Pelosi Claims She Was Set Up at Hair Salon

I guess it was a continuation of the Beasts' Right-Wing conspiracy:

In a press conference in San Francisco on coronavirus legislation, Pelosi claimed she was misled by the neighborhood salon. Security footage showed her at one point wearing a mask around her neck instead of over her face.

She's a liar.

And the Left are Totalitarians. This sick bastard at Politico wonders if the person that filmed Pelosi breaking the law could themselves be arrested.

THERE IT IS! Politico writer has a legal question after salon’s security camera records Nancy Pelosi’s rank hypocrisy:

I guess it was a continuation of the Beasts' Right-Wing conspiracy:

In a press conference in San Francisco on coronavirus legislation, Pelosi claimed she was misled by the neighborhood salon. Security footage showed her at one point wearing a mask around her neck instead of over her face.

Saying she was misled is different from saying it was a set-up.

The evidence strongly suggests it was a setup. The video was given to FOX, giving it to FOX was a certainty that it would go national.
She's a liar.

And the Left are Totalitarians. This sick bastard at Politico wonders if the person that filmed Pelosi breaking the law could themselves be arrested.

THERE IT IS! Politico writer has a legal question after salon’s security camera records Nancy Pelosi’s rank hypocrisy:


Shades of that case where a group of activists filmed evidence that Planned Parenthood was illegally trafficking in parts from murdered babies, and Kamala Harris responded by bringing criminal charges against those who exposed these crimes.
Even if she truly was set up, she didn't have to eat anything that was being served to her. the right example still could've been set at the end of the day.....but it wasn't.

God bless you always!!!

The female owner of the beauty salon was just interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:

Yep, she's soon to open again this time in Moscow.
So you have proof the salon was in on the”set up?”

The owner gave the tape to Fox, that's called EVIDENCE. Owners of salons have been pissed off since they have been closed, that is one other piece of EVIDENCE to support it was a setup. Oh, and BTW, Trump&Co. have used it to defame The Speaker, and that is the height of hypocrisy given the lack of masks and social distancing during the final day of the RNC Convention on the White House Lawn.

Then Pelosi probably should have obeyed the mandate. It’s Pelosi’s fault, she could have said no. Lol! Blame the hairdresser. Lol!
Can someone translate that into Russian , so the conservative bots can understand it.
She's such a liar. Bravo to whoever shared this. No mask for her. Shut down? No Problem, she's special!

She also made sure these shut down hair dressers didn't get anymore unemployment relief because Trump wouldn't allow her to destroy or State Election process.


San Francisco Salon Owner Railroaded by Nancy Pelosi Target of Peaceful Outrage and Peaceful Death Threats – Will Relocate Her Business.

Erica Kious, a single mother and owner of eSalon in San Francisco was railroaded by Nancy Pelosi this week after she released security footage showing a maskless Pelosi getting her hair done in her shuttered salon.

Kious is now a target of peaceful death threats and will have to relocate her business.

Video released on Tuesday shows Queen Nancy Pelosi at a shuttered salon getting her hair done on Monday. Only the little people had to follow the rules. Nancy was too important.
She is also seen without a face mask… Masks are for the little people too.

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab

Trump War Room - Text TRUMP to 88022


No Mask Nancy! "Pelosi used shuttered San Francisco hair salon for blow-out, owner calls it 'slap in the face'"

On Wednesday Pelosi told reporters she took responsibility for “a set-up” and for being “tricked.”

Pelosi demanded that the salon apologize to her!

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab

ABC7 News


Here's Nancy Pelosi's response when asked about her visit to a San Francisco hair salon. "I take responsibility for falling for a set up," Pelosi said.


Amy Tarkanian, wife of Danny Tarkanian, a Republican who has run for public office in Nevada, set up a GoFundMe to help Erica Kious relocate her family and her business because she is getting death threats.

