Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Trump was welcome to participate in the investigation and blow Pelosi out of the water

If he has all this evidence to vindicate his actions, I am sure he could have provided it
Burden of proof is on you. Trump need do nothing. And you have NOTHING.
Oh, we get it. Dear Leader Trump doesn't have to answer to mere mortals like the American people, especially to his asslickers like you who worship the ground he walks on, God only knows the reasons why.

Keep those Kleenex close by, Trumptard.
Learn how the legal system works in this county homo. Pisslosi has to prove her case. Which she can’t. And won’t. Ever. Trump is under no obligation to do anything for you crybabies.
Looks like Pelosi is moving forward with her select committee.

Adam Kinzinger will be on the committee.

Pelosi only needs to appoint one more republican.

The committee is supposed to start their work next week.

Pelosi must have the 'hots' for Prez Trump as she constantly is after him one way or the other. Unfortunately for Nancy Donaldo Trump is far, far, far too young for Nancy. If Nancy wants a former POTUS for a lover she needs to be looking more @ Jimma 'Da Carter or Geraldo Ford, though Geraldo might be looking a little bony now a days!
Pelosi approved 3 of the 5 McCarthy picks for the committee. McCarthy had the opportunity to replace the two she rejected. McCarthy made the mistake of pulling every one of his picks out....
Show us where Piglosi gets to tell the Minority Party who they can put on their committees.

Why is it that none of you Dimwingers can show that?
Show us where Piglosi gets to tell the Minority Party who they can put on their committees.

Why is it that none of you Dimwingers can show that?
It's right there, in the link I provided that you linked of mine.....

Since 1880, the Speaker of the House chooses appointees to Select committees.


Pelosi shocked much of D.C. by rejecting those two for spreading disinformation about the riot itself.

McCarthy pulled all five off the panel and vowed the House GOP would conduct their own inquiry. Pelosi has already appointed seven Democrats and one Republican, Liz Cheney (Wyo.), who not only voted to impeach Trump for inciting the insurrection, but has continued to criticize him publicly. The speaker hasn’t ruled out appointing more Republicans.

Here are three takeaways from the week’s partisan fireworks.

Yes, the speaker can do that

Republicans charged Pelosi with an “egregious abuse of power,” tagging her as “a radical authoritarian speaker.” But she was exercising a core parliamentary right. Since 1880, House rules have authorized the speaker to “appoint all select, joint, and conference committees ordered by the House.”
Not at all true

Democrats wanted a Bipartisan Committee composed of Senators and Congressmen with a co-chair leadership

Republicans declined the offer so Pelosi said she would have a House committee with Democratic Chair. Republicans offered two poison pills to sidetrack the investigation
Pelosi wouldn’t have it

If Republicans don’t like it, they have themselves to blame
Are you having a hard time keeping up with your lies? You just admitted that Nancy refused the republican pics because she thought they were compromised. Since when did Pelosi become judge, jury and executioner? Does she have any information from the FBI or NSA that those individuals were compromised? Or did she just come to that conclusion after discussions with the Chinese spy Fang Fang Swalwell was sleeping with?
It's right there, in the link I provided that you linked of mine.....

Since 1880, the Speaker of the House chooses appointees to Select committees.


Pelosi shocked much of D.C. by rejecting those two for spreading disinformation about the riot itself.

McCarthy pulled all five off the panel and vowed the House GOP would conduct their own inquiry. Pelosi has already appointed seven Democrats and one Republican, Liz Cheney (Wyo.), who not only voted to impeach Trump for inciting the insurrection, but has continued to criticize him publicly. The speaker hasn’t ruled out appointing more Republicans.

Here are three takeaways from the week’s partisan fireworks.

Yes, the speaker can do that

Republicans charged Pelosi with an “egregious abuse of power,” tagging her as “a radical authoritarian speaker.” But she was exercising a core parliamentary right. Since 1880, House rules have authorized the speaker to “appoint all select, joint, and conference committees ordered by the House.”
These fascists on the Left sure love behaving like banana republic dictators, don’t they?
Trump had a right to demand recounts……they were done
He had a right to demand an audit of the election process… was done
He had a right to challenge in court….it was done

He did not have a right to intimidate election officials
He did not have the right to demand his VP overturn the states
He did not have the right to try to sneak in alternative electors
He did not have a right to send an angry mob to intimidate Congress and drive them from their chambers
Trump did not of those and this is just another hoax by the Left just like the Russia collusion hoax. The FBI investigated the events of Jan 6 and found nothing wrong. Democrats are putting the country under another witch hunt to prevent Trump from running against the epic fail called Joe Biden.
Are you having a hard time keeping up with your lies? You just admitted that Nancy refused the republican pics because she thought they were compromised. Since when did Pelosi become judge, jury and executioner? Does she have any information from the FBI or NSA that those individuals were compromised? Or did she just come to that conclusion after discussions with the Chinese spy Fang Fang Swalwell was sleeping with?
You're really behind....

