. That’s what negotiations are for. It’s not that they realized it was a good bill all along, but that they made changes to make it a good bill.
Schumer, on CNN, that very same Sunday
“We’re having good bipartisan agreements. The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this. But actually, to my delight and surprise there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation thus far.”
This is why I found your “interpretation” of extremely recent history to be such an odd one. According to you this was a partisan, shove down the throat, action on behalf of mcconnell. That wasn’t what Schumer was saying hours before the vote on Sunday. Isn’t that odd? Along with the fact that barely anything changed with the bill that just got passed, it’s virtually the same except for a few minor changes, paraphrasing Schumer’s own words today. What’s also weird is why if it was only minor changes made, why wasn’t it passed Sunday when McConnell specifically allowed a 30 hour period to make such changes? But you know, you must be right, because the democrats would never play politics while getting relief to Americans in the middle of a national crisis.

Schumer’s quote confirms what I have been telling you. See here lifted exactly from what you included above:
“The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this.”

As you can see, the initial bill was not co-written by Democrats, which was your original contention. McConnell tried to hurry it along, but Schumer put on the breaks despite some very unfair accusations.

Schumer was saying that they were in the process of negotiating the bill and he was pleased with the progress but weren’t finished until just last evening. He did not call it “a bipartisan bill”. He said they were making bipartisan agreements to reach a final bill. Most of the bill wasn’t all that controversial so it did not require an enormous amount of change but there were small but important modifications that will benefit it.

What is there to be confused about? It’s exactly as I said.
Yea initial, meaning before negotiations. Then there was what, 3 days of almost non-stop negotiations. And that’s what Schumer said about the negotiations
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.
Oh right...a Pelosi imposter showed up, at the last minute, with a list of meaningless demands. And that had nothing to do with the vote not passing.

That didn’t happen either. The vote didn’t pass because Democratic Senators objected to the poor oversight of Mnuchin’s corporate bailout fund.

McConnell tried to ram it down people’s throats without any actual negotiation.

Had nothing to do with Pelosi and a list of meaningless demands.
The Democratic senators that co-wrote the bill? So you’re saying that Mconnell went ahed with a vote, knowing it was going to loose, because the Dem senators that co-wrote it didn’t like what they wrote. And Pelosi broke her self quarantine and just hopped on a plane to fly to DC from California for the hell of it, and it just happened to be right before the vote went down, and she rounded up the democratic senators to catch up with them before the vote, and after the vote put out a list of demands not attached to or concerning anything, just out of the blue a list of demands.

Im saying you’re either lying or misinformed about the bill.

Democrats did not co-write the bill. McConnell and Republicans wrote it, introduced it last Thursday. That was the Democrats first opportunity to review the language.

He then demanded the Democrats agree to it within a day.

The votes that failed were on Monday, of a shell bill, which didn’t even contain the language of the resolution that was still being negotiated.

And after a lot of work, they’ve come to a deal and we should see a vote coming soon.

As you can see, there is no factual basis for your claim. If you have sources that say otherwise let’s see them

I don’t think a week of negotiation is too much to ask when the package is going to cost us nearly $2 trillion, but that’s just me.
That’s a weird interpretation of extremely recent history. It leaves me really confused as to why the senate minority leader got on tv before the vote, and called this a bipartisan bill. It also makes me wonder why the senators just passed this bill they called so evil before...Is it because it was a very bad look for them in the polls, or they all of sudden realized it was a good bill.
You’re going to have to be much more specific about what you’re talking about.

Please show me where Schumer got on TV and called it a bipartisan bill (assuming you’re speaking of the current stimulus bill that was just negotiated and not the prior relief bill, I believe we are currently in “Phase 3”). Please show me where they said it was “so evil”.

The bill as originally written is not the same bill that is going to pass. That’s what negotiations are for. It’s not that they realized it was a good bill all along, but that they made changes to make it a good bill.
Schumer, on CNN, that very same Sunday
“We’re having good bipartisan agreements. The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this. But actually, to my delight and surprise there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation thus far.”
This is why I found your “interpretation” of extremely recent history to be such an odd one. According to you this was a partisan, shove down the throat, action on behalf of mcconnell. That wasn’t what Schumer was saying hours before the vote on Sunday. Isn’t that odd? Along with the fact that barely anything changed with the bill that just got passed, it’s virtually the same except for a few minor changes, paraphrasing Schumer’s own words today. What’s also weird is why if it was only minor changes made, why wasn’t it passed Sunday when McConnell specifically allowed a 30 hour period to make such changes? But you know, you must be right, because the democrats would never play politics while getting relief to Americans in the middle of a national crisis.