“Erica Kious, a single mother of two and owner of eSalon, where House Speaker Nancy Pelosi got her hair done on Monday is now being forced to shut down and relocate her business and family due to peaceful outrage and peaceful threats she is receiving,” Tarkanian said.

Tarkanian said that Erica Kious is having others pack up her belongings because she fears returning.

Profile photo, opens profile page on Twitter in a new tab

Amy Tarkanian


I've started a gofundme for Erica to help relocate her biz of 12 yrs & employ others. She has received an outpour of praise & thanks, but also many death threats. She is having others pack up her belongings because she fears returning. #ENOUGH… @gofundme

Putin's poisoning Pelosi, making her an irrational liar, who refused Unemployment Assistance to idled workers, but orders shut down hair dressers to do her hair, and she doesn't wear a mask, even though everyone else does, because masks protect the other person, and Pelosi doesn't give a damn about the other person.
The female owner of the beauty salon was just interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:

Yep, she's soon to open again this time in Moscow.
So you have proof the salon was in on the”set up?”

The owner gave the tape to Fox, that's called EVIDENCE. Owners of salons have been pissed off since they have been closed, that is one other piece of EVIDENCE to support it was a setup. Oh, and BTW, Trump&Co. have used it to defame The Speaker, and that is the height of hypocrisy given the lack of masks and social distancing during the final day of the RNC Convention on the White House Lawn.
Quick question..... Is it REQUIRED in San Francisco to wear a mask? YES or NO. Are the salons closed in San Francisco to inside business? YES or NO.

ANYWHERE Trump went with out a mask was it REQUIRED by local Government to wear one? YES or NO.

Is it required, I don't know. Read this, and you tell me if it is required. If there is no penalty for ignoring the wording in the link below, I doubt that it is required, just highly expected:

Did trump strut about without wearing a mask for months, when the medical profession highly recommend everyone should respect social distancing and wearing a mask? You trump supporters are first class hypocrites.
I guess it was a continuation of the Beasts' Right-Wing conspiracy:

In a press conference in San Francisco on coronavirus legislation, Pelosi claimed she was misled by the neighborhood salon. Security footage showed her at one point wearing a mask around her neck instead of over her face.

Nan Pelosi is so full of shit. She is the quintessential “do as I say, not as I do” Liberal. This limousine liberal thinks she is entitled like a modern day Marie Antoinette who gets to make all the rules for subjects (citizens) while she herself is above the law.

Like hell this was a setup. In Liberal San Francisco a fucking hair salon is going in on a conspiracy to bring down Pelosi? Who knew Trump and Republican operatives could get a San Francisco hair salon to turn.

The factual reality is that Pelosi got exposed and she is desperately trying to spin it as a set up.
The female owner of the beauty salon was just interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:

Yep, she's soon to open again this time in Moscow.
So you have proof the salon was in on the”set up?”

The owner gave the tape to Fox, that's called EVIDENCE. Owners of salons have been pissed off since they have been closed, that is one other piece of EVIDENCE to support it was a setup. Oh, and BTW, Trump&Co. have used it to defame The Speaker, and that is the height of hypocrisy given the lack of masks and social distancing during the final day of the RNC Convention on the White House Lawn.
Quick question..... Is it REQUIRED in San Francisco to wear a mask? YES or NO. Are the salons closed in San Francisco to inside business? YES or NO.

ANYWHERE Trump went with out a mask was it REQUIRED by local Government to wear one? YES or NO.

Is it required, I don't know. Read this, and you tell me if it is required. If there is no penalty for ignoring the wording in the link below, I doubt that it is required, just highly expected:

Did trump strut about without wearing a mask for months, when the medical profession highly recommend everyone should respect social distancing and wearing a mask? You trump supporters are first class hypocrites.
And you did not answer the question, was Trump legally required to wear a mask? Yes or NO. Because in San Francisco the law said that Business could not operate indoors and that every must wear a mask.
That's the way these Lefties roll. Liars, fakers, hypocrites, power hungry, and then destroy anyone that calls them on it. Well, at least they didn't burn her business down.
The female owner of the beauty salon was just interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:

Yep, she's soon to open again this time in Moscow.
So you have proof the salon was in on the”set up?”

