Pelosi Capitulates, Impeachment Papers Going to Senate

Capitulates? LOL.

She's been in control of this from the beginning.

And now she has a majority of Americans expecting a fair trial with witnesses. And if McConnell thought this was going to be quick and easy, she now has him in a box.
You're apparently not aware of what happened. Or at least not aware that as anyone else knows.

Pelosi made demands, McTurtle told her to kiss his ass, and now she's about to crawl over and deliver them with her tail between her legs .

All she did was lock up 3 Democrat "Not Guilty" votes and ensure no Republican votes guilty.

I applaud your ability to cast your dignity out and pretend otherwise for sake of party loyalty, but this was a monumental fail.

What happened is exactly what I said happened.

What you also are in denial over is she humiliated Trump, and s actions have played that out. His loser ass tried to start a war in Iran, nobody would play along, not even the Iranians, LOL, and Israel and Saudi Arabia told him no thanks.

And because of his actions, 176 innocent people ended up shot out of the sky by an anti aircraft battery on hair trigger alert.

And as of today, not one single word about him assassinating an Iranian general. Except Trump changing his story again on why he did it.

What is the front page news story today?

Pelosi says she will send the Articles of impeachment to the Senate next week. Republicans arguing among themselves on the rules, with some of them now saying they will vote for witnesses, screwing up Moscow Mitch's plans. LOL.

Like I said, Nancy Pelosi has been in control of this situation from the beginning, and will be in control of it in the end. It only gets worse for dotard after the trial is over.

I can't wait until the SOTU next month, when she is seen on camera large and in charge sitting behind him, while embarrasses himself on national television.
Capitulates? LOL.

She's been in control of this from the beginning.

And now she has a majority of Americans expecting a fair trial with witnesses. And if McConnell thought this was going to be quick and easy, she now has him in a box.
You're apparently not aware of what happened. Or at least not aware that as anyone else knows.

Pelosi made demands, McTurtle told her to kiss his ass, and now she's about to crawl over and deliver them with her tail between her legs .

All she did was lock up 3 Democrat "Not Guilty" votes and ensure no Republican votes guilty.

I applaud your ability to cast your dignity out and pretend otherwise for sake of party loyalty, but this was a monumental fail.

What happened is exactly what I said happened.

What you also are in denial over is she humiliated Trump, and s actions have played that out. His loser ass tried to start a war in Iran, nobody would play along, not even the Iranians, LOL, and Israel and Saudi Arabia told him no thanks.

And because of his actions, 176 innocent people ended up shot out of the sky by an anti aircraft battery on hair trigger alert.

And as of today, not one single word about him assassinating an Iranian general. Except Trump changing his story again on why he did it.

What is the front page news story today?

Pelosi says she will send the Articles of impeachment to the Senate next week. Republicans arguing among themselves on the rules, with some of them now saying they will vote for witnesses, screwing up Moscow Mitch's plans. LOL.

Like I said, Nancy Pelosi has been in control of this situation from the beginning, and will be in control of it in the end. It only gets worse for dotard after the trial is over.

I can't wait until the SOTU next month, when she is seen on camera large and in charge sitting behind him, while embarrasses himself on national television.
Nazi Pelousy was told to pound sand by Mitch, and she got nothing.



Capitulates? LOL.

She's been in control of this from the beginning.

And now she has a majority of Americans expecting a fair trial with witnesses. And if McConnell thought this was going to be quick and easy, she now has him in a box.
You're apparently not aware of what happened. Or at least not aware that as anyone else knows.

Pelosi made demands, McTurtle told her to kiss his ass, and now she's about to crawl over and deliver them with her tail between her legs .

All she did was lock up 3 Democrat "Not Guilty" votes and ensure no Republican votes guilty.

I applaud your ability to cast your dignity out and pretend otherwise for sake of party loyalty, but this was a monumental fail.

What happened is exactly what I said happened.

What you also are in denial over is she humiliated Trump, and s actions have played that out. His loser ass tried to start a war in Iran, nobody would play along, not even the Iranians, LOL, and Israel and Saudi Arabia told him no thanks.

And because of his actions, 176 innocent people ended up shot out of the sky by an anti aircraft battery on hair trigger alert.

And as of today, not one single word about him assassinating an Iranian general. Except Trump changing his story again on why he did it.

What is the front page news story today?

Pelosi says she will send the Articles of impeachment to the Senate next week. Republicans arguing among themselves on the rules, with some of them now saying they will vote for witnesses, screwing up Moscow Mitch's plans. LOL.

