Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

Still crying and filling your diaper. Now trying to desperately spin your lack of knowledge of anything. Go fuck yourself you whiny, no educations, no facts, raging homosexual.
Again, looks like Trump knew there'd be violence on 1/6.

What a guy!

15 minutes to zero hour, bedwetter.
That’s what you guys said for four years about Trump and Russia, remember. Meanwhile it was the Democrats that had colluded. Once again, FBI found no evidence of any coordinated effort, so why this bullshit made for TV trial? Because the Democrats and Biden have failed completely on every metric, and they’re getting desperate.

The claim was made by 4 ANONYMOUS ex and present FBI agents.....and boy oh boy oh boy, did their claims that the FBI found scant evidence when only 170 rioters had been charged at the time and the DOJ is up to 8 hundred and something now, with seditious conspiracy charges on some, and that's without working all the way to the top yet....I'd say Reuters got snowed..... The FBI never confirmed this anonymous claim, that I've seen, either....
Hey asshole, showing that you’re illiterate as well as a raging homosexual just makes you a retarded jackass. They still have to prove their case to get any charges filed you fucking imbecile. Now crawl back under your rock and stay there moron.

Hey retard, the committee does not have the power to file criminal charges against Trump & his goon squad. That's up to DOJ, Trump ass licker.

Can't keep up?
Again, looks like Trump knew there'd be violence on 1/6.

What a guy!

15 minutes to zero hour, bedwetter.
Why do you keep telling everybody you’re gay, eat shit, and wet the bed loser? I have these things called a life and a family, thus you filling your diaper and staining yourself to Liz Cheney and Pisslosi means nothing to me. There was violence all over in 2020 thanks to you people. But you’re okay with that shit eater,
We will see what evidence they have tonight

Should be damning

Right, fucking damning. You parrot the term well thanks CNN & democrats, but somehow you haven't figured out it never ends up damning, it's just story time.

Watch and see.
The claim was made by 4 ANONYMOUS ex and present FBI agents.....and boy oh boy oh boy, did their claims that the FBI found scant evidence when only 170 rioters had been charged at the time and the DOJ is up to 8 hundred and something now, with seditious conspiracy charges on some, and that's without working all the way to the top yet....I'd say Reuters got snowed..... The FBI never confirmed this anonymous claim, that I've seen, either....
Sorry loser. There’s no evidence of any conspiracy per the FBI. Your constant lying is just annoying now. Trespassing. Funny you won’t mention the many that got their cases thrown out after their lawyers got hold of video footage showing cops opening doors and letting people in. Keep hoping for that Trump indictment that isn’t coming.
You fucking illiterate. If there still no proof from your “committee”, you can’t get an indictment you homosexual. Facts.
It's still up to DOJ to decide that, idiot. Think DOJ is relying on the committee whether or not to file charges, CLOWN?

Pay attention, fool.
It's still up to DOJ to decide that, idiot. Think DOJ is relying on the committee whether or not to file charges, CLOWN?

Pay attention, fool.
Hey faggot, there can’t be an indictment without evidence. Which you don’t have. Better change your diaper again.
Unlike you, I make my own decisions based on logic and fact. It is those like you who just vomit up what they are told.
Your “decision” has left you a retard.

This is not an “investigation”. It’s Pisslosi’s illegal kangaroo court that has found zero, zip, nada, zilch, nothing to charge Trump with. And never will. Trump need prove nothing as you morons make yourselves look stupid again,
Or just your dumbfuck ,no doubt should be illegal,smooth brained musings
Of course he is under no obligation

But then he has no right to complain the investigation is one sided when he, himself, blocks testimony from the other side
Actually, this is the best gift for Trump and the republicans. It will further prove how completely delusional and treasonous the Democrats have become. This country is literally in a free-fall according to all metrics, and the Democrats and their robots in the media have nothing but whining about a day about two years ago. Perhaps Biden and the Democrats are shooting for approvals below 20%?
The claim was made by 4 ANONYMOUS ex and present FBI agents.....and boy oh boy oh boy, did their claims that the FBI found scant evidence when only 170 rioters had been charged at the time and the DOJ is up to 8 hundred and something now, with seditious conspiracy charges on some, and that's without working all the way to the top yet....I'd say Reuters got snowed..... The FBI never confirmed this anonymous claim, that I've seen, either....
I'll take a comprehensive FBI investigation right after 1/6, that a completely biased committee who's members are all on record voting to impeach Trump, formed to create a predetermined result.

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