Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

This is not a legal proceeding and nobody is being prosecuted
It is a fact finding body

Trump is welcome to contribute any information that will help the investigation
He has refused to do so and refuses to allow any staff to do so
Again retard, Trump is under NO obligation to do anything. YOU morons have to prove your case. Which you can’t do.
Three of the five were approved, dope. With an offer to replace the other two. McCarthy pulled them all and went to cry. Now you’re crying too.

Such as losers do.
Facts hurt you you ignorant dope? Tough. Pisslosi was going to refuse anybody the Republicans leadership putnup. Period. Proven. Enjoy watching your clowns make asses of themselves on national television as the number of Republican victories I. November keeps rising.
She’s the Speaker, dope.
Select committees and their members are appointed at the discretion of the Speaker.
And they have ZERO authority to investigate private citizens or compel them to answer any of their bullshit questions. Since these fools have been caught illegally seizing bank and phone records of private citizens, as well as fabricating “evidence”, they’re nothing but Pisslosi’s clown show.
Uh oh!

It's like the "Russian scandal" all over again, only this time it's ALL make believe.
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Why did they need the NG, pinhead?

Guess what? All your crying, rants, pissing & moaning, hissy fits & your stooopidity won't stop the prime time hearing aired on national tv tonight.

But you might be able to find reruns of Hee Haw tonight on cable to keep you occupied so you don't wreck your living room during testimony.B

Poor no education, no facts, raging homosexual. Trump offered the Guard as protection against anything happening. Pisslosi refused, as did the DC Mayor. Proven despite your shitting your diaper and lying about it shit eater.
"trump is under no obligation to do anything" Well, there we have it......just like the cops in Uvalde.
Hey dipshit, the burden of proof is on you as you cheer kids getting killed and cry that the man trying to kill Kavanaugh failed. Trump has to prove NOTHING. It’s called the legal system retard. Learn about it.
Of course he is under no obligation

But then he has no right to complain the investigation is one sided when he, himself, blocks testimony from the other side
This is not an “investigation”. It’s Pisslosi’s illegal kangaroo court that has found zero, zip, nada, zilch, nothing to charge Trump with. And never will. Trump need prove nothing as you morons make yourselves look stupid again,
Poor no education, no facts, raging homosexual. Trump offered the Guard as protection against anything happening. Pisslosi refused, as did the DC Mayor. Proven despite your shitting your diaper and lying about it shit eater.
Sounds like Trump knew that there'd be violence on 1/6 considering the lowlifes that he & his W.H. goon squad were meeting with, asswipe.

Keep your crying towel close at hand, mouth breather.
Sounds like Trump knew that there'd be violence on 1/6, considering the lowlifes that he & his W.H. goon squad were meeting with, asswipe.

Keep your crying towel close at hand, mouth breather.
Still crying and filling your diaper. Now trying to desperately spin your lack of knowledge of anything. Go fuck yourself you whiny, no educations, no facts, raging homosexual.
Looks like Pelosi is moving forward with her select committee.

Adam Kinzinger will be on the committee.

Pelosi only needs to appoint one more republican.

The committee is supposed to start their work next week.

I forgot you gotta blow trump to be impartial.
Hey dipshit, the burden of proof is on you as you cheer kids getting killed and cry that the man trying to kill Kavanaugh failed. Trump has to prove NOTHING. It’s called the legal system retard. Learn about it.
The hearings aren't part of the "legal system", mouth breather. Neither is the House invrstigation.

Try to keep up.

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