Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

I hope Adumb Schifferbrains has been practicing his Story Time. The Dimwingers have got expectations pretty high for their TV show tonight.

Pencil Neck better deliver a humdinger!
Learn how the legal system works in this county homo. Pisslosi has to prove her case. Which she can’t. And won’t. Ever. Trump is under no obligation to do anything for you crybabies.
The committe is an investigative body only. They can refer their results to DOJ if they choose to or not to. They cannot press charges against Trump or anybody else, jerkoff.

Your remark about the legal system shows that you're a moron.
I hope Adumb Schifferbrains has been practicing his Story Time. The Dimwingers have got expectations pretty high for their TV show tonight.

Pencil Neck better deliver a humdinger!
Another good stradegy employed by the committe is to hold the hearing during prime time. All the major networks are carrying it live except for Trump's asseater's on Fox.


You answered nothing, Troll.

Show us the House Rule saying Nazi Pisslousy can tell the minority they don't get to pick their members of a committee, she does.

M cCarthy was offered the chance to pick other House members other then the two Trump asslickers. He declined & walked away because he's a punk ass who needed something to whine about.

And you're doing a fine job parroting his hissy fit.

Nice job, keep crying.
You stupid faggot. Pisslosi was offered the National Guard by Trump you Dem shit eater. She refused. And refuses to turn over her texts and phone records as you gladly eat the shit and ask for seconds.
Why did they need the NG, pinhead?

Guess what? All your crying, rants, pissing & moaning, hissy fits & your stooopidity won't stop the prime time hearing aired on national tv tonight.

But you might be able to find reruns of Hee Haw tonight on cable to keep you occupied so you don't wreck your living room during testimony.B

Why did they need the NG, pinhead?

Guess what? All your crying, rants, pissing & moaning, hissy fits & your stooopidity won't stop the prime time hearing aired on national tv tonight.

But you might be able to find reruns of Hee Haw tonight on cable to keep you occupied so you don't wreck your living room during testimony.B

Moron. If the Guard were there, as offered and demanded after the fact, the protestors would not have been able to get close to the capital.

You continue to practice revisionist history, as do all idiotcrats
M cCarthy was offered the chance to pick other House members other then the two Trump asslickers. He declined & walked away because he's a punk ass who needed something to whine about.

And you're doing a fine job parroting his hissy fit.

Nice job, keep crying.
So you can't do it. Further proof that you don't know what you are talking about.
Another good stradegy employed by the committe is to hold the hearing during prime time. All the major networks are carrying it live except for Trump's asseater's on Fox.


And when their ratings are as low as Bidens approval ratings, you will be shown just how stupid you are.
The committe is an investigative body only. They can refer their results to DOJ if they choose to or not to. They cannot press charges against Trump or anybody else, jerkoff.

Your remark about the legal system shows that you're a moron.
Hey asshole, showing that you’re illiterate as well as a raging homosexual just makes you a retarded jackass. They still have to prove their case to get any charges filed you fucking imbecile. Now crawl back under your rock and stay there moron.

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