Like I said, Nancy Pelosi has been in control of this situation from the beginning, and will be in control of it in the end. It only gets worse for dotard after the trial is over.

I can't wait until the SOTU next month, when she is seen on camera large and in charge sitting behind him, while embarrasses himself on national television.
Nazi Pelousy was told to pound sand by Mitch, and she got nothing.




See you at the trial. The one where McConnell will buckle and allow witnesses to be called exactly like Nancy told him he would.

So when that first witness gets called, that means you lost this conversation, and Nancy got Moscow Mitch to do exactly as she said right?
Capitulates? LOL.

She's been in control of this from the beginning.

And now she has a majority of Americans expecting a fair trial with witnesses. And if McConnell thought this was going to be quick and easy, she now has him in a box.
You're apparently not aware of what happened. Or at least not aware that as anyone else knows.

Pelosi made demands, McTurtle told her to kiss his ass, and now she's about to crawl over and deliver them with her tail between her legs .

All she did was lock up 3 Democrat "Not Guilty" votes and ensure no Republican votes guilty.

I applaud your ability to cast your dignity out and pretend otherwise for sake of party loyalty, but this was a monumental fail.

What happened is exactly what I said happened.

What you also are in denial over is she humiliated Trump, and s actions have played that out. His loser ass tried to start a war in Iran, nobody would play along, not even the Iranians, LOL, and Israel and Saudi Arabia told him no thanks.

And because of his actions, 176 innocent people ended up shot out of the sky by an anti aircraft battery on hair trigger alert.

And as of today, not one single word about him assassinating an Iranian general. Except Trump changing his story again on why he did it.

What is the front page news story today?

Pelosi says she will send the Articles of impeachment to the Senate next week. Republicans arguing among themselves on the rules, with some of them now saying they will vote for witnesses, screwing up Moscow Mitch's plans. LOL.

Like I said, Nancy Pelosi has been in control of this situation from the beginning, and will be in control of it in the end. It only gets worse for dotard after the trial is over.

I can't wait until the SOTU next month, when she is seen on camera large and in charge sitting behind him, while embarrasses himself on national television.
Every once and awhile some of the brown acid left over from woodstock makes an appearance...I love Nancy Pelosi and her hand clap at the last SOTU was adorable, but she needs to do something of substance that actually works if she wants to unseat trump, else she's just gonna keep spitting teeth through stutters, it's hard to watch at times because she is so much smarter and more refined than the rest of the party that is letting her take the frequent floggings from the white house.
Capitulates? LOL.

She's been in control of this from the beginning.

And now she has a majority of Americans expecting a fair trial with witnesses. And if McConnell thought this was going to be quick and easy, she now has him in a box.
You're apparently not aware of what happened. Or at least not aware that as anyone else knows.

Pelosi made demands, McTurtle told her to kiss his ass, and now she's about to crawl over and deliver them with her tail between her legs .

All she did was lock up 3 Democrat "Not Guilty" votes and ensure no Republican votes guilty.

I applaud your ability to cast your dignity out and pretend otherwise for sake of party loyalty, but this was a monumental fail.

What happened is exactly what I said happened.

What you also are in denial over is she humiliated Trump, and s actions have played that out. His loser ass tried to start a war in Iran, nobody would play along, not even the Iranians, LOL, and Israel and Saudi Arabia told him no thanks.

And because of his actions, 176 innocent people ended up shot out of the sky by an anti aircraft battery on hair trigger alert.

And as of today, not one single word about him assassinating an Iranian general. Except Trump changing his story again on why he did it.

What is the front page news story today?

Pelosi says she will send the Articles of impeachment to the Senate next week. Republicans arguing among themselves on the rules, with some of them now saying they will vote for witnesses, screwing up Moscow Mitch's plans. LOL.

Like I said, Nancy Pelosi has been in control of this situation from the beginning, and will be in control of it in the end. It only gets worse for dotard after the trial is over.

I can't wait until the SOTU next month, when she is seen on camera large and in charge sitting behind him, while embarrasses himself on national television.

She didnt humiliate Trump. She was humiliated. Ive been away from this board a few days and when I left every Democrat here was moaning that the all powerful and noble Iranians were about to wipe us out. Liberals were begging for mercy on Twitter. The people of Iran were tweeting out that they hated their regime and hoped Trump would topple it.

And nothing happened except the Iranians learned their place.

Real men have taken over while you beta males simper to an old crone who took the side of Iran.

