Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Resorting to name calling when confronted with facts that you can't deny. Definition of a loser.
The truth is, McCarthy's goal was always to seek a rationale for labeling the 1/6 committee as biased. Not to allow for a bipartisan investigation. That's why he submitted names from the POT side he knew would be unacceptable to Pelosi.
Not at all true

Democrats wanted a Bipartisan Committee composed of Senators and Congressmen with a co-chair leadership

Republicans declined the offer so Pelosi said she would have a House committee with Democratic Chair. Republicans offered two poison pills to sidetrack the investigation
Pelosi wouldn’t have it

If Republicans don’t like it, they have themselves to blame
You can repeat the lie as many times as you want, but it's still a lie.
Kinzenger is a decorated military veteran... If more Republicans were like him and not Marjorie Trailer-park Greene, you might even have a respectable party.
And if many democrats were not like....

We can do this shit all day. Identity politics needs to die.
It is an official Bipartisan Congressional Committee

Republicans had a chance to have more influence on the committee but they declined.

Any blame of “sham” is on them
You are deep in denial. Republicans could not appoint those that they felt would best represent them, and instead the Democrat fascists handpicked and installed a bunch of Trump haters that have been thrown out of the party. This is like Iran‘s supreme leader choosing who can run for president and eliminating those that they feel would not tow their line.

This treasonous committee is a complete farce and an embarrassment. Moreover, they are suppressing and covering up evidence of their own culpability in the events they are supposedly investigating.
You are deep in denial. Republicans could not appoint those that they felt would best represent them, and instead the Democrat fascists handpicked and installed a bunch of Trump haters that have been thrown out of the party. This is like Iran‘s supreme leader choosing who can run for president and eliminating those that they feel would not tow their line.

This treasonous committee is a complete farce and an embarrassment. Moreover, they are suppressing and covering up evidence of their own culpability in the events they are supposedly investigating.

Well, Republicans should have accepted co-chair like was offered

As it was, they offered members who were compromised by the Jan 6 attack (Jordan)
Pelosi declined

Republicans have only themselves to blame
In your mind, does that video clip legitimize your batshyte crazy opinion on the constitutionality of what is clearly a committee complying with its constitutional duties? Article I, Section 5 of the Constitution empowers the committee to include language to issue and enforce subpoenas.
In my mind it was a legitimate protest that went bad, and Trump had every right to question the legitimacy of an election that for the first time in this nations history had a record number of millions of unchecked and unverified mail in ballots. The vast majority of the people present at the protest were there exercising their free speech rights.

Leftist protesters were breaking into govt buildings and torching all throughout 2020 at the encouragement of Democrat leaders. No committee has been formed yet to investigate the Democrats.
Well, Republicans should have accepted co-chair like was offered

As it was, they offered members who were compromised by the Jan 6 attack (Jordan)
Pelosi declined

Republicans have only themselves to blame
No actually republicans asked for certain members to be on the committee and Nancy Mussolini and the Democrats refused, but you refuse to accept this truth...this isn’t about finding out “the truth”. It never is with the Democrats.
No actually republicans asked for certain members to be on the committee and Nancy Mussolini and the Democrats refused, but you refuse to accept this truth...this isn’t about finding out “the truth”. It never is with the Democrats.
Pelosi said they were compromised and rejected them (just like McCarthy expected)

If Republicans wanted to participate as co-chair, they could have
Both McCarthy and McConnell declined

They have no reason to complain
In my mind it was a legitimate protest that went bad, and Trump had every right to question the legitimacy of an election that for the first time in this nations history had a record number of millions of unchecked and unverified mail in ballots. The vast majority of the people present at the protest were there exercising their free speech rights.

Leftist protesters were breaking into govt buildings and torching all throughout 2020 at the encouragement of Democrat leaders. No committee has been formed yet to investigate the Democrats.

Trump had a right to demand recounts……they were done
He had a right to demand an audit of the election process… was done
He had a right to challenge in court….it was done

He did not have a right to intimidate election officials
He did not have the right to demand his VP overturn the states
He did not have the right to try to sneak in alternative electors
He did not have a right to send an angry mob to intimidate Congress and drive them from their chambers
Pelosi said they were compromised and rejected them (just like McCarthy expected)

If Republicans wanted to participate as co-chair, they could have
Both McCarthy and McConnell declined

They have no reason to complain
Keep repeating the same lies. Maybe someone will believe you. No thinking person will, but maybe one of your fellow travelers.
Pelosi said they were compromised and rejected them (just like McCarthy expected)

If Republicans wanted to participate as co-chair, they could have
Both McCarthy and McConnell declined

They have no reason to complain
Thet's right, Pelosi rejected them as they did not meet her demands for blindly following her demands.
They exist, you just deny them as fictional, as are all of your statements.
I’ve shown you that what I stated clearly is real. You are now free to go find out for yourself from any source you’d like. There’s even video of both Pelosi and McCarthy speaking at the time.

Or just remain a dope.
Thet's right, Pelosi rejected them as they did not meet her demands for blindly following her demands.

She did not want anyone who may have been complicit in the Jan 6 attacks

McCarthy tried to put in members who would continually sidetrack the investigation and drag it out till he was Speaker

Then it would be game over

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