Schumer’s quote confirms what I have been telling you. See here lifted exactly from what you included above:
“The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this.”

As you can see, the initial bill was not co-written by Democrats, which was your original contention. McConnell tried to hurry it along, but Schumer put on the breaks despite some very unfair accusations.

Schumer was saying that they were in the process of negotiating the bill and he was pleased with the progress but weren’t finished until just last evening. He did not call it “a bipartisan bill”. He said they were making bipartisan agreements to reach a final bill. Most of the bill wasn’t all that controversial so it did not require an enormous amount of change but there were small but important modifications that will benefit it.

What is there to be confused about? It’s exactly as I said.
Yea initial, meaning before negotiations. Then there was what, 3 days of almost non-stop negotiations. And that’s what Schumer said about the negotiations
people are dying and Democrats want to negotiate. Insane trash.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
You think you don’t have blinders on? Give me a break with the holier than thou bullshit. You’re no different.
except i talk human nature where both sides have their assholes. you ignore your assholes and just scream LOOK AT THOSE ASSHOLES and then go into denial when i say your side has 'em too.

so give me a break from your terminal stupidity.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.
Oh right...a Pelosi imposter showed up, at the last minute, with a list of meaningless demands. And that had nothing to do with the vote not passing.

That didn’t happen either. The vote didn’t pass because Democratic Senators objected to the poor oversight of Mnuchin’s corporate bailout fund.

McConnell tried to ram it down people’s throats without any actual negotiation.

Had nothing to do with Pelosi and a list of meaningless demands.
The Democratic senators that co-wrote the bill? So you’re saying that Mconnell went ahed with a vote, knowing it was going to loose, because the Dem senators that co-wrote it didn’t like what they wrote. And Pelosi broke her self quarantine and just hopped on a plane to fly to DC from California for the hell of it, and it just happened to be right before the vote went down, and she rounded up the democratic senators to catch up with them before the vote, and after the vote put out a list of demands not attached to or concerning anything, just out of the blue a list of demands.

Im saying you’re either lying or misinformed about the bill.

Democrats did not co-write the bill. McConnell and Republicans wrote it, introduced it last Thursday. That was the Democrats first opportunity to review the language.

He then demanded the Democrats agree to it within a day.

The votes that failed were on Monday, of a shell bill, which didn’t even contain the language of the resolution that was still being negotiated.

And after a lot of work, they’ve come to a deal and we should see a vote coming soon.

As you can see, there is no factual basis for your claim. If you have sources that say otherwise let’s see them

I don’t think a week of negotiation is too much to ask when the package is going to cost us nearly $2 trillion, but that’s just me.
That’s a weird interpretation of extremely recent history. It leaves me really confused as to why the senate minority leader got on tv before the vote, and called this a bipartisan bill. It also makes me wonder why the senators just passed this bill they called so evil before...Is it because it was a very bad look for them in the polls, or they all of sudden realized it was a good bill.
You’re going to have to be much more specific about what you’re talking about.

Please show me where Schumer got on TV and called it a bipartisan bill (assuming you’re speaking of the current stimulus bill that was just negotiated and not the prior relief bill, I believe we are currently in “Phase 3”). Please show me where they said it was “so evil”.

The bill as originally written is not the same bill that is going to pass. That’s what negotiations are for. It’s not that they realized it was a good bill all along, but that they made changes to make it a good bill.
Schumer, on CNN, that very same Sunday
“We’re having good bipartisan agreements. The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this. But actually, to my delight and surprise there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation thus far.”
This is why I found your “interpretation” of extremely recent history to be such an odd one. According to you this was a partisan, shove down the throat, action on behalf of mcconnell. That wasn’t what Schumer was saying hours before the vote on Sunday. Isn’t that odd? Along with the fact that barely anything changed with the bill that just got passed, it’s virtually the same except for a few minor changes, paraphrasing Schumer’s own words today. What’s also weird is why if it was only minor changes made, why wasn’t it passed Sunday when McConnell specifically allowed a 30 hour period to make such changes? But you know, you must be right, because the democrats would never play politics while getting relief to Americans in the middle of a national crisis.