Jordan and Banks had conflicts of interest....Jordan was a possible material witness to the investigation and Banks was on FOX NEWS a day or two before his rejection telling FOX fans he basically planned on sabotaging the committee....

Since 1880, the speaker of the house has sole authority to pick appointments on House SELECT committees.

Pelosi shocked much of D.C. by rejecting those two for spreading disinformation about the riot itself.

McCarthy pulled all five off the panel and vowed the House GOP would conduct their own inquiry. Pelosi has already appointed seven Democrats and one Republican, Liz Cheney (Wyo.), who not only voted to impeach Trump for inciting the insurrection, but has continued to criticize him publicly. The speaker hasn’t ruled out appointing more Republicans.

Here are three takeaways from the week’s partisan fireworks.

Yes, the speaker can do that

Republicans charged Pelosi with an “egregious abuse of power,” tagging her as “a radical authoritarian speaker.” But she was exercising a core parliamentary right. Since 1880, House rules have authorized the speaker to “appoint all select, joint, and conference committees ordered by the House.”
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Trump did not of those and this is just another hoax by the Left just like the Russia collusion hoax. The FBI investigated the events of Jan 6 and found nothing wrong. Democrats are putting the country under another witch hunt to prevent Trump from running against the epic fail called Joe Biden.
Trump tried to overturn a lawful election

Thankfully, it was Republicans who stood up to him and defended the Constitution
I answered the question, bootlicker.

Now have that shit sandwich. This ones on me.
Yes, the shit IS on you and continually coming out of you. Your version of an answer is to create another lie and push it as hard as you can.

Your fixation on shit says an awful lot about you and what you like to eat.
The facts are coming out on what was said and done prior to and during Jan 6.

We will find out tomorrow night. All the networks are covering it……except Fox
This isn’t how a Democracy works, a prosecution of the opposition without a real defense, and fake news propaganda mouthpieces of the Left giving it wall to wall coverage as they did with the Russia collusion hoax for four years.

But the Left and it’s supporters have gone so far over the cliff that no amount of treason, fascism, or undermining our constitution seems to bother them.
You're really behind....

Jordan and Banks had conflicts of interest....Jordan was a possible material witness to the investigation and Banks was on FOX NEWS a day or two before his rejection telling FOX fans he basically planned on sabotaging the committee....

Since 1880, the speaker of the house has sole authority to pick appointments on House SELECT committees.

Pelosi shocked much of D.C. by rejecting those two for spreading disinformation about the riot itself.

McCarthy pulled all five off the panel and vowed the House GOP would conduct their own inquiry. Pelosi has already appointed seven Democrats and one Republican, Liz Cheney (Wyo.), who not only voted to impeach Trump for inciting the insurrection, but has continued to criticize him publicly. The speaker hasn’t ruled out appointing more Republicans.

Here are three takeaways from the week’s partisan fireworks.

Yes, the speaker can do that

Republicans charged Pelosi with an “egregious abuse of power,” tagging her as “a radical authoritarian speaker.” But she was exercising a core parliamentary right. Since 1880, House rules have authorized the speaker to “appoint all select, joint, and conference committees ordered by the House.”
Yeah sure, she can’t level false accusations and then get to install “friendly” puppets people on such an important committee, and call it legitimate. It just shows how completely insane the Democrat party has become.

Just another charade that they will pay the price for this November.
McCarthy, by throwing a tantrum, messed up his chance to influence the agenda of the panel
Actually it was Pelosi Mussolini that threw a tantrum because she was afraid the GOP’s appointees would expose the farce.

This is all about preventing Trump from running In 2024, at all costs including treason, which is what this trial is. They know that Biden and the Democrats will get destroyed if Trump runs.
This isn’t how a Democracy works, a prosecution of the opposition without a real defense, and fake news propaganda mouthpieces of the Left giving it wall to wall coverage as they did with the Russia collusion hoax for four years.

But the Left and it’s supporters have gone so far over the cliff that no amount of treason, fascism, or undermining our constitution seems to bother them.
This is not a legal proceeding and nobody is being prosecuted
It is a fact finding body

Trump is welcome to contribute any information that will help the investigation
He has refused to do so and refuses to allow any staff to do so
You know a number of people went to jail and other pardoned from the Trump Campaign for lying to the FBI about working with Russians or Not disclosing that they were working with Russians...

The GOP led Senate committee said that the Trump Campaign passed information to Russia and Russia helped Trump Campaign (by hindering their opponent)...

I know you get bad news sources but is this the first time you heard this?
It has now been proven that the only people that colluded with Russia were Hillary and her campaign, the Democrat party, the media and certain corrupt people in our institutions like the FBI. But of course as we are reminded constantly, the laws of this country do not apply to Democrats.
This is not a legal proceeding and nobody is being prosecuted
It is a fact finding body

Trump is welcome to contribute any information that will help the investigation
He has refused to do so and refuses to allow any staff to do so
It isn’t a fact finding it is creating yet another fake narrative, by crooked corrupt people handpicked by Democrat leadership. And like all the other fake accusations, this pig won’t fly either.

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