Pelosi and Schumer Announce Plan For Largest Increase in Govt Since Roosevelt

"Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Thursday that he and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) will soon unveil a coronavirus relief package that he described as “Rooseveltian” in its scope and size.

“We need big, bold action," Schumer said in an MSNBC interview with Stephanie Ruhle, adding that he and Pelosi "are working very closely together on putting together a very strong plan, which you will hear shortly.”

“We need Franklin Rooseveltian-type action and we hope to take that in the House and Senate in a very big and bold way,” he added.

Schumer said the better course of action is to follow in the footsteps of former President Franklin Roosevelt, who oversaw the largest expansion of the federal government and is credited by many historians with helping to end the Great Depression."

As the Democratic party motto says, 'Never let a crisis go to waste'.....

Those steps make a lot of sense. What do you have against police, firefighters and teachers? The fact is that both red and blue states are facing huge budget shortfalls as there is no way you can plan for this. However I am not sure how you would determine who is a essential employee. Direct payments may be the better solution.
The last time they wrote virus relief legislation it included funding for abortions, the war on Cow FARTS, & to bail out failed den governors...
Of course.

The entire point of relief funding is to consolidate political power and advance your agenda in a package that no one will question.

It is one of the core problems with our modern government.
Nancy and Chuckles are the only ones who can save us! Just give them our and our children's and grandchildren's money. We can trust them!
Franklin Roosevelt, who oversaw the largest expansion of the federal government and is credited by many historians with helping to end the Great Depression."

A return to Republican capitalism would have ended it in one year. Roosevelt's socialism did what socialism does ie it impoverished people unnecessarily for 16 years out of pure ignorance until Roosevelt mercifully died to save the economy.
Democrats have always been big spenders. Numbers have no information that they understand. We have already increased the debt to the point that we almost can't expect to pay the intrest.
But if we get even more dependent on government for the little kernels of food and liberties that they are willing to hand out that is all the left cares about.


trump has his bill signing sharpie out and ready to write -
Lol. You think that it will even get to the senate? That has to be the funniest thing I have read yet today.

from bailing out the farmers to passing the last covid19 relief spending bill EVERYTHING made it past the senate and TRUMP SIGNED IT -

so hell yes - why wouldnt they ? its vote buying time at the GOP HQ !
Roflol. I guess you don't really understand that the house is the one that actually decides on spending, you know the one controlled by the democrats. They are the ones trying to buy votes. The republicans have said there might not need to be another free money virus relief Bill.

stfu dumbass - go back to hs civics class and learn how any bill gets passed.

I see you are using the usual left idea of how to debate. Call names and revert to four letter words.

Funny that you don't even understand that those trying to push this through as the sponsors are the main democrats in both the house and the senate.

Chances are it will find its way into the round file in the senate.

But hey play your little games. Maybe the DNC can convince a few others that this is a republican bill.
“We need big, bold action," Schumer said in an MSNBC interview with Stephanie Ruhle, adding that he and Pelosi "are working very closely together on putting together a very strong plan, which you will hear shortly.”
How about an ice pick between the orbits?

When Trump acted ---- he's doing too much!

When Trump backed off ---- Trump's leaving dead in the streets.

When Trump signed the Relief bill ---- SOCIALISM! Don't take it! He is wrecking the economy.

Now that Nancy and Sluggo want to spend 8 trillion ---- BOLD action to save the World!
We deserve it, why not?
That's like maxing out all your credit cards, taking out another mortgage on your house, getting title loans on all your cars and pawning your wife's wedding ring to finance a trip to Europe, because you "deserve it". You do know the taxpayer is going to pay that 8 trillion, right?

you do know Trump is going to make damn sure his name is on all the checks this time DONT YOU
You do know that no one gives a flying rat's ass! And only the idiots on the left care to make it an issue. It is neither an expense nor a campaign solicitation; if you get any other check like Social Security or a tax refund from the Fed, they ALL have something printed on them identifying their reason! And no one ever complained about the cost of doing any of that.

BOTTOM LINE: if you people had any confidence at all in your pal Joey to win any election, you wouldn't be worried about him losing a couple of hypothetical votes because Trump signed a check. Barack Obumma could send me TWELVE checks all signed by him and I'd still never vote for the guy.
“We need big, bold action," Schumer said in an MSNBC interview with Stephanie Ruhle, adding that he and Pelosi "are working very closely together on putting together a very strong plan, which you will hear shortly.”
How about an ice pick between the orbits?