Schumer’s quote confirms what I have been telling you. See here lifted exactly from what you included above:
“The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this.”

As you can see, the initial bill was not co-written by Democrats, which was your original contention. McConnell tried to hurry it along, but Schumer put on the breaks despite some very unfair accusations.

Schumer was saying that they were in the process of negotiating the bill and he was pleased with the progress but weren’t finished until just last evening. He did not call it “a bipartisan bill”. He said they were making bipartisan agreements to reach a final bill. Most of the bill wasn’t all that controversial so it did not require an enormous amount of change but there were small but important modifications that will benefit it.

What is there to be confused about? It’s exactly as I said.
Yea initial, meaning before negotiations. Then there was what, 3 days of almost non-stop negotiations. And that’s what Schumer said about the negotiations
Yes. He said that negotiations were going well after three days (which was also two days after McConnells initial deadline he attempted to impose). And lo and behold, after two more days of negotiation they reached a deal.

So what exactly is your point again?

I notice you haven’t found anyone calling it an “evil bill”. There was no agreement that Pelosi ruined.

The right wing narrative just doesn’t stand up to scrutiny.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
You think you don’t have blinders on? Give me a break with the holier than thou bullshit. You’re no different.
except i talk human nature where both sides have their assholes. you ignore your assholes and just scream LOOK AT THOSE ASSHOLES and then go into denial when i say your side has 'em too.

so give me a break from your terminal stupidity.

I like people from the other side who can actually discuss an issue without turning into a raving lunatic. I’ve tried to have conversations with you but it always turns out the same. You lie. You deflect. You bitch.

I think you’re a pretty smart person, smarter than the other trolls on your side, but god help me you get triggered easily.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
You think you don’t have blinders on? Give me a break with the holier than thou bullshit. You’re no different.
except i talk human nature where both sides have their assholes. you ignore your assholes and just scream LOOK AT THOSE ASSHOLES and then go into denial when i say your side has 'em too.

so give me a break from your terminal stupidity.

I like people from the other side who can actually discuss an issue without turning into a raving lunatic. I’ve tried to have conversations with you but it always turns out the same. You lie. You deflect. You bitch.

I think you’re a pretty smart person, smarter than the other trolls on your side, but god help me you get triggered easily.
except you don't discuss issues. you bitch at trump and bitch at people who don't join in with you. i gave you every reasonable doubt to try and engage in convo with you and gave up when you proved to be a one-sided binary asshole.

but hey - blame me. it's cute on you.

and yes - stupid mono-centric bullshit hiding as unbiased can trigger me.
Pelosi is not going to hold a vote today. More power play. Crazy alcoholic bitch.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
You think you don’t have blinders on? Give me a break with the holier than thou bullshit. You’re no different.
except i talk human nature where both sides have their assholes. you ignore your assholes and just scream LOOK AT THOSE ASSHOLES and then go into denial when i say your side has 'em too.

so give me a break from your terminal stupidity.

I like people from the other side who can actually discuss an issue without turning into a raving lunatic. I’ve tried to have conversations with you but it always turns out the same. You lie. You deflect. You bitch.

I think you’re a pretty smart person, smarter than the other trolls on your side, but god help me you get triggered easily.
except you don't discuss issues. you bitch at trump and bitch at people who don't join in with you. i gave you every reasonable doubt to try and engage in convo with you and gave up when you proved to be a one-sided binary asshole.

but hey - blame me. it's cute on you.
He's a waste of time. They can't legitimately defend their obstruction.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
You think you don’t have blinders on? Give me a break with the holier than thou bullshit. You’re no different.
except i talk human nature where both sides have their assholes. you ignore your assholes and just scream LOOK AT THOSE ASSHOLES and then go into denial when i say your side has 'em too.

so give me a break from your terminal stupidity.

I like people from the other side who can actually discuss an issue without turning into a raving lunatic. I’ve tried to have conversations with you but it always turns out the same. You lie. You deflect. You bitch.

