Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

The two who were rejected are a couple of Trump's asseaters who don't give a damn what he did.

Jordan is a coward with a yellow streak down his back for not answering the supeona, which points to his guilt.
Or he gives them what he wants and not what they want.
Hey Troll, it isn't on Trump to prove jack shit.

He doesn't need to vindicate anything, Moron.

He doesn't need to provide anything, Simpleton.'

It's on Nazi Pislousy to PROVE this Clown Show isn't a ginormous waste of our tax dollars

You need to learn how the system works in America because all your posts make you look like the idiot troll you are.
Oh, we get it. Dear Leader Trump doesn't have to answer to mere mortals like the American people, especially to his asslickers like you who worship the ground he walks on, God only knows the reasons why.

Keep those Kleenex close by, Trumptard.
The two who were rejected are a couple of Trump's asseaters who don't give a damn what he did.

Jordan is a coward with a yellow streak down his back for not answering the supeona, which points to his guilt.
Show us the House rule that says the Minority doesn't get to chose it's members.


Watch this...............
Oh, we get it. Dear Leader Trump doesn't have to answer to mere mortals like the American people, especially to his asslickers like you who worship the ground he walks on, God only knows the reasons why.

Keep those Kleenex close by, Trumptard.
My position has nothing to do with Trump in particular, but with how our judicial system works. I wouldn't expect you to be smart enough to know that.

Thanks for confirming you are a single digit IQ moron who has no clue how our system works.
Yet those like you purposely choose to see any truth to only see what you consider as truth without any outside input from any who disagree with you. Just like the democrats you so adore.
I don’t require any input from you. I watched both Pelosi and McCarthy speak when the committee was being formed. I know what each said. I put you onto it so you could know as well. You obviously have no interest. As if hiding from it makes it go away. :uhoh3:
I don’t require any input from you. I watched both Pelosi and McCarthy speak when the committee was being formed. I know what each said. I put you onto it so you could know as well. You obviously have no interest. As if hiding from it makes it go away. :uhoh3:
Or, as you do, ignoring actual facts to make you feel better about your stupidity.

Just as you don't require any truth to form your opinions.
Show us the House rule that says the Minority doesn't get to chose it's members.


Watch this...............
The two asslicker's were rejected. McCarthy was given the oppurtunity to appoint others but he had a hissy fit & walked away

McCarthy wanted the two Trump lackeys on that committe to disrupt the proceedings, period.

You & the rest of Trump's asseaters are pissed because Cheney & Kinzinger are doing their jobs.

Enjoy that shit sandwich.
The two asslicker's were rejected. McCarthy was given the oppurtunity to appoint others but he had a hissy fit & walked away

McCarthy wanted the two Trump lackeys on that committe to disrupt the proceedings, period.

You & the rest of Trump's asseaters are pissed because Cheney & Kinzinger are doing their jobs.

Enjoy that shit sandwich.
So you can't answer the question, or provide proof of your statement. The only shit sandwich being eaten here is by yu, you liar.
Pelosi said they were compromised and rejected them (just like McCarthy expected)

If Republicans wanted to participate as co-chair, they could have
Both McCarthy and McConnell declined

They have no reason to complain
So if Pelosi the Supreme leader says “they’re compromised” then it must be true and the Supreme leader must be always be obeyed. But if both Pelosi and Swallwell had Chinese spies that they either slept with or worked for them, they aren’t compromised.

Don’t you just love the hypocrisy and self adoration of these commie fascist Leftist mini dictator wanna be’s in the Democratic Party?
Pelosi is not responsible for security at the Capital nor does she have any authority as far as the NG is concerned, bedwetter.

Try to keep up, CLOWN.
You stupid faggot. Pisslosi was offered the National Guard by Trump you Dem shit eater. She refused. And refuses to turn over her texts and phone records as you gladly eat the shit and ask for seconds.
The two asslicker's were rejected. McCarthy was given the oppurtunity to appoint others but he had a hissy fit & walked away

McCarthy wanted the two Trump lackeys on that committe to disrupt the proceedings, period.

You & the rest of Trump's asseaters are pissed because Cheney & Kinzinger are doing their jobs.

Enjoy that shit sandwich.
Once again I will ask one of you dumbfuck Dimtards to show me the House rule the says Nazi Piglosi get to veto ANYONE and appoint her hand picked TDS afflicted lackeys instead.

Well, Republicans should have accepted co-chair like was offered

As it was, they offered members who were compromised by the Jan 6 attack (Jordan)
Pelosi declined

Republicans have only themselves to blame
You lie. That “bi-partisan independent committee” wasn’t going to be independent at all. Pisslosi was still going to be calling the shots. By the way, SHE is compromised and refuses to turn over evidence.
I answered the question, bootlicker.

Now have that shit sandwich. This ones on me.
You answered nothing, Troll.

Show us the House Rule saying Nazi Pisslousy can tell the minority they don't get to pick their members of a committee, she does.


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