The owner gave the tape to Fox, that's called EVIDENCE. Owners of salons have been pissed off since they have been closed, that is one other piece of EVIDENCE to support it was a setup. Oh, and BTW, Trump&Co. have used it to defame The Speaker, and that is the height of hypocrisy given the lack of masks and social distancing during the final day of the RNC Convention on the White House Lawn.
Quick question..... Is it REQUIRED in San Francisco to wear a mask? YES or NO. Are the salons closed in San Francisco to inside business? YES or NO.

ANYWHERE Trump went with out a mask was it REQUIRED by local Government to wear one? YES or NO.

Is it required, I don't know. Read this, and you tell me if it is required. If there is no penalty for ignoring the wording in the link below, I doubt that it is required, just highly expected:

Did trump strut about without wearing a mask for months, when the medical profession highly recommend everyone should respect social distancing and wearing a mask? You trump supporters are first class hypocrites.
And you did not answer the question, was Trump legally required to wear a mask? Yes or NO. Because in San Francisco the law said that Business could not operate indoors and that every must wear a mask.
Laws are for "little people" not our hypocrite lawless overlords.
I guess it was a continuation of the Beasts' Right-Wing conspiracy:

In a press conference in San Francisco on coronavirus legislation, Pelosi claimed she was misled by the neighborhood salon. Security footage showed her at one point wearing a mask around her neck instead of over her face.

Nan Pelosi is so full of shit. She is the quintessential “do as I say, not as I do” Liberal. This limousine liberal thinks she is entitled like a modern day Marie Antoinette who gets to make all the rules for subjects (citizens) while she herself is above the law.

Like hell this was a setup. In Liberal San Francisco a fucking hair salon is going in on a conspiracy to bring down Pelosi? Who knew Trump and Republican operatives could get a San Francisco hair salon to turn.

The factual reality is that Pelosi got exposed and she is desperately trying to spin it as a set up.
These folks on the Left, like Pelosi, Lying Lawless hypocrites. This poor salon owner is lucky to get out without being assaulted, her home, business and car burned down.
I guess it was a continuation of the Beasts' Right-Wing conspiracy:

In a press conference in San Francisco on coronavirus legislation, Pelosi claimed she was misled by the neighborhood salon. Security footage showed her at one point wearing a mask around her neck instead of over her face.

I guess if she was set up then she is admitting that she's ignorant of the law and therefore has no damn business at all of being in congress.
Facts. If you’re a top lawmaker and you walk into a salon you’ve had shut down to the public, and you’re strutting through it like a damn peacock, but still stand by while lively hoods are slipping more every day, you deserve what’s coming to you, bc it’s called justice.
The female owner of the beauty salon was just interviewed by Tucker Carlson.
She said since the story broke her online reviews are full of hate mail and death threats by liberal loon Pelosi supporters.
Said her business at that location for 12 years is basically ruined, and she is going to close down and move somewhere else. ... :cool:

Yep, she's soon to open again this time in Moscow.
So you have proof the salon was in on the”set up?”

The owner gave the tape to Fox, that's called EVIDENCE. Owners of salons have been pissed off since they have been closed, that is one other piece of EVIDENCE to support it was a setup. Oh, and BTW, Trump&Co. have used it to defame The Speaker, and that is the height of hypocrisy given the lack of masks and social distancing during the final day of the RNC Convention on the White House Lawn.
Quick question..... Is it REQUIRED in San Francisco to wear a mask? YES or NO. Are the salons closed in San Francisco to inside business? YES or NO.

ANYWHERE Trump went with out a mask was it REQUIRED by local Government to wear one? YES or NO.

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