I think you’re a pretty smart person, smarter than the other trolls on your side, but god help me you get triggered easily.
except you don't discuss issues. you bitch at trump and bitch at people who don't join in with you. i gave you every reasonable doubt to try and engage in convo with you and gave up when you proved to be a one-sided binary asshole.

but hey - blame me. it's cute on you.

and yes - stupid mono-centric bullshit hiding as unbiased can trigger me.

Look at the thread and tell me I’m not discussing the issue, which in this instance is me identifying the false right wing narrative of how this stimulus bill is being negotiated.

When I criticize someone, I give a reason why. I can explain myself. I listen to other people explain themselves and question their logic. If that triggers you, maybe you aren’t cut out for this. I can help you find a safe space where that won’t happen.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
You think you don’t have blinders on? Give me a break with the holier than thou bullshit. You’re no different.
except i talk human nature where both sides have their assholes. you ignore your assholes and just scream LOOK AT THOSE ASSHOLES and then go into denial when i say your side has 'em too.

so give me a break from your terminal stupidity.

I like people from the other side who can actually discuss an issue without turning into a raving lunatic. I’ve tried to have conversations with you but it always turns out the same. You lie. You deflect. You bitch.

I think you’re a pretty smart person, smarter than the other trolls on your side, but god help me you get triggered easily.
except you don't discuss issues. you bitch at trump and bitch at people who don't join in with you. i gave you every reasonable doubt to try and engage in convo with you and gave up when you proved to be a one-sided binary asshole.

but hey - blame me. it's cute on you.

and yes - stupid mono-centric bullshit hiding as unbiased can trigger me.

Look at the thread and tell me I’m not discussing the issue, which in this instance is me identifying the false right wing narrative of how this stimulus bill is being negotiated.

When I criticize someone, I give a reason why. I can explain myself. I listen to other people explain themselves and question their logic. If that triggers you, maybe you aren’t cut out for this. I can help you find a safe space where that won’t happen.
You questioning logic is like a cockroach trying to explain basic hygiene.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
You think you don’t have blinders on? Give me a break with the holier than thou bullshit. You’re no different.
except i talk human nature where both sides have their assholes. you ignore your assholes and just scream LOOK AT THOSE ASSHOLES and then go into denial when i say your side has 'em too.

so give me a break from your terminal stupidity.

I like people from the other side who can actually discuss an issue without turning into a raving lunatic. I’ve tried to have conversations with you but it always turns out the same. You lie. You deflect. You bitch.

I think you’re a pretty smart person, smarter than the other trolls on your side, but god help me you get triggered easily.
except you don't discuss issues. you bitch at trump and bitch at people who don't join in with you. i gave you every reasonable doubt to try and engage in convo with you and gave up when you proved to be a one-sided binary asshole.

but hey - blame me. it's cute on you.

and yes - stupid mono-centric bullshit hiding as unbiased can trigger me.

Look at the thread and tell me I’m not discussing the issue, which in this instance is me identifying the false right wing narrative of how this stimulus bill is being negotiated.

When I criticize someone, I give a reason why. I can explain myself. I listen to other people explain themselves and question their logic. If that triggers you, maybe you aren’t cut out for this. I can help you find a safe space where that won’t happen.
You questioning logic is like a cockroach trying to explain basic hygiene.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
why is she engaged in meaningless activities? while i don't disagree she's a meaningless bitch, you yourself said she's doing meaningless activities.

are we or are we not in a global crisis?
i think we must agree we are.

now why is our #3 elected official engaged in "meaningless" activity in a time of need for valid leadership?

stop talking in circles.

For 200 Alex....
Because she a nasty, vicious, partisan hack?

The partisan hacks are invoking Pelosi to try to turn y’all into a slobbering pack of idiots.
Seriously. Y’all lose your minds anytime Pelosi is involved.

Sorry, she truly is a loathsome piece of shit. Pubs have theirs too, but there is no defending this vile human being.

That emotion is being used to manipulate you.

LOL, I was born and raised in the Bay Area. I know exactly what she is, but hey, you tell yourself whatever you need to. I don't happen to be trapped in a binary political world.
I’m not judging people for not like Pelosi. I’m observing that the hatred for Pelosi is used by people to achieve a political goal.

Just look at this thread. There’s been so much nonsense in it about what is actually happening. It’s like a parallel universe driven almost entirely by conservative media.
Pelosi is the one loading a bill with pork that has nothing to do with the emergency. You really need to get honest.

