Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

You must have forgot your own postings. You've been sucking your thumb over the committe for months, mouth breather.

They still let you out in public unsupervised?
Tell all of us how it feels to be a complete dumbass all the time, Dumbass. :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:

You fucking prog imbeciles actually believe that's good argument.
It’s reality. The question you should be asking is why McCarthy pulled the three accepted and refused to replace the other two. I mean if your argument is that it’s now partisan, why did McCarthy allow that to happen?

So you could cry about it, of course.

By "poison pill" you mean a fair committee.
It's indisputable the histrionic nature of the first female
Speaker-of-the-House.Nancy Pelosi will go down as the most
unfair and recklessly driven partisan hack in American history.
For starters ... basically what did she accomplish in her
first year as Madame Speaker.? Naming new Post Offices.
She is also an unabashed hypocrite.Growing up with an all
Catholic education she knows full well the Catholic faith's teachings
on Abortion.But she doesn't care.Her concerns on a daily basis are
personal.Making sure she has fresh cut flowers delievered to her
Capitol office each weekday.Plenty of expensive chocolates on hand and
the latest Armani outfits available.Keep in mind she threatened
her title status if she wasn't allotted her own Private jet.
Where the previous holder of that office { Dennis Hastert } proudly
and w/o any complaints flew Commercial.Probably coach.
She also had the gall to think that during the start of Covid-19
she bragged about making sure San Fransico folk attended a tour
of Chinatown the last week of Feburary 2019 in order to honor the
city's large Asian-American population.
There is No gall low enough to stop this Madame Shrew from
being selfishly cruel and unusual.Unless one watches her during the
close of a SOTU address as she gleefully { while sucking on some sweet }
rips page after page of the address.
I mean,even Santa Claus would have to sternly ask her to
sit on his knees as he turns her around for well deserved old fashioned
It’s reality. The question you should be asking is why McCarthy pulled the three accepted and refused to replace the other two. I mean if your argument is that it’s now partisan, why did McCarthy allow that to happen?

So you could cry about it, of course.

To piss you off ... What else numbskull.
What else ya got.
Pelosi is not responsible for security at the Capital nor does she have any authority as far as the NG is concerned, bedwetter.

Try to keep up, CLOWN.
She is responsible, according to her own actions and decisions. Not to mention that she thinks that she runs the country according to her own whims.

BTW, if you continue to project your own actions (bedwetting) onto others, better get a rubber sheet so you don't drown.
It’s reality. The question you should be asking is why McCarthy pulled the three accepted and refused to replace the other two. I mean if your argument is that it’s now partisan, why did McCarthy allow that to happen?

So you could cry about it, of course.

You have yet to provide any proof that this claim of yours happened. Name names or be labeled and proved to be a liar.

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