Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

It isn’t a fact finding it is creating yet another fake narrative, by crooked corrupt people handpicked by Democrat leadership. And like all the other fake accusations, this pig won’t fly either.

As usually, your side falls back on “fake news” when you don’t like what is reported

The committee is using email correspondence, testimony of witnesses, even Trump’s favorite daughter

If Trump has information to support his actions, he is welcome to provide it……He refuses
As usually, your side falls back on “fake news” when you don’t like what is reported

The committee is using email correspondence, testimony of witnesses, even Trump’s favorite daughter

If Trump has information to support his actions, he is welcome to provide it……He refuses
Are you still standing by your fake news Democrat run sources like CNN with all the fake news, corruption, firings, sexism and the like? Trump doesn’t need to do jack, the FBI investigated Jan. 6 right after and found nothing. This is a charade to give ignorant brainwashed Leftist donkeys some hope.

You do realize that Pelosi is complicit by refusing the troops that Trump offered, thus letting it happen, right?
As usual the accusation and investigation is actually a coverup of their own guilt, as was the Russia collusion hoax.
Trump is welcome to refute any of the facts being reported with his own information…….He refuses to do so

Looks like he has nothing to complain about
He doesn’t need to. Democrats can’t jump up and down like wild donkeys all that they want, trying to run interference for a party and presidency that is on the verge of collapse.

He doesn’t need to. Democrats can’t jump up and down like wild donkeys all that they want, trying to run interference for a party and presidency that is on the verge of collapse.

No, Trump doesn’t have to

If he is willing to let the evidence against him stand as presented, he is free to do so

But he has nothing to complain about
Afraid there is plenty of recorded proof that Trump did exactly that
That’s what you guys said for four years about Trump and Russia, remember. Meanwhile it was the Democrats that had colluded. Once again, FBI found no evidence of any coordinated effort, so why this bullshit made for TV trial? Because the Democrats and Biden have failed completely on every metric, and they’re getting desperate.

Pisslosi wasn’t going to approve any of his picks dumbfuck. As you well know. You just have to keep lying.
Three of the five were approved, dope. With an offer to replace the other two. McCarthy pulled them all and went to cry. Now you’re crying too.

Such as losers do.
Trump is welcome to refute any of the facts being reported with his own information…….He refuses to do so

Looks like he has nothing to complain about
You wish. You think that he should just accept the cheating and coercion that occurred in the elections because it was performed by democrats. It turns out the democrat is just another word for cheater.
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Trump is welcome to refute any of the facts being reported with his own information…….He refuses to do so

Looks like he has nothing to complain about
Accusations aren't facts, they are accusations....and coming from Adam Shifty who's openly admitted to simply using parody...these accusations are even less creditable.
Show us where Piglosi gets to tell the Minority Party who they can put on their committees.

Why is it that none of you Dimwingers can show that?
You’re such a loser spamming the thread with your bullshit rather than just look it up.

There are three types of House Committees, these are:

1) standing committees elected by members of the House,

2) select committees appointed by the Speaker of the House, and

3) joint committees whose members are chosen according to the statute or resolution that created that committee.

Three of the five were approved, dope. With an offer to replace the other two. McCarthy pulled them all and went to cry. Now you’re crying too.

Such as losers do.
You have yet to provide the names of these mysterious "three", even when asked to do so several posts ago.

It seems that you cannot back up your claims and are the one crying now just like those losers you so adore.

Funny what happens when your "facts" cannot be proven or are shown to be lies.
You’re such a loser spamming the thread with your bullshit rather than just look it up.

There are three types of House Committees, these are:

1) standing committees elected by members of the House,

2) select committees appointed by the Speaker of the House, and

3) joint committees whose members are chosen according to the statute or resolution that created that committee.

Yeah, select as in select and instal puppets to create a previously desired outcome.
Are you having a hard time keeping up with your lies? You just admitted that Nancy refused the republican pics because she thought they were compromised. Since when did Pelosi become judge, jury and executioner? Does she have any information from the FBI or NSA that those individuals were compromised? Or did she just come to that conclusion after discussions with the Chinese spy Fang Fang Swalwell was sleeping with?
She’s the Speaker, dope.
Select committees and their members are appointed at the discretion of the Speaker.

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