The bill is in the Senate you goof. Pelosi isn’t loading up the bill with anything since she isn’t in the Senate.
Pelosi has a bill in the House, numb nuts.

Which has nothing to do with anything. It’s not a part of any negotiation.

The bill that is being negotiated is the Senate bill.
I'm assuming that with your answer that you think Pelosi's 11th hour House Bill was nothing more than a clusterfuck Bill.

It was nothing more than a liberal wishlist.
Optics and timing seemed a bit off IMO. Certainly not one of democrats finest moments,
and I'm sure that historians will be looking at that event.

The House bill will likely be forgotten by everyone except the Trump devotees who will trot it out every once in a while as part of a gross mischaracterization as they currently are doing.
you kidding? both sides carry around the past in a GET EVEN fashion.
I never said otherwise.

But Trump supporters have proven especially prone to zombie lies.

Hell, there’s some death panel devotees kicking around here still.
when you try to say the other side is "more prone" you're just being a dick. human nature is human nature.

look the fuck at CNN. asshats lie all the time and the left spoons that shit up in buckets. if you tell someone what they want to hear about someone they hate, they believe it.

don't be a total and complete asswhipe and think the left isn't doing it just as badly as anyone else. it's all this "my shit don't stink" attitude that fucks it up for everyone.

I don’t watch CNN. I do talk to a lot of people who adhere to the zombie lies about Clinton’s server, the deep state FBI, Seth Rich conspiracies, Russia didn’t hack the DNC, and on and on.

In the era of Trump, no one can hold a candle to his lies.
you're just a hopeless asswhipe and being as asswhipe is your best value these days.

one sided blinders on bullshit i'm so fucking sick and tired of.
You think you don’t have blinders on? Give me a break with the holier than thou bullshit. You’re no different.
except i talk human nature where both sides have their assholes. you ignore your assholes and just scream LOOK AT THOSE ASSHOLES and then go into denial when i say your side has 'em too.

so give me a break from your terminal stupidity.

I like people from the other side who can actually discuss an issue without turning into a raving lunatic. I’ve tried to have conversations with you but it always turns out the same. You lie. You deflect. You bitch.

I think you’re a pretty smart person, smarter than the other trolls on your side, but god help me you get triggered easily.
except you don't discuss issues. you bitch at trump and bitch at people who don't join in with you. i gave you every reasonable doubt to try and engage in convo with you and gave up when you proved to be a one-sided binary asshole.

but hey - blame me. it's cute on you.

and yes - stupid mono-centric bullshit hiding as unbiased can trigger me.

Look at the thread and tell me I’m not discussing the issue, which in this instance is me identifying the false right wing narrative of how this stimulus bill is being negotiated.

When I criticize someone, I give a reason why. I can explain myself. I listen to other people explain themselves and question their logic. If that triggers you, maybe you aren’t cut out for this. I can help you find a safe space where that won’t happen.
The left tried to hold America hostage to push a socialist agenda and were rejected by the American people. Trumps popularity at an all time high...Pelosi looks like a manipulated dirty crooked politician again.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.
Oh right...a Pelosi imposter showed up, at the last minute, with a list of meaningless demands. And that had nothing to do with the vote not passing.

That didn’t happen either. The vote didn’t pass because Democratic Senators objected to the poor oversight of Mnuchin’s corporate bailout fund.

McConnell tried to ram it down people’s throats without any actual negotiation.

Had nothing to do with Pelosi and a list of meaningless demands.
The Democratic senators that co-wrote the bill? So you’re saying that Mconnell went ahed with a vote, knowing it was going to loose, because the Dem senators that co-wrote it didn’t like what they wrote. And Pelosi broke her self quarantine and just hopped on a plane to fly to DC from California for the hell of it, and it just happened to be right before the vote went down, and she rounded up the democratic senators to catch up with them before the vote, and after the vote put out a list of demands not attached to or concerning anything, just out of the blue a list of demands.

Im saying you’re either lying or misinformed about the bill.

Democrats did not co-write the bill. McConnell and Republicans wrote it, introduced it last Thursday. That was the Democrats first opportunity to review the language.

He then demanded the Democrats agree to it within a day.

