Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Afraid there is plenty of recorded proof that Trump did exactly that
Since you are so intimately involved in it, and this inquisition refuses to show it to the public, open your super secret files and show the rest of us the actual recorded proof you claim to have. Otherwise just shut up and admit you are lying.
You have yet to provide the names of these mysterious "three", even when asked to do so several posts ago.

It seems that you cannot back up your claims and are the one crying now just like those losers you so adore.

Funny what happens when your "facts" cannot be proven or are shown to be lies.
The world is out there waiting for you to tune in, nitwit.

Lets face it

Regardless of the composition of the committee, Trump and his MAGA cohorts will call the findings fake

They will present their findings tonight for everyone who is not watching Fox to see
Because they are. FBI clearly said so in the beginning. But what is she afraid of, why not let the opposition have their say and let the Democrats have theirs? Because Democrats can’t run their interference show properly.
Lets face it

Regardless of the composition of the committee, Trump and his MAGA cohorts will call the findings fake

They will present their findings tonight for everyone who is not watching Fox to see
Because people trust what CNN and MSNBC say. :lmao:
I think you’ve confused yourself with the committee.
Your response isn’t going to make Pelosi, Biden and the Democrat party’s approvals any better, nor is it going to make this bullshit committee legitimate. The American people appreciate fair play and a free exchange of Ideas and points of view. Not this one sided mock exhibition.
Every network will just air the proceedings
Except Fox who may be a subject of some of the testimony as their hosts participated in the planning
Doesn’t matter nobody’s watching CNN and the other fake news Democrat run networks because they lost all credibility with the American people. Would you like me to show you the ratings, they’re worse than Biden‘s approvals.
If Trump doesn’t like what is said tonight…..

Will he attack the Capitol again?
If you are so tuned, it should be no problem for you to prove you are not a liar. Hasn't happened yet and I don't expect it to. Time to take your next dose of meds.
Your incompetence is truly extraordinary.
I posted it directly to you some pages back, dope.

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