When Trump acted ---- he's doing too much!

When Trump backed off ---- Trump's leaving dead in the streets.

When Trump signed the Relief bill ---- SOCIALISM! Don't take it! He is wrecking the economy.

Now that Nancy and Sluggo want to spend 8 trillion ---- BOLD action to save the World!
We deserve it, why not?
That's like maxing out all your credit cards, taking out another mortgage on your house, getting title loans on all your cars and pawning your wife's wedding ring to finance a trip to Europe, because you "deserve it". You do know the taxpayer is going to pay that 8 trillion, right?

you do know Trump is going to make damn sure his name is on all the checks this time DONT YOU
What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? You say you deserve something you're going to have to pay for as well as your children for generations to come. Or were you ignorant and really think it was just all free money?

with unemployment numbers coming out tomorrow Trump and Turtleboi will trample you to death handing out checks - to hell with you and the kids .
Sooooo, when people file for unemployment for losing their jobs due to necessity of shutting down during Covid and get the checks they deserve, to hell with our future and children?! Yet I don't see anyone MAKING you cash your check or even apply for unemployment! What's going to be your bullshit when Nancy and Sluggo start with their 8 Trillion deal to save the country? You won't be waving a flag celebrating their brave, bold action?
Franklin Roosevelt, who oversaw the largest expansion of the federal government and is credited by many historians with helping to end the Great Depression."

A return to Republican capitalism would have ended it in one year. Roosevelt's socialism did what socialism does ie it impoverished people unnecessarily for 16 years out of pure ignorance until Roosevelt mercifully died to save the economy.
Hoover did try the idea of Republican capitalism for four years, it failed..
Hoover did try the idea of Republican capitalism for four years, it failed..

Obama supposedly did, too, and failed. Wrong men for the job, it seems.... :p
Capitalism is dying is why, so no matter how much the capitalist squirm they can't survive without taxpayer infusions with the taxpayer paying the bill...Which means that capitalism can only exist with other people's money....
Nancy and Chuckles are the only ones who can save us! Just give them our and our children's and grandchildren's money. We can trust them!
Don't worry. Trump will fight this every step of the way. He won't sign anything. He'll condemn them loudly.

He has principles that will not waver!

Here I am .... reluctantly agreeing with you.

Nancy and Chuckles are the only ones who can save us! Just give them our and our children's and grandchildren's money. We can trust them!
Don't worry. Trump will fight this every step of the way. He won't sign anything. He'll condemn them loudly.

He has principles that will not waver!

Here I am .... reluctantly agreeing with you.

We need to get serious and start holding these people accountable. ALL of them.
Hoover did try the idea of Republican capitalism for four years, it failed..

Obama supposedly did, too, and failed. Wrong men for the job, it seems.... :p
Capitalism is dying is why, so no matter how much the capitalist squirm they can't survive without taxpayer infusions with the taxpayer paying the bill...Which means that capitalism can only exist with other people's money....
Capitalism is dying?

Because you say so?
Hoover did try the idea of Republican capitalism for four years, it failed..

Obama supposedly did, too, and failed. Wrong men for the job, it seems.... :p
Capitalism is dying is why, so no matter how much the capitalist squirm they can't survive without taxpayer infusions with the taxpayer paying the bill...Which means that capitalism can only exist with other people's money....
Capitalism is dying?

Because you say so?
Why else would it need infusions of cash from the govt?
Hoover did try the idea of Republican capitalism for four years, it failed..

Obama supposedly did, too, and failed. Wrong men for the job, it seems.... :p
Capitalism is dying is why, so no matter how much the capitalist squirm they can't survive without taxpayer infusions with the taxpayer paying the bill...Which means that capitalism can only exist with other people's money....
Capitalism is dying?

Because you say so?
Why else would it need infusions of cash from the govt?
For one, we are FAR from an actual capitalist system - particularly when it comes to healthcare which is barren of almost any capitalist influences. For another, people always want to be bailed out and will vote for it. That is the problem with democratic processes. They suck, they just suck far less than any other option.

Which is EXACTLY what capitalism is. Not ideal by any stretch but far superior to any other form of economic system mostly due to the fact it is based around the freedom to trade as you see fit.

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