The votes that failed were on Monday, of a shell bill, which didn’t even contain the language of the resolution that was still being negotiated.

And after a lot of work, they’ve come to a deal and we should see a vote coming soon.

As you can see, there is no factual basis for your claim. If you have sources that say otherwise let’s see them

I don’t think a week of negotiation is too much to ask when the package is going to cost us nearly $2 trillion, but that’s just me.
That’s a weird interpretation of extremely recent history. It leaves me really confused as to why the senate minority leader got on tv before the vote, and called this a bipartisan bill. It also makes me wonder why the senators just passed this bill they called so evil before...Is it because it was a very bad look for them in the polls, or they all of sudden realized it was a good bill.
You’re going to have to be much more specific about what you’re talking about.

Please show me where Schumer got on TV and called it a bipartisan bill (assuming you’re speaking of the current stimulus bill that was just negotiated and not the prior relief bill, I believe we are currently in “Phase 3”). Please show me where they said it was “so evil”.

The bill as originally written is not the same bill that is going to pass. That’s what negotiations are for. It’s not that they realized it was a good bill all along, but that they made changes to make it a good bill.
Schumer, on CNN, that very same Sunday
“We’re having good bipartisan agreements. The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this. But actually, to my delight and surprise there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation thus far.”
This is why I found your “interpretation” of extremely recent history to be such an odd one. According to you this was a partisan, shove down the throat, action on behalf of mcconnell. That wasn’t what Schumer was saying hours before the vote on Sunday. Isn’t that odd? Along with the fact that barely anything changed with the bill that just got passed, it’s virtually the same except for a few minor changes, paraphrasing Schumer’s own words today. What’s also weird is why if it was only minor changes made, why wasn’t it passed Sunday when McConnell specifically allowed a 30 hour period to make such changes? But you know, you must be right, because the democrats would never play politics while getting relief to Americans in the middle of a national crisis.

Schumer’s quote confirms what I have been telling you. See here lifted exactly from what you included above:
“The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this.”

As you can see, the initial bill was not co-written by Democrats, which was your original contention. McConnell tried to hurry it along, but Schumer put on the breaks despite some very unfair accusations.

Schumer was saying that they were in the process of negotiating the bill and he was pleased with the progress but weren’t finished until just last evening. He did not call it “a bipartisan bill”. He said they were making bipartisan agreements to reach a final bill. Most of the bill wasn’t all that controversial so it did not require an enormous amount of change but there were small but important modifications that will benefit it.

What is there to be confused about? It’s exactly as I said.

This bullsh*t again? They were in Negitiations, Dems had all kinds of input. How are you defending Nancy today? She gaveled the House closed and went home. She must be your hero !!!!
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.
Oh right...a Pelosi imposter showed up, at the last minute, with a list of meaningless demands. And that had nothing to do with the vote not passing.

That didn’t happen either. The vote didn’t pass because Democratic Senators objected to the poor oversight of Mnuchin’s corporate bailout fund.

McConnell tried to ram it down people’s throats without any actual negotiation.

Had nothing to do with Pelosi and a list of meaningless demands.
The Democratic senators that co-wrote the bill? So you’re saying that Mconnell went ahed with a vote, knowing it was going to loose, because the Dem senators that co-wrote it didn’t like what they wrote. And Pelosi broke her self quarantine and just hopped on a plane to fly to DC from California for the hell of it, and it just happened to be right before the vote went down, and she rounded up the democratic senators to catch up with them before the vote, and after the vote put out a list of demands not attached to or concerning anything, just out of the blue a list of demands.

Im saying you’re either lying or misinformed about the bill.

Democrats did not co-write the bill. McConnell and Republicans wrote it, introduced it last Thursday. That was the Democrats first opportunity to review the language.

He then demanded the Democrats agree to it within a day.

The votes that failed were on Monday, of a shell bill, which didn’t even contain the language of the resolution that was still being negotiated.

And after a lot of work, they’ve come to a deal and we should see a vote coming soon.

As you can see, there is no factual basis for your claim. If you have sources that say otherwise let’s see them

I don’t think a week of negotiation is too much to ask when the package is going to cost us nearly $2 trillion, but that’s just me.
That’s a weird interpretation of extremely recent history. It leaves me really confused as to why the senate minority leader got on tv before the vote, and called this a bipartisan bill. It also makes me wonder why the senators just passed this bill they called so evil before...Is it because it was a very bad look for them in the polls, or they all of sudden realized it was a good bill.
You’re going to have to be much more specific about what you’re talking about.