So we dont care what the "front page story is" though I know you do. Its all about optics. You are as shallow as any democrat i have ever seen. So you wont the media..which you already had. Big deal. Keep lying to yourself as you get your ass kicked over and over and when Trump is President for four more years you can say "well we had the headline victory".

So do you people really always believe "we got him now!" or do you consciously lie as a means of demoralizing America? I think we deserve an answer to that you treasonous POS.
Like I said, Nancy Pelosi has been in control of this situation from the beginning, and will be in control of it in the end. It only gets worse for dotard after the trial is over.

So you know he wins the Senate. And you know he is president until 2025. How is that worse again? Only the most morally bankrupt loser would say "I know I am going to lose this but by god itll be a nice loss".
What you also are in denial over is she humiliated Trump, and s actions have played that out. His loser ass tried to start a war in Iran, nobody would play along, not even the Iranians, LOL, and Israel and Saudi Arabia told him no thanks.

And because of his actions, 176 innocent people ended up shot out of the sky by an anti aircraft battery on hair trigger alert.


This is why you people have to be eliminated from public life. Countries dont have to play along to go to war. And your heros, the Iranians, never minded a war. They got their asses handed to them by a real American and they back down while you cheered for them. OldLady is still cowering in her bedroom. Your type is what emboldens the repressive regimes around the world. They know they have allies against the US.

But you, and the Iranians...and their allies in the Democrat Party...lost while America won.

Russia to Iran: Don’t Admit Guilt—Blame the U.S. Instead
Capitulates? LOL.

She's been in control of this from the beginning.

And now she has a majority of Americans expecting a fair trial with witnesses. And if McConnell thought this was going to be quick and easy, she now has him in a box.
You're apparently not aware of what happened. Or at least not aware that as anyone else knows.

Pelosi made demands, McTurtle told her to kiss his ass, and now she's about to crawl over and deliver them with her tail between her legs .

All she did was lock up 3 Democrat "Not Guilty" votes and ensure no Republican votes guilty.

I applaud your ability to cast your dignity out and pretend otherwise for sake of party loyalty, but this was a monumental fail.

What happened is exactly what I said happened.

What you also are in denial over is she humiliated Trump, and s actions have played that out. His loser ass tried to start a war in Iran, nobody would play along, not even the Iranians, LOL, and Israel and Saudi Arabia told him no thanks.

And because of his actions, 176 innocent people ended up shot out of the sky by an anti aircraft battery on hair trigger alert.

And as of today, not one single word about him assassinating an Iranian general. Except Trump changing his story again on why he did it.

What is the front page news story today?

Pelosi says she will send the Articles of impeachment to the Senate next week. Republicans arguing among themselves on the rules, with some of them now saying they will vote for witnesses, screwing up Moscow Mitch's plans. LOL.

Like I said, Nancy Pelosi has been in control of this situation from the beginning, and will be in control of it in the end. It only gets worse for dotard after the trial is over.

I can't wait until the SOTU next month, when she is seen on camera large and in charge sitting behind him, while embarrasses himself on national television.

Your hatred for this country and defense of Iran is proof that democrats no longer feelk the need to hide their treason. You've been calling iran "smart" and claiming it was the one taking a moral course and calling America "terrorist" for years...propaganda straight from Islamic News Service.

You even continuously let it slip that the Iranians only have to wait Trump out and hope their friends the Democrats regain power.

No wonder Americans reject your ilk. All of you democrats.

Until just a few months ago, Iran militia was fighting with US forces in the campaign against ISIS. Until a week ago, there was a deal in place signed by seven countries with Iran on uranium enrichment, of which they were in compliance, according to our own monitors.

Somebody is full of shit, and it isn't Iran, and any of you mental midgets, that think there is popular support for another unprevoked war in the middle east, put down the bottle, sit down, ans shut up.


Yep, and Iran is not stupid. They know they will get the agreement back after Trump is gone. It will just take a few meetings, that will result in the same terms, with Iran getting the sanctions eased even more than before.

Iran didn't violate the nuclear deal. Trump did.

Iran hasn’t done anything. They were, and still are In compliance with the nuclear agreement, ...

The only terrorists there now are Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the US.
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But the most treasonous is probably...

And Trump won't be in office forever. Eventually, he and the crime family lose protection, and become soft targets. And the Iranians know where he lives to.

And since they're not targeting Americans at large, that isn't anybody else's problem. Is it.

Iran is your friend..and the enemy of Trump. Makes perfect sense!

But your day is coming..if you can be found then.

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