Pelosi Appoints 2nd GOP Critic Of trump To Jan. 6 Committee

No, I believe he means McCarthy putting up Jordan's name. Someone is a non-cooperating material witness to the events. Clearly his appointment was meant to sabotage the investigation.
McCarthy knew damn well that Jordan would be vetoed as a committee member but he nominated him anyway.

McCarthy figured he would outsmart Pelosi but she showed him how the game is played by appointing Cheney & Kinzinger.

He got his ass handed back to him by Nancy & the committe got it's work done. If they didn't the MAGA herd wouldn't be all riled up over it.
Ever hear of Cheney & Kinzinger, 2 GOP members of Congress who are on that committee, you asswipe?

Now go apeshit because they're not a couple of Trump lackey's which Jordan & Banks are. Think Trump ass licker Jordan would be bi partisan? Without Trump nobody would even know if he has a heartbeat, or give a shit one way or another.
The two "republican" choices are what we call Pelosi ass lickers and have proven it by their actions, you self named asswipe.
The two "republican" choices are what we call Pelosi ass lickers and have proven it by their actions, you self named asswipe.
Anyone who isn't a Trump ass licker is anathema to his worshippers like you.

Try falling out of love with the guy. They'll be others. :abgg2q.jpg:
Yes, they tried to put subjects of the investigation on the committee to investigate themselves. Of course it was overruled. And of course they knew those picks would be overruled.
And Pisslosi is a material witness who is refusing to turn over her texts and emails. Yet she gets to make decisions on what this clown show “investigates”? Only in a banana republic. Oh wait, that’s what Dims want....
What they want is the truth & they're getting it whether you MAGA cultists like it or not.

Dry your tears.
They think the truth is only what they say it is, which is why they seem so confident in getting what they want. They will continue to hide anything that disagrees with them in an effort to prove themselves correct. Look at all the tapes of the event that they are still withholding.

Of course to a democrat, any sorted action or withholding of evidence3 is a party prerogative. The more dishonest the better.
What they want is the truth & they're getting it whether you MAGA cultists like it or not.

Dry your tears.
Over 1000 witnesses and thousands of documents and still zero, zip, nada, zilch, nothing. Despite illegally seizing phone and bank records of private citizens, putting a 72 year old man in leg irons, and having to fabricate “evidence”. Enjoy the Republican landslide in November.
Pelosi offered McCarthy an opportunity to appoint replacements. He refused and instead decided to cry. Now you’re here crying as well.
Yeah, why should McCarthy play Piglosi's game? Show me the House rule that says she can veto and replace members of the other party.

And to a Trumper, a "fair committee" is packed with the people being investigated by the committee.
One would think the person in charge of security that day, the person who turned down Trump's offer of sending 10,000 National Guard troops in two days before, would be on the list of people being investigated by the committee. Instead, that person chose every member of the committee.

And you are so fucking stupid you think it has any legitimacy. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
What they want is the truth & they're getting it whether you MAGA cultists like it or not.

Dry your tears.
They want the truth, but refuse to call Nazi Pelousy and ask her why she refused the NG troops Trump offered.

Yeah, they want the truth.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
And yet those republican choices have not been subject to Investigaton proving your statement to be BS.
Jordan was subpoenaed to testify, fool.

Yeah, why should McCarthy play Piglosi's game? Show me the House rule that says she can veto and replace members of the other party.

Show us the rule that forbids it.
Pelosi told McCarthy those two were not going to be allowed and asked him to offer alternatives before he made his formal picks. McCarthy is leader and should have lead rather than take his ball and run home crying. But then you would have nothing to be outraged and cry over.
Show us the rule that forbids it.
Pelosi told McCarthy those two were not going to be allowed and asked him to offer alternatives before he made his formal picks. McCarthy is leader and should have lead rather than take his ball and run home crying. But then you would have nothing to be outraged and cry over.
So you have no rule that says Piglousy can veto Republican members and stack a committee with her hand picked hacks.

Got it.
Jordan was subpoenaed to testify, fool.

And the other named, by you, was not. Selective harassment. But such is the way of democrats, lying fool.

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