Please show me where Schumer got on TV and called it a bipartisan bill (assuming you’re speaking of the current stimulus bill that was just negotiated and not the prior relief bill, I believe we are currently in “Phase 3”). Please show me where they said it was “so evil”.

The bill as originally written is not the same bill that is going to pass. That’s what negotiations are for. It’s not that they realized it was a good bill all along, but that they made changes to make it a good bill.
Schumer, on CNN, that very same Sunday
“We’re having good bipartisan agreements. The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this. But actually, to my delight and surprise there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation thus far.”
This is why I found your “interpretation” of extremely recent history to be such an odd one. According to you this was a partisan, shove down the throat, action on behalf of mcconnell. That wasn’t what Schumer was saying hours before the vote on Sunday. Isn’t that odd? Along with the fact that barely anything changed with the bill that just got passed, it’s virtually the same except for a few minor changes, paraphrasing Schumer’s own words today. What’s also weird is why if it was only minor changes made, why wasn’t it passed Sunday when McConnell specifically allowed a 30 hour period to make such changes? But you know, you must be right, because the democrats would never play politics while getting relief to Americans in the middle of a national crisis.

Schumer’s quote confirms what I have been telling you. See here lifted exactly from what you included above:
“The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this.”

As you can see, the initial bill was not co-written by Democrats, which was your original contention. McConnell tried to hurry it along, but Schumer put on the breaks despite some very unfair accusations.

Schumer was saying that they were in the process of negotiating the bill and he was pleased with the progress but weren’t finished until just last evening. He did not call it “a bipartisan bill”. He said they were making bipartisan agreements to reach a final bill. Most of the bill wasn’t all that controversial so it did not require an enormous amount of change but there were small but important modifications that will benefit it.

What is there to be confused about? It’s exactly as I said.

This bullsh*t again? They were in Negitiations, Dems had all kinds of input. How are you defending Nancy today? She gaveled the House closed and went home. She must be your hero !!!!
She is getting ready to come back crawling on her hands and knees.
The left hates the average working citizens. The Democrats need to be stomped.
Yes. I still can't get an answer as to how windmills stop the virus and provide emergency funding to hospitals and health care providers?
They don’t. It’s stupid. An unforced error on their part.
Pelosi's bill includes 35 million to the Kennedy Center. WTF?
Exactly. How come CNN and MSNBC aren't asking "WTF?"

And I wonder why you guys aren’t asking WTF with Mnuchin’s slush fund.
Again, do you have a link to that claim?
Opinion writer. Try again. I deal in facts.
Are you saying the writer did not present any facts?
It says "opinion" right by his name. Tell me the facts he cited. Go ahead.

Lack of protection for major industries to prevent layoffs. Stock buybacks can be authorized at discretion of Mnuchin. Corporate recipients kept hidden for 6 months. Too much discretion for Mnuchin to determine who gets loans. Only two year limitation on corporate salary freezes.

Has anyone actually seen the bill or is that secret too?
Where's your link to that information?
Twice as much for small businesses as corporations. The Democrats are liars.

That was the original proposal. Since then, Republicans jacked up the corporate bailout by a factor of 3. The small business bailout did not get such an increase.
meanwhile pelosi is now tacking on amnesty for illegals in the bill.

what in PRAY TELL does this have jack nor shit to do with your "fiscal responsibility" bullshit?

She isn’t tacking anything into the bill in question. Pelosi is in the House. The bill in question is being introduced into the Senate.

Do you understand how government works or do we need to go back to schoolhouse rock level education?

So it doesn't have to satisfy the House. Is that what you are claiming?
I’m saying that the bill Pelosi introduced that has some people’s panties in a bunch is not a part of the Senate negotiations and is basically meaningless.
then we do agree that pelosi's efforts are in fact, meaingless.

the question then is, why is she doing them when "meaningless" activities from our Gov is the last thing we need?

have fun with that grenade you created.
Yes, they’re meaningless. So what? Why are you freaking out?
So while dems and GOP in the senate co-writing a meaningful bipartisan bill, during a pandemic, pelosi blocked it to throw in meaningless things. Pelosi. Of Congress. No good way to spin that
Pelosi didn’t block anything.
Oh right...a Pelosi imposter showed up, at the last minute, with a list of meaningless demands. And that had nothing to do with the vote not passing.

That didn’t happen either. The vote didn’t pass because Democratic Senators objected to the poor oversight of Mnuchin’s corporate bailout fund.

McConnell tried to ram it down people’s throats without any actual negotiation.

Had nothing to do with Pelosi and a list of meaningless demands.
The Democratic senators that co-wrote the bill? So you’re saying that Mconnell went ahed with a vote, knowing it was going to loose, because the Dem senators that co-wrote it didn’t like what they wrote. And Pelosi broke her self quarantine and just hopped on a plane to fly to DC from California for the hell of it, and it just happened to be right before the vote went down, and she rounded up the democratic senators to catch up with them before the vote, and after the vote put out a list of demands not attached to or concerning anything, just out of the blue a list of demands.

Im saying you’re either lying or misinformed about the bill.

Democrats did not co-write the bill. McConnell and Republicans wrote it, introduced it last Thursday. That was the Democrats first opportunity to review the language.

He then demanded the Democrats agree to it within a day.

The votes that failed were on Monday, of a shell bill, which didn’t even contain the language of the resolution that was still being negotiated.

And after a lot of work, they’ve come to a deal and we should see a vote coming soon.

As you can see, there is no factual basis for your claim. If you have sources that say otherwise let’s see them

I don’t think a week of negotiation is too much to ask when the package is going to cost us nearly $2 trillion, but that’s just me.
That’s a weird interpretation of extremely recent history. It leaves me really confused as to why the senate minority leader got on tv before the vote, and called this a bipartisan bill. It also makes me wonder why the senators just passed this bill they called so evil before...Is it because it was a very bad look for them in the polls, or they all of sudden realized it was a good bill.
You’re going to have to be much more specific about what you’re talking about.

Please show me where Schumer got on TV and called it a bipartisan bill (assuming you’re speaking of the current stimulus bill that was just negotiated and not the prior relief bill, I believe we are currently in “Phase 3”). Please show me where they said it was “so evil”.

The bill as originally written is not the same bill that is going to pass. That’s what negotiations are for. It’s not that they realized it was a good bill all along, but that they made changes to make it a good bill.
Schumer, on CNN, that very same Sunday
“We’re having good bipartisan agreements. The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this. But actually, to my delight and surprise there has been a great deal of bipartisan cooperation thus far.”
This is why I found your “interpretation” of extremely recent history to be such an odd one. According to you this was a partisan, shove down the throat, action on behalf of mcconnell. That wasn’t what Schumer was saying hours before the vote on Sunday. Isn’t that odd? Along with the fact that barely anything changed with the bill that just got passed, it’s virtually the same except for a few minor changes, paraphrasing Schumer’s own words today. What’s also weird is why if it was only minor changes made, why wasn’t it passed Sunday when McConnell specifically allowed a 30 hour period to make such changes? But you know, you must be right, because the democrats would never play politics while getting relief to Americans in the middle of a national crisis.

Schumer’s quote confirms what I have been telling you. See here lifted exactly from what you included above:
“The initial bill Leader McConnell put in didn’t have any Democratic input and we were worried that we just try to put it on the floor and not consult Speaker Pelosi because the House still has to pass this.”

As you can see, the initial bill was not co-written by Democrats, which was your original contention. McConnell tried to hurry it along, but Schumer put on the breaks despite some very unfair accusations.

Schumer was saying that they were in the process of negotiating the bill and he was pleased with the progress but weren’t finished until just last evening. He did not call it “a bipartisan bill”. He said they were making bipartisan agreements to reach a final bill. Most of the bill wasn’t all that controversial so it did not require an enormous amount of change but there were small but important modifications that will benefit it.

What is there to be confused about? It’s exactly as I said.

This bullsh*t again? They were in Negitiations, Dems had all kinds of input. How are you defending Nancy today? She gaveled the House closed and went home. She must be your hero !!!!

You’re not understanding the subject. McConnell released a bill on the 19th which had no Democratic input. They’ve been in negotiation ever since the.

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